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SciencePro March 7th, 2010 10:59 PM

Hurt_Locker (Started)
Game: Hurt_Locker

Type: Llamaserver PBEM
Hosting: 24 hours to start. 48 when people start asking for it.

Map: Bering
Mod: CBM1.6
Age: Early
Players: Seven - (five land and two water in the map's fixed starts)

Other Settings on default for Llamaserver (ten hall of fame entries, renaming on, score graphs on, one starting province, independent strength five, standard research, 100 resources, 100 supplies, 100 money, common events.)

Victory is by eliminating all other players or unanimous agreement of remaining players. Ties are not allowed – there can be only one winner. Non-binding diplomacy is allowed. Complaining and quitting are frowned upon except in extreme circumstances.

Players: (PM links)
SciencePro – Sauromatia (eliminated)
Zapmeister - Mictlan - subbed by SciencePro
13lackGu4rd- T'ien Ch'i (eliminated)
Graeme Dice- Niefelheim
Digress- Marveni
Snaltrippin- Oceania (eliminated)
Danbo- Atlantis

Zapmeister March 7th, 2010 11:18 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Recruiting)
In as Mictlan

13lackGu4rd March 8th, 2010 01:22 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Recruiting)
I'll try TC

SnallTrippin March 8th, 2010 01:45 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Recruiting)

Graeme Dice March 8th, 2010 04:00 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Recruiting)
I think I can manage another game. Let's try Niefelheim.

SciencePro March 8th, 2010 09:52 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Recruiting)
Okay need 1 more land and 1 more water

danbo March 8th, 2010 11:56 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Recruiting)
I'm in as Atlantis.

Digress March 9th, 2010 04:49 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Recruiting)
I would like to give Marveni a run.


SciencePro March 9th, 2010 08:39 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Full and Waiting)
Okay we are set now. I'm going to wait for llamaserver to update with the new dom3 version before creating the game.

SciencePro March 11th, 2010 11:05 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Upload Pretenders)
Okay llama is back up so posted the game. Upload Pretenders please

SciencePro March 12th, 2010 06:15 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Okay game is on. Good luck everyone.

Please let me know if you need any delays.

13lackGu4rd March 19th, 2010 12:37 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
hmmm, Atlantis is attempting to expand onto land already. does that mean it's already losing the underwater war to Oceania or he's just trying to sneak an advantage? :o

SnallTrippin March 20th, 2010 12:31 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
What war?

13lackGu4rd March 21st, 2010 07:52 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
going out of town until thursday, my current turn is in but I won't be able to play the next turn until I get back, so I'll need an extension...

SciencePro March 22nd, 2010 07:20 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
okay i put a big delay in. Just get your turns in when you can and we'll go back to 24 hour hosting after that.

Zapmeister March 22nd, 2010 08:43 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Actually, now that the turn has hosted, it looks like we're back to 24 hours already.

SnallTrippin March 22nd, 2010 09:45 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Claiming all the islands not already claimed by pretenders, aka, all that large archipelago.

SciencePro March 22nd, 2010 04:51 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
oh right thanks for pointing that out. I put another delay in to cover for blackguard's absence

13lackGu4rd March 24th, 2010 04:11 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
thanks for the extension, got back 1 night earlier than I thought, so I've got my new turn in already.

Digress March 31st, 2010 07:46 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Now that I have beaten off my various "neighbours" I unfortunately have to find a sub for 3 or 4 turns (if people are amenable to switching to a 48hr schedule over the easter weekend coming up).

I haven't had any takers as yet but hope someone turns up in the next 24 hours .... please.

And Neifelheim - do we still constitute the "smashiest target" ? TASTE THE PAIN FROM THE SKIES, MY FRIEND, PAIN FROM THE SKIES!

SciencePro March 31st, 2010 10:15 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
i put a delay in now but i see you already sent your turn in. for the next hosting i will put in another delay in case you are out of town or whatever

Digress March 31st, 2010 05:10 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
I will be around for a bit under 24 hours and still hope to find a sub to keep the game rolling along for everyone else.

