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Burnsaber January 25th, 2010 07:31 AM

Tophats: Squirreloid wins!
1 Attachment(s)
TheEarlyDays ended and my fix of Dom3 is running thin. My hands are shaking like mad.

I need more!

Because I'm a very silly person, I need spice up each of my games with odd mods and rules. This time I'm going for something very different from "Dramatica". It's time for all of us to act like men of stature & education. Definately not some vagabonds who live under bridges.

Also, my mod nation, Bretonnia is in need of MP test. I'm sure that one of you gentlemen will take this nation for a whirl. If none of you fancy it, I'll play it, but it would be preferrable for someone else to play it for objectivity.


Era: MA
Players: 11. 8 land players and 3 water players.
Settings: Renaming on, otherwise normal
Mods: Gentleman's Compilimation mod, containing CBM 1.6, Nehekhara, Bretonnia and Ogres. Downloadable from this post. Note that you will need to download the actual mods too, since I forgot to include the graphics of the mod in question.


1) All agreements are binding, we are Gentlemen after all.
1a) Should a player break an agreement, all other contracts the offending player has made shall be made void.

2) All agreements are public and must be stated in this thread for them to be under protection of clause 1). There is no need to be too verbose though, something like "Shinyama has signed NAP3 with Bretonnia" is enough. Both signing and retreating from an agreement must be announced.

3) The admin of the game shall keep a list of all announced agreements on the first post for quick reference.

Map: Islands and Tunnels

Other rules
1) Ashdod is not a nation for gentlemen. We will keep it out of this game.
2) Roleplaying by characteristic posts (both in-game and in this thread) is heavily encouraged and appreciated.
3) Fighting to the last breath is expected in this game. If you are too time strained or unmotivated to play, please at least try to find a sub.
4) In sign-up, you have to put the word "Monocle" (no context needed) in the post where you sign up. Consider it a sort of test for me to know that you have read the rules of the game and know for what you are singing up to. I mean, imagine if some vagabond managed to sneak into this friendly spar between civilized men. The mere thought is propostereous!

26h for turns 1-25
36h for turns 26-40
48h for turns 41-60
72h after turn 60

Delays granted on request.Gentlemen have important stuff to do outside of this game.

Victory Condition:

1) Ruling 4 capitals for 3 consecutive turns.
2) Concensus from other gentlemen


Player -- Nation
1.Burnsaber(admin) -- Shinyama
2.Trumanator -- Ogres
3.Cleveland -- Oceania
4.Apsophos -- R'lyeh
5.GameExtremist -- Arcosephale
6.Alpine Joe -- Bretonnia
7.fungalreason -- Vanheim
8.Squirreloid -- Nehekra
9.Starshine_Monarch -- Tien C'hi
10.ghoul31 -- Agartha
11.Grijalva -- Atlantis



Bretonnia <-> R'lyeh -- NAP 3
Bretonnia <-> Ogres -- NAP 3
Shinuyama <-> Agartha -- NAP 3
Shinuyama <-> Nehekhara -- NAP 3
Shinuyama <-> Vanheim -- NAP 5
Nehekhara <-> Arcosephale -- NAP 3
Nehekhara <-> Oceania -- NAP 3
Ogre Kingdoms <-> Atlantis -- NAP 5

Alpine Joe January 25th, 2010 09:05 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)
I will play Bretonnia (If I can ever get a moment away from the country club...)

dash it what happened to my monocle!

cleveland January 25th, 2010 10:29 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)
1 Attachment(s)
A most interesting proposition, indeed!

Quid pro quo, good sir: I put together a little map this weekend designed for just such a 10 player game (115 land/25 uw provs, 8 land/2 uw players). This map is also in need of some testing.

Perhaps a gentlemen's agreement can be arranged? Consider the map, and I shall consider the game?

Here is a screenshot, though you'll have to wrap-it-around in your head:
Attachment 9310

Upon close inspection by monocle, you'll see it too has several silly features included strictly for spice:
1) It's "planetary," i.e. east-west wraparound with "polar" connectivity at the poles, much like the map in my signature.
2) It's made of a number of small islands, and therefore has a large number of chokepoints, by design. This is particularly true in the ocean, which is usually strategically neglected by mapmakers.
3) Sailing is consequently very strategically important. Also by design. Who doesn't like boats?
4) To compensate, the islands are connected by underwater passageways...these passageways are cave provinces.

