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chrispedersen April 1st, 2010 11:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hosting: Llamaserver
Map: Crown (modified Riverlands) attached.

Turns: 24 hours for first 10. +8 hours every 10 thereafter. Or as proposed and accepted by a majority.
CBM: 1.6.

Liberal delays, no rollbacks. This will be a Baalz good player pledge game: you will be asked and expected to play till the end, to the best of your ability. If you drop out, you will be shamed in thread !

Should a player stale one turn in three, we will endeavor to postpone the game should a second stale seem likely. During this time we will look for a replacement player. The first player will be eligible to continue so long as he responds prior to a replacement player submitting a turn.

Please remember that there are liberal delays. Please, be courteous to your competitors, and ask in thread.

Victory Points: The victory points mechanism in game is not useable. Still I've grown rather attached to the concept of victory points. IF the game is won by accumulated victory points, it means players may be less likely to knock out players.
So, even players that are not in the running to win, may be in a position to influence the game, and will have the ability to experiment with mid/endgame spells, tactics et.

We merely institute a system where all players must self report. Failure to report means no VP earned. Either way, VP's will be reported here in the opening post. Balbarians map has 12 vp total. I therefor propose to make the VP condition 100 vps.

Using the Riverlands module I would propose to make the center island and all five water provinces victory provinces. Each province would additionally be guaranteed a site for one gem type.

Special Game Rule: No fortifying these victory points.

............126, 101, 81.
Turn 31.....Ver.....
Turn 32.....Ver..Ver
Turn 33.....Ver..Ver..Ver
Turn 34.....Ver..Ver..Ver

Turn 44.....81 101 105
Turn 45 81 101 105
Turn 46 81 101 105
Turn 47 81 105
Turn 48 81 105
Turn 49 ????
Turn 50 81 101: Ermor; 105 Ver
Turn 51 101, 124, 83 Ermor 105 Ver
Turn 52 105 Ver
Turn 53 105 Ver
Total Vp: Ver:53 Grounds 5

Current bids:

TC: 12 (Wilbur).........email address received.....................Dead!
Pangea: 8 (Legolas).....email address received.....................Dead!
TNN: 0 (Pablomatic)..........FakeyMcFake
Ermor: 0 (Grounds)......... Now played by StaggerLee
Marverni: 10 (Two Bits).....email address received
Yomi 3 (debaser)........email address received
Hinnom: 45 (pyg).......email address received
Niefle: 25 (Cammorak)...........email address received.....................Dead!
Kailasa: 15 PeaceKeeper;iamofage.......Now played by Maerlande.
Lanka: 25 (Alpine Joe) replaced by rmcolosimo.....................Dead!
Helheim :15 (Hoplosternum)
Abysia : 0 DrP .......email address received
Arcos : 5 Verjigorm...............email address received

Good luck..

GrudgeBringer April 1st, 2010 11:58 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Chris, you want to play...I will inspect the Pretenders, and do whatever you need me to do...I would love to play but am in too amny now .

militarist April 2nd, 2010 01:13 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
What a perfect approach. Unfortunately struck in too many games now already, but I believe such nation auction is a must for all games.

Willburn April 2nd, 2010 07:25 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
If I can play: T'ien Ch'i: 388.

Quitti April 2nd, 2010 07:33 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
By looking at the nation list, I presume this is an EA game. What are the rules on diplomacy? What about other settings such as site frequency? Victory conditions?

legolasjrt April 2nd, 2010 07:44 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Is EA Game?
I used Pangea.

Grounds April 2nd, 2010 08:54 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
I would love to sign-up for a game.

I'll take Ermor at the starting bid of 400.

Let me know if that's right or if I need to do anything else to play the game.

pyg April 2nd, 2010 10:15 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
I'll bid 355 on Hinnom.

I'm a bit surprised (based on posts elsewhere) that you rate Hinnom and Sauromatia the same.

Belac April 2nd, 2010 10:31 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
The HoF is not a good measure of nations' strength. While nations with many wins are generally stronger than nations with fewer, nation popularity does play a significant role.

