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Groundworm October 12th, 2010 05:21 PM

SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
Looking for players with around 5 MP games worth of experience (give or take). Newbs are welcome as well.

Early Age
Map: Urraparand
Turns: 24 hour quickhost until request for extension, which will be granted
Hosting: llamaserver
9 players
Mods: CBM 1.6, EDM 1.1
settings: site frequency 50, renaming on, all others default
victory conditions: occupy the capitol provinces of 5 players simultaneously
diplomacy is binding

Make sure your axe is sharp before signing up.

1) Niefelheim- Groundworm
2) Hinnom- mockingbird
3) Fomoria- Drog the Destroyer
4) Caelum- Allium
5) Sauromatia- Ragnars Wolves
6) Arcoscephale- CarlixTomix
7) Lanka- Veraticus
8) Helheim- zultor
9) Mictlan- odeoderok

mockingbird October 12th, 2010 05:26 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I would like to take Hinnom, please.

Drog the Destroyer October 12th, 2010 05:28 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
Excellent, I was looking for one more game with fairly standard settings. I'd like to join as Fomoria.

Allium October 12th, 2010 05:37 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I'd like to play as Caelum, please.

Question: for the victory condition, for how long do you have to occupy 5 capitals?

Groundworm October 12th, 2010 06:15 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
Welcome, mockingbird, Drog, and Allium.

Three consecutive turns for capitol occupation? Is that too long?

Ragnars Wolves October 12th, 2010 07:09 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I will be out of the country until Monday...if you are not going to start till then I would like to play Sauromatia.

If you can't wait I understand...

CarlixTomix October 12th, 2010 08:24 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I would like to play as Arcoscephale, please.

Veraticus October 12th, 2010 10:15 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
This will be my first game! I'd like to play as Lanka, please.

Ragnars Wolves October 13th, 2010 01:33 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I have a question...I was playing a practice game last night and the map we are using gives 150% Money. I tested it 4 times and with that extra money Hinnom is a MONSTER. Is there any way to make the money normal so Hinnom is just a little Monster?

mockingbird October 13th, 2010 01:40 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
The map gives 150% money? I had no idea.

I am in favor of normal money settings if possible, and a map switch if not.

If people feel that Hinnom is overpowered, I am also fine with picking a different nation.

zultor October 13th, 2010 02:30 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I'd like to join. I'll take Helheim.


Allium October 13th, 2010 05:17 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I think that 150% money is just a suggestion, not a property of the map.

odeoderok October 13th, 2010 05:53 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
I'd like to join as Mictlan!

Groundworm October 13th, 2010 06:02 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- recruiting
The map does mention something about 150% gold, but in my test games I never seemed to have more gold than on any other map. Still, if the general consensus is to change the map, we can do that. I just like the look of Urraparand, and never tried it in MP.

Shall we keep it, or try Land of Milk and Honey?

Also, welcome odeoderok and zultor! That makes the game full. We'll start on Monday 10/13, since that's when Ragnars Wolves will be back. Start designing your pretenders, and I'll post when the game is up on llamaserver.

Calahan October 13th, 2010 06:52 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Just a quick outsiders comment. The '150% gold income' reference regarding the Urraparrand map is simply the map-makers suggestion of what gold setting to use. The map itself does not boost gold incomes though. So if you use a standard/default income setting of 100, then the map will play just like any other map (with regards gold incomes)

Drog the Destroyer October 14th, 2010 01:10 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I would prefer normal money settings (100%).

Ragnars Wolves October 14th, 2010 12:29 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Me too...Map is fine on 100% money

Groundworm October 14th, 2010 04:53 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
All right then, Urraparand on normal gold settings it is.

Groundworm October 18th, 2010 09:12 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
The game is now up on llamaserver, and the game will start once all pretenders have been submitted.

Ragnars Wolves October 18th, 2010 05:41 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I JUST got nack in town...will get pretender in as soon as I can upack, check messages etc.

Groundworm, and guys....Thanks for waiting.:up:

Drog the Destroyer October 19th, 2010 12:23 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Game on!

Good luck everybody. Remember that Fomoria is a nation of peace, that wishes for nothing more than tolerance and mutual prosperity. :angel

Veraticus October 20th, 2010 10:07 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
What a coincidence; that's what the hungry blood demons of Lanka want too!

mockingbird October 22nd, 2010 09:50 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Wow, I was so tired yesterday that I did my turn -- and then forgot to send it in. Huzzah for a turn 5 stale!

