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Fantomen August 22nd, 2010 05:18 AM

Warthog - running

Dark times had come to Sharivar. The once prosperous and peaceful world suffered from a grand vexation, a sense of great loss. It was as if a plague of mind and soul infested the very soil, spread with the wind, seeped through every crack and rathole from east to west, north to south. Brother turned against brother, children sat bored and hostile in the playgrounds, the elders stopped in the middle of a campfire tale, staring into the void, all stories forgotten. And soon the memories of better times began to fade. Happiness, lust, belief and courage became meaningless words, repeated like an abandoned baby sucks it's empty bottle to ease the pain.

But there where those who would seek, those who would not rest in hopeless content. And in the limbo new powers awakened, some good, some evil, or neither, all drawn by the vacuum of godlessness. They thrived on the seekers willing minds, grasped for the weak, the desperate. And everywhere in Sharivar there were those who stopped in their tasks, frozen in the moment of revelation. Straightening their crooked spines. Staring at their brethren with a new light in the eyes, the light of fanaticism.

And from the stuff of faith, the essence of dreams, the power of hope and despair, illusions became real, ideas began to take solid form...

Hey ho, another game!

I'm also posting this on the dom3mods fora here

Number of players: 12
Era: LA
Map: Sharivar
Mods: Conceptual balance, Endgame diversity, Worthy heroes 1.9
Settings:Sites 45, renaming on, graphs off, the rest are standard.
Diplomacy/metagame: Non-binding, roleplaying encouraged. Any metagame whining, blacklisting or similar wanky out of game BS will not be tolerated. (note that I'm a woman, and thus have absolutely no sense of mercy, regret or compromise)
House rules:Single commanders must not attack with the sole purpose of blocking army movement(i.e: scouts repeatedly stalling large armies etc.) No bogus orders, LaD must be used only for real battles etc. Be a good player, use common sense.

You may suggest changes, maps, and leave other input. I'll make the final decisions though. Same goes after game start, admin calls the shots.

The players:

Fantomen - Agartha, Ktonian dead
Nikelaos - Bogarus, Age of heroes
BvG - Ermor, Ashen empire
13lackGu4rd - Marignon, Conquerors of the sea :rip:
BigandScary- Ulm, Black forest :rip:
Ghoul31 - MidgÄrd, Age of men :rip:
Waterhazard - C'tis, Desert tombs
Diceman - Jomon, Human daimyos :rip:
Squirreloid - Abysia, blood of humans
Baalz - Patala, Reign of the nagas
Samulus - Man, Towers of Chelms :rip:
Dark kitty - R'lyeh, Dreamlands

Nikelaos August 22nd, 2010 05:53 AM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
I think I'll be the crazy one and choose Bogarus.

Fantomen August 22nd, 2010 06:09 AM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

I think Bogarus is quite awesome btw.

BvG August 22nd, 2010 12:05 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

I'd like to try Ermor.

13lackGu4rd August 22nd, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
I'll try Marignon. also, if we get enough players Sharivar is a great map for us to use. it's not a wrap around but its balanced and has seen plenty of MP games already...

Fantomen August 22nd, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!


I'd like to try Ermor.
You're in.

I have no problem with your nation choice as such, but as I see from your post count that you might be a new player, I'd like to note that Ashen empire is extremely micromanagement intensive. Also a bit tricky to leverage and you need to expect everyone to gang up on you. In short, it's not a nation I'd personally recommend for your first MP game. But do as you wish.

Welcome aboard 13lackGu4rd. Sharivar is not a bad choice, and I believe there is a version with more balanced special sites somewhere, right?

13lackGu4rd August 22nd, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
yeah, there are plenty of Sharivar versions on Llamaserver.

BigandScary August 22nd, 2010 01:06 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
damn, I was really hoping that I would be able to snag ermor, but with my preferred undead taken, I'd like to join as Ulm.

