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-   -   MP: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46629)

Quitti November 19th, 2010 01:51 PM

BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
So here we go again. Bears are known to live in caves.

Age: Early
Player amount: 16+3
Map: Asia Twist.
Hosting schedule: 27h ~20turns, 36/48/more after that as requested.
Magic sites 60
Victory condition: Hold 1/3 caps (7 caps for 16+3) for 3 consecutive turns. Must be verified by a trustworthy person. Or every single remaining player conceding to the victory of a single god.
Machiavellian diplomacy. Backstab whoever you want, but don't expect them to like it - though I'd like to request that whatever happens in this game, stays in this game.
HoF-15 & Renaming on, as is normal.

Mods: CBM1.71
- Fixed CBM1.71 due recent dom3 patch available http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?p=779560

Don't bother with exploits like bogus orders/scout blocking. This should be easy enough to grasp.

All other modifiers normal.

Newbies are free to join. You only learn by playing. Though I'd like to request that you don't quit after first lost battle. If everything is hopeless (ie. enemy sieging your cap or you have very limited troops and few provinces left), you may go AI. Just don't dissappear from the game. Don't be an idiot.

Following Juffos' example @ KingsOfDrama, postponements (and diplomacy to ME) should be conducted through IRC (and also well in advance. I might be sleeping when the game is hosting). To find out how to use IRC, see here.

Postponements/rollbacks will probably not happen unless something extremely drastic happens. National holidays are a good example of when we'll be going on a pause for a couple of days. Another is if/when someone goes missing and we must either get a sub or turn a nation AI. I you have a reasonable request for a reasonable extension, do ask me.


Abysia - mscfish
Agartha - ghoul31
Arcoscephale - Warhammer
C'tis - Quitti (game admin)
Ermor - Mauxe
Fomoria - zultor
Helheim - AngelSong
Hinnom - Stagger Lee
Kailasa - Herrmeister
Marverni - Gweldorf
Mictlan - rmcolisimo
Niefelheim - P3D
Sauromatia - Juffos
T'ien Ch'i - rabelais
Ulm - LoLomo
Yomi - Aethyr (Game admin)

Atlantis - Squirrelloid
Oceania - nerozero
R'lyeh - BlanketThief (on IRC)

Aethyr is currently in possession of the game admin pw. I can still be pestered on IRC about admin duties as long as Aethyr doesn't change the pw.

Juffos November 19th, 2010 01:53 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap
Sauromatia for me, please.

zultor November 19th, 2010 03:35 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap
Fomoria please

rabelais November 19th, 2010 05:37 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap
TC please

ghoul31 November 19th, 2010 07:32 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)

Shadrach November 20th, 2010 12:54 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Lanka please

P3D November 20th, 2010 12:54 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Niefel please.

arnob November 20th, 2010 06:20 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)

I would like to join this game with Atlantis please !


arnob November 20th, 2010 11:13 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)

Originally Posted by arnob (Post 763547)

I would like to join this game with Atlantis please !


Humm, no, I prefer Yomi please !


nerozero November 20th, 2010 12:20 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'd like to join as Oceania please

Corinthian November 20th, 2010 12:36 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'm in for Tir na n'Og. Never played an Ea MP game before so this should be fun.

Herrmeister November 20th, 2010 12:46 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'll join as Kailasa.

mscfish November 20th, 2010 10:57 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'd like to join as ABY please

Stagger Lee November 21st, 2010 03:44 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'd love a chance to play Hinnom. I would just ask if we will have reasonable extensions over the holidays, including Thanksgiving (US), if we start by then?

Quitti November 21st, 2010 04:37 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Certainly. Thanksgiving sure is a good enough reason for people to be away from computer, as is xmas+new year :)

Welcome aboard.

Zeldor November 21st, 2010 07:06 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'm tempted to join. Wanted to try Yomi but huh, seems to be taken... so are TC and Sauro...

