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-   -   Utility: combineMods.py (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44889)

pyg February 10th, 2010 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by pyg
I intend to release another version of DMG and I would like to test it further by creating combined mods for interested parties. If you want to put together a game with a lot of mods or would like a package of a certain set of mods, let me help. You get the combined mods you want and I get free testing. :)

And here it is. The included utility (combineMods.py) is a functional replacement for Llamabeast's combineMods. It probably contains bugs but many of them have been worked out doing the mods for Blood Red and Lunar Sea games.

The following would generate the equivalent of the Blood Red mod:

./combineMods.py 2 CBcomplete_1.6.dm TombKings.dm City\ of\ Wonders.dm Jomon\ broken.dm Warhammer\ Skaven.dm themiskyra_MA3.dm Warhammer\ Dwarfs.dm Arga\ Dis.dm Warhammer\ Ogre\ Kingdoms.dm BLOODRED
And for Lunar Sea:

./combineMods.py 1 CBcomplete_1.6.dm diversity.dm holywar.dm sitemod.dm CPCS.dm LUNARSEA
This utility has moved to here. I removed the attachment because I don't want to update in both places.

pyg March 27th, 2010 09:26 PM

Re: combineMods.py
OP now contains utility.

mehrunes_dagon April 2nd, 2010 10:42 AM

Re: combineMods.py
ups, does not work under *nix

ImportError: No module named DMG

and after renamin dmg/ to DMG/ is still does not work

ImportError: cannot import name D3M

'''and string d3m is nowhere to be found'''

By the way, perl mod-combiner malfunctions, so i am impatiently waitin for a workin replacement

pyg April 2nd, 2010 02:37 PM

Re: combineMods.py

Originally Posted by mehrunes_dagon (Post 738532)
ups, does not work under *nix

ImportError: No module named DMG

and after renamin dmg/ to DMG/ is still does not work

ImportError: cannot import name D3M

'''and string d3m is nowhere to be found'''

By the way, perl mod-combiner malfunctions, so i am impatiently waitin for a workin replacement

Sounds like you moved things around after unzipping. Best place to unzip is in mods/ After unzipping there should be a combineMods.py, a DMG.py, and a dmg/ Doing ./combineMods.py should give you usage help text. Moving combineMods.py to a different directory than DMG.py will give you the results described above.

pyg April 2nd, 2010 04:23 PM

Re: combineMods.py
1 Attachment(s)
Here is an Asia themed mod containing EA-LA TC, Yomi-Jomon, EA Atreus, Goguryeo, Shangri-La, and EA-LA * Qayan.

kennydicke April 2nd, 2010 04:34 PM

Re: combineMods.py
Hmm, sounds like a good time for me to try out Shangri-La. Thanks you!

mehrunes_dagon April 3rd, 2010 12:33 AM

Re: combineMods.py
the utility has a nice side-effect of checking if all the graphics is referenced correctly

unfortunately there is a bug which becomes visible when a processed mod contains commented-out line like

-spr1 ".\Angmar\Winged Uruloki\Winged_Uruloki_1.tga"
-spr2 ".\Angmar\Winged Uruloki\Winged_Uruloki_2.tga"

combineMods.py tries to find these files, fails and prints error message

Bad File Name: {name of tga}

pyg April 5th, 2010 08:49 AM

Re: combineMods.py

Originally Posted by mehrunes_dagon (Post 738676)
the utility has a nice side-effect of checking if all the graphics is referenced correctly

unfortunately there is a bug which becomes visible when a processed mod contains commented-out line like

-spr1 ".\Angmar\Winged Uruloki\Winged_Uruloki_1.tga"
-spr2 ".\Angmar\Winged Uruloki\Winged_Uruloki_2.tga"

combineMods.py tries to find these files, fails and prints error message

Bad File Name: {name of tga}

Don't worry about the error message to much, it still creates the mod. If it was a commented out sprite it's still going to complain, sorry. You can turn off the sprite compilation by changing line 8 where it says 'packTGAs = True' to 'packTGAs = False'. This will also save space as you wont' have duplicate copies of all the graphics.

It should also be telling you that how many nations, monsters, spells, etc. it combined. It DOES NOT check to make sure those numbers are within safe limits. Usually new spells is the first to go over (~135 I think).

pyg April 8th, 2010 11:33 PM

Re: combineMods.py
2 Attachment(s)
OK, here is a mod of stuff I enjoy using together. It is a bit like the Lunar Sea mod. This combo adds a lot of magical options. It uses up all the spell slots so it's not compatible with anything else. Contains:

CBM 1.6
Endgame Diversity
Holy War Divine + Sacreds and Priests
FW Thugs

Sombre April 9th, 2010 06:45 AM

Re: combineMods.py
I think that combination deserves its own thread. A lot of people would probably like that pack and it could be used for some simply set up MP games.

Gregstrom April 9th, 2010 04:29 PM

Re: combineMods.py

mehrunes_dagon April 11th, 2010 02:24 AM

Re: combineMods.py
spent many hours playtesting a middle-age combination

noticed that the script gave two units the same number, so AI player hired a powerful unit for zero gold. The units are

"Chaos Warrior Chariot"

"Keeper of Secrets"

and the mod is "chaos undivided"

and the commands i ran where

#use fixed sitemod with correct incscale

sed -ie 's|/wyvern|/sitemod|g' sitemod.dm

for x in *.dm ; do
perl -pi -e s/\\x0d//g "$x"

sed -i -e 's:\\:/:g' angmar.dm
sed -i -e 's:^-.*::g' -e 's-farmlandfort-farmfort-' angmar.dm
sed -i -e s:goodmagiceader:goodmagicleader: themiskyra_MA1.35.dm