BvG August 22nd, 2010 01:07 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

Originally Posted by Fantomen (Post 755119)
I have no problem with your nation choice as such, but as I see from your post count that you might be a new player, I'd like to note that Ashen empire is extremely micromanagement intensive. Also a bit tricky to leverage and you need to expect everyone to gang up on you. In short, it's not a nation I'd personally recommend for your first MP game. But do as you wish.

I agree completely. But they're soooo totally weird, I just couldn't resist..

Alas I expect to be not more then an advanced independent, no matter what nation i try (and fail) to play, so I might as well have some weird undead fun :)

BigandScary August 22nd, 2010 01:26 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

I agree completely. But they're soooo totally weird, I just couldn't resist..

Alas I expect to be not more then an advanced independent, no matter what nation i try (and fail) to play, so I might as well have some weird undead fun :)[/quote]

They are cool, but for a new player they are often more of an unpleasant burden than fun. If you want to play them in a multiplayer game, I would suggest that you first play a game or 4 against the computer and that you read some guides, specifically Velusion's old guide(which technically no longer is accurate to the patched game version) but it is an awesome introduction to how Ermor plays.
Here is the link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35061

ghoul31 August 22nd, 2010 05:07 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

BvG August 22nd, 2010 05:17 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

Originally Posted by BigandScary (Post 755128)
They are cool, but for a new player they are often more of an unpleasant burden than fun. If you want to play them in a multiplayer game, I would suggest that you first play a game or 4 against the computer and that you read some guides, specifically Velusion's old guide(which technically no longer is accurate to the patched game version) but it is an awesome introduction to how Ermor plays.
Here is the link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35061

Oh I always play test games... actually i doubt there's anyone who does not at least shortly test if the scales and pretenders mix well with their current race. I mean, for people like me, testing is mandatory. At least until "grudged old forum coot" status is achieved.

I do like to read strat-guides and play troughs, and then do something completely different then advised. ;)

Nikelaos August 22nd, 2010 05:48 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!

Originally Posted by Fantomen (Post 755082)

I think Bogarus is quite awesome btw.

Yeah I love Bogarus, I really don't think they deserve their reputation as underpowered. I'll try to do em justice this game.

WaterHazard August 22nd, 2010 06:35 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
I'd like to sign up as C'tis.

Fantomen August 22nd, 2010 08:42 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
BigandScary, Ghoul31 and Waterhazard welcome aboard. We have also been joined by Diceman and Squirreloid over at dom3mods.

We now need just a few more players and then we'll start.

Game will host on Llamaserver PBEM btw.

BigandScary August 22nd, 2010 08:48 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
nice, I've always like llamaserver

Fantomen August 23rd, 2010 08:55 AM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
We have 9 players. So to play on Sharivar it would be ideal to have one more land nation plus possibly R'lyeh if someone wants them. That would give us about 16 provs each.

Hopefully those slots are filled tonight so I can create the game and hopefully get started tomorrow evening. Please get you pretenders ready for upload.

The first turn will be on 48h quickhost and then I'll put the game on 24h for the first 30 turns or so. If you know already that you'll need adjustments within the coming month please tell me now rather than the last minute if possible.

I'm thinking about whether we should have a victory condition of some kind to avoid getting one of those typically dom3esque tedious locked down endgames. Any suggestions?

Baalz August 23rd, 2010 02:09 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
I'll play Patala

Fantomen August 23rd, 2010 03:06 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-Recruiting!
Ok, signups closed. We got three more signups, one here and two at dom3mods, so I just need to sort it out if all three can play or not. More later. (after my daughter falls asleep, that is)

Fantomen August 23rd, 2010 03:12 PM

Re: Warthog-LA,CBM-filled
13 players on Sharivar is ok if one plays R'lyeh, right? In that case we have ourselves a gamein a few hours hopefully.

Fantomen August 23rd, 2010 06:57 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Game created, cheesy flavor text added, first post updated, strutty attention whoring admin post written.

Please upload your aspiring gods now.

Don't hesitate to post overly kliché and cheap roleplaying posts in italic text for our common amusement and waste of time.