Let me know, my good man.

Trumanator January 25th, 2010 01:07 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)
Why hello old chap! I must say, after examining that there map with my trusty monocle I find it terribly exciting! We'll see how my ogres enjoy its lush terrain.

Apsophos January 25th, 2010 01:25 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)
This souds very interesting. I would like to join this little monocle-wearing club of yours, with a couple of reserves:
- English is not my first language (I mean... don't true gentlemen all speak French?) and I am not accustomed to written roleplaying. I can offer no guarantee regarding the quality or quantity of my participation.
- I have absolutely no idea of which glorious nation I should lead to its demise. I am open to suggestions, or maybe I will just wait for all the slots to be taken and pick a nation at random.

Humakty January 25th, 2010 02:44 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)
Mes biens chers amis, après ce cours préambule dans la langue de Molière, je me livre a mon propos :

I'm a young dominions 3 gentleman, having just been granted the right to wield my monocle in public, but I'm very enthusiastic about having my first MP experience in this kind of game.

My english isn't top nuts either, RP will be painfull, and I'm for the moment quite uncertain about who to play, let say Bandar Log.

Sombre January 25th, 2010 03:10 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)
1 Attachment(s)
Hear hear!

Burnsaber January 25th, 2010 03:47 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by cleveland (Post 728093)
A most interesting proposition, indeed!

Quid pro quo, good sir: I put together a little map this weekend designed for just such a 10 player game (115 land/25 uw provs, 8 land/2 uw players). This map is also in need of some testing.

Perhaps a gentlemen's agreement can be arranged? Consider the map, and I shall consider the game?

Dear Sir, I ogled at you map for quite a while. My peculiar curiosity was roused, if you excuse my strong language.

We would be honored to use your map in our game. I also took the freedom of signing you up. The presence of such a industrious gentleman as yourself will do the game only good.


Originally Posted by Apsophos (Post 728126)
- I have absolutely no idea of which glorious nation I should lead to its demise. I am open to suggestions, or maybe I will just wait for all the slots to be taken and pick a nation at random.

Perhaps you'd like to play underwater nation? Their survival rate is quite high, allowing you to experience quite a lot of the game. There are good guides for MA R'lyeh & Atlantis.

For all those concencerned about your roleplaying capabilities, don't sweat over it. The theme is not supposed to be *that* serious. It's just good set-up for jokes.

To talk like a true gentlman, Thesaurus is a good tool. Just type the word you are about to say and just use the most verbose synonym thesaurus offers instead. Calling people "chaps" also works.

fungalreason January 25th, 2010 04:25 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 6/10 slots filled)
This venture sounds most promising indeed. My monocle has been gathering dust for quite some time, but I do believe it's time to don it once again.

Since the people of Vanheim do not yet appear to have proper representation in this righteous quarrel, I humbly submit myself as overlord in their quest for victory and honour.

Squirrelloid January 25th, 2010 05:52 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 6/10 slots filled)
I suppose, as I am soon to be unjustly slain in Utopia, I perchance have time for a little additional dalliance with some good fellows.

I do question the honor of a man who chooses to play a glamour nation. This is a game amongst gentlemen, yet you, sir, choose a nation who obfuscates and deceives. Hardly forthright behavior, you shame your monocle.

In that spirit, if there be no objections from my esteemed colleagues, I will graciously accept the reins of Nekehara. The dead, after all, have no secrets and tell no lies. And I will promise not to use the preposterous gilded scorpion, which no gentleman should sully his hands with.

I have one question regarding the OP: "Shinyama has singed NAP3 with Bretonnia"? Would that be a statement of intent to end a NAP, or simply minorly transgress it? I suppose perhaps some people prefer to lightly singe their bridges rather than burning them.

Gandalf Parker January 25th, 2010 06:29 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 6/10 slots filled)
I scanned but didnt see.
Is this pbem?