In other news, I unexpectedly will not have internet access for most of this weekend (Oct 23-24, PST). I would like to request a turn extension, please.

mockingbird October 22nd, 2010 10:28 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Thinking it over, normally I wouldn't do this, but because even one turn can have a large effect in the early game, would it be possible for us to do a turn rollback?

I think it can be done quickly and without too much trouble, but it would be better if people didn't look at their results for this past turn (I haven't) if it is going to happen.

If people object, of course, I withdraw my request.

Ragnars Wolves October 22nd, 2010 01:12 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
To roll back if 1 person has sent in his turn is a mess....Check with some of the Vets about it.

mockingbird October 22nd, 2010 02:27 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Obviously we shouldn't do it if it is going to be a colossal pain.

My apologies to all of you for detracting from the game, one way or another.

Groundworm October 23rd, 2010 04:51 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
There are pros and cons to rolling back. On the one hand, it could prove technically difficult. It will also affect the other players' turns (if anyone got a worse result of their battles than they had before the rollback, it could be bothersome). I doubt it would seriously affect anyone, though.

And on the other hand, as mockingbird pointed out, a turn 5 stale is suboptimal.

What are other peoples' opinions?

Drog the Destroyer October 23rd, 2010 07:18 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I don't mind a rollback, my turn was rather uneventful.

I do think that if just one player doesn't wan't a rollback, then we shouldn't have one.

mockingbird October 23rd, 2010 09:49 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I've already accepted the issue and moved on with my turn.

Carry on, folks!

CarlixTomix October 24th, 2010 05:15 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders

This night I have sleeped in one of my friends' house.
I'm not able to send my turn with my computer. If you could postpone the turn one day more... it would be fantastic.But there is no time... I'm going to try something stupid to send me turn.

Drog the Destroyer October 26th, 2010 01:05 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I think Hellheim and/or Arcoscephale are in danger of stalls this turn. At least for Hellheim this could be a crucial turn, hence I would suggest an extension.

zultor October 26th, 2010 01:46 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I got my turn in no worries.

CarlixTomix October 26th, 2010 02:05 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I'm sorry because of my delay.
Well... my computer is dead. ^^U

But... don't worry!
I will send the rest of my turns in the university, before the classes.

Now here are 8:04 AM
My classes start at 8:30

In this period of time I will send my turns.


I hate my computer.

The turn is finished.

Ragnars Wolves October 26th, 2010 06:48 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I think we have all been there and your dedication to the game is well noted. I think I have said the same (or worse) about my computer a number of times!!

CarlixTomix October 27th, 2010 02:14 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
I have arrived a little later, but I'm now starting to play my turn.

Turn finished. : )

CarlixTomix October 28th, 2010 02:17 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Downloading and playing my turn...


Drog the Destroyer October 28th, 2010 11:41 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Somethings fishy - Llamaserver is stating that all the files are received, but it's been like that for a while (more than ½ an hour at least, probably much longer) without a new turn starting....

Groundworm October 28th, 2010 02:59 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Llamaserver gets 'hitches' sometimes, where everyone has submitted their turns but it doesn't generate a new one. They're usually self-limiting and resolve after a few hours.

CarlixTomix October 29th, 2010 02:33 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
Turn finished.

Ragnars Wolves October 30th, 2010 08:28 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
are we on 24 or 48 hour turns?

Groundworm November 1st, 2010 02:29 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders
We're on 24 hour turns right now.

I notice that Lanka is no longer on the list of nations in the game, and Veraticus (who is playing Lanka) has neither responded to a PM I sent him 2 days ago, nor has he logged in since the 28th. I'm inclined to find a sub for him. What do the rest of you think?

Calahan November 1st, 2010 06:19 AM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- design pretenders

Originally Posted by Groundworm (Post 761687)
I notice that Lanka is no longer on the list of nations in the game, and Veraticus (who is playing Lanka) has neither responded to a PM I sent him 2 days ago, nor has he logged in since the 28th. I'm inclined to find a sub for him. What do the rest of you think?

Just an observers comment. If you check the in-game Pretender list, you will probably see that Lanka are AI (rather than Human). The list of natons that appears on the llamaserver status screen is a list of non-AI nations in the game. So if a nation in the game doesn't appear there, then they are either AI or have been eliminated.

Once a nation is AI, there is no way to un-do the order unless you roll-back the game to the turn the "Become Computer Controlled" order was set. It is of course up to the admin and players whether or not to do that.

The only other thing to do is put the Lanka player on your quitters list. Since he/she has choosen to do the classic "bailing to the AI without asking or giving notice" tactic, which you will see so many players talk hatred and annoyance about on these (and other) forums. As it is one of the most selfish things a player can do in the game, as it can and often does seriously disrupt the balance of games. And maybe think twice in the future about letting him/her play in any games you are playing in or organising.