PM me for any admin requests, expect about a days latency in response as I'm sometimes very busy.

Edit: Oh,yeah. One more thing. Graphs will be off. I forgot to write that in the OP, sorry. I hope you're all ok with that, I think it makes the game more interesting.

Squirrelloid August 23rd, 2010 07:42 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
I'll take Abysia I suppose.

Nikelaos August 23rd, 2010 08:46 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Vladmina, Goddess of Bogarus is in.

Squirrelloid August 24th, 2010 02:38 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Request, while it can still be changed. Strip out all the pre-set sites from Shahrivar, they're very asymmetrically distributed.

Fantomen August 24th, 2010 03:22 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
They are, but we are using a version where their power has been toned down to not imbalance the game too much. There is no discount or mage recruitment sites for example. And nothing too extreme in other areas either I think. So hopefully it won't be such a big deal.

That said, feel free to have a look at it and if you think it is still a big problems you may do a fixed version. The map can be changed without recreating the game so it's trivial for me to switch between finished map files. But I have never mapmodded and don't have time to do it before we start.

This is not a reason to not upload pretenders! Come on folks!

Squirrelloid August 24th, 2010 03:28 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
If you're using the 'balanced' map version, i'm pretty sure there are still preset 3-5 gem sites on teh map. Needless to say, this is not cool.

Fantomen August 24th, 2010 04:42 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
It's the one Burnsaber adjusted some time back. I've played a few MP games on this version, I personally think it is ok. I like the special sites. But I don't really care. You want to fix it? Just go ahead and I'll change it if you do it tonight.

Squirrelloid August 24th, 2010 08:56 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
If you really want to play with it with some set sites in, that's your perogative. But some starting spots are rather gem poorer than others based on pre-set sites alone. (In particular, the west end of the map seemed better off overall than the east end of the map, with the east center being notably bare.)

Fantomen August 25th, 2010 03:48 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
I'm not arguing your point, you're 100% correct in your statements. It's just that I think it's a minor problem and can't be arsed. As I said, I'm completely indifferent to the issue. It's much more important for me to get started asap.

Either fix it or don't fix it, whatever you wish, but I'd like to start the game today. End of discussion.

Squirrelloid August 25th, 2010 10:52 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Fantomen (Post 755359)
I'm not arguing your point, you're 100% correct in your statements. It's just that I think it's a minor problem and can't be arsed. As I said, I'm completely indifferent to the issue. It's much more important for me to get started asap.

Either fix it or don't fix it, whatever you wish, but I'd like to start the game today. End of discussion.

Ok, attached is the fixed map file. (Which is only zipped because shrapnel won't allow uploading of .map files).

All i did was delete the section of known sites of shahrivar. It took like 10 seconds. (Ok, i renamed the map too so it can be found). It uses the same .tga file as the burnsaber version.

The only person who needs this is Fantomen, so it can be uploaded to llamaserver and added to the game. But if you want a copy, whatever.

Fantomen August 25th, 2010 11:11 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
I wasn't aware it was that trivial actually. Couldn't open your .rar file on my mac so I edited the mapfile myself. So I have been completely wasting your (about 10 seconds) time I'm afraid. :o

Feel free to facepalm :p

Anyway, map switched. Now where are those last pretenders? Seriously, get them in today!

Squirrelloid August 25th, 2010 01:34 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
my pretender will have to get in tonight, sorry.

Squirrelloid August 26th, 2010 02:18 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Ok, pretender submitted, but, um... you do realize WH 1.9 includes a CBM 1.6 mod, right? And trying to use it and CBM 1.6 and it at the same time will work badly.

I should have looked before submitting my pretender. We'll probably need to restart.

Dark Kitty August 26th, 2010 04:29 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
The game seems to work (I just had to rename the .tga file "Shahrivar_Som.tga")

Fantomen August 26th, 2010 05:09 AM

Oh, I didn't realize they were rolled together:doh:

While it seems to work ok, I think it's better to be safe than sorry. Bug might turn up later on instead so...

