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Groundworm July 10th, 2010 08:21 PM

(Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Monkey Paradise

Late age
Newbs only
10 players
Mods: CBM 1.6
Map: Cradle of Dominion
Renaming allowed
All other settings standard
Score graphs off
Ermor and R'lyeh are banned
Diplomacy is binding

Hosting on Llamaserver

Turns will initially be on a 24-hour timer, which can be increased as needed when turns start to take too long.

1) Midgard- Groundworm
2) Mictlan- Hrum
3) Marignon- mockingbird
4) Bogarus- Dark Kitty
5) Arcoscephale- AngelSong
6) C'tis- XuanZue
7) Jomon- Bonfire
8) T'ien Chi- Allium
9) Gath- don Pablo
10) Abysia- Inindo

mockingbird July 10th, 2010 08:23 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I would like to join this game as Marignon, please.

Hrum July 10th, 2010 08:34 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I'd like to join as Mictlan please.

Dark Kitty July 10th, 2010 09:00 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I would like to join as Bogarus please (as long as you don't mean 'first time players' by 'newb' as I played in 5-6 MP already)

AngelSong July 10th, 2010 10:30 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I want to join as Arcoscephale,May Old kingdom long live.

XuanZue July 10th, 2010 10:32 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
i want to play with c'tis.

Groundworm July 10th, 2010 10:50 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
We're filling up fast! Welcome, everyone! Yes, Dark Kitty, 5-6 MP games is fine. Updating the list now.

Bonfire July 10th, 2010 11:35 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
May I have Jomon please.

Allium July 10th, 2010 11:47 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I would like to play as Tien Chi.

MadFrancis July 11th, 2010 12:14 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I'd like to play Man.

don_Pablo July 11th, 2010 12:28 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I'd like to take the last slot if nobody minds.
I choose a nation a bit later.

Inindo July 11th, 2010 01:01 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
D'oh, just a bit too slow. If you can squeeze in an 11th I would love to try Abysia, if not no worries.

MadFrancis July 11th, 2010 05:41 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I have to withdraw, sorry.

don_Pablo July 11th, 2010 06:02 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I'll try Gath

Numahr July 11th, 2010 09:48 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I'd like to play Pangea if possible

13lackGu4rd July 11th, 2010 10:32 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I'll take Utgard, but only if game won't start until next weekend. will be out town before that, so it'll be hard to start a game...

Groundworm July 11th, 2010 01:55 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise)- new LA game- NEWBS ONLY
I updated the list. Game is now full; apologies to Numahr and 13lackGu4rd who didn't make it in time, and thanks to everyone who joined- I did not expect that the game would fill up within 8 or so hours of me posting it!

Some of the other players have emailed me privately with time constraints this week. Therefore, I will aim to start the game probably on Friday. That should give us some time to create pretenders and decide on strategy.

Good luck, and enjoy the game!

Hrum July 13th, 2010 01:00 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY- (now full, game starting 7/16)
Whoever just cast Storm in NY, quit it! Umbrella useless. Soo drenched! :P

In other news, I pestered Groundworm and my understanding is that he had some minor technical difficulties, but it sounds like they're pretty much resolved. I got the impression that he'll have the game up on Llamaserver shortly so we can start uploading our pretenders. I hope..?


/me behaves like Ed Gruberman


"Yeah, yeah, patience. How long will that take?"


Groundworm July 13th, 2010 02:41 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY- (now full, game starting 7/16)
The game is up on llamaserver. Upload your pretenders whenever you're ready, and I'll start the game once everyone is in.

Hrum July 13th, 2010 10:10 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY- (now full, game starting 7/16)
FYI, for anyone who hasn't done one of these Llamaserver games before (ie. like me, since this is my first) there's a FAQ here on the Shrapnel forums on what to do:

Llamaserver FAQ

Just got done reading it myself. :)

And our game on Llamaserver is:


Groundworm July 16th, 2010 02:09 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
The game has now started, you should have already received the first turn. Enjoy!

mockingbird July 16th, 2010 03:21 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Dominions crashes when I try to load the trn file I was just sent. This is under MacOS 10.5.8. The trn file is in


The only immediately obvious difference between the trn file I received and the ones saved by my SP games is that the one from llamaserver has extended attributes.

This is my first time playing with llamaserver, so the help of more experienced players would be appreciated to resolve this problem.


Dark Kitty July 16th, 2010 04:40 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I am not familiar with MacOS but it is more or less based on Unix, the program trying to access a file it has no rights over might be shut down by the system? Does your file has the right rights and/or owner/group? (man chown/chmod/chgrp for more info)

mockingbird July 16th, 2010 05:05 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think that's it, as it has the same permissions as all of my other saved games:

ls -alt@ late_marignon.trn
-rw-r--r-- 1 username 502 94922 Jul 16 13:58 late_marignon.trn

I removed (or so it seems) the extended attribute using
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine late_marignon.trn

I also tried grabbing the attachment again and just opening it directly with dominions, to no avail.

