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-   -   Trinity - Newbie game - Finished - Avari/Ulm wins! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46331)

Valerius September 17th, 2010 05:54 PM

Trinity - Newbie game - Finished - Avari/Ulm wins!
Due to popular demand, I'm starting up a third newbie game! Looking for players with 0-3 games experience for a friendly intro to Dominions MP, using standard mods and settings.

I wrote up an intro to Dominions MP and you may also be interested in some of the conversation from the Boot Camp thread.


Age: MA
Players: 8
Banned nations: water nations and Ashdod
Hosting: llamaserver - llamaserver FAQ is here
Hosting interval: 24 hours up to turn 20, 48 hours up to turn 40, 72 hours from then on
Mods: CBM 1.6 and EDM 1.1
Map: Parganos (dead seas version - this means you can conquer sea provinces but they will not provide gold/gem income)
Hall of Fame: 15
All other settings default

Note: Apparently PM's are turned off by default when you create your forum account. You'll want them on as this is a much quicker way to conduct diplomacy than the in-game message system.

Player Roster

Abysia - puntocom - UTC +1
Bandar Log - Marmaduke - UTC +2
C'tis - Drog the Destroyer - UTC +2
Caelum - iRFNA - UTC -6
Ulm - Avari - UTC +2
Jotunheim - Hylobius - UTC -5
Pangaea - Drog the Destroyer - UTC +2 (previously CarlixTomix)
Shinuyama - Ragnoff - UTC -5

Hylobius September 17th, 2010 07:22 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
I'll take Jotunheim please. Thanks for doing this Valerius.

puntocom September 17th, 2010 07:37 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!

I'm interested in this game, and i have a friend who is interested too, but he is registering in the forum now.

His name is CarlixTomix and he will with Pangea.
I will play with Abysia.


Ragnoff September 17th, 2010 10:13 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
I just got the game this week, I would love to try Fomoria for my First game if I may

iRFNA September 17th, 2010 10:15 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!

Originally Posted by Ragnoff (Post 758438)
I just got the game this week, I would love to try Fomoria for my First game if I may

Fomoria is EA :(

This game is set for MA, although I really don't care what age it is. You'll need an EA or all ages game to play fomoria.

Valerius September 17th, 2010 10:20 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
Hylobius, puntocom and CarlixTomix, you are all signed up.

Ragnoff, is there a middle age nation you'd be interested in?

Ragnoff September 17th, 2010 10:22 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
Yes, but I don't know what it is yet!

I will figure something out tonight

Valerius September 17th, 2010 10:24 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
Ok, I'll reserve a spot for you, nation TBD.

Ragnoff September 17th, 2010 10:52 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
I will take Shinuyama please

Marmaduke September 18th, 2010 07:22 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
Hello, I would like to play Bandar Log!

Drog the Destroyer September 18th, 2010 08:58 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
I'd like to join. I'll take C'tis.

Nightfall September 18th, 2010 08:58 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Recruiting!
Hi all,

If you still have a spot open, I'd love to give Pythium a go.

Valerius September 18th, 2010 01:51 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Marmaduke, Drog the Destroyer you are both signed up. Nightfall, sorry but I'm afraid Drog posted a few seconds before you.

I'll setup the game on the llamaserver soon.

Nightfall September 18th, 2010 06:12 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders

No problem.

Valerius September 19th, 2010 01:03 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Ok, the game is setup on the llamaserver and ready for pretenders.

Avari September 19th, 2010 01:53 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Pretender sent. As you can see from the roster, I'll be the one playing Ulm. Hello & good luck everyone!

Drog the Destroyer September 19th, 2010 02:19 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Pretender sent, this should be exciting - it's my first MP game.
Good luck everybody and a special thanks to Valerius for taking the time and effort to arrange this.

Ragnoff September 19th, 2010 02:27 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Pretender sent, Shinu here, may first multiplayer too!