...Game restarted with only WH 1.9 and EDM, please IGNORE THE FIRST TURN you got and use the second instead.

Now that should finally be the end of the hassles. Phew.

The timer has been extended for the first turn in order to avoid any first turn stales, please don't let that delay you.

Fantomen August 26th, 2010 06:45 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Pud Coughed in the smoke. Dizzy from the heavy fumes and struggling to think straight. The cavern was huge, and looked eerie with the slowly moving smoke trails clouding but every detail. When he moved his gestures caused the smoke to spin and flow into dreamy figures that lingered and danced like ghostly jesters, so he tried not to move.

In the middle of the cavern stood the enormous hookah, 18 feet high and richly decorated. And somewhere behind it in the fog, barely visible, lay the god Pothead, The patient one, on a huge divan.

It was always a test in itself to take orders directly from The patient one. The divine weed wasn't meant for ordinary men, and the fumes themselves brought Pug into a world unknown to him, where he couldn't tell what was real or not, and what words had been spoken and which were his own hallucinations. You never got a quick answer from Pothead, and when it came it was never short.

Pothead finally spoke:

- Yes my grace.

ghoul31 August 26th, 2010 07:33 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Where can I download the mod?

Squirrelloid August 26th, 2010 10:18 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Oh right, WH 1.9 was only posted on dom3mods because burnsaber has forsaken these fora.

Fantomen August 26th, 2010 04:23 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Oh right, sorry.


I made a link in the OP as well.

BvG August 26th, 2010 06:34 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
"What do you mean 'not dead'?'" The thunderous voice of their God echoed in the gigantic hall, even tho the roof had collapsed eons ago. It made the Acolytes shiver in fear, their bones rattling below their dried husks. Dusk elder Okedur grinned. It was the only facial expression he was able to perform.

He tried to explain "We are few and in great Peril, oh deadly one, ..." but the lord of exosceletal flies interrupted him: "Deadly is not the issue at hand!" - "Yes sire, but you see, the prophecy..." Okedur gestured vaguely to the grim looking altar on the west side of the Ruin. "The prophecy was not clear on..."

But the living are not as patient as the dead, especially when their godly blood is steaming in anger: "We WROTE the damned thing, and We remember specifically to only be called when everyone is dead." The god was now pacing fore and back. All that quick striding was unnerving the dusk elder, looking left and right all the time was bad for his dried neck. "Dead shall everything be, and the One shall arrive and be dead too" His angriness recited, "and Us too!" He underlined with dangerously lowered voice. "But here We are, fully alive ourself. How could that have happened?" His furrored browdom stared at the messenger of the inappropriately vivid news. "Begone foul Soul!" The god screamed at the dusk elder. His deadliness shortly stared at the small pile of dust that used to be the most powerful mage of Ermor.

"We will shape the world until it becomes as we want it." The god declared, pointing at one of the Lictors. "You! Go and kill some people, and don't stop until We are pleased." The lictor thus appointed to these new honours bowed. Then he turned around, looked at his small flock of followers, and grinned dispiritedly.

Nikelaos August 26th, 2010 07:24 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
The lands of Rus were once a chaotic battleground, rival princes leading their clans in hope of glory. Much to the pleasure of the now jubilant populace, order was restored to the land with the coming of the new faith and a new age, an age of heroes.

Today the first of these heroes was to be chosen, an intermediate between the people and the still slumbering goddess to whom they owed so much. Near the front stood the Eparches hoping to be rewarded for their service to the Goddess, further forward stood the Grand Princes; each smug with overflowing pride and confident in their chances, even more confident though was Alexej - the patriach of the faith and a former khlysty and occultist.

Alexej soon found himself disappointed, a divine spirit erupted from Vladmina, staring Alexej in the eyes the spirit turned away and drifted outside of the sacred home of the Goddess, embedding itself into the body of a lowly scout.