Hrum July 16th, 2010 05:22 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Just to confirm, you're running the latest patch level (Dominions 3.24) with CBM 1.6 enabled (in the mod preferences screen), correct?

One thing you could try: Put up your own 2 player test game on Llamaserver with just you and an AI and see if it works. Try it with this map, and maybe try one with a different map. Or you could try a local game on your machine with this map (I hope it's not the map!).

Allium July 16th, 2010 05:35 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Yeah, I found out when I tried to play my first turn that I'd forgotten to update to 3.24, so that's worth a check.

mockingbird July 16th, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Okay, my problem seems to be solved.

I will decline to describe what the issue was because I don't want to embarrass myself any more than I already have. :)

Hrum July 17th, 2010 01:39 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Sorry for the slacking on getting my 1st turn in. I'm travelling this weekend, and while I think I should be fine with the 24 hour timer I may end up using more of it than would otherwise be necessary for these quick starting turns.

I'll be back home Monday night (and will then need to look for new excuses for my slacking). :)

Dark Kitty July 28th, 2010 12:36 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
The nation of Bogarus is interested in getting nature, many other types are available in exchange.

Inindo July 28th, 2010 02:26 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Whoa, just noticed that Bogarus Starlets are pretty awesome with 12 research for only 250 gold each... I'm jealous. Any chance you would be interested in fire gems?

Dark Kitty July 29th, 2010 05:15 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
No thanks, I have enough fire for now :)

EDIT : oops, I just realized I didn't verify my previous post before sending it : it should read "the nation of Bogarus is interested in earth and nature gems"

Groundworm July 29th, 2010 05:00 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Alas, of earth and nature gems I have none to spare.

And yes, Inindo- the Starets are awesome for many reasons, the 12 RP being among them!

Inindo July 30th, 2010 12:25 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
i think the hosting issue is server wide, all the games on llama server were "Last updated at 04:15 GMT on Friday July 30th"

Groundworm July 30th, 2010 01:11 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
You seem to be right about that Inindo. While this is unfortunate, I'm glad it's not just me. :)

Inindo August 3rd, 2010 09:06 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
The nation of Abysia is looking for any of the following:
-Earth gems
-Earth boots
-Dwarven hammer
Any nation willing to trade please contact us as we have some nice tantalizing offerings with which to trade (hopefully). In addition we offer a lifetime supply of free tanning and heat treatments for your troops ^_^

don_Pablo August 8th, 2010 06:28 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
My congratulations to Mictlan.
Gath went AI.

Inindo August 8th, 2010 09:06 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
With the fall of the first nation in the game, I would be in favor of extending the turn timer.

Groundworm August 9th, 2010 01:02 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Congratulations to Mictlan on first blood!

I've had no trouble with turn length myself. However, if more people are in favor of extending the turn length, I will do so.

Keep it at 24 hours? Increase to 36? 48? Let me know and I'll make the change.


mockingbird August 9th, 2010 04:17 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I am happy with the 24 hour schedule.

Of course, if other players feel that they need more time I think we should by all means accomodate them.

XuanZue August 11th, 2010 12:05 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
can you change host to 36 hours interval?

Groundworm August 11th, 2010 03:25 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Done- hosting interval increased to 36 hours.

Allow me to also take this opportunity to say that I will be out of town this weekend, from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. I should be able to take my turn Friday, after which (unless anyone objects) I will postpone the next turn until Sunday.

Apologies for the delay.

Groundworm August 13th, 2010 03:05 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I've submitted my turn, and will be leaving for the weekend shortly. I've postponed hosting until I return. Thanks again for your patience.

AngelSong August 19th, 2010 06:32 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Thunderstorm,lost my last chance.My honor nation destroy by abysia fire army.
I will be stand up atleast.

AngelSong August 19th, 2010 11:53 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
PS:Thanks Jomon and Abysia,I study lots thing.

Groundworm August 20th, 2010 03:20 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Are you going AI, AngelSong? Either way, well fought and I'm sure you gave Abysia and Jomon a valiant struggle!

Looks like that's 2 nations down.

Inindo August 20th, 2010 03:46 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
You fought with honor and resilience. For that, we shall add the names of your fallen to the eternal flaming light of Smuldercone where they shall shine for all time.

AngelSong August 21st, 2010 04:46 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I will stand up until all over.Arcoscephale people never gave up.

AngelSong August 26th, 2010 05:08 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
bye all.

Groundworm August 27th, 2010 12:20 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Farewell, AngelSong,

You fought a good fight. The nation of Arcoscephale will be long remembered.

Groundworm August 27th, 2010 12:24 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I notice that since the turn timer was increased to 36 hours, turns have been generated almost exactly every 36 hours. This is understandable every once in awhile, but for most of this game C'tis has been the last to submit their turn, and for just as long the turn has been submitted at the 36th hour.

I realize that we all have busy schedules and lives to attend to, but really? Waiting till the last minute every single turn is somewhat difficult to accept. Am I wrong in thinking this way?


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