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Graeme Dice October 15th, 2009 02:54 PM

FastBlitz - Running
1 Attachment(s)
This game is going to be set up to progress nearly as quickly as possible to a conclusion. As such, it is using very non-standard conditions.

Game Conditions:
Conceptual Balance mod v. 1.6
36 hour timer enforced.
Middle Era
Small Random Map
9 starting provinces
Independent strength 1
75% special site frequency
300% money, 300% supplies, 300% resources
15 Hall of Fame entries
Random events common
Score graphs off
Easy research
Renaming Allowed

No victory conditions, but the game will end whenever the leading alliance has defeated all opposition.

Diplomacy is open and expected to involve as much stabbing in the back as people feel like. This game will hopefully move extremely quickly. You'll only be two or three provinces away from somebody else's capital, and are invited to take somebody out as quickly as possible. Prevent micro by finishing the game quickly. :) Ideally, we'll have about five-ten players. Reserve your place now!

Current Players:
Graeme Dice - C'Tis
Squirreloid - Ashdod
Two-Bits - R'Lyeh
AdmiralZhao - Abysia
Folket - Bandar Log

Playing if we hear from him:
Paparapapa - Shinuyama

Squirrelloid October 15th, 2009 06:33 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
With those settings, how can i not play... as Ashdod! =p

paparapapa October 16th, 2009 12:29 AM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
Sounds like a cool setup. I'll play as Ulm please :)

paparapapa October 16th, 2009 01:33 AM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
Actually scratch that, I'd like to try out Shinuyama

Graeme Dice October 19th, 2009 01:38 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
I have one more player lined up who hasn't signed up here yet, so if we get a fifth and final player we should be able to start shortly.

archaeolept October 19th, 2009 02:00 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
hey, it's graeme. haven't seen you around in years :)

good luck w/ your game - sounds fun. I'm on hiatus...

TwoBits October 19th, 2009 02:17 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
Crap, no time to think. Put me down for R'lyeh. Maybe good with this set-up?

Meglobob October 19th, 2009 07:59 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
I am in too many games at the mo to join but good to see you back Graeme.

Graeme Dice October 19th, 2009 09:17 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
Good to be back.

Deathjester October 21st, 2009 11:02 AM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
I can't join another game due to time constraints, but this sounds like fun and I would like to try. I hope there will be another - or I might arrange one myself as games finish.

Graeme Dice October 24th, 2009 06:37 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
I'll be starting the game on Llamaserver on monday.

TwoBits October 24th, 2009 10:07 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
Will there be just 4 players, or are we still looking for more?

Graeme Dice October 25th, 2009 11:23 AM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
I'd certainly like more players if anybody else is interested in playing.

Graeme Dice October 26th, 2009 03:36 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
If everybody is happy with just a quick 40 province four person game, then I can get it started tonight. Otherwise we're still looking for recruits.

AdmiralZhao October 26th, 2009 07:06 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
I'll sign up as Abysia.

And as Ashdod's ancient foe, I'd have to say that they are way overpowered, especially in a small and quick game.

Graeme Dice October 27th, 2009 12:30 PM

Re: FastBlitz - New PBEM Game - Triple resources, 9 province start
Five players is enough for me to be happy with the size of the game, so I'll create the map and get everything started on Llamaserver today.

Squirrelloid October 28th, 2009 02:27 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting Pretenders
I'll have my pretender in sometime today.

Graeme Dice October 29th, 2009 11:45 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting Pretenders
We're only waiting on paparapapa before we can get started.

TwoBits October 29th, 2009 12:40 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting Pretenders
We might need a slightly larger map. I tried loading up a couple of test games on that map with 5 nations (BTW, I needed to edit the name of the .map file, deleting the first two underscores, to do so, FYI), and I always started with less than 9 provinces. I think there's just not enough room, and some factions get shorted if they start too close to competitors.

Graeme Dice October 29th, 2009 01:52 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting Pretenders
I think you may be right. I checked and it usually seems to give people only 5 provinces.

Graeme Dice October 30th, 2009 10:12 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting Pretenders
We're still just waiting on paparapapa.

TwoBits October 30th, 2009 11:27 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting Pretenders
Are we going to go with a new map? Have you heard anything from paparapapa? Maybe we need to hunt for another player before we get started?

Graeme Dice October 31st, 2009 12:20 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting Pretenders
I did create a new map which is now in the first post, and I haven't heard anything from him. We're probably going to need a new player.

Graeme Dice November 1st, 2009 04:41 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
There has to be somebody out there who's interested in games with crazy, rush promoting strategies.

If we can get this one off the ground, then I'll see about setting up another one where the game starts out in the endgame. Every province is already castled and searched, all research has been completed, every province is owned by somebody. Should be an interesting way to play.

TwoBits November 2nd, 2009 12:06 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
Hm, I'm surprised too. Granted, this setup doesn't work well with many nations (those that depend on capital only sacreds, or have lame non-cap mages, etc.). But nations with strong recruit-anywhere mages (Caelum or Jotunheim, for example), or nations with bad-*** units that can now be recruited in terrifying masses (Vanheim's Skinshifters, or heck, any of the elephant nations, etc.) could do well with the big 300% income/production boost.

Anyhow, if we can only get 4, maybe we should change to a smaller, land-only map, in which case I would be willing to switch from R'lyeh to Shinuyama (since paparapapa has disappeared).

