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-   -   LARG - LA Rich Game (Started) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44937)

Sir_Dr_D February 15th, 2010 10:33 PM

LARG - LA Rich Game (Started)
I would like to get started a late age rich game.


Gold: 250%
Resources: 250%
Supplies: 100%
Magic Sites: 55% (less then the other rich games, since it is LA)
Independents: 8
Mods: CBM1.6
Map: Open to suggestions
Research: Difficult
Victory Conditions: It will be based on capitals , and will be set to about 45% of the people in the game.
Diplomacy: Anything goes, though I personally recommend keeping agreements.

I will play as Utgard, which I chose because it popped up when I made random nation selection.

Sir_Dr_D - Utgard
Militarist - Tien-Chi
Torin - Mictlan
13lackGu4rd - Midgard
DonPablo - Bogarus
Veto - Ermor
Ignikharion - Pangaea
FungalReason - Atlantis
Graeme Dice - Agartha
Cicero - LA Patala
Grijalva - Caelum
Balaskar - Gath
Viden - Marignon
Anonymity - Jomon
Big Daddy - Abysia
LDiCesare - Pythium

militarist February 15th, 2010 10:34 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I'd play Ermor if not prohibited.

Sir_Dr_D February 15th, 2010 10:37 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Picking ermor, or R'lyey is fine. I want to see if being a rich game helps balance things against these nations.

militarist February 15th, 2010 10:42 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Then I'll better take R'leh.

Torin February 15th, 2010 11:20 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
LA Mictlan please

militarist February 16th, 2010 03:39 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
No, change me to ULM, not R'leh:)

militarist February 16th, 2010 05:13 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
No. Tien Chi. Is the final. ChoiCe :)

13lackGu4rd February 16th, 2010 07:57 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I'll give LA Ulm a shot. not expecting to live too long but meh, if I do maybe I'll become a power to be reckoned with ;)

Squirrelloid February 16th, 2010 09:24 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Comment: Rlyeh is if anything a little weak in default settings. It would be actually punitive to play them under these settings. Perceptions that LA R is broken are at least 3 patches old (i don't know which patch tweaked their dominion effects). At least LA E is (1)overpowered normally and (2) gets more death gems from its national site with a higher gold %.

Hmm.. can't really squeeze another game in right now, sadly. I think I'll wait till Utopia 2 for a rich LA game.

Torin February 16th, 2010 10:05 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
You actually fought against Rlieh?
Its rather tiresome and rewardless. Astral mages. Endless chaff. Water dwelling. They can raid your lands. But it gets hard to progress underwater.

veto February 16th, 2010 11:52 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
May we join?
DonPablo as Bogarus
And me with Ermor

Squirrelloid February 16th, 2010 11:52 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)

Originally Posted by Torin (Post 731789)
You actually fought against Rlieh?
Its rather tiresome and rewardless. Astral mages. Endless chaff. Water dwelling. They can raid your lands. But it gets hard to progress underwater.

Endless chaffe, but not endless mages, since their cash is so constrained. And they have a really hard time expanding. Oh yeah, and you have to pay upkeep on all that chaffe too, much of which is totally useless. So not only does their income keep shrinking because of their dominion, the growing chaffe armies keep eating more and more of what cash you do get. By year 3 you'll find it hard to have any cash free to actually buy anything.

They may be slightly annoying to kill, but they have little good offense. MA Rlyeh >> LA Rlyeh.

Basically, you may have fought against them, but it doesn't sound like you've actually tried to play them.

13lackGu4rd February 16th, 2010 12:00 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I thought that free spawns act in the same way as summoned troops, as in no gold cost no upkeep. but even if you do have upkeep on all that free chaff, it just requires a terrible amount of micromanagement to keep moving it to the front lines and letting it do its job(die protecting the mind blasters). if you have early access to land(some nice indy province near you perhaps) than you might as well try to get onto land quickly and build a fort in there ASAP. in the water you have a chance to find kelp fortresses if you just search with a N1 Mage(such as a Slave Mage with random N) so you might as well build your first province on land instead of water, if you have nice access to land that is.

Ignikharion February 16th, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
If you let a noob MP in (I`ve played quite a lot in SP though) i would like to take LA Pangaea :)

Squirrelloid February 16th, 2010 01:27 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)

Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd (Post 731817)
I thought that free spawns act in the same way as summoned troops, as in no gold cost no upkeep. but even if you do have upkeep on all that free chaff, it just requires a terrible amount of micromanagement to keep moving it to the front lines and letting it do its job(die protecting the mind blasters).

Some summons do have upkeep (ie, trolls). The determiner is whether the unit has a listed gold cost greater than zero or not. Units with a 0 gold cost have no upkeep, which describes most summons.

Rlyeh freespawn most definitely costs upkeep, though.


if you have early access to land(some nice indy province near you perhaps) than you might as well try to get onto land quickly and build a fort in there ASAP. in the water you have a chance to find kelp fortresses if you just search with a N1 Mage(such as a Slave Mage with random N) so you might as well build your first province on land instead of water, if you have nice access to land that is.
You'd have to make a point of taking an SC pretender capable of doing so to expand onto land early, because LA R expansion just sucks. And then you have to hope whatever land neighbors you pick up don't just decide to push you back into the sea.

Of course, those slave mages go insane from your dominion, and they're gold spent and upkeep payed on mages who aren't starspawn. So while they can potentially net you a free fortress with a 1/4 N pick, they aren't worth spending the money on. If it was a guaranteed N1 it'd be a different story, but 25% chance at a mildly useful mage, with the other 75% being almost totally useless since your starspawns are much better (and immune to insanity from your dominion).