Starshine_Monarch January 25th, 2010 09:55 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 6/10 slots filled)
In all the games I've hosted, diplomacy was mostly Machiavellian in nature, so I'm sure this will be a nice change of pace for me. Fortunately the game hasn't completely filled up yet.

*Starshine considers the monocle for a minute before tossing it aside and donning a set of green and gold imperial diplomat's robes.*

Tien C'hi please.

Burnsaber January 26th, 2010 05:49 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 9/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 728197)
In that spirit, if there be no objections from my esteemed colleagues, I will graciously accept the reins of Nekehara. The dead, after all, have no secrets and tell no lies. And I will promise not to use the preposterous gilded scorpion, which no gentleman should sully his hands with.

How could I refuse such a modest and civilized request? The undead are yours to command.

Any players signing up now should notice that we are full on mod nations and no further reguests to play one are accepted. To keep the game in good spirit, I'll write a post descriping the mod nations in this game, just like I've done in the infamous "Dramatica" and "Blood Red" threads. You fellows must wait for it for a while, since this moustache isn't going to fax itself.


Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 728197)
I have one question regarding the OP: "Shinyama has singed NAP3 with Bretonnia"? Would that be a statement of intent to end a NAP, or simply minorly transgress it? I suppose perhaps some people prefer to lightly singe their bridges rather than burning them.

My original post might be a bit misleading on that aspect. It is my intention that both signing and abolishing a NAP-agreement (as per the terms of the agreement in question) should be stated in this thread.


Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 728210)
I scanned but didnt see.
Is this pbem?

Yes. In llamaserver.

Squirrelloid January 26th, 2010 06:59 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 9/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 728308)

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 728197)
I have one question regarding the OP: "Shinyama has singed NAP3 with Bretonnia"? Would that be a statement of intent to end a NAP, or simply minorly transgress it? I suppose perhaps some people prefer to lightly singe their bridges rather than burning them.

My original post might be a bit misleading on that aspect. It is my intention that both signing and abolishing a NAP-agreement (as per the terms of the agreement in question) should be stated in this thread.

My dear sir, you may note that in the quoted text from the OP the word 'sign' does not appear. I was merely curious as to what singing a NAP meant. Presumably it is not quite as bad as burning it entirely.

Burnsaber January 26th, 2010 07:59 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 9/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 728312)
My dear sir, you may note that in the quoted text from the OP the word 'sign' does not appear. I was merely curious as to what singing a NAP meant. Presumably it is not quite as bad as burning it entirely.

Oh, you rascally chump! Now I see what you did there! I should've had my legal advisor check that post before I sent it.

Unintenteded grammatical error has been fixed in the OP.

cleveland January 26th, 2010 08:28 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 728157)
Dear Sir, I ogled at you map for quite a while. My peculiar curiosity was roused, if you excuse my strong language.

We would be honored to use your map in our game. I also took the freedom of signing you up. The presence of such a industrious gentleman as yourself will do the game only good.

Jolly good!

If it pleases the assembly, I humbly submit version 0.1 of the aforementioned map for review by the gentlemen gathered. Mind you it is by no means a finished product, and I ask these most learned scholars to test it for connectivity/province mask irregularities:
Attachment 9314

I graciously accept the opportunity to be the first gentleman to honor his agreements: I choose Arcoscephale. After all, what could be more civilized then a proud phalanx of hoplites marching in good order to meet the enemy?

I must inform you, however, that I will be traveling this Wednesday to Sunday. I suspect it shan't effect our start date, and will post on this thread once I've established a viable connection, but if you don't hear from me, kindly hold the start until Sunday evening USA time (or midnight Monday in Mother England, God Save the Queen).

Post feedback on the map! Don't be afraid to say it's crap and unusable!

ghoul31 January 26th, 2010 08:35 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
Agartha would be honorred to play.
Our people only have one eye, so we always use a monacle.

