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melnorjr October 4th, 2009 03:12 PM

LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Game settings:

Age: LA
starting provinces:1
independent strength: 5
site frequency: 55
Money/resources/supply 100
random events: common
hall of fame: 15
standard research
Banned nations: Ermor, R'lyeh
Mods: CBM 1.6
max players 10

Map: Shahrivar. can be found here: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...4&postcount=33

Victory is concession or when one player owns the entire map.

Diplomacy is considered binding.

Hosting intervals will be 24 hours for the first 10 turns, 48 hours after that, 72 hours only if it becomes necessary.

Nations will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. (I pick Bogarus)

This game is generally just a game for noob to intermediate players, and you are encouraged to use a non-standard, strange, or just funny strategy rather than a practical one.
If you've thought up something weird or fun to do, but it wouldn't be competitive in a normal game, feel free to try it here. Markata thugs and such are welcome. If you are a noob-intermediate and just want some more experience in an LA game, feel free to come as you are.
vets may join as well, but a vet who joins MUST be using an oddball strategy, whereas noobs and intermediates can play how they like. I just don't want a vet or intermediate to come in here, play Ermor, and crush us all.(in fact, Ermor and R'lyeh are banned, just cause they aren't fun to fight. this game is about fun.)

Nations already claimed:
Bogarus - Melnorjr
C'tis - Viccio
Midgård - Quitti
Abysia - Juffos
Marignon - Alpine Joe
Patala - Maerlande
Agartha - Rtyffg
Pythium - Kietsensei
Ulm - Mardagg
Gath - Pelthin

viccio October 4th, 2009 03:34 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
i'm interested to play with C'tis
also my friend is interested in playing with Bogarus, now I say that I've written

melnorjr October 4th, 2009 03:53 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
viccio! glad to have you. C'tis is yours.

My apologies to your friend, but I mentioned in the opening post that I picked Bogarus already. I should have made it more clear rather than sticking that in the middle of a paragraph somewhere.

Quitti October 4th, 2009 04:22 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
While I realize that I'm not a newbie, it'd be somewhat dubious to call me a "vet" since I don't seem to win any of my MP games (usually finish up to the top5), I'd like to join. Won't be doing a powerhouse build though, got some interesting ideas going on. So, if you are willing to take me into the game, I'd like to play Midgård.

Maerlande October 4th, 2009 04:29 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
Talking wacky builds, how many provinces per player are you planning? I've done some strange builds that need a bit of space to work. Tight maps are not good for them.

Juffos October 4th, 2009 04:34 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
I would like to try something new with Abysia, if allowed.

melnorjr October 4th, 2009 05:05 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness

Originally Posted by Maerlande (Post 713315)
Talking wacky builds, how many provinces per player are you planning? I've done some strange builds that need a bit of space to work. Tight maps are not good for them.

I'm thinking about 15 per player. I don't want to cramp everyone in too much because I realize that some oddball builds won't be able to compete too well in really early combat. If there is a clear preference though, I'm flexible here.

Quitti, Juffos, glad to have you. editing in your nation choices.

As long as you aren't using a classic build Juffos. I'm just a bit wary of your experience. :)

Quitti October 4th, 2009 05:23 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
Heh, I want to see what Juffos cooks up... Also, could we go with a tad higher magic sites than 45? It'd be a bit easier for new players to get into magic business earlier that way, not to mention that there are all sorts of fun sites seeded around more that way. I don't mind either way, but it'd make the game a bit more fun (not to mention that those pesky air sites might even be found somewhere).

melnorjr October 4th, 2009 05:35 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 713328)
Heh, I want to see what Juffos cooks up... Also, could we go with a tad higher magic sites than 45? It'd be a bit easier for new players to get into magic business earlier that way, not to mention that there are all sorts of fun sites seeded around more that way. I don't mind either way, but it'd make the game a bit more fun (not to mention that those pesky air sites might even be found somewhere).

Hmm? didn't expect that, lol. I'm used to playing with sites as low as 20(another game I'm in and have been testing for), 45 feels like a lot to me, but that's just my conditioning to low sites.

55 agreeable?
I've no objections, and I suppose since we are using CBM 1.6, high sites might make up for no gem gens.

If somebody seconds your request, or if nobody objects by tomorrow, I'll change it.

Quitti October 4th, 2009 05:48 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
55 is good, I could play even with the current 45 but setting them higher also encourages the newer players to spend the gems since they will be gaining some more of them, instead of stockpiling their meager incomes... I personally hate the extremely low sites (20-30) games, since magic is a very big part of dominions that I like to build stuff around.

Juffos October 4th, 2009 06:28 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
I don't oppose increasing magic site frequency. More gems means more fun and action :)

melnorjr October 4th, 2009 06:43 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness

Originally Posted by Juffos (Post 713340)
I don't oppose increasing magic site frequency. More gems means more fun and action :)

is that a seconding of the motion to increase? or just a statement that you don't oppose it?

Alpine Joe October 4th, 2009 08:26 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
I would like in this game with an unconventional LA marignon strategy. I support increasing the magic site value as well.

melnorjr October 4th, 2009 08:59 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness

Originally Posted by Alpine Joe (Post 713356)
I would like in this game with an unconventional LA marignon strategy. I support increasing the magic site value as well.

alright: motion to increase site frequency passed.

And editing in Alpine Joe marignon to the opening post.

Maerlande October 4th, 2009 11:52 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
I would like Patala please.

melnorjr October 5th, 2009 12:16 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness

Originally Posted by Maerlande (Post 713370)
I would like Patala please.

Welcome to the monkey kings.

4 slots left. Could be ready for pretenders within a day or two at this rate.

rtyffg October 5th, 2009 01:58 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
Would like to join as Agartha. Haven't played them before and feel myself betveen new and intermediate overall.

