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Fantomen December 10th, 2009 10:19 PM

Corydalis - running
With my previous LA game Zebra finished, I am now ready to organise a new one. This will be much in the same spirit as the last one. Small and relatively fast paced.

Requirements for signups:

1. Be a good player! Read Baalz good player pledge, sign it or not but at least try to honour it during this game.
2. That you are willing to play and post in character when possible. A little bit of roleplay does a lot for the immersion.
3. The diplomacy is NOT bound to any ethical rules, you may under no circumstance start metagame whining about broken deals, channel that anger into some roleplayed vendettas instead. You must also write the word "slartibartfast" in your signup post so I know you've read through this.
4. The game will open for pretenders sunday evening and start ASAP. There will be a christmas break between 18th and 29th december, after that we try to stick to no delays for the first 20 turns. If you're going to need other major breaks before february, try to declare them when signing up. The game will start at 24h timer and stay there for as long as possible.

Era: Late
Number of players: 12
Map: Sharivar.
settings: sites 50, renaming on, others default.
Mods: CBM 1.6
Played on: Llamaserver PBEM

Signed up:
Fantomen - Caelum
Firewalker - Patala :rip:
Dark Kitty - Jomon :rip:
ZZcat - T'ien Ch'i
Ghoul31 - Bogarus
Folket - R'lyeh :rip:
mscfish - Pythium :rip:
Pyg - Gath
Tollund - Ermor
Starshine monarch - C'tis :rip:
Herode - Arcocephale
Kheldron - Marignon

Fantomen December 10th, 2009 10:21 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

I'll be Caelum, eat electric death meekly impostors!

Edit: Oh yeah, I'll be in Copenhagen until sunday evening so don't expect me to update the signup list before then.

ghoul31 December 10th, 2009 10:57 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

Firewalker December 11th, 2009 01:35 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

I'll take Patala.

Dark Kitty December 11th, 2009 02:27 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

I would like to try Jomon.

zzcat December 11th, 2009 03:29 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
I'd take TC. Slartibartfast rulez!

Fantomen December 11th, 2009 04:43 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
Welcome aboard Fire walker, Dark kitty and ZZcat.

Ghoul31, you are welcome but you need to read the first post properly.

Folket December 11th, 2009 10:55 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!


I will be away three days over new year, but I usualy very good at finding subs.

mscfish December 11th, 2009 12:23 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
sign me up for PY

pyg December 11th, 2009 02:16 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
Tsaftrabitrals, Divine Emperor of Gath may at first seem a bit turned around, but will spill the blood of many to rule Corydalis. Also he may be taking a name in the common language as his given name is a bit hard on the tongue.

Tollund December 11th, 2009 03:16 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
Slartibartfast would not approve of Ermor destroying his Fiords.

Starshine_Monarch December 11th, 2009 06:15 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

Count me in. Not sure what to play yet though.

ghoul31 December 11th, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

Herode December 11th, 2009 06:56 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
Hi gentlemen.
Count me in as a slartibartfast Arcocephale.

Starshine_Monarch December 11th, 2009 07:42 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
I'm thinking C'tis for me.

mscfish December 12th, 2009 01:42 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

sign me up for PY

Kheldron December 12th, 2009 03:31 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!

LA Marignon

Kheldron December 12th, 2009 06:09 AM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - recruiting!
Woops I realize I actually am the 12th to enlist and the OP stated a max of 10. Well, since the map has still to be chosen I keep some hope but...
Fantomen? I promise I won't take too much space ;)

Fantomen December 13th, 2009 06:10 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - full!
1 Attachment(s)
Hookey Dookey, I guess I'll stretch to 12 players. Welcome all!

Signups closed.

We'll play on Sharivar, download the attachment in the end this post.

Also make sure to have installed the latest CBM (1.6)

R'lyeh will have limited water space on this map, but on the other hand Atlantis is not in the game to challenge it and R'lyeh can do pretty well on land anyway.

I'm setting up the game now so it should be accepting pretenders within the hour.

Get ready for war!

Edit: Game now up and accepting pretenders

Kheldron December 14th, 2009 05:32 PM

Re: Corydalis - CBM LA game - Upload pretenders!
Now that is a beautiful map.
After some test, it seems to me that most indies are tougher than usual for some reason but I really like the map overall. Many chokepoints.

Fantomen December 15th, 2009 09:25 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
Game started.

Folket December 17th, 2009 07:01 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Could someone please update the first post and put the map there as well? It is never fun to search for the map.

zzcat December 17th, 2009 07:37 AM

Re: Corydalis - running

Originally Posted by Folket (Post 722262)
Could someone please update the first post and put the map there as well? It is never fun to search for the map.


Fantomen December 17th, 2009 12:37 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
First post updated as requested, although I guess everyone's found the map by now.

pyg December 18th, 2009 04:39 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
'Tsaftrabitrals' Divine Emperor of Gath shall now be known as 'The Jeweler'.... making *special occasion* giving easier for centuries.