Humakty January 26th, 2010 09:17 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
@ dear gent Cleveland, Lord of the Oaks : your map seems good and fine, even if I haven't checked every land mark ( I have my usual thursday golf starting soon). The only ichy points are there are no startpos, which can lead to disapointing startups (in my test game I had the whole lot of 1 land neighbour), and also that water provinces 133 and 104 have a great deal of land neighbours, which can result in some very cheesy situations for water nations, as far as i know. (which is not much, it's my very first MP game)

cleveland January 26th, 2010 09:21 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
Some additional info on the map I forgot:

1) To use it, unzip the file and place resulting .rgb and .map files directly in your dominions3/maps folder. It'll now be available when you start a new game.

2) I haven't begun to sort out the starting provinces yet. The final product will have 10 valid start locations, randomly assigned by the computer (sorry Vanheim, your not necessarily starting on the coast!). These start locations will be as balanced as possible, so all capitals will have plenty of indy neighbors, etc.

3) If you find a problem with a province, please report it with the province number. Most of the province names are randomly assigned.

4) Make sure you take some time to understand how the poles, tunnels, and the southern mountains are connected. As mentioned, this map has unusual connectivity, you don't want any surprises mid-game.

5) Some unexpected terrain quirks:
-tunnels are [small] [cave] provinces
-passes are [small] [true mountain] provinces
-poles are [deep sea] provinces, much like Earth's North Pole
-poles have "Tundra" magicsites to force them to be cold; the equatorial waste regions have "Desert" magicsites to force them hot. Real climates!
-there are invisible "rivers" that permeate the map. Each mountain forms the start of a river that ultimately drains to the sea, and a river runs through every farm/swamp province. This has no actual effect on gameplay other then to slightly alter the magicsites that will appear.


@ Burnsaber - underwater nations seem to be the fat kids at gym class...as designer of the proposed map, if you & apsophos don't want them, I'll play an uw.

cleveland January 26th, 2010 09:28 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Humakty (Post 728329)
@ dear gent Cleveland, Lord of the Oaks : your map seems good and fine, even if I haven't checked every land mark ( I have my usual thursday golf starting soon). The only ichy points are there are no startpos, which can lead to disapointing startups (in my test game I had the whole lot of 1 land neighbour), and also that water provinces 133 and 104 have a great deal of land neighbours, which can result in some very cheesy situations for water nations, as far as i know. (which is not much, it's my very first MP game)

@ Humakty - Right-o! You beat me it, I haven't picked the valid starts yet. I've done it for a number of games and take it very seriously, you won't be disappointed come gameday.

Agreed, there are several water provinces with many land neighbors. This is a consequence of the island nature of the map, of trying to have lots of sea chokepoints, and of trying to keep the number of water provinces relatively low (I think it's currently ~12/uw player, as opposed to ~15/land player). Lots of water is - in my humble opinion - much worse than lots of land-water connectivity.

But everything can be changed, so if our cabal wishes to further section the oceans, it shall be done.:up:

EDIT: I checked the numbers, I was way off on the per-province numbers. I'm going to recommend we either add an additional player, for a total of 8 land and 3 underwater nations, or change the mix to 7 land and 3 underwater nations. That'll bring the numbers more in line with the 15/12 target.

January 26th, 2010 11:42 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
darn, I too am in need of more Dom3 fix...but it seems ghoul beat me to it,*dips monocle in glass of water* but please consider me if someone drops out...

Starshine_Monarch January 26th, 2010 11:49 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
Good sir Cleveland, your suggestion to recruit 3 underwater nations will of course force some poor gent to pick up MA Oceania when he might have otherwise chosen a different nation.

As we all know that MA Oceania is quite underpowered and rather not so interesting to play, If we do decide to play with 3 underwater nations I then propose that we give them a bit of help with Burnsaber's fine Underwater Gameplay Improvement Mod.

I have noticed a problem however in that the Tomb Kings mod changes weapon 710: the Warhorse Hoof in CBM used on Heavy Cavalry and the like (which somehow always end up in provinces adjacent to your capital), into an utterly preposterous "Divine Flail" that Tomb Kings mentions are only supposed to be used on pretenders. I believe these to be simply copies of the CBM Divine Flails found on the Egyptian-style titan pretenders, so I shall upload a version of Tomb Kings that does away with these weapons in order to avoid unfortunate conflicts with CBM.