Is there any way to get this map to take a look at (I know we have a non adjusted one, i would like the adjusted one),

The link on lamiaserver goes to a seemingly unrelated post.

iRFNA September 19th, 2010 02:43 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Alright, I'm in. Ragnoff, try this post.

Hylobius September 19th, 2010 03:39 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Jotunheim pretender sent. It's my first MP as well.

puntocom September 19th, 2010 06:08 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders

I sent my pretender, and my friend is doing it now!


Valerius September 19th, 2010 07:06 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Wow, you guys are quick! Already 7/8 pretenders in.

I turned off the autostart feature to avoid a mishap like we had in First Blood, where a pretender was submitted by someone who didn't sign up for the game. CarlixTomix, let me know when your pretender is in and I'll start the game.

Ragnoff September 19th, 2010 08:36 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
woot, all 8 signed up!

Valerius September 19th, 2010 08:52 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Ok, the game has begun! Have fun!

Puntocom, I don't see CarlixTomix on the list of forum members. Is he still waiting for his account to be approved? It would make diplomacy easier if everyone had a forum account so I just want to confirm that he will set one up.

And everyone please make sure that PMs are turned on (they are off by default when you create your account).

iRFNA September 19th, 2010 08:54 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
That's a lot of titles you've got on your pretender, c'tis.

You bastard.

Hylobius September 19th, 2010 09:28 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Caelum worships the pretender Sarah Palin, Lady of Chaos, Patron of Liars, Queen of Insects.

Half a mouthful of beer just came up my nose :D

Ragnoff September 19th, 2010 10:17 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
I had to read that 3 times to be sure of what I was seeing!

Ragnoff September 19th, 2010 10:36 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Are the province names virtually unreadable to anyone else? For me there are the same color as the map. Is it a setting I need to change?

iRFNA September 19th, 2010 10:50 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
I think it's the map file itself that determines that color? You can at least read the names up top if you select them...

And what's with the crowns? I found 5, do we gotta catch em all or something?

Valerius September 19th, 2010 11:16 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders

Originally Posted by Ragnoff (Post 758671)
Are the province names virtually unreadable to anyone else? For me there are the same color as the map. Is it a setting I need to change?


Originally Posted by iRFNA (Post 758673)
I think it's the map file itself that determines that color? You can at least read the names up top if you select them...

You know, that's a good question. I never play with province names on so I hadn't really considered that. I don't think the .map file specifies that (hopefully not since this map file with fixed starts is only on the llamaserver).


Originally Posted by iRFNA (Post 758673)
And what's with the crowns? I found 5, do we gotta catch em all or something?

Those you can ignore. I think it indicates victory points, even though we're not using them.

puntocom September 20th, 2010 06:41 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders

sorry for the waiting, my friend has a little problem with the e-mail.
Now i'm going to the university, and after we will send the turns.

Sorry about that.


Ragnoff September 20th, 2010 08:10 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
So active, so restless, these pretenders without enough faith in their servants that they are stirring already! Only 2 had faith, only 2 allow their servants time to properly prepare for their arrival....

Marmaduke September 20th, 2010 08:18 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
I will be away from my computer from Friday to Sunday evening. I think I will be able to play a turn on Friday before evening (in Europe), and then the next possible time will be late on Sunday.
Is it possible to skip the turn on Saturday? Otherwise I would be looking for a temporary sub (MA Bandar Log). Otherwise I would stale.

Drog the Destroyer September 20th, 2010 01:55 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders

Originally Posted by Hylobius (Post 758661)
Caelum worships the pretender Sarah Palin, Lady of Chaos, Patron of Liars, Queen of Insects.

Half a mouthful of beer just came up my nose :D

Heh, you should see the ingame message I got, i'm sure using satire as a weapon is against some kind of convention ;)

CarlixTomix September 20th, 2010 02:05 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
I had problems with the forum account and it's activaction.
I'm sincerely sorry because of my delay.

Now everything is ok.
I will send the second turn in a few hours.

Thank you very much.

Valerius September 20th, 2010 02:28 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Welcome, CarlixTomix!

