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Jarkko September 23rd, 2009 01:42 PM

Markata, the movie
With CBM1.6 out we have now access to the Hero Blade, a two-hander sword which deals extra damage against larger targets. I think it was chrispedersen who said something along the lines of "Beware of the Hoburg champions!". Having witnessed what five banes with flying boots and hero blades can do to a giant SC, I began to fantasize of a markata scout (who, just as hoburg champions, are size 1) who would kill anything in his path. The markata scout never ever gets praise, so that had to be corrected!

So, I had to find out. Launched the game as Kailasa, chose Niefelheim as my sole AI opponent. I sent the markata scout along to the first battle, as I wanted a heroic ability for him (with 15 people in Hall of Fame, you are practically bound to get a heroic ability for all commanders involved in first battle), and boy was I happy that he got Awe as his heroic skill :)

And the rest, as they say, is his story. May I represent to you the idol of all apes, the champion of the small ones, a true hero: The Markata scout!

Markata: First Blood

Markata 2: Kill em all!

Markata 3: Death of a Hero

Notice that the videos are wmv format, which may be an issue on some systems.

Special thanks for Gandalf Parker for hosting the files!

Starshine_Monarch September 23rd, 2009 02:19 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
Now that is funny. I never thought I'd see a markata of all things used as a reasonably effective thug.

chrispedersen September 23rd, 2009 02:33 PM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 711770)
With CBM1.6 out we have now access to the Hero Blade, a two-hander sword which deals extra damage against larger targets. I think it was chrispedersen who said something along the lines of "Beware of the Hoburg champions!". Having witnessed what five banes with flying boots and hero blades can do to a giant SC, I began to fantasize of a markata scout (who, just as hoburg champions, are size 1) who would kill anything in his path. The markata scout never ever gets praise, so that had to be corrected!.

I know people took it as a throw away line.. but it really wasn't.

Markata scouts, Hoburg champions, vaetti goblins - especially units with stealth become interesting in cbm 1.6

Sombre September 23rd, 2009 07:27 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
What for? To take out size 2 SCs? Not a lot of those.

Squirrelloid September 23rd, 2009 07:35 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
Because just about everything is larger than them, so they almost always get the bonus.

Hilarious videos btw.

thejeff September 23rd, 2009 07:38 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
Is a straight bonus against larger units or does it increase based on the size difference?

Sure he'd get the extra damage against normal troops, but who cares? They die anyway and this is only 1/round. With only a few hp he'll die to the first lucky blow or arrow since he's got no shield.

It's cute, but I don't see the advantage.

It's really a weapon for the usual size 3-4 thugs to take on size 6 SCs with.

Redeyes September 23rd, 2009 07:47 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
Is the bonus large enough that kitting a Golem out with the Hero Blade would be a good choice choice against Tartarians?

Ballbarian September 23rd, 2009 07:47 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
All hail Aracana, champion of the Markata!
(...may he rest in peace...) :rip:

vfb September 23rd, 2009 08:05 PM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by Redeyes (Post 711820)
Is the bonus large enough that kitting a Golem out with the Hero Blade would be a good choice choice against Tartarians?

A Holy Scourge is still the optimal weapon for a Golem vs Tart battle IMO. 2x attacks to make up for low attack skill, triple damage on the high strength.

AreaOfEffect September 23rd, 2009 10:02 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
There are actually a great deal of size 2 thugs. However, most of the powerful ones are undead. The dusk elders of LA Ermor and the tomb kings of LA C'tis are among the best. Yet the classic black servant or vampire lord can be used by almost anyone.

chrispedersen September 23rd, 2009 11:10 PM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 711817)
Because just about everything is larger than them, so they almost always get the bonus.

Hilarious videos btw.

Also because of the size. you can get 6 of them in one square - or 5 plus a healer. Very very high damage density.

Jarkko September 23rd, 2009 11:35 PM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 711838)
Also because of the size. you can get 6 of them in one square - or 5 plus a healer. Very very high damage density.

But also risky beyond belief. One hit from any AoE1 thing will kill them all. They *have* just five HP each after all, and they have no shield. But yes, against melee-only who have no auras, no fear (we are still talking of the amazing morale of the markata here) and no AoE attacks, they would be great. Too bad there are not that many such opponents around :) *However* it might be worth it for the comedy value :)

vfb September 24th, 2009 12:05 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
Jarkko, that is just pure awesome! But MR7 vs Eye Shield is just sad. :( Poor monkey.