/distr/game/Dominions3/utility/combine_Mods.py/combineMods.py \
2 \
sitemod.dm \
BlackTome.dm \
diversity.dm \
CBcomplete_1.6.dm \
themiskyra_MA1.35.dm \
chaos.dm \
Warhammer\ Ogre\ Kingdoms.dm \
Warhammer\ Skaven.dm \
'Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans.dm' \
TombKings.dm \

===================== end of commands ================

pyg April 11th, 2010 09:51 AM

Re: combineMods.py

Originally Posted by mehrunes_dagon (Post 740068)
spent many hours playtesting a middle-age combination

noticed that the script gave two units the same number, so AI player hired a powerful unit for zero gold. The units are

"Chaos Warrior Chariot"

"Keeper of Secrets"

and the mod is "chaos undivided"

Interesting. If they have the same ID number then one should just overwrite the other. It shouldn't be changing other aspects (at least cost) of the unit. Can you post the .dm into this thread so I can try and figure it out?

nordlys April 16th, 2010 11:11 PM

Re: combineMods.py
Uh... can we commoners hope for a compiled executable version?

pyg April 17th, 2010 01:01 AM

Re: combineMods.py

Originally Posted by nordlys (Post 740883)
Uh... can we commoners hope for a compiled executable version?

This is just a script so all you need is to have python installed (default on all great OSes). In terms of usability this particular script just emulates this perl script.

nordlys April 17th, 2010 01:09 AM

Re: combineMods.py
I have xp, and have no clue how to use it.

nordlys April 17th, 2010 01:23 AM

Re: combineMods.py
OK, i even trashed my system with Python, and that's what I get:

C:\Program Files\dominions3\mods>combineMods.py 1 ArgaDis.dm Avernum.dm test
File "C:\Program Files\dominions3\mods\combineMods.py", line 13
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

edit: nevermind, I needed a 2.x Python version rather than 3.x

nordlys April 17th, 2010 03:05 AM

Re: combineMods.py
I am now trying to combine a bunch of nation mods (Arga Dis, Avernum, Themiskyra and the 6 Warhammer nations along with endgame diversity and worthy heroes), and the resulting mod always gives me "name2spell" error until I drop half of these mods from the mix (the various warhammer ones typically cause mischief). What am I doing wrong? Or there is a total mod size limit?

kennydicke April 17th, 2010 05:40 AM

Re: combineMods.py

What am I doing wrong?
There is a limit to the total number of new modded spells: ~120.

Sombre April 17th, 2010 06:12 AM

Re: combineMods.py
I will reconfigure some of my mods to take less spell slots. Primarily by taking them from other nations, like LA Pythium.

nordlys April 17th, 2010 06:41 AM

Re: combineMods.py
That's sad :( I was trying to make a single age mod with all the nations plus 10 mod nations, but it seems I am out of luck then :(

Why this arbitrary limit, anyway?

kennydicke April 17th, 2010 07:37 AM

Re: combineMods.py
"Programming ain't easy, but it sure is fun."

It's has to do with programming. I'm not versed enough to explain further.

Ragnarok-X April 17th, 2010 04:15 PM

Re: combineMods.py
I dont quite understand how to use it. I have python installed, from Civ 4. I now want to combine a mod (Sombre lateera mod) with the magic site mod. How would i go about doing this ?
When i open the .py files, notepad++ is used.

pyg April 17th, 2010 05:58 PM

Re: combineMods.py

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 740972)
I dont quite understand how to use it. I have python installed, from Civ 4. I now want to combine a mod (Sombre lateera mod) with the magic site mod. How would i go about doing this ?
When i open the .py files, notepad++ is used.

Well, the last time I used Windows it was called 3.1 so I'm not really sure. If you can get a *DOS terminal* or some such and change to your mod directory, then 'combineMods.py 3 lateera.dm sitemod.dm my_spiffy_new_modname'... I think (.dm names approximated). Really could use some help from savvy windows users out there... if you've used this script how do you do it?

Ragnarok-X April 17th, 2010 06:11 PM

Re: combineMods.py
In that case, creating a .bat should work...but it doesnt. When i run the batch, notepad still opens up the combinemods.py instead of actually doing something relevant.
Perhaps someone else will post. thanks for your time so far.

mehrunes_dagon April 18th, 2010 08:53 AM

Re: combineMods.py
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 740095)

Originally Posted by mehrunes_dagon (Post 740068)
spent many hours playtesting a middle-age combination

noticed that the script gave two units the same number, so AI player hired a powerful unit for zero gold. The units are

"Chaos Warrior Chariot"

"Keeper of Secrets"

and the mod is "chaos undivided"

Interesting. If they have the same ID number then one should just overwrite the other. It shouldn't be changing other aspects (at least cost) of the unit. Can you post the .dm into this thread so I can try and figure it out?

not sure which .dm you want me to post.

Attempting to give them all, together with the script

pyg April 18th, 2010 12:49 PM

Re: combineMods.py

Originally Posted by mehrunes_dagon (Post 741065)

not sure which .dm you want me to post.

Attempting to give them all, together with the script

That was enough information for me to figure it out. It seems like some of my negative lookahead assertions were broken. I think it's fixed now and updated in the first post.

pyg May 14th, 2010 10:22 PM

Re: combineMods.py
With the help of lch I made a fairly major change to DMG/combineMods.py which gives some extra room for modding spells by overwriting unused national spells. Previously there were ~136 spell slots but by overwriting unused national spells EA mods can have ~252, MA ~225, and LA ~168. By removing all the default nations and playing with just mod nations you can now have ~353 spells. This hasn't been tested all that much but appears to work. More details here.

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