Also, how would this work with the game engine? You can only get 400 design points by going dormant, so an Ermor(400 points) who wants an awake god would be restricted to Sauromatia(355)-level god power.

Baalz April 2nd, 2010 10:57 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Yomi: 400

TwoBits April 2nd, 2010 11:53 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Crap Baalz, Yomi was looking good to me at 400. It's always surprised me how much folks hate on Yomi, while I've liked them since even before CBM made the cheaper. I suspect your looking to make a worthy guide for these guys? I'd be all for that.

Well, since Yomi is off the table, I'll pretend I have a chance, and go for Marverni at the suggested 390.

(or, could I bid 399 for Yomi, and steal them from Baalz? is that how this is working?)

LoloMo April 2nd, 2010 01:33 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Should probably set some minimum step bid, for example, a lower bid should be at least 20 lower than the lowest bid, to be able to settle the auction in a reasonable time.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 02:31 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 738498)
By looking at the nation list, I presume this is an EA game. What are the rules on diplomacy? What about other settings such as site frequency? Victory conditions?

I'm neutral on most other things. The usual victory conditions are capitols, with half +1 required.

I personally prefer accumulated vp on non fortified victory provinces (this tends to keep more players in the game). But I am willing to go with majority desires.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 02:41 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Baalz: Excellent choice
TwoBits: Yes, you may bid lower than baalz.

Belac: Good point. I will change the auction process somewhat, so that the points bid will be the points that must remain, and I will lift the original idea of a dormant or imprisoned pretender. First post is updated with the current rules.

Pyg: I do view hinnom, and ashdod especially as stronger than any other nations. I also view the handicaps for sauromatia, and hinnom as under representative of their true strength.

However, this is a game, and I believe that *more* choices are a good thing. Starting bids are just that - starting. In this case all players are free to bid down on hinnom, figure out how to deal with hinnom in game, or gank him with diplomacy.

Grudgebringer: Thank you! I accept!

Pablomatic April 2nd, 2010 02:42 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
I would be new to multi-player, but I feel I qualify as fairly experienced in SP (3 yrs) and have read all the strategy guides on the forums for advice, etc.

If you'll have me, I am anxious to try Tir na n'og for 400 pts. I think I can put up a fight.

I understand if you don't want someone you don't know in your experienced players game, but let me know one way or the other please.

GrudgeBringer April 2nd, 2010 02:58 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Just let me know what/when/how you want it done...and I'll take care of it.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 03:06 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Lolo: I would like to get vigorous bidding on nations. If it looks as if the auction is going to go too long, I will institute a minumum step. But for now... its 1.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 03:14 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Certainly .. you are welcome to play Pablomatic. As a new player, I'd like to give you extra points .. but that hasn't gone over well historically. Maybe if the auction concept catches on, next time.

pyg April 2nd, 2010 03:20 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 738573)
Pyg: I do view hinnom, and ashdod especially as stronger than any other nations. I also view the handicaps for sauromatia, and hinnom as under representative of their true strength.

Hmmm, I thought the point was to handicap them relative to their true strength. Also I should be listed as having bid 45 on Hinnom.

I agree with LoloMo that there should be a bid increment. 10-20 sounds about right to me.

Pablomatic April 2nd, 2010 04:04 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Thank you chrispederson. Very welcoming of you.

I would feel funny taking extra points. Let me take my chances with all the rest. I might get outbid anyway.

I assume I keep checking back here about the bidding, and then you send server info once we're ready to start.

Grounds April 2nd, 2010 09:56 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
I'm sorry, but I only seem to be able to get 350 points to spend on my god when I go to test. How do I give myself more points to work with.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 10:13 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Oh. Grounds, you will definitely want to look under the strategy index for hints on how to play ermor.

That being said, you get additional points by under awakening choosing to make your pretender either asleep or imprisoned.

I've changed the bidding somewhat, however right now your bid is 0 and ermor - meaning that you do not have to leave any points left over.

However, if someone out bids you, you will = )

Squirrelloid April 3rd, 2010 05:20 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
lol@Agartha not starting at 0.