Gweldorf November 21st, 2010 10:21 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'd like to join as Marverni.

nyfair November 22nd, 2010 12:09 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Mictlan please

Quitti November 22nd, 2010 01:18 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Two more land nations and two water nations wanted!

Zeldor, pick your nation soon if you want to join in :)

Zeldor November 22nd, 2010 02:12 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Well, put me in for Caelum for now. We want CBM 1.8 anyway.

Quitti November 22nd, 2010 02:32 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 763709)
We want CBM 1.8 anyway.

Yeah, hopefully QM can come up with something this week. We won't probably have full nation list until thanksgiving is over anyway.

That being said, one more land nation and two water nations to go.

nozshand November 22nd, 2010 10:40 PM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
i'll take the last land slot, though i can not decide which nation to go with until i get home from the work

Quitti November 23rd, 2010 12:41 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)

Now we'll need 2 more water nations still. Do voice your opinion about uwgim (at least if you want it ;))

nerozero November 23rd, 2010 05:59 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Wish I could say something about Uwgim, but I've never tried it, so I haven't really got an opinion on it. It does look like a fun mod though, so I wouldn't be opposed to it.

arnob November 23rd, 2010 08:16 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 763789)

Now we'll need 2 more water nations still. Do voice your opinion about uwgim (at least if you want it ;))

I'm not a big fan of uwgim mod.

But if it can help I'm ok to switch from YOMI to R'LYEH !

And maybe we can start with only two undewater nations ?


Enoch November 23rd, 2010 09:31 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
I'll sign up as Atlantis to round out the water nations.

I haven't played with the underwater mod yet but I have just downloaded it. Initial impression is that it would be handy but I will play with it a bit before saying whether I would prefer it.

Quitti November 23rd, 2010 10:24 AM

Re: Early Age game - BearTrap (Wanting players!)
Very well. If arnob changes to R'lyeh, we'll only need one land nation. We'll likely wait until thanksgiving is over anyway to see if QM can come up with next version of CBM and to give the people over in US time to catch up with their families without having to worry if this game starts.

Water nations seem very indifferent about uwgim. If you guys want it, tell it to me before I host the game, which'll happen on sunday or so. Otherwise I'll take your answer as a no.

I'll try to pester QM to get us a new version coming before the weekend if possible :)

I also changed the topic to make this thread easier to find. I hope no-one got too confused about it.

Warhammer November 23rd, 2010 10:36 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
How experienced are the players in this game? I am a quasi-vet. I guess I'll take EA Ermor or Arco, need to firm it up.

rabelais November 23rd, 2010 01:06 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
What version of the map are we using? the version I have (asia twist w/ ports v1.2) seems to have a number of bugs including japan having not very good expansion options (no circle) and some caps being NEXT to one another.

I like asia twist because everyone is coming from all directions. I hate it for the same reason.

Zeldor November 23rd, 2010 01:26 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
Well, we are waiting for 1.8 or staying with 1.6? Not sure about 1.7, quite unbalanced. I may switch to Yomi then too.

Quitti November 23rd, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
I'd prefer 1.7 over 1.6, but we'll wait and see what happens at least until the weekend, as it's thanksgiving in US this thursday as far as I know and some people will probably be busy going around.

We'll be using asia twist with preset starting positions - I believe it's the one first in the list @ llamaserver. And that one would be this. If there's any serious bugs/something in that map I should know of, let me know. It's worked well before.

edit: QM told me on IRC that he won't be able to get a new cbm out in few weeks. Kind of shame. I'm tempted to go meddle with it myself but I don't want another cbm 1.4xx fiasco.

nozshand November 23rd, 2010 07:23 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
i'd like to confirm my pick on ERMOR, thanks

AngelSong November 23rd, 2010 10:56 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
Ea Arco

rabelais November 23rd, 2010 11:07 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
Re: Map

that's the version I have, I think.

Someone more map savvy will have to verify it, but I have a game from that map where two caps were adjacent (253<-> 266)

Also the japan position seemed difficult to start in.