Fantomen December 19th, 2009 09:22 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
It seems I can do my turns from here, so I don't need a major break as stated in first post.

So I'll let the game go on for now unless someone else asks for a break.

Herode December 19th, 2009 10:49 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
I'm going to visit my family for Christmas so I won't be able to play from Thursday 24 to Sunday 27.

Kheldron December 19th, 2009 10:56 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
I'll be out from the 24th until the 31st but will take my usb key so I'll only need a cyber there. If I've got any problem to do my turns I'll let you know.
At worst, I'll still be able to post here from my iphone.

Fantomen December 20th, 2009 08:45 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Ok so there will be a break at least 24th to 27th then.

mscfish December 23rd, 2009 07:58 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
It's my shortest game.Even have not pass the first year with so bad beginning and my personal mistake.

Enjoy the game and merry christmas!

Fantomen December 23rd, 2009 09:54 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Merry christmas mscfish, welcome back in future games.

Kheldron December 23rd, 2009 12:56 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
Sorry mscfish but merry christmas anyway :)

Herode December 23rd, 2009 05:13 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
Orders sent, the next ones will be sunday evening (late) or monday morning for me. Time to jump in the train.
Merry christmas to you, guys, guys :martini::cake:

Fantomen December 24th, 2009 02:03 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
Merry christmas to all!

Now there will be a break until tuesday next week, the 29th.

And btw...

The blizzard raged across the mountain pass, cold as death itself. Igor skulked, as igors do, along the corridoors of transparent ice.

"Mathter, it ith ready"
"Good Igor. The sky rages with lightning, you may pull the lever. Tonight, we make history eh?. Off you go."
"Yeth mathter... er mathter?"
"If it ith not too much to athk, would you mind a hythterical laughter of madnethh?... you know, traditionth.."
"Not at all, if it comforts you. Haha...HahahaHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHAHHAAAA!!! Will that do?"
"Motht conthiderate mathter."

Igors master stood for a while looking through the window at the raving storm, then sent for his secretary.

"Send a message to Bogarus, official seal... titles, you know, all that stuff."
"And for the content, your highness?"
"Oh, no content. Just put my name there, in capitals."

Official message for Arioch, grand impostor of Bogarus.
God of Caulum, the undeceivable, he who tempers the spirit, god of air sends you a greeting:


Herode December 28th, 2009 05:53 AM

Re: Corydalis - running

Originally Posted by Fantomen (Post 723454)
Now there will be a break until tuesday next week, the 29th.

Beware :

Originally Posted by llamaserver
Game: Corydalis
Turn number 12
Next turn due: 20:00 GMT on Monday December 28th

Kheldron December 29th, 2009 10:04 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
I've just sent my orders but will now be on the road then on plane until the 31st in the afternoon, hence a 24h postpone until the 31st in the evening would be most welcome

Folket December 29th, 2009 03:48 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
I seem to be going away tomorrow and returning on the 2nd.

Fantomen December 29th, 2009 04:12 PM

Re: Corydalis - running

I postponed correctly but I forgot to turn off quickhost.

Since there was a number of stales and people were expecting a specified deadline, I beleive a rollback is warranted in this case.

The game will rollback to turn 12, sorry for the inconvenience. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

Starshine_Monarch December 29th, 2009 08:46 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
So what about the ones that didn't stale? Do we have to redo our turns from turn 12, or will Llamaserver already have them?

Fantomen December 29th, 2009 11:23 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
You DO NOT have to redo your turns for nr 12.

But you'll need to do 13 as that will not be identical.

Kheldron December 31st, 2009 11:03 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Rollback...and not just one but TWO ?!?

Are you mad?
Rollback is always a very bad thing to happen, TWO is a game killer.
I don't want to sound hysterical so I'll explain my worries.

One rollback basically is :
- to compensate for the frustration of a minority you frustrate the majority as each player who gets unlucky the second time gets frustrated, each player who gets luckier makes an opponent unhappy. Basically you just frustrate everyone to some extent.
- All those who made their turn on time cross their fingers hoping that the one who staled doesn't take advantage of knowing what the others did ( he just has to look at his staled-turn afterall). That's bad enough as it generates potential suspicion among players.

With 2 rollbacks, it is that but many times worse as there is noway we can all redo our turns as if we didn't know what had happened in reality AND really think all the others will do the same. That's idealistic.

Ever heard of the Game Theory? You have 2 players. If both of them play down they both win and share. If both play up they both lose. But, if either plays up while the other plays down, the one up wins all. In a perfect world, players would be love-trusting and always play down to avoid losing all. In the real world, this theory essentially depicts the limits of human nature as they usally both play up, mistrusting the other and finally both losing.

Now that only depicts a situation with 2 people. Think of what it is with 11...
Copenhagen and its recent fiasco can quite easily convince you of the reality of this theory.

Frustration and suspicion are there and they are game-killers. Avoiding speaking of it won't make it disappear either.

I remember another game where we had a rollback and everyone felt bad for it and, thank to Llamabeast who had a backup of the turn before the rollback we just went on. It IS possible.