Marmaduke, I think it makes sense to put the game on hold Saturday rather than look for a one turn sub. Please let me know when you are leaving on Friday and I'll postpone the next hosting until Sunday (say, 23:00 GMT?).

Marmaduke September 20th, 2010 02:43 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
Thanks Valerius, I will PM you on Friday then.

Ragnoff September 20th, 2010 05:41 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
I found it quite humorous that at about 530 Eastern on Monday five or six of the eight players were hanging out online in the Shrapnel forums and a bunch of us had just recently submitted our turns. We are sitting about hoping that Ulm happens to login and submit so that we can do another set of turns!

You think most of us are excited about being in a multiplayer game?

iRFNA September 20th, 2010 05:59 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
I desperately want to refudiate any claims of misunderestimating my Shakespearean prose.

Valerius September 20th, 2010 07:19 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders

Originally Posted by Ragnoff (Post 758783)
You think most of us are excited about being in a multiplayer game?

That's great to see! Newbie games really are among the most fun.

I've mentioned this a bunch of times recently so I may be repeating myself but just a reminder that if you are the last person to send in your turn (check the llamaserver to determine this), wait a few minutes for the game to host and then immediately complete your next turn (since turns only take a few minutes to complete). This really helps keep the game moving early on (especially when you consider that people are in different time zones) and that gets everyone into the game. :)

Hylobius September 20th, 2010 07:51 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders
It is nice to have an enthusiastic bunch and have the game move along quickly. I'm already seeing dark candles on the horizon.

Avari September 21st, 2010 10:21 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Design pretenders

Originally Posted by Ragnoff (Post 758783)
...sitting about hoping that Ulm happens to login and submit...

Uh-oh, looks like I kept you all waiting in vain for a while. It seems that I went to bed only moments before the hosting, and by the time I read the above, I was out for the very long day and all I could do was stare in frustration at the turn file in my inbox. Rest assured that the trip home in rush hour traffic was spent in contemplation of my worthy adversaries waking up and exclaiming in disbelief, "wtf STILL no turn??" ;)

-The Ulm

Ragnoff September 21st, 2010 10:30 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
LOL do realize I was ribbing you! we are scattered all over so no one can reasonably assume anyone else will post at any minute, or even that they are awake!

I am sharing your frustration as it will likely be hours before i can open the turn to see what happened, let alone record my next one....

CarlixTomix September 21st, 2010 06:13 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Please, help...

I don't know how , but... the menu of the commanders in the current province (in the left side of the screen) isn't there...

I can't give orders to my commanders. T.T
How can I solve this?

Thank you very much, and I'm sorry because of my noob question. ^^U

iRFNA September 21st, 2010 06:29 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
That's weird.. Try saving, closing dom, and restarting?..

Ragnoff September 21st, 2010 06:44 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
the lower case "h" button shows/hides the right side menu

CarlixTomix September 21st, 2010 06:44 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Well... restarting the game it became normal again.

It was weird. ^^U

iRFNA September 21st, 2010 10:40 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
oh abysia, pulling an ulm on us

Marmaduke September 22nd, 2010 03:41 AM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Caelum delivers fine Parganian literature, very fun to read.

Ragnoff September 22nd, 2010 09:32 PM

Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
I am wondering what time zone folks are in. I am on the East Cost of the US in eastern standard, based on when some things have happened a think there are a few others who are nearby time-wise, but there is another group that I would assume are not in North America...

It might be interesting to know if someone did not answer a last minute diplo request not because they were preparing to attack you, but just because it is the middle of the night where they are!

So where are we all? (if you want to post I will update the list below...)
Abysia - puntocom ?
Bandar Log - Marmaduke ?
C'tis - Drog the Destroyer ?
Caelum - iRFNA ?
Ulm - Avari ?
Jotunheim - Hylobius ?
Pangaea - CarlixTomix ?
Shinuyama - Ragnoff - Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 5:00

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 09:41 PM.

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