Apsophos January 26th, 2010 11:52 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Humakty (Post 728133)
Mes biens chers amis, après ce cours préambule dans la langue de Molière, je me livre a mon propos :

Il est fort agréable de voir qu'il existe d'autres gentilshommes aussi bien instruits dans notre belle langue.


Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 728157)
Perhaps you'd like to play underwater nation? Their survival rate is quite high, allowing you to experience quite a lot of the game. There are good guides for MA R'lyeh & Atlantis.

I actually considered playing R'lyeh before asking for suggestions. I never played an underwater nation, and astral magic and tentactles somewhat fit my current mood. I'll take R'lyeh then.

January 26th, 2010 12:18 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
I was so quick to post that I didn't see Cleveland's recommendation; if you guys end up doing the 8 land nations 3-underwater mix (or just need another water-player) I'll take Atlantis OR Oceania... monocle...

Starshine_Monarch January 26th, 2010 01:08 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Starshine_Monarch (Post 728348)
I have noticed a problem however in that the Tomb Kings mod changes weapon 710: the Warhorse Hoof in CBM used on Heavy Cavalry and the like (which somehow always end up in provinces adjacent to your capital), into an utterly preposterous "Divine Flail" that Tomb Kings mentions are only supposed to be used on pretenders. I believe these to be simply copies of the CBM Divine Flails found on the Egyptian-style titan pretenders, so I shall upload a version of Tomb Kings that does away with these weapons in order to avoid unfortunate conflicts with CBM.

Would have edited, but I was a bit too late.

What I meant to say was I WOULD upload a new mod if I had any clue whatsoever on how Llama's mod combining script works. There are likely many other conflicts as well and as it is now there's no real easy way for me to fix this issue, so I humbly request that someone who knows what the heck he's doing run the mods we will be using through Llama's script...

Squirrelloid January 26th, 2010 03:04 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
MA Oceania is better than MA Atlantis, Starshine. The only good MA water nation is Rlyeh...

Sombre January 26th, 2010 03:07 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
No way is MA Oceania better. Atlantis has way, way, way better magic and can produce thugs pretty easily. It's also far more interesting imo.

They're both bottom tier though :]

Squirrelloid January 26th, 2010 03:11 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 728386)
No way is MA Oceania better. Atlantis has way, way, way better magic and can produce thugs pretty easily. It's also far more interesting imo.

They're both bottom tier though :]

I would have said that Oceania has better troops, and therefore a better early game. Thus it can diversify its magic via pretender easier, because it doesn't need its pretender for anything else.

Burnsaber January 26th, 2010 05:08 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)
Sorry for being off-character, but there is a lot of things to get straight. It's easier if I write like a normal person.

First: We will go with 11 players. I put up Grivalja with Atlantis (because, IMHO, it's a lot better than MA Oceania + more starter friendly). I'll play Oceania (it will be a good handicap for me, since I'm more experienced than the other water players). We won't be using UWGIM, I'll take this experience as research for further UWGIM advances.

- I'll fix the "Divine Flail" bug. I'll make a complimation mod* (likely to be finished by Thursday) that will have bug fixed. Once I've made the mod and the map is ready, I'll put the game up to llamaserver.

*complimation mod is one huge mod that combines all of the mods in use in this game to one big mod.

Warhammer January 26th, 2010 06:24 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
Dang it, I got my monocle in a twist and didn't sign up for the game when I should have...

cleveland January 27th, 2010 09:39 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
1 Attachment(s)
Noble Burnsaber, your selflessness is unmatched, but I insist on the privilege to fall upon the MA Oceania sword. Twas my own miscalculation that led to the misadvertisment, and I would be remiss if you were forced to suffer the consequences in your own game.

Besides, twill be good sport to turn this common flower girl into a proper lady. Wait, er, I mean turn this menagerie of sea beasts into an omnipotent global power. That's it.

Unless of course you're already invested in the Capricorns, in which case I shall of course yield to my original choice of Arcoscephale.

Regardless, I have worked diligently on our map, completing the start locations this morning, and present it to the counsel for final inspection:
Attachment 9320

Be sure to overwrite both of the old files! Please review & report any issues. [Note that if you try to start a game with more than 8 land nations, a bunch will die off on turn 2 due to a lack of existence.]

