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RAFT - Late Age (Game Over!)
Random Anonymous Fixed Teams
Having been eliminated from my first RAND game, and wishing for one of the more interesting formats to be proposed after the Noobs Vs. Vets series, I'd like to post a new game. Team game. Teams of 3 players. Each team will have at least one experienced player. Teams are selected in the beginning. Nations will be randomly distributed, 3 to a team. Not entirely random, since we'll avoid having all the best nations on one team. But, mostly random. Your team will select who wants to play each of the 3 nations given to them, but outside of your team, no one will know who's playing what! People will not know what nations are on which team, either, although they may be able to figure that out through observing interactions. There will be NO DIPLOMACY between different teams. We're all in it to go for the win for our teams. We will be using the following settings: Starting provinces per player: 1 Magic site frequency: 40 Strength of Independents: 7 Money/Resource/Supply multiple: normal (100%) Common random events No score graphs Hall of fame: 15 Standard magic research No commander renaming (to help prevent people from knowing who's who) Map: Greece Stain Number of players: teams of 3, 6 teams (i.e. 18 players) Mods: CBM 1.6 So, don't select a nation, since they'll be assigned to your team. Feedback on the game's settings would be good, especially if there are any nation combos that should be avoided. Team/Players List (Team leaders are first listed): Team 1 Grijalva Alpine Joe Viajero Team 2 Kojusoki LumenPlacidum LupusFatalis Team 3 FAJ Septimius Severus Dark Kitty Team 4 Sir_Dr_D Agusti Cidi Team 5 Fantomen Skor Amonchakad Team 6 Baalz Krauser Morpf That's all folks! But, if anyone drops, then the following people have priority: *Dr. Praetorious |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Count me in.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
This sounds really fun. Count me in.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I'm in...not a noob but certainly not a vet...
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I'll play.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I like the name. Mixed experience levels is good. You could have 1 vet, 1 intermediate, and 1 noob on each team if it works out that way. High indy strength instead of AIs and CBM to boot, this should be quite competitive and mysterious! :D More team games are definately needed. Cooperative play has many benefits. If I can be of any assistance, setting up forums, etc, let me know. I will play if you have need of a noob, though I think I am too casual of a player to be considered an intermediate or super competitive. Or a alternate/backup player if you need one. :up:
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I join :up:
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I join too. Not a veteran player, of course :)
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I would like to join too :) (also an inexperienced player)
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I'd like to join. Newbie skill level at the moment I'm afraid.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
sign me, please.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
sign me in!
Im not a Dominions genius, but played 20+ MP games, some till almost the very end. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Count me in too. Not a noob but not a vet either.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
i am a total noob. can i join?
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Sure. Now, in theory, we should be hoping for four more experienced players.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Hey, i'd like to join too if you guys don't mind coaching me a bit. I'm a noob with very limited experience(just a couple of unfinished EA sp games under my belt) but with a somewhat workable grasp of basics/strategy from reading a couple of guides. Oh and first post!
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I'd like to play.
Medium experience, I beleive I could lead a team if necessary. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Pleased to have you aboard, Fantomen. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
One thing I wanted to point out with all the new players is its double important for a team game that you be committed to seeing the game through. The game might last several months so please don't sign up to be on a team unless you can commit to not leaving your teammates (and the whole game) hanging if you get tired of it.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Indeed. That's especially true of an anonymous game, where there's an irksome process to go about getting replacement players. The YARG game I was in was especially awesome about that, and I'd love to have people sticking around, fighting to the bitter end.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I am in too many games already otherwise I love this concept and team games in general. The wild cards of starting position and diplomacy in regular MP seem to have a larger role than skill in most of the [few] games I've played. I am available for an alternate position and if the game doesn't start for a while may be ready to play.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I'm new in this forum but not new in Dominions 3. I know some of the players who have joined to this game and they're very serious players (and very good) ;)
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Oh yeah, I understand your sentiments guys. I'd hate to see any games ruined by early quitters, especially team games where group strategy is critical. Rest assured, I'm in in for the long haul as I'd like to learn as much bout this whole mp thing as possible.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Ah yes, its definitely of critical importance--not punking out that is! But worry not, I will strive to eat the brains of my enemy until the bitter end. And should I need a sub for a turn or two, I'll just pass it to a team mate--the whole thing would be simpler most likely.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Well, don't forget that someone who's already playing in the game can't take a turn for someone else because of the CD-Key conflict thing. Unless, I guess, you send them your key and they switch keys to take your turn, then switch back.
Sorry for not having been updating for a couple days; been at family gatherings for the holidays. We still need some experienced players! Please, mention the game to people who you think can handle the teams! |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Count me in. It has been at least a year since I have last played but I am experienced enough to lead a team.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
yeah, I'm definitely in this for the long haul, but I may not be experienced enough to formulate strategies for a whole team, especially when it comes to endgame.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Hey everyone, after settling some RL issues, I'd like to get involved in Dominions again, and a team game sounds great:)
While I've played some MP games, I definitely wouldn't count me as an "experienced" or "skilled" player(I've actually never managed to get to endgame in MP), so I don't think you should count me as a team leader. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
hey guys, I'm going to be offline for a few days (until wednesday) so if we need to get going on this game I'll be back then...
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
If recruitment is still open, I would like to join.
