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Ossa November 23rd, 2009 12:36 PM

Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
If you ever wanted to play a non-standart game with huge stacks of troops moving around, this is your game.

Roleplay is heavily encouraged;)

Number of players: 10 land and 2 water if noone objects.
Map: Glory of the Gods MP (~230 provinces)
Mods: Most of Burnsabers mod for the Libra game (CBM 1.6, Holy War 0.9, CPCS 0.8 and more magic sites mod)

What do these mods do?
CBM should be popular enough.
Holy war adds more indie sites with useful priests and holy units.
CPCS adds useful multispells (mostly in low-mid phase).
More magic sites is pretty self explenatory, there's just a few more sites.

Age: Late Age
HoF: 15 (renaming not allowed)
Magic sites: 75
Gold/Res/Supply: 300%
Diplomacy: Semi-machiavellian. All pacts must be announced in this forum to be valid - if you violate one pact though, noone else is bound by their NAP to you.
Research: Very difficult

1. Ossa - LA Marignon
2. kianduatha - LA Gath
3. Sensori - LA Bogarus
4. bgfu - LA TienChi
5. Amida - LA Ermor
6. Firewalker - LA Patala
7. Stagger Lee - LA Man
(w)8. Anaconda - LA Ryleth

Update: We're restarting the game without the Underwatermod.

So, you need to download and enable the following mods for the new game:

Holy war mod:
Crosspath mod:
Magic site mod:

So, without further ado, send in your pretenders so we can get things rolling again;)
Name is Doomsday4 for obvious reasons

kianduatha November 23rd, 2009 04:03 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
But, but...how will there be 2 water nations when there is only 1 water nation in LA? And that one's LA R'lyeh?

Ossa November 23rd, 2009 05:22 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Very evil remark indeed;)
Lets assume LA Atlantis is a water nation too.

kianduatha November 23rd, 2009 06:12 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Oh, okay. In that case I'll take Gath and try to figure out a strategy that won't end with three dozen elephants sieging my capital on turn 6.

binarysolo November 24th, 2009 04:23 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Darn, this sounds like a lot of fun, and I <3 RP... what's the research rate for the game?

I'll have to check out the mods to see what all this stuff entails... Can you give us a basic overview of the mods? (I'll also go to the threads to check it out.)

Man, I sooooo want to roleplay LA R'lyeh but SummerMadness has been kicking my *** in terms of time. :(

Graeme Dice November 24th, 2009 05:41 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Ossa (Post 719314)
HoF: 15 (renaming not allowed)

Seriously? That setting makes the game essentially unplayable.

Ossa November 24th, 2009 07:14 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Research... last game was very difficult setting if I remember right. I'd be open to suggestions though, maybe we could go with difficult setting?

HOF:15 renaming not allowed - Roleplaying just comes easier if your mighty heroe is called "Conan the Barbarian" and not "the mighty D5S7B5H3" ;)
I dont insist on renaming off though if thats your major objection.

Sensori November 25th, 2009 10:02 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I guess I want in, and if at all possible, I wanna try out Bogarus! :p

Haven't played in a while, and I'm itching to get some Dom3 playing done again.

bgifu November 25th, 2009 10:22 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
OK,I'll take T'ien C'hi.

Amida November 26th, 2009 04:55 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Hi folks.

I'll take LA Ermor, if nobody objects.

GrudgeBringer November 26th, 2009 09:42 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Hi Ossa, I have never played a LA game and if I can find someone to guide me thru the maze of mods and help me with a Pretender....i will try and last 19 Tuens (that is my personal low----fist game as Marverni).

If you fill it up, NP just wanted to give it a try...gonna see if chrispederson will help me out.:up:

GrudgeBringer November 27th, 2009 12:49 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Ossa, thanks but I won't be able to participte in this game as much as I would like to. I am in 4 and better stick there.

Good luck on your game, looks like fun!!:)

Ossa November 28th, 2009 03:18 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting

Ossa November 30th, 2009 03:14 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting

Septimius Severus November 30th, 2009 04:09 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Interesting. I'd like to play a game where the emphasis is on massive numbers of regular units with very little magic. LA would be the appropriate age. High multiples like you have stated. Magic Site frequency, hmm, wonder what setting this to 0 would do?

Very difficult research would be a must to discourage magic research and use. Wonder what other settings would help to discourage magic, magic research, and mage recruitment?
Perhaps if random events were set to rare it would limit gem increasing events as well.

Just thinking out loud. I might play, depending upon the settings, though I am not familiar with the other mods aside from CBM.