I'm now off to the dark side of the moon. I expect to be incommunicado for the next 48hrs, though possibly through Sunday; I shall send a post as soon as I have the means.

Wrana January 27th, 2010 02:11 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
Greetings, oh noble Burnsaber!
It's with a heavy heart indeed that I learned about the imminent commensement of this game. I have few excuses for having learned about it so late and a lack of a monocle isn't a fitting one for such an untimely intervention, I admit it freely.
Still, I would dare to presume so much as to impose my unworthy self. In short words, I would like to ask you, if it is still within a realm of possibility to include myself in this most illustrious company as a future leader of one of the most cultured nations of the era in question, which is at the same time still sadly absent from this great project. I mean, of course, the noble and learned Pythium!

with a hope for fortuitous ending
for my humble proclamation,

Burnsaber January 28th, 2010 06:47 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
Okay, Gentlemen, I'll work out the mod today. Sorry for the delay, I tried to delegate this work to my servants but as I should have foreseen, those low-class men had no insight to the nuances of this Gentleman's game. If any of you manage perceive any problems with the map, it would be most recommended to report your finding right away.

Once the complimation mod is completed and if the map has gotten no negative feedback, I'll put up the game to the llamaserver. This should happen within 12 hours.


Originally Posted by cleveland (Post 728508)
Noble Burnsaber, your selflessness is unmatched, but I insist on the privilege to fall upon the MA Oceania sword. Twas my own miscalculation that led to the misadvertisment, and I would be remiss if you were forced to suffer the consequences in your own game.

Very well dear Sir, if you insist upon it. Oceania is yours to command. I salute your bravery.

I have chosen the Shinuyama as my nation. Sure, they are bit savage, but a gentleman like me should manage to polish up their edges.


Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 728540)
Greetings, oh noble Burnsaber!
It's with a heavy heart indeed that I learned about the imminent commensement of this game. I have few excuses for having learned about it so late and a lack of a monocle isn't a fitting one for such an untimely intervention, I admit it freely.
Still, I would dare to presume so much as to impose my unworthy self. In short words, I would like to ask you, if it is still within a realm of possibility to include myself in this most illustrious company as a future leader of one of the most cultured nations of the era in question, which is at the same time still sadly absent from this great project. I mean, of course, the noble and learned Pythium!

with a hope for fortuitous ending
for my humble proclamation,

I'm sorry to inform you that the map is simply full, at least in my perception. But should some gentleman withdraw from the game before the start, I'll contact you immediately.

Also, if I ever see it as necessary to start up Tophats II, I'll give you chance for a VIP sign-up.

Lingchih January 28th, 2010 10:36 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
I offer my monacle, and my services, should some fine gentleman need to bow out of the contest.

Burnsaber January 28th, 2010 04:07 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
1 Attachment(s)
Game is up on llamaserver. Here is the map download (I had to take out spaces from the title of the original map, no other changes). The mod is downloadable from the first post.

Send in your pretenders Gentlemen!

Burnsaber February 1st, 2010 05:58 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
Just 3 more prentenders to go. As I promised a while back, here is a short description of the mod nations in play, so that no gentleman is struck by suprise by their odd tricks.


Bretonnia is a feudal nation, full of knights and noblemen of most fitting stature. Should one encounter in the game, they should be prepared to deal with absolutely devastating heavy cavalry (most likely best in the game), with custom hoof attacks and lances that allow for strenght in their damage. This cavalry is often supported by peasant infantry, which is cheap but lacking in equipment and morale.

Bretonnian commanders are quite high in quality. They have recruitable knight commander thugs who can "muster" (summon allies-command) some infantry. Thy have only two mages/priests, Grail Damsel & Grail Maidens. Damsels are absolutely magnicifient with strong W/N/A magic. However their cheapest mage (Maidens) costs 220gp is not really that great of a researcher. Also, Bretonnia is a very superstitious nation and labratories cost 800 gold for them, these handicaps often make Breton last in the research race.

