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-   -   MP: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45117)

Gregstrom March 14th, 2010 03:24 AM

Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
This is a sequel to a game called Unsanity I ran some time ago, and follows the same general theme - lashings of mods.

Hosting: Llamaserver
Map: TBD, depending on interest levels
Settings: HOF 15, renaming on, graphs on, others default except maybe a couple of ticks on site frequency.
Age: EA
Endgame diversity mod
Holy War, both parts
Endo's site mod
CBM 1.6
Victory: Default (i.e. acclamation), unless we get enough people for something else to be viable.
Hosting will be on llamaserver

Nation selection will as per the Unsanity game: random, with a twist. Nations will be randomly selected from a pool - each player gets to put one nation into the pool, but won't play that nation themselves.

Players (and their nation nominations)
Gregstrom (Abysia)
Strabo (Arcoscephale)
Militarist (Ermor)
Zeldor (T'ien Ch'i)
Alpine Joe (Marverni)
Burnsaber (Kailasa)
Euarchus (Pangaea)
Apsophos (Tir na n'Og)
Balaskar (Lanka)
Graeme Dice (Yomi)
GameExtremist (Ulm)
Dimaz (C'tis)
Ossa (Sauro?)

Nation Assignments:

Alpine Joe......Pangaea
Apsophos........T'ien Ch'i
Graeme Dice.....Arcoscephale
Herr Heimlich...Tir na n'Og

Hosting: I intend this to be a pretty inclusive game. While I'll default to a 24h schedule, if anyone who wants to join doesn't think they can do that with regularity I'll settle for a longer hosting interval.

Strabo March 14th, 2010 03:54 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I'll take part and throw Arco in the pool

Gregstrom March 14th, 2010 04:10 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Done. Good to see you back in, Strabo.

Strabo March 14th, 2010 04:23 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Good to see heavy modded games back in :)

militarist March 14th, 2010 04:40 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Ermor to the pool

Zeldor March 14th, 2010 09:49 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Hmm... I think I have time. I will throw in hmm... T'ien Ch'i.

Alpine Joe March 14th, 2010 02:13 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I'll join and throw in Marverni.

Burnsaber March 15th, 2010 03:12 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I'm in.

I'll throw Kailaisa to the pool. (We are going to run out of weak/mid level nations soon :D)

One thing about CPCS though. The "Celestial Ice" spell should be removed from the compilation mod of this game, I've meant to do a update replacing that spell for a long time, but I'm getting interrupted by new projects all the time. The Celestail Ice can be really annoying from time to time because the chill clouds kill your own troops and the AI really likes to spam it if you give it the chance to do so.

If someone is really bothered by a lack of W/S spell, I could whip something up quickly.

Euarchus March 15th, 2010 07:00 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Hi, this would be my first multiplayer, but I'd love to give it a go. I'd like to add Pangea to the mix. Thanks.

Zeldor March 15th, 2010 09:39 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
And someone should check for conflicts and spell limit. I could never get CPCS + CBM to work together. And now it's llamas new mod.

Gregstrom March 15th, 2010 09:53 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Spell limit should be fine - Unsanity had a bunch more spells in mods than Lunar Sea does. Other conflicts will exist, but I expect I'll be using a mod combiner script to help resolve that.

Gregstrom March 15th, 2010 10:24 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
PS: Euarchus - your account is pretty new and doesn't appear to have PMs enabled. Could you make sure they are turned on? PMs are one of the main avenues of diplomacy in MP games, and you'll probably benefit from being able to receive them.

Apsophos March 15th, 2010 11:29 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I'd like to join this game, adding Tir na n'Og to the nations list.

Gregstrom March 15th, 2010 11:55 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Ooh, a hint of sadism :)

Apsophos March 15th, 2010 12:05 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I actually thought about adding some giant nation. I chose TNN because I played them recently. Oh wait, I'm still playing them, I'm not dead yet.

Hmm, I thought about adding R'lyeh too :p

Euarchus March 15th, 2010 01:45 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Okay, I think I've enabled them. Once you've run the mod-combining script, could you post the mod(s) locations? I've got the Endgame and CBM but am having a little trouble finding the others. Cheers.

pyg March 15th, 2010 08:57 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Euarchus (Post 735677)
Okay, I think I've enabled them. Once you've run the mod-combining script, could you post the mod(s) locations? I've got the Endgame and CBM but am having a little trouble finding the others. Cheers.