Gasps of sheer surprise thundered from the mystified crowds. The chosen one feeling holy power surge through his veins immediately collapsed on his knees to pray. Alexej gave a deep piercing glare before storming away, abandoning his duties. The nation of Bogarus will be missing the help of it's former religious leader, but has gained another. Many also believe this is not the last that shall be seen of the Patriach, perhaps he shall return to prove himself worthy.

Squirrelloid August 27th, 2010 10:32 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Come on Samulus, its turn 1, what's taking so long?

pyg August 27th, 2010 03:51 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
I think Samulus is a pretty cool guy, eh dos his turn last and doesn't afraid of anything.

Fantomen August 27th, 2010 05:50 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Samulus apparently had difficulties finding the map tga. :rolleyes: I helped him and now the second turn is finally out. Let's all help to keep a bit of tempo now shall we?

13lackGu4rd August 27th, 2010 06:07 PM

Re: Warthog - running
aye aye sir!

Nikelaos August 27th, 2010 06:48 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Wow, I did that whole aar roleplay thing about assigning a prophet, got thanked for it, and then got the new turn and realised I hadn't prophetised anyone... I suck.

Let's hope this one is accurate. Redemption time.


The time has come, a generous Prince offered a few Malaia Druzinha to fight for the goddess immediately... for a small price. Research has been begun by the starets to give them new ways to use their magical abilities to serve the goddess and the gears of war are finally in motion.

The 'donated' cavalrymen are grouped together with the city garrison under the command of Sviotoslav the voivode. Sviotoslav grew up as the child of an unsuccessful farmer who raised just enough money for his family to get by, he would be proud now to see his son; a commander of men, going forth to conquer in the name of the most holy Vladmina.

Sviotoslav himself was full of pride aswell as fervor. "Look now to the horizon men" he bellowed at the men under his command. "It is ours! Rus was once known as a land stricken by civil war, plagued by thieves and vagabonds. Today this changes, united now we march on to show the world the glory of Rus - a land of HEROES!" As the regiment roared in approval, Sviotoslav roared back louder. "Heroes of Rus, look now to the horizon, TAKE IT...IT'S YOURS!"

With the second cacophony of cheers they were off, marching to unknown lands without fear or hesitation.

Fantomen August 28th, 2010 12:04 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Pug stod on the battlefield, resting on the sword and gazing out over the scattered bodies. It had almost been to easy, the iron clad Agarthans shook off the rain of arrows as if it were no more than a light summer rain. And the infantry who stood before the archers had fallen like straw to the massive cave drakes and their stout riders.

Yet the smell of blood and atrocities of battle were new to Pug, well trained as he was he'd lived his life up until now in peaceful isolation underground. The surface world with all it's brightness and vivid colors made him squint and get dizzy. And the bloodshed made him feel sick, though he was careful to hide his feelings from the soldiers. It would get worse, that was for bloody sure, Pug could only hope he would harden with time.

Nikelaos August 28th, 2010 01:16 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Crossbow bolts slammed hard against the shields of bogarus' heroes, but they trudged on unwaveringly and slammed hard into the enemy line. At this point it seemed almost like a stalemate, with the men of Rus on having a mnor advantage.

This illusion was soon dispelled as the Druzinha looped around the edge of the battle field, charging at the leaders of the heretics. In one swift action the enemy force was decapitated and fell limp against the might of Rus.

Sviatoslav buried two brave heroes this day, a statistical triumph considering how many wicked ones were slain, but it was a personal defeat as these men had grown up with Sviatoslav and he had failed them. Already shaken by the horrors of war, Sviatoslav swore not to let their deaths be in vain, he would fight on for Rus so that it's heroes would always be remembered as such.

Squirrelloid August 28th, 2010 05:26 PM

Re: Warthog - running
From the journal of Mortal Kombat, prophet of Fatality:
mmm... blood

Squirrelloid August 29th, 2010 10:50 PM

Re: Warthog - running
ok, seriously, its turn 4. Samulus!!!!

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