Hell, Agartha should be given a handicap. Not that I know how you'd actually implement such a thing, but starting at -50 seems fair.

Verjigorm April 3rd, 2010 12:21 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
I'll bid 395 for Arcoscephale.

chrispedersen April 3rd, 2010 01:09 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 738463)
The premise of the game is that some nations are way strong; playing with these nations is an advantage.

To level the playing field players will have reduced points to build their pretenders, depending on their hall of fame strength with certain exceptions.

Signups will not be first come first serve, they will be lowest bidder wins.

Points bid are the points that must remain unspent on your pretender design screen and will be verified by the game administrator (at this point, grudge).

Sauromatia: 45
Caelum: 30
Niefelheim: 25
Fomoria: 25
Lanka: 20
Mictlan: 20
C'tis: 18
Helheim: 15
Hinnom: 45
Kailasa: 15
T'ien Ch'i: 12
Vanheim: 12
Ulm: 10
Marverni: 10
Pangaea: 8
R'lyeh: 7
Argatha: 5
Arcoscephale: 5
Yomi: 0
Oceania: 0
Ermor: 0
Abysia: 0
Tir na n'Og: 0
Atlantis: 0

Hosting: Llamaserver
Turns: 24 hours for first 10. +8 hours every 10 thereafter. Or as proposed and accepted by a majority.
CBM: 1.6.

Liberal delays, no rollbacks. Map will be as desired by participants. This will be a Baalz good player pledge game: you will be asked and expected to play till the end, to the best of your ability. If you drop out, you will be shamed in thread !

In an effort to keep the game interesting for those on the losing end, I propose that there will be approximately 4 victory points. Victory will be earned by he that accumulates 150 victory points.

Special Game Rule: No fortifying these 4 victory points.

Current bids:

TC: 12 (Wilbur)
Pangea: 8 (Legolas)
TNN: 0 (Pablomatic)
Ermor: 0 (Grounds)
Marverni: 10 (Two Bits)
Yomi: 3 ChrisPedersen Previous Yomi: 0 (Baalz)
Hinnom: 45 (pyg)

Arco: 5 Verjigorm

If you outbid someone, please let them know in the interests of fairplay and keeping the bidding moving quickly!

Cammorak April 3rd, 2010 08:39 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Sounds like a great premise. I'm in the same boat as Pablomatic as far as experience goes. Regardless, let's see how the big blue morons fare with a bit of the wind out of their sails.

Niefelheim at 25

chrispedersen April 4th, 2010 10:58 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!

To get a good competitive game we need bids, players.. pass the news to your friends, neighbors... If we don't get any bids for 36 more hours we'll go as is.. but I really would like to get a few bids and players in!

Peacekeeper April 4th, 2010 01:27 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
id like to buy Kailasa for 15.

Alpine Joe April 4th, 2010 02:16 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
I will buy Lanka for 25

Hoplosternum April 4th, 2010 03:26 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
I can take another game. And this one looks interesting. Having blown my earlier attempt at playing helheim I would like another try :) So I'll bid 15 for them.

DrPraetorious April 4th, 2010 08:52 PM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Ermor 0.

OOPS! Um, okay... I'll take Abysia for the base bid of 0.

chrispedersen April 5th, 2010 01:13 AM

Re: New Game - Countdown - Signups!
Excellent DrP!

I'm really pleased (and surprised) about the number of 'weaker' nations being played. Interesting!

Guys please check back to check your bids...

Willburn April 5th, 2010 05:52 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Check your bids
My bid is ok. 12 point deduction from my starting points. Good luck to all and I pledge to be a good multiplayer and not quit when im opposed. I will make sure to fight to the last province.

Verjigorm April 5th, 2010 08:04 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Check your bids
My bid (Arco: 5) hasn't been appended to the original post.

legolasjrt April 5th, 2010 09:22 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Check your bids
My bid is ok. 8 points.