Drog the Destroyer November 1st, 2010 02:22 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
Sigh, that was the first name in my book of grudges :mad:. It's especially annoying since it was early game and Lanka was in good shape, as far as I can tell.

Ragnars Wolves November 1st, 2010 03:33 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
I guess we take that chance when we are all new and there are some whose attention span may somewhat 'shorter' than others.

How far back was he with us for a roll back? I now understand how someone can REALLY upset the balance of power by just giving up.

Well, what do we want to do, or better yet...what CAN we do?:sick:

Drog the Destroyer November 1st, 2010 04:09 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
We would have to roll back and redo turn 15 if we want to find a Lanka sub.

I guess the options are:

1: Carry on
2: Find a sub and roll-back
3: Re-start from scratch

I can live with all of them, option 2 is probably the best, even though I just won a crucial battle.

Calahan November 1st, 2010 04:36 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
Your stalker here again to say that if you do roll the game back to turn 15, then the llamaserver will automatically use the turn 15 .2h files you sent in when the turn re-hosts. This isn't always obvious, as the status screen will say "Waiting for 2h file" wehn you rollback, but it does still have the .2h files that were sent, so no need to send any in. (and it's actually considered cheating by many if a turn file is sent in during a roll-back)

Only the sub-Lanka player should send in a turn file during the rollback, and then once he/she does send it, the admin should force host the game. After which, things should be back to normal (with the sub-Lanka player in place).

Of course, you need to find a sub for this to even be an option :)

Your stalker out :)

Drog the Destroyer November 1st, 2010 05:05 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
I think we should postpone hosting until we have determined a modus operandi

GrudgeBringer November 1st, 2010 07:17 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
Greetings gentlemen,

Ragnar was just up here telling me of the problem you have with Lanka bolting on you and asked what options you had. Let me give you a couple of options as in your guys situation, it may be a little deeper than you think.

First, Calahan is a VERY capable 'Stalker' as he puts it as well as a formidable player. So make sure you run all this by him if you find something that you would like to do or use.

I looked over your situation and at first glance it would seem easier to find a replacement and roll back just one turn. And in a normal game that would/could be the best option. But you have a game of NEWER players and it may be hard to find a new player that is willing to sub in. That would mean you would have to go with a more vetern player, and at this early part of the game MAY (and I mean 'maybe' not for sure) unbalance it for a couple of players that are his neighbors.

There are a couple of other options avaiable that might meet your needs.

1. See if Helheim (Vultor) who has 3 provinces and is fighting like a trooper it looks like (hats off to you sir, no wanker in you!!) would like to take over Lanka.

You could do 1 of 2 things after that.

1. Find a wily 'ol' vet who will play Helheim out to the end in a kama-kazi setting (they are around, I assure you). THIS could also upset play as it will make it MUCH tougher to knock Helheim out and could deal a blow to the new player who is at war with him.

2. Put Helheim on AI as it is on its way out but you will be handing 2 forts to someone (according to the graphs) that they are at war with.

Of course there is always the third option of playing it out. In my experience usually two or 3 nations will go to war and divvy up the nation (Lanka) quickly so no one has too much of an advantage.

Just some different thoughts on the same options you have. I have seen a Vet come in and really make it rough on those in a noob game. On the other hand, maybe you want a ringer in the mix...a lot of ways to go guys.

Me personally, I would see if the nations around Lanka wanted to divide up his provinces etc and at 3 each isn't that big a deal (providing no one gets greedy and a REAL war breaks out).

(Calahan, is there a way to destroy 1 of the forts if the players would feel handing 2 forts to who Helheim is fighting is too much?)

Don't mean to butt in here, just wanted to give you some stuff to think and talk to Calahan about.


Groundworm November 1st, 2010 10:50 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
First off, thank you to Calahan and GrudgeBringer for the useful advice.

I am not at all against finding a sub for Lanka and rolling back the turn, the only problem is that I'm not exactly sure which turn it was that Lanka went AI. It may not have been as recent as turn 15.

That being said, I'd like to hear more opinions from others in the game (as well as Calahan or GrudgeBringer), as to whether we should find a sub, roll back a turn, and see what happens, or continue on and distribute Lanka's properties as equitably as possible among his neighbors. I also personally think that if Vultor is willing, having him take over for Lanka is an excellent idea.


mockingbird November 1st, 2010 11:18 PM

Re: SharpAxe (for newbish players)- running
I am in favor of continuing on as much as possible.

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