Kietsensei October 5th, 2009 02:07 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness

I would like to play a Pythium

Mardagg October 5th, 2009 08:55 AM

Ulm please.

This would be my first Dom3 MP game,besides some hot seat games.
I was a Dom2 vet though.
I am curious about a different Ulm BF Strat i just tried out...dont think its good...but should be fun:)

Pelthin October 5th, 2009 09:34 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
Could I try Gath?


melnorjr October 5th, 2009 02:01 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
Adding you all in. That's ten. I'm going to go for an about 15 province per player map - looks like shahrivar stands a good chance. If anybody has specific requests though, feel free to link me to it and I'll take a look.

melnorjr October 5th, 2009 06:22 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness
The game is ready. Please submit pretenders. the game name is Noobs_and_Strangeness and it's on Llamaserver

Maerlande October 6th, 2009 11:59 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
What does diplomacy binding mean?

Example, if I make a NAP I must set a time frame? Otherwise it's forever?

Quitti October 6th, 2009 01:05 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
If you agree to a NAP with someone, you can break it. If no duration has been specified, it can be broken instantly and attacked on the next turn. Otherwise it'd be an all-binding alliance which make absolutely no sense in a game like Dominions 3.

melnorjr October 6th, 2009 02:08 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Diplomacy binding means that if you agree to a Non aggression pact for x number of turns, you can't attack till those turns are up, or until a specified turn has been reached, or whatever you agree to. if you agree to an indefinite Non aggression pact with a 2 or 3 turn warning when you go to break it - give that warning before you attack.

If you agree to something vague like "We wont attack each other for a while" well then, you can break that whenever you feel like it with no warning, cause it doesn't say otherwise), and 'a while' is subjective(though if you turn around and attack immediately, your online reputation might suffer, but that's nothing to do with this game).
any pact that is not specific is interpreted as subjective and able to be broken when you feel like it.

Basically it means that if you agree to something, you are expected to follow through with it.

Kietsensei October 7th, 2009 03:27 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
By the way can someone give me the link to download the map please?

Quitti October 7th, 2009 05:44 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Here you go.

melnorjr October 7th, 2009 12:33 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Sorry, I should have put that in the OP. let me edit that in...

Mardagg October 8th, 2009 01:07 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Marignon still missing the Pretender.
Whats taking Alpine Joe so long there?

Bogarus also missing,but i assume you are waiting for Marignon Melnorjr?

Lets not wait too long there,otherwise people might lose interest in this game.

Alpine Joe October 8th, 2009 02:04 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Sorry guys i am having some serious problems with dominions the last few days. I will try to get my pretender in tonight if i can resolve things, if not, feel free to find a replacement.

melnorjr October 8th, 2009 05:57 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Sorry for the delay. Just sent my pretender in, so we should be starting very soon.

Maerlande October 9th, 2009 09:46 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Looks to me like llamaserver is set to 48 hours. Weren't we going to go 24 at first?

rdonj October 9th, 2009 10:03 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Turn 1 is always 48 hours, to give players time to realize the game is started or something I guess. It's a llamaserver thing.

Maerlande October 9th, 2009 10:13 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
Ahh, okay rdonj. I didn't know that.

Mardagg October 9th, 2009 01:57 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
turn 2 is up btw,nice.

gl to everyone.

Kietsensei October 10th, 2009 03:03 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Awaiting Pretenders)
I will be away for this week end and thus would like a 24h delay. I may be able to do my turn on sunday but just to be sure the 24h will make me feel safer

melnorjr October 10th, 2009 11:09 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Sorry for the slow reply, but delay granted. No need for staling this early. Just get it in when you can.

Maerlande October 15th, 2009 01:54 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Bnupa, Destroyer of Patala wishes to speak to his newly discovered neighbours this turn. Please check your private messages. I am hoping to connect with you before turn submission.



Mardagg October 16th, 2009 05:45 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Hail Bnupa,
We are contacting you ingame this turn.

P.S.: I didnt receive any private message from you.

Maerlande October 16th, 2009 10:52 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Hail Mardagg,

We have sent our diplomats to negotiate with our Authority.



melnorjr October 16th, 2009 11:41 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Thanks for letting us all know you two are allied now. :p

Maerlande October 17th, 2009 10:04 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Yes well, noob mistake :)

melnorjr October 18th, 2009 12:09 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
turn interval has been changed to 48 hours pursuant to the OP.

Mardagg October 21st, 2009 03:35 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
looks like Llamaserver is down for quite some time now,it doesnt accept my turn file.
I really dont want to stale bc of this:(

Pelthin October 21st, 2009 03:51 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I think if anyone stalls we need to rollback, as it is not fair to the stalling folks. :)

Quitti October 22nd, 2009 12:51 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Usually llamabeast adds 24/48 hours to the hosting timers when llamaserver is down for reason or another, so no staling (usually) occurs because of that.

Still, true, if staling occurs (due the server being offline) we should rollback a turn.

melnorjr October 22nd, 2009 04:34 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Yes, I've no problem with a rollback if there is a stale due to server problems.

melnorjr October 26th, 2009 04:42 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Oh, just attack me already.


I've been watching you build up armies on my border for 5 turns.


Mardagg October 26th, 2009 07:44 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ulm is defending.

1. Ulm did send a messenger.

2. Bogarus didnt answer.

3. Sneaking Bogari scum is violating our borders on a regular basis and awakening our attention.

4. Soon.Maybe.Or not.

melnorjr October 26th, 2009 10:19 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Maybe the messenger got lost - I didn't see a message. Suppose I could have just missed it. If you want to be sure I'll get the messae, PM me on here.

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