Kojusoki December 1st, 2009 08:01 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Its an awesome idea to play with very very limited magic. Im starting choosing "my nation"

Stagger Lee December 2nd, 2009 10:25 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I am very new and if this game is intended for a higher skill level, I will understand. That said I would like to try LA Man (which I've recently learned is known as Chelms)

pyg December 3rd, 2009 02:31 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I'll take Midgard. Wow, that's a lot of skinshifters!

I'm for renaming and don't think that renaming and roleplaying are mutually exclusive. I would give my D5S7B5H3 a mnemonic like "Dos'biks" or something. Also I agree with Sept. S. that less than average magic sites seems to fit the game theme better. The mods are great. I like Burnsaber's stuff a lot.

Blood will flow!

kianduatha December 3rd, 2009 04:00 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I can understand the idea behind high magic sites--you end up having a bunch of gems, and no high research to use them with. So you end up making low Const items and low Conj summons.

Anaconda December 3rd, 2009 08:25 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I would like to dream on R'lyeh.

Kojusoki December 4th, 2009 08:13 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
is that the more magic sites mod we are going to play?

Kojusoki December 4th, 2009 09:24 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
BTW - I have played a short game with 300% setting. I trully believe its way to much. WAY WAY too much. Try it out also. After a few turns, I have 7000 gold, im building 2 new castles every turn and plenty of armies. At turn 20 we will have castle at EACH province and this game will be more capturing castles then anything else.
I suggest to have those settings at 100%. With 300%, we just dont care about our armies. Ok, we lost one...happans...we have 86 more castles with production between 300 and 500. Gold around 70.000 we will just build 5 other armies:)
Can you imagine all this micromanagment? Blood micromanagment is nothing comparing to this.
I do like idea of game with magic very limited. But all other setting should be more or less standard. Maybe only magic sites increased.
What do you think?

Ossa December 4th, 2009 09:25 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Yep, I believe that's it.

Kojusoki December 4th, 2009 11:08 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Im not sure if i understand you properly - what settings will we play then?

Tollund December 4th, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I don't think you understand. He's saying that that's the point of setting resources to 300%. You get lots of castles, lots of troops, and losing your army doesn't mean that the game is over.

Anaconda December 4th, 2009 12:04 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Might be, but Ossa's message was seemingly just a responce on the question regarding the magic site mod.

pyg December 4th, 2009 12:24 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Kojusoki (Post 720552)
BTW - I have played a short game with 300% setting. I trully believe its way to much. WAY WAY too much. Try it out also. After a few turns, I have 7000 gold, im building 2 new castles every turn and plenty of armies. At turn 20 we will have castle at EACH province and this game will be more capturing castles then anything else.
I suggest to have those settings at 100%. With 300%, we just dont care about our armies. Ok, we lost one...happans...we have 86 more castles with production between 300 and 500. Gold around 70.000 we will just build 5 other armies:)

Yes, I concur. I need to withdraw from this game in fact. I do still think that these game settings would be very favorable to Midgard and I encourage someone to play them, but I am overcommited game wise already and can't commit to something that is going to get tedious fast. I tested settings and map a number of times in SP and massed skinshifters (~75%) with an imprisoned/scales build can really dominate.

Kojusoki December 4th, 2009 02:29 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Well with 300% I must resignalso - but I will be happy how it works. I am only afraid it will simply be a real pain to manage all this stuff:)

Ossa December 4th, 2009 02:46 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Well - what about 200% scales then?
And believe me, we've played 2 of these high-scale games so far - it works, though it's definitly something else than your normal kind of game.

Anaconda December 4th, 2009 04:03 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
How about signing me in as R'lyeh?

kianduatha December 4th, 2009 10:24 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I'd be fine with either 200 or 300% scales. We really should have an Atlantis player, though.

Firewalker December 4th, 2009 11:33 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
I'll play as LA Patala.

Stagger Lee December 6th, 2009 01:40 AM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
What would money normal and res/supply 300 do? I think it would allow building and maintaining large, quality armies without the ridiculous number of forts. But I haven't tested that, and my testing would be suspect anyway as I don't really know what I'm doing ;)

I think we have 8 now, is Glory of the Gods too big? If not, which version?

Anaconda December 6th, 2009 12:40 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting
Why dont we just start?

Lets take 200 or 300 settings (+definitely very difficult research) and if we cant fill the ranks just take smaller map, Gradle of Dominions, or something so we can get this going? Right?

Also, please link to each particular mod we are going to use in this game!

Anaconda December 7th, 2009 08:51 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders

Originally Posted by Ossa
the following are also needed for the sprites:
Ryleth pretender generation works as normal without single age, so just do this as usual. At least that worked for me in my test run.