It also very important to note that Bretonnia has access to heroic knights who can deal 3x damage to larger beings. Grail Hero is a recruitable size 4 flying commander with this ability and they can summon Questing Knights (size 3) with the same heroic qualities. Protect your high size SC's/thugs well!

Bretonnia has some national spells that are custom farsummons. Although somewhat expensive, these spells are quite powerful and any opponent of Bretonnia should be prepared against them. Also note that all Grail Knights are magic beings and are thus vulnerable to all counters that come with that status, like Opposition, Control, Arcane Bolt, etc...


Nehekhara is a undead nation, but not like ermor. They need to pay gold for their troops. Their infantry is solid and becomes great when supported by their national undead boosting spells. They have great magic resistance, so banishment is not recommended without some penetration boosters.

They have solid battlefield magic with E and F access and you should prepared for some hefty "Sulphur Haze" spam. They also have some quite nice late-game summons.


Ogres have good, although expensive troops. They really shine in the early game, but their mages are lacking and need to use their national summons to diversify. They also specialize in ranged weapons (Scrap Launchers) that can absolutely devastate "chaff troops", sort of like the spell Blade Wind.

They also have thuggable commanders and nice national buffing spells.

Humakty February 1st, 2010 08:21 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
Dear gents,

A newbie game have just been created, and I feel I'd be more fitting competing in there than here, seeing as Tophats is full with hardcore veterans.

So I'd gladly backup, and leave my place to someone else, if someone shows up before the start of the game. If not, I'll manage some heroic last stand. :)

cleveland February 1st, 2010 09:00 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 728676)
Very well dear Sir, if you insist upon it. Oceania is yours to command. I salute your bravery.

Jolly good!

Our future former ruler's carriage has just departed for llama country. We look forward to succumbing to each of you fine chaps on the field!

Most sincerely yours,

Colonel Chester J. W. Filmore IV, Esquire
Senior Diplomatic Adviser, Oceania

Burnsaber February 1st, 2010 04:26 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)

Originally Posted by Humakty (Post 729228)
Dear gents,

A newbie game have just been created, and I feel I'd be more fitting competing in there than here, seeing as Tophats is full with hardcore veterans.

So I'd gladly backup, and leave my place to someone else, if someone shows up before the start of the game. If not, I'll manage some heroic last stand. :)

Duly noted. I've contacted Wrana about taking your place. I've also set the game not to start when all pretenders are in to give him time to respond.

Burnsaber February 3rd, 2010 05:47 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
Wrana has not yet responded. To keep this thing moving, I've contacted Lingchih about the available spot.

cleveland February 3rd, 2010 08:53 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)

Some chatter in the common forums has given me a rather silly idea, and I wish to present it to our Assembly for review.

First, some background. There are many new faces here on the boards. A very encouraging sign, indeed. However, as we all know, volunteering for one's first MP game can be intimidating.

It has been and remains the sacred duty of distinguished gentlemen like us to encourage future Dominions generations to participate in our sport. Indeed, our community's continued vitality depends upon it.

I therefore propose that I make my turns in the Tophats game visible to "tourists" - those who are not participating in the game, but are interested to see how an MP game works, what strategies are involved, etc. The intent would be to allow those interested in MP to experience the game without commitment, thereby piquing their interest and spurring participation (forgive the harsh language, I implore!)

Specifically, I would post a solicitation in the main forum asking all interested parties to contact me via email. I would then send my .trn & .2h files to those individuals. These would be sent with a 2-turn delay, to ensure no unscrupulous parties sabotage our game with unauthorized .2h files.

I would maintain a discussion thread in the MP forums providing insights, rationale, and pathetic attempts at humor. Essentially, it'd be a living After Action Report (er, or perhaps a During Action Report?)

Regardless, such an experiment would not be possible without the full endorsement and cooperation of all members of the Tophats Congress. Afterall, the integrity of the game would be compromised should any of our members choose to use the situation to thier advantage. Though of course, given that all of our members of Persons of the Highest Quality, this notion is laughable, therefore making our game the perfect laboratory to test such an Idea.

However, this Idea cannot and will not proceed unless each of our cohort agrees to the following stipulations:
1) No active member of the Tophats game will view .trn & .2h that I make available.
2) No active member will view the AAR thread I maintain on the board.
3) No active member will discuss information from (1) or (2) with anybody who has access to (1) or (2).