Imo, there are 3 possibilities :
A/ we ask Llamabeast to go back in time if possible and forget about this rollback. To compensate in an even manner and avoid suspicion and frustration due to hazard, we can all give some gold and/or gems to those who stale unknowingly. 100gp and 1 gem is not much for any of us but 10x100gp + 10x1gem is enough to compensate any stale at this stage of the game imho.

B/ we only go back to turn 13 as it were (only one rollback) so as to avoid having nearly all the players do again a turn they already know the result of. And we try to trust those staling
not to abuse theur position.

C/ we stay with those 2 rollbacks and pray.


To be honest I'm just enthralled in this game, love the map, had a nice early game and would hate to see it all wrecked. I just hate rollbacks since I saw it kill one of my games more than a year ago.

That said, I still have to go back to home to look at the new turn. I had 2 nice events (500gp and some gems) and fear to find instead that my God died stupidly, no good event and whatever the DRN has in store.

Fantomen December 31st, 2009 12:06 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
In general I agree Kheldron.

But this early in the game I beleive the damage is minimal compared to later on. I made the rollbacks literally minutes after the second hosting, and that was just because I had some connection problems. So it is basically just one rollback.

I felt I had made a promise as organiser that the game would be delayed for a certain time, and had to keep it.

I understand your frustration and I appologize for my mistake(with the timer). I can promise you it will not be repeated.

There will be no vote or further debacle, we go on as we are. I prefer some players being mad at me as admin and take the blame on myself rather than leave room for a pointless drama. Let's not go "Setsumi" on this 'k?

I anyone feels very upset and mistreated, please send me a pm about it so I can send you some sweet words to soothe your enraged spirit.

Sorry again Kheldron, I hope your nation don't suffer any damage.

Tollund December 31st, 2009 12:07 PM

Re: Corydalis - running

Originally Posted by Kheldron (Post 724237)
Rollback...and not just one but TWO ?!?

Well, since two turns happened in a single day, when the timer is supposed to allow for a minimum of 24 hours, then yes, a rollback is definitely needed. You could just play your turn you know, instead of spending time complaining on this forum that you don't get the advantage of two turns where your opponent didn't even get to act once. Frankly, turn 12 is far too early to start complaining that somebody has too much information because of a single extra turn.

zzcat December 31st, 2009 12:34 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
I'll take C. I hate rollbacks too, but an early game rollback is not so unacceptable. For me the only case which should never allow a rollback is someone starts a surprise attack in the turn so the rollback will expose all his plan to the opponent.

Kheldron December 31st, 2009 01:28 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
That's ok Fantomen.
I was just mad at the airport, having only access to my mails and old nightmare of awful rollbacks, not even knowing what happened, and wrote more by intinct and frustration than anything else.

I am a sanguine hardcore gamer afterall :p

In fact I'm much less maddened at it now that a few hours and real life passed though it went quite bad for me.
My 500gp + gems events turned into vine men on capital and another bad event for about 500gp loss. Add to it the loss on next turns until I settle it back and...well Fate don't like the complainers :rolleyes:

pyg December 31st, 2009 04:45 PM

Re: Corydalis - running
Well I staled because all of my other games were on pause and this one hosted first. I appreciate the rollback, but I don't really have a good excuse.

Starshine_Monarch January 1st, 2010 12:26 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Well, as usual when rollbacks happen to me, my commanders and troops have gotten very, very confused. This time it's not so bad. I ended up having one of my Lizard Kings turn into a City Guard while still retaining his priestlyness. I had a Sauromancer decide to forsake magic and become a level 3 priest. I had a City Guard surprise me by taking several levels in magic paths that I normally don't have, and one of my Soulless has suddenly gained sentience.

In order to keep the game rolling along, I was hoping someone would allow me to run these wierdos up against their army somewhere, so I would not abuse these guys.

Kheldron January 1st, 2010 09:07 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Yeah I had the same problem last turn, but it was solved by selecting "redo turn from start" as they weren't there after it.
It's strange you didn't get a "Nagot gik fel" if you kept them.

There is also the matter of several players "cheating" according to the computer which I assume is a consequence of orders from after the rollback overlapsing orders from before.

Strange enough I had some new problems this turn (14) : a gothic master I recruited came without magic paths and one of my provinces "lost" about 6000 people without any event. I say strange because usually the rollback problems don't last after the rollbacked turn in my experience.

Herode January 1st, 2010 10:03 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Confirmed : rollbacks allways went without any issue until now.
But this time, I spotted two bugs :
- 32 line units appearing in one of my provinces without any event
- one spy visible on the map but not on the "f1" summary. BTW, even on the map view, I don't have any commander box to click, thus I am unable to give him any orders.

Both arose on the last turn (14), not on turn 13.

Fantomen January 1st, 2010 10:04 AM

Re: Corydalis - running
Strange indeed.

The cheat messaged seem to be the usual artifacts. I've seem this before.

As one of the "cheating" nations I can confirm that no extra gold was granted.

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