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-   -   MP: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 4/12 Players. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46417)

Septimius Severus October 3rd, 2010 03:08 PM

Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 4/12 Players.
2 Attachment(s)
Estimated start date is November 1.

This game is a unique combination of comp stomp, team game, and scenario.

Here are the settings for the final game in the three game series:

Era: Single Age ....... Magic Research: Standard .... Special Site Frequency: 40 ... Indy strength: 4
Score Graphs: On .. HOF Entries: 15 .................... Random Events: Common .... M/R/S Multiples: 150

Renaming: On ........ Starting Provinces:1 ............. Mods: SA, NaVIII Mod, EDM Server: Dom3Minions (Direct Connect)

Admin: Septimius Severus
Custom AI Design: Gandalf Parker
Custom Pretender Design: DrPraetorious
IP Address: game.dom3minions.com, Port #: Coming Soon
Team Forums: Noobs & Vets HQ
Score Graphs and Staling Data: Coming Soon
External Game Timer: Coming Soon

<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } TD P { margin-bottom: 0in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> </style> <table width="798" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" height="293"> <col width="43*"> <col width="43*"> <col width="43*"> <col width="43*"> <col width="43*"> <col width="43*"> <tbody><tr valign="TOP"> <td width="17%" align="center">:ghug:

Team Name
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> http://i28.tinypic.com/5ebjbr.jpg
Heavenly Realm
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> http://i30.tinypic.com/5ces1i.jpg
Earthly Realm
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> http://i28.tinypic.com/2wc3a4y.jpg
Underworld Realm
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> http://i25.tinypic.com/a2xhky.jpg
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> http://i51.tinypic.com/15ml45t.jpg
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="17%" align="center"> Captain/AI God Nation/Status </td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center">?
MA C'tis
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="17%" align="center"> Player1/AI God
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> zultor
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Finalgenesis
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Bann
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> cwjkc
</td> <td width="17%" align="center">
LA C'tis :computer:
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="17%" align="center"> Player2/AI God
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center">
MA Ermor :computer:
</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="17%" align="center"> Team Advisor </td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td rowspan="2" width="17%" align="center"> ?
LA Ermor

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="17%" align="center"> Alternate </td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> <td width="17%" align="center"> Open
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
Hosting Interval, Delays, and Rollbacks: Hosting interval is 32 hrs till turn 10, 8 hrs added every 10 turns thereafter. Delays requests of 48 hrs or less granted automatically with a PM to admin and a post on this thread. Longer delays may require the use of subs/alternates. No rollbacks.

Other Special Rules: Ban on global spells till turn 50. Prohibited activities: 1. Casting a global before turn 50, 2. Storming merc cap, 3. Stuffing labs and other forms of cheating, 4. Ignoring pretender path restrictions. Penalty = Your team may choose either instant disqualification or public enemy #1 status (all human teams allied against your team).

Map and Team Placement: A random map will be used and teams will be placed into predefined color coded locations. By default the Captain each team will be placed in front or facing the center with the noobs on the flanks or in the rear unless otherwise requested by team captains.

Player Experience Definitions: For the purposes of this game the following applies:

Veteran- Have 3 or more years of Dominions experience (either SP, MP, or both) and have a good understanding of the game mechanics and most other game aspects.

Intermediate - Have between 1 and 3 years of Dominions experience (either SP, MP, or both) and have a moderate understanding of game mechanics and most other game aspects.

Noob - Have up to 1 year of Dominions experience (either SP, MP, or both) and have a limited understanding of game mechanics and of most other game aspects.

Team Composition: The teams will consist of 4 teams of 3 human players each, one team of 4 AI nations, plus an optional single independent nation. Each team (excepting the AI) has the following positions available:

(1) Captain - Captains are the leaders of the team. They generally decide overall team strategy, have decision making authority, recruit players, and assign nations. As leader of the team, they may choose their nation first. If a team is without an advisor then the Captain handles any diplomacy the team wishes to engage in. Ideally, they should be veterans or intermediate level players.

(2) Noob Players - Noobs make up 2/3 of each human team.

(1) Advisor - Optional, but recommended. Team advisors do not actively play in the game but instead provide advice and guidance to teams. Advisors desiring greater participation may also act as ambassadors for inter-team diplomatic purposes. Advisors should be veterans or highly experienced/talented intermediates.

(1) Alternate - Also optional but highly recommended. Each team has one alternate slot available. Like advisors, alternates do not actively play in the game. Their main job is to act as subs for players. When present, they may also choose to act as diplomatic envoys or engage in intelligence and espionage activities against other teams. Alternates should be either noobs or intermediates, but not vets.

Communication: Teams may use the forums I have created here or make their own, use chat, e-mail, PM, in-game messaging, or any other method of communication they wish.

3 Ways to Win: 1. Conventional win - by annihilation or concession (excluding independent), 2. Insta-win - control 16 of the 24 VP locations (control of a fortification = control). Every starting location and magic locale on the map is worth 1 VP , 3. Most VPs - upon agreement by all captains to end the game, the team with the most VPs wins. Any VP tie will be decided based on most provinces held.

Feel free to post suggestions if you have them. Thanks.

Historical links: NvV, NvVII, NvVIII, NvV Noob Forum Archives, NvV Vet Forum Archives, NaV, NaVII

Game information and updates link:

Soyweiser October 3rd, 2010 05:07 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
Looks interesting. But way to complicated for me. :) Want to learn normal MP first.

And do you have links to the mods you are using. I understand that NavIII Mod is a personal mod, but what is SA? (And why does the forum give different information than this page? (I'm looking at this page: http://noobsvets.silverforum.net/vie...44a9f55d544395).