Folket November 2nd, 2009 12:18 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
I could join as Bandar Log.

Graeme Dice November 2nd, 2009 01:19 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
Okay, that makes five players. We're good to go once everybody gets their pretenders in.

Folket November 3rd, 2009 06:57 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
I will upload my pretender tonight. Anyone can send me the link to llamaserver?

Graeme Dice November 3rd, 2009 10:16 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
It's at http://www.llamaserver.net/

Folket November 3rd, 2009 04:47 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
I have sent my pretender now.

Folket November 4th, 2009 07:53 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
When do we start?

TwoBits November 4th, 2009 09:55 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
I don't see the game on Llamaserver anymore :confused:

Graeme Dice November 4th, 2009 11:08 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
It's not there, and I have no idea why.

llamabeast November 4th, 2009 11:28 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
Games unfortunately just disappear when there is a problem with starting. My best guess is that there is a space in one of the map filenames - the LlamaServer is supposed to prevent the upload of such maps, but for some reason that seems buggy. I shall try to look into it tonight.

Graeme Dice November 4th, 2009 01:27 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
There's not supposed to be a space in the map name. I did change the map file and the might not have been done properly on my end. Thanks for the help.

Graeme Dice November 6th, 2009 12:50 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
Any word? I can remake the game if that's easier.

Graeme Dice November 6th, 2009 07:18 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
I've remade the game as FastBlitz2. Upload your pretenders! :)

Graeme Dice November 7th, 2009 05:35 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Accepting One more Play
The game has started. Good luck everyone!

TwoBits November 8th, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
Ugh, that is not the ideal starting spot. Oh well, we'll see how it goes ;)

AdmiralZhao November 9th, 2009 12:59 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
This has been a fun game so far, good idea Graeme. I really like how we've moved straight into the action.

In other news, Abysia offers peace to all our current neighbors. Regardless of your past transgressions (or badly botched attempted transgressions), we are willing to agree to non-agress you.

Folket November 9th, 2009 06:05 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
Last updated at 22:05 GMT on Monday November 9th
Current time: 22:04 GMT

Does not seem correct.

Graeme Dice November 9th, 2009 09:17 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
I'm not sure I understand what your statement means?

Squirrelloid November 9th, 2009 09:50 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
timestamp from llamaserver. Current time and time the server last updated. He's commenting that the server last updated 1 minute in the future...

Graeme Dice November 9th, 2009 09:59 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Running

AdmiralZhao November 26th, 2009 03:05 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
Could we have an extension for this turn/next turn? I'm going to be traveling for Thanksgiving and will have only spotty internet access.

Squirrelloid November 26th, 2009 04:01 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Running

Originally Posted by AdmiralZhao (Post 719699)
Could we have an extension for this turn/next turn? I'm going to be traveling for Thanksgiving and will have only spotty internet access.

Only if you promise to actually attack me already. =P

Graeme Dice November 26th, 2009 11:27 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
Yep. I'll extend the interval to 100 hours for this weekend.

AdmiralZhao November 29th, 2009 07:24 PM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
1 Attachment(s)
The weather outlook for Ryleh for the next few months: scattered firestorms, with a 100% chance of pain. :)

Squirrelloid November 30th, 2009 03:35 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Running
Well, I'm out first. I suppose that isn't too surprising as the only nation that didn't get a corner.

Also, Ashdod really suffers under 300% gold/resources - i just couldn't build enough units to deal with Abysia's cheaper but still quite good troops. No way I can beat 10:1 odds against them. So yes, I could have a handful more sacreds than usual - but not enough more to matter. (If I were fighting BL only, sure, but Abysian troops are good enough to overwhelm me in quantity - ouch).

Should have remembered Namad's after-action description of his problems with Ashdod in NvV3 which ran at a mere 150% gold/res, due entirely to not having enough oomph with a magic/sacred based fighting force against the much larger than normal armies he was contending against.

TwoBits November 30th, 2009 10:37 AM

Re: FastBlitz - Running

Originally Posted by AdmiralZhao (Post 720085)
The weather outlook for Ryleh for the next few months: scattered firestorms, with a 100% chance of pain. :)

Ouch. :hurt: I haven't looked at the turn yet, but I can guess what happened. So I suppose I should have seen it coming :doh: My Starspawn definitely need some asbestos underpants.

Yeah, Squirrelloid (sorry to see you go!) has an interesting point to make. And I thought Abysia would be at some disadvantage too, what with their cap only mages and sacreds.

But with the game parameters being what they are, the Admiral can crank out ridiculous hordes of superb troops (now all heading my way :shock: ), who I don't believe suffer from supply problems (again, something I didn't think would be an issue, but some of those R'lyeh mega-armies were having that problem - maybe not any more though :( ).

Oh, and the research boost seems to have allowed him access to some nasty Fire spells fairly quickly. I just hope R'lyeh can research up some counters before it's too late. And with all the troops and mages floating around, I think SCs and thugs will be somewhat marginalized (not enough gems to summon and equip enough to kill all those units fast enough). Again, something Squirrelloid and I noticed with Ashdod in NvV3, and that was only at 150% settings.

And yes, I'm most definitely writing this as a warning to
Graeme Dice and Folket - don't let the world end in Fire! :eek: :D

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