Gregstrom asked me to roll the mod. Here it is and since it's so simple I don't expect there to be any problems but I have not tested it much. You do not need to download any of the mods as they are all included in this one. You do have to disable ALL other mods when using this one.


Nations: 0
Monsters: 166
Magic Sites: 172
Weapons: 64
Armor: 30
Spells: 97
TGAs: 172

Balaskar March 15th, 2010 11:36 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I'll sign up if you don't mind having a noob playing with you (this will be my second mp game). I'll add Lanka to the nation list

Gregstrom March 16th, 2010 12:22 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Lanka? A powerhouse enters the nation mix... That'll make things interesting.

Graeme Dice March 16th, 2010 12:51 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Hmmm. I'm in. Let's throw Yomi into the pot.

GameExtremist March 16th, 2010 06:36 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness

Gregstrom March 17th, 2010 02:11 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
11 players is looking pretty good. I won't close the game just yet, but I think it's time to look at maps. Any suggestions?

Dimaz March 17th, 2010 03:16 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I tried to resist for 2 days but I failed.
Ctis to the pot.

Ossa March 17th, 2010 03:23 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Might I still join as Sauromatae?

Gregstrom March 17th, 2010 03:28 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness

Originally Posted by Ossa (Post 735875)
Might I still join as Sauromatae?

You can still join, certainly. And you could even give someone else the chance of playing Sauro, should you so wish.

Map-wise, Shahrivar seems about right for size. I think the one without pre-set sites would be a good plan, though.

Herr Heimlich March 17th, 2010 04:14 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I suppose, this might not be a game suitable for Beginners in Dom3 Multiplayer? Even so, if there is still room, I´d like to join with Hinnom, have got to learn the ropes sometimes after all :D

Gregstrom March 17th, 2010 04:46 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Greetings Herr Heimlich. As with Ossa, you might wish to read the first post carefully. There are beginners in the game already, so I'm not about to prevent you from joining.

militarist March 17th, 2010 06:08 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Ossa, Herr Heimlich.. re-read first post, and resend your idea of the race you want to add to the pool of races. The only reason the game can be hard for newbie is that you will play for some of weakest nations you maybe never tried to play at all.

Zeldor March 17th, 2010 07:06 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I vote against Shahrivar. I played on it, it's not balanced. Looks nice, but not so great for MP. Wraparound would be best. How many players do we have?

Gregstrom March 17th, 2010 12:31 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Okay, Shahrivar's out. We have 12-14 players, depending on whether Herr Heimlich/Ossa get back to us. So we're looking at 180-210 land provs I think. I think I'll ban water nations at this point.

On another note:

There are enough players that it could be worth trying a Pantheon victory condition.

This is an untried idea, so I'm not inclined to put too many hard and fast rules into it - if you aren't sure why, see Overlords. The skeleton of the idea is this:

Victory doesn't have to be awarded to a single player - it can be given to a pantheon of Pretenders. A pantheon is basically a team, but it isn't pre-set at the start of the game and it can change freely during the course of the game.

In other words, everyone starts the game as an individual player and people can then group up during the game and win as a team if they wish.

In each pantheon there is a pecking order - pantheon members are ranked. The player in the number 1 slot is the Ruler of the Gods (or whatever title he wants) and gets to set the ranks of the other pantheon members and/or expel them from the pantheon.

You can leave a pantheon at any time, and you can be a member of as many pantheons as you like. Pantheon membership isn't a NAP.

A pantheon can win by acclamation, or by being the only pantheon remaining. One pantheon can't be a subset of another pantheon - you can plot to overthrow the ruler of the gods all you like, but if you're going to act on it you'll have to officially rise up against him.

Diplomacy would be extremely Machiavellian if we did this.

Thoughts, everybody?

Herr Heimlich March 17th, 2010 05:08 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness

Originally Posted by militarist (Post 735894)
Ossa, Herr Heimlich.. re-read first post, and resend your idea of the race you want to add to the pool of races. The only reason the game can be hard for newbie is that you will play for some of weakest nations you maybe never tried to play at all.