I am not new, but I am not exactly a very experienced vet. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
I'll take a slot if there is one free. I can certainly play turns but may not be able to chat extensively as I'm going to be traveling some.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
It seems like we now have enough experienced players to form the teams. I am looking forward to find out which nation I will be playing.
And for names that I recognize from when I played before, hello again Baalz, FAJ, and Dr P. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
Oh, in terms of experience level - I am older than fear, I gibber and meep unspeakable blasphmies beyond the spheres, before ripping the veil of your reality casually aside to destroy you with indifference and contempt.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)
First, Amonchakad, I'm sorry but we have enough players who were not team leaders. If it should come to pass that anyone doesn't pull through from their initial entry, then you'll get first shot at their spot.
With FAJ, we have 6 people who are team leaders (Baalz, Fantomen, FAJ, Grijalva, Kojusoki, and Sir_Dr_D). Very sorry, Dr. Praetorious. Again, if anyone doesn't pull through in their commitment for the game, I'd love to have you aboard as a team leader. In both cases, if there's anyone who isn't sure that they really want to do this, then say so now, because either person would, I'm sure, be happy to take your spot. The players list is: Leaders: Baalz Fantomen FAJ Grijalva Kojusoki Sir_Dr_D Other players: Agusti Alpine Joe Cidi Dark Kitty Krauser LumenPlacidum LupusFatalis Morpf qui Septimius Severus Skor Viajero If there are any people who have specific teammate preferences, please let me know. This is one of the not-necessarily-random parts of the game's construction. If you have no preference, then you will be placed with others in an attempt to balance out some of your experience. With regards to the map choice, I've been generating random maps with ParadoxHarbinger's wrapping map generator, looking for ones that have acceptable distributions of terrain. If anyone has any suggestions for a good 3-person-team map that could be moderately balanced, then please make your suggestions. Once teams are selected, then I will send out the random nations to everyone. I will assume that there are no particular objections to any LA nations. I would like any team preferences to be in by Wednesday evening. I will form the teams late on Wednesday and send out nation assignments to your teams. You will have time to select a build for your god and communicate with your team while we make our final decisions on the map. I want the game to open on Friday night. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
Cool, i'm excited for my first mp! Just a couple more things though. How do we go about organizing teams? Noobs get dibs on the vets or something?:D Nation assignments?
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
Oh sorry bout that, my previous questions were posted before reading LumenPlacidum's instructions.:doh: The only one i recognize from the list is Baalz (from reading a couple of his excellent guides) and he seems really helpful with stuff so i'd like him to be my captain/mentor if he'll have me, otherwise no preferences really.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
I'd like to sign in, if there would be vacant places.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
Balance temas as much as you can:) I.e. Baalz should get totaly unexperienced players:) How about Saturday? Just to mention, we have a New Year incoming ;) We will need some time to discouss strategies, GODs/dominions within teams... |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
Is there anyone with whom I can switch my leadership role for a follower role? If not, then I'll certainly give leading a shot...since I'm def interested in this game....Alpine Joe? anyone? :)
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
I think he just set aside some as "team leaders" as to make sure each team has at least one experienced player, for balance. I wouldn't worry too much about having to be an accomplished general ready to lead multiple players under your command to execute an elegant, complex strategy.
Wouldn't hurt though ;) |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
right, from a balance perspective that makes sense...in that case I have no qualms with the designation
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
Unless preferences say otherwise, I will be putting people who I think are somewhat more experienced people with you Grijalva, so you'll have more of the middle ground.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (team preferences and map selection)
Well, no one has indicated any preferences at all, so I might as well name the teams early. Remember, everyone sees who you're teamed with. They just don't know who plays which nations except within their own teams.
Teams will be as follows: Team 1 Grijalva Alpine Joe Viajero Team 2 Kojusoki LumenPlacidum LupusFatalis Team 3 FAJ Septimius Severus Dark Kitty Team 4 Sir_Dr_D Agusti Cidi Team 5 Fantomen Skor Qui Team 6 Baalz Krauser Morpf Please, get in contact with your teammates. I'll be sending the list of nations for your team to your team leaders. You can all work out among yourselves which nations to play. At this time, you should all consider working on pretender builds and strategies. |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (map selection and pretender design)
Will we know which nations are in a team?
For example, knowing Ulm/Ermor/Jomon is one of the teams, but not knowing which team number or which players are playing them? Or will we not know anything about any of the nations? |
Re: RAFT - Late Age (map selection and pretender design)
No. Your perspective will tell you that you are three nations among an incomprehensible sea of hostiles. You know there are alliances among them, but you will not be able to know (without scouting information) who's working with whom.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (map selection and pretender design)
Ugh. After generating about 200 maps with various settings, I realize that ParadoxHarbinger's MapGen mixes up wasteland and mountains. Giving only a few mountains on each map, and a bunch of deserts. We might be forced to look for a pre-built map.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (map selection and pretender design)
Will the teams be randomly started around the map, or do the teammates start near eachother?
Re: RAFT - Late Age (map selection and pretender design)
Teammates will start near each other. Simple layout of the starting nations won't necessarily give you the teams, though, since everyone should start about the same distance from one another, just with some of the adjacent players being allies.
Re: RAFT - Late Age (map selection and pretender design)
Im waiting for the nations. I suggest skype or other messanger for contacts and startegy |
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