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johnarryn September 10th, 2009 07:49 PM

New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Middle Age
Map to be determined (depending upon number of water nations)
Random nations (I will indicate to you the nation you have received after you sign up, and will update this thread to show who has what).
10-12 players, depending upon interest.
Using conceptual balance, worthy heroes, mod to make gem-producing items unique.
Graphs will be of
We will begin with 24hour quickhost, transition to 48 hours when turns are more complex.

I'd like to encourage newer players to sign up, the best way to get experience is to play!

PM me or post in the thread for a spot.

Players & Nations so far:

Johnarryn - Bandar Log
Strabo - Agartha
Viccio - Vanheim
Festin - C'tis
Fantomen - Abysia
Lavaere - Tien Chi
Juffos - Eriu
PAR - Caelum
Quitti - Shinuyama
DomDomDom - Pangaea
Statttis - Machaka
Caerun - Oceania

Strabo September 10th, 2009 08:44 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation llamaserver game, looking for 10-12 players
Well, sign me in

johnarryn September 10th, 2009 08:57 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation llamaserver game, looking for 10-12 players
OK Strabo, you will be Agartha.

Festin September 11th, 2009 04:44 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation llamaserver game, looking for 10-12 players
Sign me in please.

viccio September 11th, 2009 05:55 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation llamaserver game, looking for 10-12 players
sign me in please

johnarryn September 11th, 2009 12:33 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation llamaserver game, looking for 10-12 players
Ok... Pestin, you're C'tis. Viccio, Vanheim.

Fantomen September 11th, 2009 05:51 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 6-8 more players
I´d like to play

Lavaere September 11th, 2009 06:19 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 6-8 more players
Well I need a new game

Juffos September 11th, 2009 07:29 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 6-8 more players
Me too.

johnarryn September 12th, 2009 01:22 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 6-8 more players

Your nations are:

Fantomen - Abysia
Lavaere - Tien Chi
Juffos - Eriu

Also, please keep in mind that you should have the CB mod turned on when designing your pretender.

Festin September 12th, 2009 03:37 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 3-5 more players
Can you please tell me where I can get the required mod to make gem-producing items unique?

Calahan September 12th, 2009 04:52 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 3-5 more players
Here is the unique gem-gen mod. Although depending on when this game is due to start, the new CBM is due soon which incorporates this mod into it. So it won't be needed if you are using the new CBM.


PAR September 12th, 2009 08:49 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 3-5 more players
i would like to play if there is still room


Quitti September 12th, 2009 09:16 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 3-5 more players
Well, I'd also like to join if there's room. Time I got into more games than the few lategame ones I'm in.

johnarryn September 12th, 2009 10:45 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 3-5 more players
Thanks for the link, Calahan. Yes, we will be probably be waiting for the new CB mod, which I understand is due out shortly.

PAR, you are Caelum
Quitti, Shinuyama

DomDomDom September 12th, 2009 12:07 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 1-3 more players
I'd like to play

statttis September 12th, 2009 01:16 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 1-3 more players
Count me in

Caerun September 12th, 2009 01:46 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 1-3 more players
If there's still space left, I'd like to join in as well.

Indrick151 September 12th, 2009 03:41 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 1-3 more players
Um if there's still a place I'd like to join. It'll be my first multiplayer game though.

johnarryn September 12th, 2009 04:10 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 - MA Random Nation CB game, looking for 1-3 more players
Well, it will be a slightly bigger than I had planned, but all in good fun.

DomDomDom - Pangaea
Statttis - Machaka
Caerun - Oceania
lndrick151 - Pythium

We actually will not begin until the new conceptual balance mod is out and usable on the llamaserver, but feel free to take some time to test pretenders on the old CB mod. Hopefully the new mod will be out within the week so we can begin.

I will let you guys know when the game is set up and you can send your pretenders in.