Re-read it. Always up for a challenge, even if Ulm or some of the others may come my way :D

The idea of "Pantheon Victory" sounds fascinating. But wouldn´t Pantheon Membership needed to be announced in some way for everyone?

Edit: Oh, and after some consideration, I´d like to change the nation I submit to the pool to Vanheim.

Gregstrom March 17th, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Pantheon membership should probably be recorded somewhere, to keep things honest. Maybe sent to a neutral third party, if one is available of course. Or possibly to a specially created email account somewhere.

On the other hand... what benefit does anybody get from being dishonest about pantheon membership?

Euarchus March 18th, 2010 07:41 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Pantheon stuff sound good. How about Cradle of Dominion for the map? It has lots of choke points which should make things interesting.

Herr Heimlich March 18th, 2010 08:31 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Edit2: Okay, all resolved.
On a sidenote. Does the Community Sprite Update Mod and the Streamers & Standards Mod work online regardless?

Zeldor March 18th, 2010 10:42 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I am not sure if we want to make it even more complicated. So many new mods to learn and adding advanced victory conditions on top of that? But I have nothing against newer players allying against stronger :)

Dimaz March 18th, 2010 12:19 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
I think I'm somewhat against Pantheons, but I'll stay in both cases.

Alpine Joe March 18th, 2010 03:55 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
With so many new mods flying around, I am against the idea of pantheons. Hell, I played in Unsanity 1 and I still feel like I need time to practice with CPCS and Holy war, let alone endgame diversity mod.

Gregstrom March 19th, 2010 11:00 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Right. Standard victory conditions then. Any other map ideas?

Zeldor March 19th, 2010 11:07 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
Glory of the Gods? but I always have bad MP luck on it :P How many players do we have finally?

Dimaz March 19th, 2010 04:37 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness
When our nations are going to be assigned? I'll need some testing after that and the weekend is the best time for it.

Gregstrom March 20th, 2010 04:30 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Nation assignments are now up.

Obvious map choices are Glory or Cradle.

Llamaserver has something called Eight Gates which might work, too.

Burnsaber March 20th, 2010 04:33 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Is trading nations allowed?

Gregstrom March 20th, 2010 04:49 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I hadn't thought much about it, but it feels like it'd dilute the effects of random assignment rather.

Burnsaber March 20th, 2010 05:04 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 736373)
I hadn't thought much about it, but it feels like it'd dilute the effects of random assignment rather.

Okay, no biggie. I'll just deal with Sauromatia.


Herr Heimlich March 20th, 2010 07:34 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yeah, Tir´Na´Nog, Treehuggers, woohooo :D

Anyway, I´d vote for Glory of Dominions (Multiplayer). Looks better than 8Gates and has not gotten so much provinces that the Game might never come to a close.

Zeldor March 20th, 2010 07:57 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Who put Sauro into the pool? And how can someone complain about getting one of the best nations in the game? :P Too bad I can't trade it from you :P

Hmm... Abysia, that's new. I wanted to play them for a while though, should be fun.

Zeldor March 20th, 2010 08:00 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
BTW, is Endo's site mod fixed? I've heard bad stories about that, like recruitable mages with autocast Darkness etc. Also people reported that it lowers the amount of magic sites appearing, even by 20-30% from what you should get [that it felt like 35%, not 55%] - if it's true, we should increase magic sites settings.

Dimaz March 20th, 2010 11:59 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Tried some tests and there are some issues with the mods. I used the one from page 2 (combined lunarsea mod) and found holy site named "Holy Site" allowing to recruit monsters 2950-2956 (4 types, 2 units and 2 commanders) with base stats and no name.
Also, holy healing Lanka demons by blessers is fun.

pyg March 20th, 2010 12:17 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for testing, good catch! Here is a fixed version.


Originally Posted by Dimaz (Post 736415)
Tried some tests and there are some issues with the mods. I used the one from page 2 (combined lunarsea mod) and found holy site named "Holy Site" allowing to recruit monsters 2950-2956 (4 types, 2 units and 2 commanders) with base stats and no name.
Also, holy healing Lanka demons by blessers is fun.

Zeldor March 20th, 2010 03:23 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Hmm... I think there are some problems still. I summoned Guardian of the First Flame and he has no description at all. And no abilities [maybe he shouldn't have?] and just Fist attack.

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