I will keep you updated on my progress.

I will complete this turn .. but will not be able to complete the following one.


Zapmeister March 31st, 2010 11:11 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
In the event that Digress can't find a sub, I think we should delay the next turn (effectively suspending the game) for a week.

SnallTrippin April 1st, 2010 01:43 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Fine with me.

Digress April 1st, 2010 06:18 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
No luck on the sub front. I have completed and sent in the current turn but won't be able to do another for the week.

My apologies to everyone ... its been an interesting game thus far.

SciencePro April 1st, 2010 09:15 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
okay 168 hour delay added. Please submit your turns whenever you can.

Have a happy Easter/Passover/Shunbun no hi/Nowruz etc...

Digress April 8th, 2010 01:07 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
I have returned and submitted my turn.

Thanks for your patience everyone.

SnallTrippin April 11th, 2010 08:05 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Hmm, I don't think I ever realized that I could die that way..oopsie.

Zapmeister April 11th, 2010 08:21 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)

Originally Posted by SnallTrippin (Post 740176)
Hmm, I don't think I ever realized that I could die that way..oopsie.

Domkill? (extinguished dominion) ?

Digress April 11th, 2010 08:29 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)

Originally Posted by SnallTrippin (Post 740176)
Hmm, I don't think I ever realized that I could die that way..oopsie.

Atlantis does have some pretty good priest with which to preach - but no stealthy ones. You have to watch those candles.

Zapmeister April 14th, 2010 07:58 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
I'm really enjoying the 24-hour turnaround that has survived for so long, but it does look like someone (Atlantis?) may be starting to struggle with the pace.

Would it be a good idea to extend the turnaround time just a little, say to 26 hours, to prevent the backwards creep of the due time?

SciencePro April 15th, 2010 07:12 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
okay, changed to 26 hour interval

danbo April 18th, 2010 01:10 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Oh, I hate the game manual. It states that all the global enchantments take place on step 15 and friendly movement on step 12. So, I assumed that's completely safe to move my forces out of water while casting Sea of Ice simultaneously. Instead, my army refused to move and it seems that my troops are now locked for long time, because my income of astral is very low (to dispel it). It's a real disaster for Atlantis.

Digress April 18th, 2010 06:38 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)

Originally Posted by danbo (Post 741031)
Oh, I hate the game manual. It states that all the global enchantments take place on step 15 and friendly movement on step 12. So, I assumed that's completely safe to move my forces out of water while casting Sea of Ice simultaneously. Instead, my army refused to move and it seems that my troops are now locked for long time, because my income of astral is very low (to dispel it). It's a real disaster for Atlantis.

Well that bites ... were you moving from an underwater province you owned to a land province you owned ? I can't seem to find my manual right now.

Looking on the bright side I see you have some handy indies available with which to dispose of your "Sea of Ice" caster. Don't think about the lost gems ... its not like ATLANTIS has any use for water gems :re:

Zapmeister April 18th, 2010 06:49 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)

Originally Posted by Digress (Post 741053)
Looking on the bright side I see you have some handy indies available with which to dispose of your "Sea of Ice" caster. Don't think about the lost gems ... its not like ATLANTIS has any use for water gems :re:

The painful part might be that the caster is his pretender.

I feel your pain, danbo. But Illwinter make much better games than they make documentation, so if you're about to do something you've never done before, its best to try it out in a single player game first.

danbo April 18th, 2010 11:54 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Thanks, Digress, for pointing out thouse indies. It's good alternative to kill the caster instead of dispelling. But it's still a few turns to get there and the caster is pretty rare occurence of W4 mage. I definitely should have tested this and I even had a map where the situation was almost set up.

SciencePro April 18th, 2010 01:39 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)

Originally Posted by danbo (Post 741094)
I definitely should have tested this and I even had a map where the situation was almost set up.

yeah, the only problem with that is that if you test everything it takes forever and makes the game pretty tedious. Asking questions on the forum is a good alternative to testing most of the time I think. Or just roll the dice and learn from your mistakes.