Zeldor February 16th, 2010 02:22 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Starspawns are not immune to insanity.

fungalreason February 16th, 2010 03:16 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I'd like to give LA Atlantis a try.

13lackGu4rd February 16th, 2010 03:47 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Starspawns are also a lot more expensive, and in the early game R'lyeh needs all the gold it can get its hands on to bump up their expansion army, cause as you said, their expansion capabilities aren't that great without enough Mind Blasters and chaff. as for your SC pretender, the Wyrm is cheap enough and amphibious... dom9/10 even with no magic at all, gives you plenty of expansion power for both land and sea. and R'lyeh doesn't really need a pretender to fill in some gaps, as the Starspawns are versatile enough and with plenty of the almighty Astral magic.

Sir_Dr_D February 16th, 2010 03:52 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)

Originally Posted by Ignikharion (Post 731826)
If you let a noob MP in (I`ve played quite a lot in SP though) i would like to take LA Pangaea :)

Newbies are welcome. Just remember the following:
- Make sure you are committed to the game. Check out Baalz's good player pledge.
- To be competive it is important to make sure that you have a strong expansion strategy. This takes some practice.
- Diplomancy is important and people do use this forum to send messages. So make sure yor check your private messages, and this thread, regularily.

Graeme Dice February 16th, 2010 05:36 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I think I have time to start up a new game. How about I join as Agartha.

don_Pablo February 16th, 2010 11:03 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
What about using AsiaTwist map?

Cicero February 17th, 2010 08:34 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I'm in with LA Patala

February 17th, 2010 10:21 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Jomon Please

13lackGu4rd February 17th, 2010 02:03 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
change me to Midgard please ;)

Balaskar February 17th, 2010 03:48 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I would like to play Gath if you don't mind another noob mp joining. I have played a lot of sp just usually ea or ma.

February 18th, 2010 01:04 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
actually, switch me to man please

Viden February 18th, 2010 07:38 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Can another noob join? If yes, I would be Marignon.

anonymity February 19th, 2010 04:49 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Still room? I'd like to take Jomon.

BigDaddy February 19th, 2010 03:35 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I'll play Abysia.

LDiCesare February 20th, 2010 06:28 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Interested in Pythium.

Sir_Dr_D February 20th, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Sign up will be closed at the end of Sunday. On Monday , I will set up the server. I will pick a map tomorrow.

February 21st, 2010 04:36 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
Hey, sorry to change again, but playing Man with these settings seems a little boring IMO, I'd like to change to Caelum if its not too late.


Sir_Dr_D February 21st, 2010 07:29 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I would like to go with the Cradle map, unless someone else has a counter sugestion. It has about the number of provinces that I want (15 per player), and I actually haven't played on that one in while.

Asia Twist was suggested as a map, and I like that one, but I beleive we would need another water nation to use that map.

Torin February 21st, 2010 09:14 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
cradle is ok for me

anonymity February 21st, 2010 11:50 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Recruitment)
I have no objections to cradle, or any map with about that province count.

Sir_Dr_D February 22nd, 2010 11:51 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
I have created the game on the Llamaserver. It is called Larg1. The game will begin once everyone has uploaded their pretenders.

anonymity February 23rd, 2010 01:54 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
This is going to be micro hell and I am going to love every minute of it. Uploaded.

Viden February 23rd, 2010 06:45 AM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
Which version of the Cradle map?

Ignikharion February 23rd, 2010 04:00 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
Pretender sent.

All hail the mighty Ternasco :happy:

Eventually, if he fails the race to deity we will enjoy a good meal :D

Sir_Dr_D February 23rd, 2010 04:24 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)

Originally Posted by Viden (Post 733032)
Which version of the Cradle map?

I used the default map. The other two listed on the llamaserver seemed to have set positions.

Viden February 23rd, 2010 07:10 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
I can't find the download link of Cradle. Help please!

anonymity February 23rd, 2010 07:29 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)

Originally Posted by Viden (Post 733137)
I can't find the download link of Cradle. Help please!

It comes with the game. You should already have it.

Viden February 24th, 2010 05:03 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)

Originally Posted by anonymity (Post 733142)

Originally Posted by Viden (Post 733137)
I can't find the download link of Cradle. Help please!

It comes with the game. You should already have it.

:doh: :o

I didn't see it...

Viden February 25th, 2010 06:00 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
Perhaps I missed it, but, what is the name of the game? LARG - LA Rich Game?

fungalreason February 25th, 2010 06:11 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
It's LARG1 on llamaserver

BigDaddy February 26th, 2010 08:06 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
We just have a couple more people:

militarist February 26th, 2010 08:51 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
Both of them last time were logged on 02-16-10, 05:03 PM, its's 10 days ago, and they are together - Veto registered both of them. Both has zero statistics, so....

BigDaddy February 26th, 2010 09:18 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
Don_Pablo appears to have played in another game until turn 54 and went AI. Thunderdome as Caelum.

militarist February 26th, 2010 10:03 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)

Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 2
Thanks: 2
Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

13lackGu4rd February 26th, 2010 10:07 PM

Re: LARG - LA Rich Game (Upload Pretenders)
it's been a while now that we're waiting on these 2. I think that we should just start with what we have now, as these 2 don't seem to be that active according to you folks...

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