I'm thinking that one of these newfangled swords would look pretty nice on a Wraith Lord.

PS Mplayer can view wmvs just fine in Linux.

chrispedersen September 24th, 2009 12:14 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
I mentioned other races. And it certainly isn't foolproof .. I'm still playing with the ideas.

But some interesting combinations come to mind. Suppose a Size 4-5 creature that regens like mad.

with a tiny little hoburg that does a lot of damage.

Its better than either ethereal or air shield against missiles, for example. So long as the big guy remains healthy.

Foodstamp September 24th, 2009 12:15 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
Less talk of why it is a bad idea and more talk about how Aracana is full of awesome!

Sombre September 24th, 2009 04:01 AM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 711833)
There are actually a great deal of size 2 thugs. However, most of the powerful ones are undead. The dusk elders of LA Ermor and the tomb kings of LA C'tis are among the best. Yet the classic black servant or vampire lord can be used by almost anyone.

Against undead you're usually better off with an anti undead weapon anyway.

I just think people see 'better against larger opponents' and immediately start thinking about size 1 units when there isn't much point.

It is a fun idea though.

LumenPlacidum September 24th, 2009 11:42 AM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 711839)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 711838)
Also because of the size. you can get 6 of them in one square - or 5 plus a healer. Very very high damage density.

But also risky beyond belief. One hit from any AoE1 thing will kill them all. They *have* just five HP each after all, and they have no shield. But yes, against melee-only who have no auras, no fear (we are still talking of the amazing morale of the markata here) and no AoE attacks, they would be great. Too bad there are not that many such opponents around :) *However* it might be worth it for the comedy value :)

For the way spells are targeted, wouldn't you just need other squares with more than 30 hp to make the markatas a less attractive target? It's not even that difficult. Three barbarians is more than 30, isn't it?

chrispedersen September 24th, 2009 12:18 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
Exactly my point... hit points and number of units are used to target - damage out put isn't.

Jarkko September 24th, 2009 12:45 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
Gandalf Parker offered to host the videos on www.dom3minions.com and I've uploaded the files there now (and the links in the first post have been redirected there).

All hail Gandalf Parker!

Ishamoridin September 30th, 2009 02:20 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
Dominions 3: Midget Warfare

Ninave October 1st, 2009 11:49 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
I have always loved cute little things and this just made my week. definitely something to have fun with if there ever is extra gems in a game.

lch October 7th, 2009 05:40 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
You should upload this to Youtube, as well. :)

Jarkko December 30th, 2009 11:26 AM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by lch (Post 713725)
You should upload this to Youtube, as well. :)

Ok :eek:

Markata: First Blood

Markata 2: Kill 'em all!

Markata 3: Death of a Hero

lch December 31st, 2009 09:19 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
It says here that the latter two videos contain content from Sony Music Entertainment. WTF!? :rant:

vfb December 31st, 2009 10:21 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
Ha! That's jsut because we in the land of Sony want all the banwidth for ourselves. When did this monkey get a Hero Blade? I thought I watched this a long time ago, before Hero Blades were even invented.

Jarkko December 31st, 2009 10:24 AM

Re: Markata, the movie

Originally Posted by lch (Post 724218)
It says here that the latter two videos contain content from Sony Music Entertainment. WTF!? :rant:

Really? Hmmm... Odd. I haven't got any such messages. The soundtrack of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" *is* owned by Sony, that is true. If they feel those 31 seconds (same 31 seconds are used in all three videos, in the last one an extra loop is added in) are unwarranted, then I of course have to remove the files.

Sombre December 31st, 2009 12:26 PM

Re: Markata, the movie
I think Sony should sue Shrapnel for letting you post this. How can they ensure talented artists are able to survive with pirates like you funneling money to terrorists?

Also, monkey PD.

Jarkko January 3rd, 2010 04:07 AM

Re: Markata, the movie
Right, seems two of the three videos break copyright rules in Germany, and thus those videos are not available to be viewed there (the actual time limit seems to be "over 30 seconds", which is why the first video can be viewed in Germany, but parts 2 and 3 can't (even though all have the same 31 second soundfile, but I don't want to point out that :p )). Everywhere else in the world you can view them, and I am not required to remove the videos from YouTube.

Germans interested in this genious masterpiece of movie-history have to download the files from Gandalf Parkers site (links are provided in the first post of this thread).

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