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-   -   MP: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46442)

arnob October 9th, 2010 03:51 AM

RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

A proposition for Dominions 3 new players (say under 10 MP game) on a small map for 4 :

On llamaserver, 24h each turn at beginning

Age : Early Age
Map : Silent Sea (wraparround)
Nation : 3 on land + 1 on sea
Mod : CBM 1.6 and Magic restriction 6 (or MR4 ?)
Independent strength: 7 To limit rush.
Score graphs: Off (use scout :-) ) Because it's too easy to attack the weakest player with graph.
Hall of fame entries: 15
Renaming: on
All others by default

Allowed nations, All under 4 on score table (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45447) :
EA Mictlan : 3.50,EA Pangaea : 3.00,EA Agartha : 3.00,EA C'tis : 3.00,EA Hinnom : 3.00,EA Arcoscephale : 2.50,EA Atlantis : 2.50,EA T'ien Ch'i : 2.33,EA Yomi : 2.33,EA Marveni : 2.00,EA Vanheim : 1.50,EA Oceania : 1.33,EA R'lyeh : 1.00,EA Abysia : 1.00

SplendidTuesday : Abysia
Shadrach : Hinnom
Arnob : Atlantis
Name Thief : T'ien Ch'i


SplendidTuesday October 9th, 2010 02:49 PM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
I'd be interested, as a newbie. Where's the link for the magic restriction mod? Also, a link to the newest CBM would be nice.

I'd like to play Abysia, if that's alright.

arnob October 9th, 2010 03:10 PM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Welcome SplendidTuesday !

The links for the two mods :


Gandalf Parker October 9th, 2010 03:17 PM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
for new new player games its also a good idea to link to the LLamaServer FAQ
which has sections on how to play a PbEM game

Shadrach October 9th, 2010 03:17 PM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
I'd like to play, as Hinnom. Much prefer Magic restriction 6 to magic restriction 4.

Edit: The client crashes with a "no such spell" error when I try to make a new game with the Magic Restriction 6 mod (with or without CBM). Not sure what's going on there, but since it was created for Dominions 3.08, it might not work any more. (It also probably doesn't take away Hinnom's higher level national spells, since Hinnom wasn't added until 3.17). I'm happy playing without restricted magic, if it comes to that.

SplendidTuesday October 9th, 2010 03:38 PM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Just an FYI, arnob. Magic restriction 4 and 6 (and perhaps 8 if there is one as well), might not work, since it's an old mod. It hasn't worked for me when using it with CBM.

arnob October 9th, 2010 04:51 PM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Yes I have the same error. Maybe the simplest way to resolve is to skip this mod, (I didn't find an upgrated version), if everyone agrees ?


SplendidTuesday October 9th, 2010 05:07 PM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Yeah, skip the Magic Restriction mod. CBM is good enough for us.

name thief October 10th, 2010 12:02 AM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Haven't posted in a while on this forum. I think I am interested as early era T'ien Ch'i.

arnob October 10th, 2010 04:38 AM

Re: Recruiting: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 760243)
Haven't posted in a while on this forum. I think I am interested as early era T'ien Ch'i.

Welcome !

We are ready to begin now. The game is on

You can upload your pretenders :-)


SplendidTuesday October 10th, 2010 11:30 AM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
I have my pretender sent in.

One question; on diplomacy, how are we going to work it out?

name thief October 10th, 2010 01:20 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Can I switch to Yomi?

arnob October 10th, 2010 03:02 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 760280)
Can I switch to Yomi?

Yes you can !

arnob October 10th, 2010 03:03 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by SplendidTuesday (Post 760271)
I have my pretender sent in.

One question; on diplomacy, how are we going to work it out?

Good question, I would say : as you want : In the forum, with pm or in the game ...


arnob October 10th, 2010 03:15 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
About the victory condition, what do you think of the following solution ?
- The winner is the first nation to own 3 capital. With this rule, land nation don't have to go under the sea in order to win ...


Shadrach October 12th, 2010 04:46 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Only an hour and a half left, name thief. It shouldn't take more than five minutes each for the first few turns....

Three capitals would be an OK win condition, but it would encourage more rushing and probably isn't necessary. By the time someone owns three capitals, everyone else would probably agree that they won anyway.

name thief October 12th, 2010 07:30 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Sorry. I thought I sent it in. Must have done something wrong.
I sent it to this address: turns[at]llamaserver[dot]net. It has a 2h file attached. About how big should one of those files be?

SplendidTuesday October 12th, 2010 08:51 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 760426)
Sorry. I thought I sent it in. Must have done something wrong.
I sent it to this address: turns[at]llamaserver[dot]net. It has a 2h file attached. About how big should one of those files be?