Peacekeeper April 5th, 2010 10:25 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Check your bids
good to go on kailasa.

thejeff April 5th, 2010 12:42 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
I can't join in, but either I don't understand cumulative victory points or your condition doesn't work.
IIRC, cumulative victory points are awarded once a year at midsummer, with only 4 pts, even if someone had them all by the first midsummer and kept them it would take 150/4*12 = 450 turns to win.

legolasjrt April 5th, 2010 12:42 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
Pangea is Send

chrispedersen April 5th, 2010 03:44 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 738998)
I can't join in, but either I don't understand cumulative victory points or your condition doesn't work.
IIRC, cumulative victory points are awarded once a year at midsummer, with only 4 pts, even if someone had them all by the first midsummer and kept them it would take 150/4*12 = 450 turns to win.

Thanks for the heads up, thejeff. I will investigate and adjust the vp parameters as/if appropriate. Thanks.

Cammorak April 5th, 2010 11:40 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
Sent Niefel at -25

TwoBits April 6th, 2010 09:53 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
Are will still in the bidding process (I see chrispedersen has outbid Baalz for Yomi, and Baalz had yet to come back with a counter offer)?

Or do we need to start emailing in our pretenders soon (and it seems some have already started?)?

pyg April 6th, 2010 10:24 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders

Originally Posted by TwoBits (Post 739137)
Are will still in the bidding process (I see chrispedersen has outbid Baalz for Yomi, and Baalz had yet to come back with a counter offer)?

Or do we need to start emailing in our pretenders soon (and it seems some have already started?)?

I'm waiting to hear that bidding is closed before working on a pretender.

Verjigorm April 6th, 2010 01:29 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
I had assumed bidding was closed when uploading began.

I have sent Arco @ -5.

Willburn April 6th, 2010 04:25 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
I am waiting for the bid to be officialy ended before I upload a pretender.

Cammorak April 6th, 2010 08:34 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
I guess I jumped the gun a little bit with the pretender. Still good practice to design under constraint though, I suppose.

chrispedersen April 7th, 2010 09:08 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Couple more ok; Pretenders
Hey guys..

I was really trying to wait to give Baalz a chance to bid some more. Now I feel kind of bad, as I wanted him in the game. However, I PM'd him and delayed the bidding with no response, so further delays are unwarranted.

So, yes, bidding is closed. According to Grudge we have 6 players submitting their pretenders already (and no one failed from their bid!).

Please read the opening post; map information and victory points information has been updated. Information as posted is a draft, awaiting comment.

I'd like to get pretenders in by Fri, EST.

pyg April 7th, 2010 10:22 AM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
While presumably having great balance, I find the map to be aesthetically challenging.

Verjigorm April 7th, 2010 01:22 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 739319)
While presumably having great balance, I find the map to be aesthetically challenging.

I wholeheartedly agree, with no offense to the author of the map whose intention was to create an obviously fair map. However, since a map is simply a collection of nodes in a tree, it would be possible to perturb said nodes in order to attain a happy medium whereby fairness could be assured while at the same time acquiring a greater semblance of natural beauty. I have been thinking of attempting such a thing, but have not yet had the time, patience, or inclination to do so.

On examining the map file itself, it's natural symmetry does not afford equality of start conditions as one might imagine. Starting points can still vary by great degree and certain points are better suited to production than others. Therefore, it is still quite reasonable to state that, upon starting, some nations will, by virtue of their position, be given an advantage thereby.

chrispedersen April 7th, 2010 02:10 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
Any position, by virtue of luck will be inherently unequal.
That said, if someone has a suggestion for maps, I'm all ears.

We're looking for 12 player map, relatively balanced. Suggestions?

pyg April 7th, 2010 02:31 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 739371)
Any position, by virtue of luck will be inherently unequal.
That said, if someone has a suggestion for maps, I'm all ears.

We're looking for 12 player map, relatively balanced. Suggestions?

Yeah, I hate to be negative without offering an alternative, but I did look a bit and couldn't find anything appropriate. Pasha's maps are usually well balanced but they are all too big (Greecestain is close). CoD is the right size m/l but not balanced at all. I'd be OK playing on a random map, and I'd be OK playing on Arena but it will take more intoxicants.

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