I will reinstall it and see if I still have problems. But it says 1.2

edit: (file sizes and dates were identical) can someone look at the map for the cap problems I describe

nozshand November 24th, 2010 01:49 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 763849)
I'd prefer 1.7 over 1.6, but we'll wait and see what happens at least until the weekend, as it's thanksgiving in US this thursday as far as I know and some people will probably be busy going around.

i think 1.8 is not coming for another few weeks, so its either 1.7 or 1.6, i personally prefer 1.7 because it moved hammer to const 8, i'd like to see how thats gonna change the game balance, might shift some tier 1 powerhouses to tier 2 and vice verse :)

i would imaging its gonna be very hard for nations such as mictlan to maintain a full blood economy due to the unique dousing rod which effectively reduce their blood income by 40%, not that they are not overpowered before. Interesting how strategy will evolve for heavy blood dependent nations

Shadrach November 24th, 2010 02:12 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
Rabelais, 253 is not a fixed start, so the game you were in must not have used them. This game will, so there shouldn't be any problems with adjacent capitals.

The main disadvantage of starting positions like the one in Japan is the lack of neighboring provinces, which means that capitals there would have access to fewer resources. The map description explains that those starting positions have been given resource generating sites in some of the neighbors they do have, which should make the starting positions quite balanced.

Quitti November 24th, 2010 03:58 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by AngelSong (Post 763871)
Ea Arco

We are already full. One player still needs to pick their nation though so he's not listed yet, so I'll have to turn you down.

Quitti November 24th, 2010 04:06 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
So, we'll be using CBM1.7. If anyone wants to consider a mod nation, I can check them out and if they're not dwarf-overpowered, I can possibly allow them, as long as they do not conflict with CBM.

AngelSong November 24th, 2010 04:58 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 763890)

Originally Posted by AngelSong (Post 763871)
Ea Arco

We are already full. One player still needs to pick their nation though so he's not listed yet, so I'll have to turn you down.

Ok,I got it.Maybe next time.

Warhammer November 24th, 2010 10:49 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
I'll take Ermor.

nozshand November 24th, 2010 07:40 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by Warhammer (Post 763908)
I'll take Ermor.

ermor is taken i think

Shadrach November 24th, 2010 09:25 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
Sorry all; I'm going to have to drop out. Lanka is back in the pool.

LoloMo November 24th, 2010 09:51 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
I waitlisted on Ulm with Quitti via IRC yesterday. Hope he remembers me wanting to join this game :-)

AngelSong November 24th, 2010 10:42 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
One man left,can I play the Aroc?

Warhammer November 25th, 2010 12:46 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by nozshand (Post 763946)

Originally Posted by Warhammer (Post 763908)
I'll take Ermor.

ermor is taken i think

OK, then can I have the other nation I was looking at, Arco?

Zeldor November 25th, 2010 01:16 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
Well, Caelum is free, I switched to Yomi.

AngelSong November 25th, 2010 03:48 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
...maybe I can choose hel

Quitti November 25th, 2010 05:52 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by AngelSong (Post 763980)
...maybe I can choose hel

Sorry, like LoLomo said, he informed me in his wanting to join this game on IRC earlier, so I'll rather keep my promise and pick him.

AngelSong November 25th, 2010 08:10 PM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 763988)

Originally Posted by AngelSong (Post 763980)
...maybe I can choose hel

Sorry, like LoLomo said, he informed me in his wanting to join this game on IRC earlier, so I'll rather keep my promise and pick him.


Corinthian November 26th, 2010 09:47 AM

Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by AngelSong (Post 764051)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 763988)

Originally Posted by AngelSong (Post 763980)
...maybe I can choose hel

Sorry, like LoLomo said, he informed me in his wanting to join this game on IRC earlier, so I'll rather keep my promise and pick him.


If you really want it, you can have my spot. I underestimated how much time the other games would take when reaching maturity. So if you have less then 4 other games, you can take my spot.

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