Make the at an "@" and the dot a ".". Basically, like a normal email address. The reason why they do it funny is to avoid spammers.

name thief October 12th, 2010 08:56 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Yeah I know they do it to stop spammers. I typed it in correctly the regular way. Actually there was a link in the email with the first turn in it. That is what I sent it to.

arnob October 13th, 2010 02:44 AM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 760431)
Yeah I know they do it to stop spammers. I typed it in correctly the regular way. Actually there was a link in the email with the first turn in it. That is what I sent it to.

And if the file is correct you received a confirmation e-mail from the server in the 5 minutes !

The next turn is due in by 22:05 GMT on Wednesday October 13th


Shadrach October 13th, 2010 09:59 AM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
First turn 2h files should be 4-5k.

Sounds like you are doing it right name thief, so not sure what the problem is. You should get a confirmation email from llamaserver within five minutes, as anob says, and if there is something wrong with the 2h file, llamaserver should mention it in that email. If you aren't getting a confirmation email, and the status page isn't updating to show that your turn was received, either the email is getting lost or llamaserver isn't working properly (which sometimes happens).

name thief October 13th, 2010 10:29 AM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
I sent in another file and got this reply.

I received a pretender file from you for the game 'Underdogs'. Unfortunately it looks like that game's already started. Sorry!

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: Underdogs
Sent at: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:24:53 -0800
Attachment: early_yomi_0.2h

arnob October 13th, 2010 01:01 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 760473)
I sent in another file and got this reply.

I received a pretender file from you for the game 'Underdogs'. Unfortunately it looks like that game's already started. Sorry!

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: Underdogs
Sent at: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:24:53 -0800
Attachment: early_yomi_0.2h

You send the 2h file of your pretenders not the 2h file of your saved game !


arnob October 13th, 2010 01:20 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by arnob (Post 760481)

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 760473)
I sent in another file and got this reply.

I received a pretender file from you for the game 'Underdogs'. Unfortunately it looks like that game's already started. Sorry!

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: Underdogs
Sent at: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:24:53 -0800
Attachment: early_yomi_0.2h

You send the 2h file of your pretenders not the 2h file of your saved game !


Your 2h file should be on C:\Program Files\dominions3\savedgames under the directory of this game (underdogs ?)

What is the version of your OS ?


arnob October 13th, 2010 01:46 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by arnob (Post 760482)

Originally Posted by arnob (Post 760481)

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 760473)
I sent in another file and got this reply.

I received a pretender file from you for the game 'Underdogs'. Unfortunately it looks like that game's already started. Sorry!

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: Underdogs
Sent at: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:24:53 -0800
Attachment: early_yomi_0.2h

You send the 2h file of your pretenders not the 2h file of your saved game !


Your 2h file should be on C:\Program Files\dominions3\savedgames under the directory of this game (underdogs ?)

What is the version of your OS ?


I postpone the hosting for 1 day in order to let you the time to find what's wrong

name thief October 13th, 2010 07:38 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
I am guessing it may be the subject, last time I sent in a turn it read that as well. I am thinking that it is mistaking the file for a Pretender file. The system is automated right?

name thief October 13th, 2010 07:49 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
It thinks my file is a pretender file.

name thief October 13th, 2010 09:11 PM

Re: Upload Pretenders: The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Figured it out. I was sending the pretender file again. Sorry.

SplendidTuesday October 16th, 2010 10:47 PM

Re: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Just a question; the server updates the game either when the deadline is passed, OR everyone's sent in their turns, right?

arnob October 17th, 2010 05:50 AM

Re: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

Originally Posted by SplendidTuesday (Post 760700)
Just a question; the server updates the game either when the deadline is passed, OR everyone's sent in their turns, right?

Absolutely !


arnob October 28th, 2010 09:55 AM

Re: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions

I won't be able to connect until tuesday, so I delay the next turn to 21:40 GMT on Tuesday November 2nd !


Shadrach November 11th, 2010 03:06 PM

Re: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
So Yomi is eliminated, Abysia has staled 25% of their turns so far, and now both Atlantis and Abysia have staled twice in a row. I'm probably winning, but I'd prefer to declare it a draw and let the game end now if you guys have lost interest.

SplendidTuesday November 11th, 2010 09:43 PM

Re: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
I just haven't had enough time, sorry guys. School is ramping up.

I went computer-controlled, btw. So yeah, declare a draw if you want.

Shadrach November 12th, 2010 06:07 PM

Re: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Atlantis staled again, so I have gone AI as well.

arnob November 14th, 2010 12:19 PM

Re: RUNNING : The underdogs : Small MP game for new players of Dominions
Hello All

Very sorry to my last staled turn ! I was unable to play and access internet those last few days

I guess that the game is finish, I will end it on the server


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