Quitti September 13th, 2009 08:01 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Well, does anyone know if the new CBM messes up with 'tender chassises? If it does it extensively, there is not much point in trying to get out a perfect fit.

johnarryn September 13th, 2009 12:59 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
I imagine there be some slight fine-tuning... but probably not that different from current CB... and no, no perfect fits yet, but you can at least get a general idea for the pretender you want to make.

Also, lndrick151 has to withdraw from the game - better now than later, so good luck to him.

johnarryn September 14th, 2009 03:41 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Hey guys. Conceptual Balance 1.6 is out and can be found here:


Please create your pretenders and send them in in the next 48 hours. I will start the game up on the llamaserver shortly.

When sending in your pretender, send it to pretenders [at] llamaserver [dot] net

"NewHorizons3" should be in the subject of the email.

Good luck.

johnarryn September 14th, 2009 03:49 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Game is set up. We will be using a map entitled "Consecrated Ground" which you can grab here:


You'll need it to play your turns.

Also, the game is set up, so send your pretenders in whenever.

johnarryn September 15th, 2009 03:26 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Thanks for getting your pretenders in so quickly, guys. We are only waiting on Caelum and Machaka at the moment.

statttis September 26th, 2009 02:27 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
I have a battle where the replay doesn't match the results. Last time this happened it was because I was using a different version of CBM than llamaserver, but as far as I know, the CBM 1.6 from a couple posts up is the only version around. Help :cold:

johnarryn September 26th, 2009 04:01 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Hmm... weird statttis, it is also happening with me (as I was on the other side of that battle) so I am not sure what's going on...

Also, as I am likely not long for this world in this game (damn you wimpy monkey troops!) I am going to be starting another random nation game, this time in the Late Age, also using CB 1.6. If any of you would be interested in joining, please feel free, either through PM or by posting on that game's thread.

johnarryn September 29th, 2009 02:41 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
I have set Tien Chi to AI, as Lavaere has staled three times in a row.

johnarryn September 29th, 2009 05:00 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
I'd also like to note that should anyone care to attack Machaka, a significant amount of his forces are tied down in their siege of my capital (which is thus far unharmed). Any potential enemies should probably attack now, as the Machakans are focused on destroying my pathetic monkeys.

Quitti September 30th, 2009 04:14 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Too bad shinuyama does not have a border with Machaka ;)
Still, those spiders are scary sometimes. And simply the amount of archers they can recruit is staggering...

johnarryn October 8th, 2009 03:21 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Down I go. I rather enjoyed trying out Bandar Log... it would have been nice if my primary defense against an early rush, elephants, wasn't completely ineffective against Machaka's black hunters. Still, very well played on Machacka's part.

I plan to remain as admin for the game, as I am on the boards fairly frequently. Good luck!

statttis October 27th, 2009 06:34 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
My turns have become complex enough that I'd like a move to 48hrs hosting.

johnarryn October 27th, 2009 08:40 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)

Festin November 29th, 2009 08:29 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
I am a bit tired of doing a same turn for a third time. Maybe we could roll back to the first one after which the hosting errors started?

Quitti November 29th, 2009 09:33 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
The hosting did fine this time. Finally.

Festin December 1st, 2009 01:28 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Aw, not again...

Quitti December 1st, 2009 07:58 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Yeah, this sucks. I wonder what's wrong. I wouldn't want to script all my mages again and again every time this happens.

PAR December 3rd, 2009 03:37 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
hello all can you switch me to AI as my internet will be down for another week and i dont want to hold things up

cheers ans sorry


statttis December 24th, 2009 12:44 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Could we get a delay over the holidays?

DomDomDom December 24th, 2009 01:38 PM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
I join to this request. It'd be great to take a brake on holidays, especially for Machaka and Pangea :) .

DomDomDom April 21st, 2010 07:46 AM

Re: New Horizons 3 (Closed)
Pangea has at the moment 75% of territory, 70 tartarians, 30 tartarian comanders, all arch devils and devil lords, all 5 globals and countless hordes of maenads. Machaka, the only human player left is staling for many many turns. So it is time to stop, as Pangea obviously has won the game.

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