So gentlemen, what do you think? Again, without positive affirmation of this proposal by all Tophats members, it will not be implemented.

Most sincerely,

Trumanator February 3rd, 2010 09:28 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
Why, what an absolutely SMASHING idea good sir! I would also be willing to take part in this endeavor. However, it strikes me that it would be rather rare fun to read each other's DARs. Perhaps if one were to update them 2 turns behind schedule it would be fitting? Of course, one may conceal what one wishes, and if it is felt to be best to simply ban other players' observation of them I will acquiese.

Frozen Lama February 3rd, 2010 09:32 PM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)
well i have a question: what is this madness gentlemen that you have allowed the OGRES to join such a civilized game!!

Squirrelloid February 4th, 2010 12:40 AM

Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Full. Organizing)

Originally Posted by Frozen Lama (Post 729774)
well i have a question: what is this madness gentlemen that you have allowed the OGRES to join such a civilized game!!

Like the dead, Ogres are straight-forward and tell no lies. Unlike those sneaky Van.

Burnsaber February 4th, 2010 05:23 AM

Re: Tophats - Gentleman's Game (1 spot open!)
I find out sir Cleveland's idea to be most well-thought proposal. I hereby declare to follow all the rules stated in the afro-mentioned proposal.

Also, Sir Lingchic turned down the offer to join the game due to time-constraints, so the game is up for recruitment once more. Should the worst thing happen and no one signs up before sunday, I'll start the game nevertheless. We will deal with the possible imbalance issues like gentlemen.

GameExtremist February 4th, 2010 07:33 AM

Re: Tophats - Gentleman's Game (1 spot open!)
By jove!

I have not seen such a fine gathering of gentleman in many a year, I would of course be delighted to accompany you all on this fine journey!

I do perhaps muse upon weather I can ride the back of my elephants (Arcoscephale :up:) without dropping my monocle.

Apsophos February 4th, 2010 08:58 AM

Re: Tophats - Gentleman's Game (Pretenders!)
A During Action Report, now this is a brilliant idea! Needless to say, I agree to all the conditions.

Burnsaber February 4th, 2010 08:59 AM

Re: Tophats - Gentleman's Game

Originally Posted by GameExtremist (Post 729832)
By jove!

I have not seen such a fine gathering of gentleman in many a year, I would of course be delighted to accompany you all on this fine journey!

I do perhaps muse upon weather I can ride the back of my elephants (Arcoscephale :up:) without dropping my monocle.

Oh, jolly good!

We will start as soon as this fine young chap manages to get his pretender in. There is no need for rush though, please take all the time you need to produce the pretender of most fitting stature.

However, I do wish that we could manage to start the game before Saturday.

GameExtremist February 4th, 2010 10:45 PM

Re: Tophats - Gentleman's Game (Pretenders!)
Oh Blast!

Pardon me my good chaps but I am having a spot of bother installing the Gentleman's mod correctly.

I place the unzipped files in the mod directory, start the game and enable the mod, only to have nonsensical message

"myloadmalloc: can't open ./mods/./Warhammer ogre Kingdoms/flag.tga"

Do I need to install other mods seperately or should I be unpacking the gentlemans mod in a different manner upon which I am habitually accustomed too?

Sorry chaps in the delay.

rdonj February 5th, 2010 01:48 AM

Re: Tophats - Gentleman's Game (Pretenders!)

Originally Posted by GameExtremist (Post 729966)
Oh Blast!

Pardon me my good chaps but I am having a spot of bother installing the Gentleman's mod correctly.

I place the unzipped files in the mod directory, start the game and enable the mod, only to have nonsensical message

"myloadmalloc: can't open ./mods/./Warhammer ogre Kingdoms/flag.tga"

Do I need to install other mods seperately or should I be unpacking the gentlemans mod in a different manner upon which I am habitually accustomed too?

Sorry chaps in the delay.

Yes, it turns out that the way the mod was packaged, you must already have all the mods used in this game already on your computer.

Here's a link to the ogre mod: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35298

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