Zapmeister April 18th, 2010 05:58 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
It's not looking good. After a brilliant, fast-moving 37 turns with no stales, TC has staled once without notice and it looks like he might do it again this turn. He hasn't logged on to the forum for a day and a half.

If he does stale again, I would recommend we get him turned AI before the following turn. What do others think?

SciencePro April 18th, 2010 08:00 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
well i don't want to be too quick on the trigger - it hasn't even been two days yet. But if he does disappear we will figure something out so he doesn't just stale out. I added 24 hours and sent him a PM in the meantime.

Zapmeister April 18th, 2010 11:46 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)

Originally Posted by danbo (Post 741031)
Oh, I hate the game manual. It states that all the global enchantments take place on step 15 and friendly movement on step 12. So, I assumed that's completely safe to move my forces out of water while casting Sea of Ice simultaneously. Instead, my army refused to move and it seems that my troops are now locked for long time, because my income of astral is very low (to dispel it). It's a real disaster for Atlantis.

BTW, I think I may have figured out what happened here.

Some GEs have an effect that "fires" every turn. For example, the Mother Oak that danbo created awards Nature gems each turn when the GE fires in step 15.

Sea of Ice is different in that it doesn't fire at all - it does nothing in step 15. Instead, its mere presence prevents movement between land and sea, so that effect will apply from the moment the GE comes into existence. That happened very early in the turn, when all spells (including GEs) are cast.

Just a theory ...

13lackGu4rd April 27th, 2010 09:53 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
sorry about your Arch Devil Mictlan and congrats Marverni for dom killing me. have fun y'all, I'm out...

SciencePro April 27th, 2010 05:01 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
good game blackguard. Thanks for playing.

Zapmeister April 30th, 2010 03:52 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Thanks for the awesome struggle, Sci.
If you want to pass on the admin-ship, I'd be happy to take it.

Digress April 30th, 2010 06:15 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
This may be a little unpopular given the pace of the game but it might be nice to push the hosting time out a little (36 hours maybe).

In any case a 12 hour extension for the current turn would be extremely helpful.

SciencePro April 30th, 2010 06:29 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Yep, good game zap. Nice job taking me out

Anyone object to me handing over the admin job to him?

I added 12 hours for now.

SciencePro May 1st, 2010 07:14 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
since no one seems to object i am going to PM the admin password to zapmeister

Zapmeister May 1st, 2010 09:03 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)

Originally Posted by SciencePro (Post 743168)
since no one seems to object i am going to PM the admin password to zapmeister

Cool. How's everyone managing the blistering pace?
Let me know if you'd prefer 36 or 48 hours.

Digress May 1st, 2010 10:22 PM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Thanks for taking over the admin Zapmeister. I think I can probably keep up with the pace for a little while longer - the being at war on multiple fronts for almost the whole game has really limited my late game options (the burn rate on the more useful gems has been pretty hideous).

My druids aim also seems to be getting worse the more experienced they get - all those basalt kings - all those craters - and all those dead blocking troops.

Zapmeister May 3rd, 2010 04:58 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Digress is too ill to do his orders, so I'm adding 24 hours to the current turn.

Digress May 5th, 2010 07:14 AM

Re: Hurt_Locker (Started)
Well I think that if anyone has any serious plans to win the game you had best attack Mictlan, all out, in the very near future. My days of being in a winning position have well and truly passed. I shall make a defence, of sorts, and eat up some of Mictlans chaff and hopefully take down some of their pretty blood summons but they will be able to replace them with ease.

Neifelheim, whilst Machiavelli might have urged making oneself indispensable to your chosen prince there is no prize for coming second in this game - how about you engage in some wanton back stabbing ? :)

You could follow Mictlan's example .... ;) DIRTY DEMONWORSHIPPERS

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