I am little bit confused with this all - some of included content is not stacking with libra (meaning that are dublicate copies) and over all should I just install/copy this content to mod folder as usually?

So what I should have and what I should have enabled prior to pretender creation:

.underwater gameplay improvement mod EA
.underwater gameplay improvement mod global
.underwater gameplay improvement mod Ma+la
.magic site
.holy war divine
.holy war priests & sacred
.crosspath combat spells
.CBM 16

is that all, or am I missing something?

Anaconda December 7th, 2009 10:13 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
Update: D3 crashes when I try to create pretender for late age.... how should I do it, and are these mods really stable?

Ossa December 8th, 2009 04:46 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
Oh sorry, I wasnt clear on that one - you just need to have all those mods installed as Libra uses some of their sprites.

Prior to pretender creation you just need to activate Libra mod, nothing else.

Tested that out for LA Ryleth and it worked for me, so please try again. If it doesnt work we'll find another solution.

Anaconda December 9th, 2009 01:47 AM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
It seems I got it working.

Sensori December 11th, 2009 04:49 AM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
lol @ my Pretender, but meh, I don't care! :p

Anaconda December 11th, 2009 10:52 PM

Re: Doomsday 3 - Apo settings game - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Amida (Post 719707)
Hi folks.

I'll take LA Ermor, if nobody objects.

I ma not sure if this guy is too exited of playing for he has not been here for awhile and does not seem to send his character either.

What should we do to get this clash going!?

Ossa December 12th, 2009 04:49 AM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
Very easy solution: We start the game now;)
I tried to contact him more than once now, but he doesnt even receive my pms.

So, without further words, happy WC.

Anaconda December 13th, 2009 01:17 AM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
So, could someone be so kind and actually explain what kind of game we are playing here because R'lyeh does not have the void gate nor the assassin - this means I am losing two major assets giving leverage to my otherwise weak chaff.

Judging by this, there is most likely other changes too I am not aware of, a fact which also hints that I designed my pretender completely worong because it is most likely based on strategy/strategies not valid or/nor useful in this game?


kianduatha December 13th, 2009 01:38 AM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
Whoah. Yeah, that's kinda weird. You got half of EA R'lyeh in there.

Hey, on the bright side, Mind Lords look like they're immune to insanity.

Ossa December 13th, 2009 05:48 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
We can start anew if you'd prefer to start with a new pretender.

I assumed everyone would take a look at the units and new spells in this mod before creating their pretender:/ But you're right, I've should at posted it in the game description.

Do you want to continue or do you think it'll make no difference in the long run?

kianduatha December 13th, 2009 08:59 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
I'm not playing R'lyeh, but I'll just throw out there that it'll make a pretty big difference--basically Libra's compilation mod partially overwrote LA R'lyeh to fix some things in EA R'lyeh, and so he doesn't have a void gate(super important) and has no recruitable assassin(not so important, unless he's going that way). Instead, amusingly enough, he gets a recruitable shaman who immediately drowns.

Anaconda December 13th, 2009 10:23 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
Let's just proceed.

It, as mentioned, was my own fault. I am not familiar with modding and could not have idea that something so drastic might come up. More over, I do not have time to learn to play with new settings so I have to do with what I am given.

Stagger Lee December 14th, 2009 01:45 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
I am new. Anything I say has no basis in experience with this game. However, looking at the Libra thread, the game was set in the early age. There is a mod in the compilation called UWGIM 0.84 EA which probably is the culprit (in my noob mind).

We are only on turn 4. I don't really want to get to turn 30 and find out LA R'lyeh is completely unplayable in this configuration.

Why don't we load the individual mods Ossa wanted and restart. My first pretender was done this way when I looked at the OP. CBM 1.6, CPCS 0.8, Holy War 0.9, and magic site mod.

More experienced players will know better, but I don't think those four trash LA R'lyeh the way it seems to have been in this game. I will test when I get home, if nobody beats me to it.

kianduatha December 14th, 2009 04:08 PM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
I know it is the UWGIM. In fact, doing a quick test shows me that taking it out fixes R'lyeh.

Anaconda December 15th, 2009 01:28 AM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
Well I am up to changes, too.

Ossa December 15th, 2009 11:05 AM

Re: Doomsdays 3 - Apo settings game - Send in pretenders
Let's make this an official vote:

A) continue
B) restart
C) I dont mind

Everyone who hasnt voted by Thursday morning is considered as voting for C.

Does that sound acceptable to you?

I'll start with a C

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