I do like the idea. Massive preselected nations team game.

Ps: Damn, I understand that the only correct answer to reply would have been: "Ashdod pleaze?" :D

Septimius Severus October 4th, 2010 06:31 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 759851)
Looks interesting. But way to complicated for me. :) Want to learn normal MP first.

And do you have links to the mods you are using. I understand that NavIII Mod is a personal mod, but what is SA? (And why does the forum give different information than this page? (I'm looking at this page: http://noobsvets.silverforum.net/vie...44a9f55d544395).

I do like the idea. Massive preselected nations team game.

The mods we will using for sure will be the Single Age mod and the custom NaVIII Mod (which will include game specific mods for pretenders, the 4 magic locations, and perhaps some small nation mods, and I might also incorporate a smaller version of the BI mod in it as well).

The Endgame Diversity mod is also a possibility if there are no mod conflicts. I will post links or attach copies of the mods themselves to this post once we get closer to the starting date. Some game settings and mod changes (regarding faction specific spells and nation mods) are still subject to change at this early juncture though.

It will be preselected nations for the teams though not massive in terms of number of human players, 4 teams of 3 each, total of 12 or 13 players at the max. Forums have already been set up for each team to use.

Soyweiser October 4th, 2010 06:34 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
Owww... SA mod, = single age mod. Duh... :)

Septimius Severus October 4th, 2010 06:11 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 759851)
Ps: Damn, I understand that the only correct answer to reply would have been: "Ashdod pleaze?" :D

The jokes can be put aside for now.

Marmaduke October 5th, 2010 08:49 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
This game looks to be a bit intimidating. I would like to apply, however. I believe I have a fair chance of losing soon my banana empire in one of the two MP games I am involved in atm.
When would this game begin, tentatively? This month?

Septimius Severus October 5th, 2010 05:02 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
The estimated start date is around November 1, in that area. A few details are subject to change but if your sure you'll be available then and are interested, feel free to sign up and pick a team.

cwkjc October 9th, 2010 10:58 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
If noobs are welcome, i would like to join the game , as collegium arcanum

Septimius Severus October 10th, 2010 06:17 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment

Originally Posted by cwkjc (Post 760207)
If noobs are welcome, i would like to join the game , as collegium arcanum

OK, putting you on the Collegium Arcanum Team.

Septimius Severus October 13th, 2010 02:10 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
Couple of pretender portraits:



cwkjc October 13th, 2010 04:59 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
Impressive pretenders

Fear +0 for the dragon ?

Encumbrance of 6 is unusual

Finalgenesis October 14th, 2010 12:01 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
I'll sign up for independent (LA Ryleh).

While my experience include only 6.5 MP games, 5 of them was with Ryleh (4 MA, 1 LA).

Septimius Severus October 14th, 2010 01:04 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
cwkjc, final tweaking/last minute artwork is being done on the pretenders. I expect the three headed dragons will have a greater fear level.

FinalGenesis, it looks like we may be going with the all land version of the map with no independent nation, I'm assuming your still interested in Earthly Realm team slot.

Finalgenesis October 14th, 2010 01:06 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, Early Recruitment
That's fine *sniff*.

Septimius Severus October 15th, 2010 02:04 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 2/12 Players.
Couple more screenshots:


........Celestial Dancer.......................Quadrumana........... ...................Asura

zultor October 16th, 2010 02:56 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 2/12 Players.
This sounds awesome so I'll join Heavenly Realm if possible (any realm fine though). Count me as a noob (4th mp game with good amount of sp experience).

Septimius Severus October 17th, 2010 12:54 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 2/12 Players.

Originally Posted by zultor (Post 760650)
This sounds awesome so I'll join Heavenly Realm if possible (any realm fine though). Count me as a noob (4th mp game with good amount of sp experience).

Ok, putting you on the Heavenly Realm team in a noob slot. Welcome.

Septimius Severus October 21st, 2010 06:24 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 3/12 Players.

Bann October 21st, 2010 07:45 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 3/12 Players.
new (~1 month) to Dom3, but would love to try an online game. According to my GF, I've been playing way to much single player. I've yet to play a MP game, but I'd love to start. I've updated my client and downloaded and installed CBM and Worthy Heroes, so I feel confident I can get the mods needed running for this game too.

If you'll have me, I'd like to fill a noob slot on the underworld realm.

Septimius Severus October 25th, 2010 04:21 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 3/12 Players.

TheConway October 25th, 2010 04:33 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 3/12 Players.
Is it normal practice on these boards to bump game threads that are obviously of no interest to anyone? Particularly when the bump is only that. Most forums I've been on would consider such a practice spam.

Septimius Severus October 25th, 2010 04:48 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 3/12 Players.
Some games have a long recruitment/development phase. This thread was started early to allow for when the game was actually expected to be ready. If there is insufficient interest by the estimated start date I won't keep bumping it though.

cwkjc October 26th, 2010 07:59 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 3/12 Players.
Bann seems interested as underworld noob...

Maybe we have to motivate veteran players, an amazing offer like a yakshini smile ?

Bann October 26th, 2010 01:06 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 3/12 Players.
Still interested, yes. Please sign me up!

Septimius Severus October 28th, 2010 01:11 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 4/12 Players.
Still looking for 8 more players.

Colonial December 5th, 2010 11:00 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets III: The Wrath of Gandalf, SA, EDM, Recruiting 4/12 Players.
Hmmm, Can I join up as a Collegium Arcanum noob? that is if the game hasn't been given up on yet...

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