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WraithLord December 29th, 2010 04:48 AM

Gold cost of freespawns
As in subject. I would like to make a list of the gold cost (and consequent upkeep) of various free spawn troops.

I'll start with what I know.

Edit, incorporated comments on this thread.

LA Ermor Undead - 0 gold
Pangaea Maenads - 0 gold
Pangaean Manikin generated by Carrion Woods - 0 gold
EA Rlyeh polypal spawns - 0 gold
LA R'lyeh - Spwans cost 1 gold, Cultists cost 2 gold, Mad deep costs 5
R'lyeh coastal fort free-spawn hybrids - 9 gold
Mother of Monsters monsters (in CBM) - 0 gold
Belphegor slave - 2 gold
Mictlan slaves - 2 gold
LA Ulm vamp. thrall - 2 gold
Borderline freespawn: Human slave, peasant - 7 gold
Any more?

Finalgenesis December 29th, 2010 05:11 AM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
LA rly spawns have a gold cost 1, the cultist spanw cost 10 or 20 I think.

Stavis_L December 29th, 2010 09:32 AM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
How narrowly are you defining "freespawn" for whatever purpose you're looking at?

Are you also considering freespawn generated by units (such as wolves using LA Ulm's wolfherds, for instance?) Probably the easiest way to get those would be to take Edi's database, go to the "AllUnits" tab, and filter on units that have values in the "Creature Summoning" columns.

Also, you may or may not consider the PD generation of MA/LA T'ien Ch'i to be "freespawn" for whatever purpose you looking at.

Finally, are you considering "freespawn" generated by items such as the devils from Soul Contracts? What about free summon rituals from the Crown of the Ivy King and Igor's Tome? Soulless generated by the Ankh?

WraithLord December 29th, 2010 12:19 PM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
I'm looking foremost for critters that are auto summoned by way of special commander or item or effect.

There's a special significance to those on the economy in case they cost gold.

Jarkko December 30th, 2010 08:28 AM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
Manikin generated by the Pangaean Carrion Woods cost 0 gold.

The monsters generated by Mother of Monsters (in CBM) cost 0 gold.

FizRep January 2nd, 2011 11:10 AM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
What drives me crazy is the hefty price in gold and micromanagement from shifting around manaeds when playing Pangaea. I like the theme of the nation a lot but I hate having to endlessly suicide those crazy MILFs.

Finalgenesis January 2nd, 2011 12:35 PM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
You'll be happy to know that maenad has gold cost 0! I must agree on the micro nightmare they create @.@

Some more spawns with upkeep from Edi's excellent DB:

-Slave (levied by mictlan priest/tribal kings I think), thrall (vampire count from LA ulm) has gold cost 2. Slave of Belphegor (autospawn from demon lord Belphegor) has gold 10. Belpy is nicer then he looks...

-Ryleh coastal fort free-spawn hybrids: 9 gold? (a few types of them...)

-correction: all the LA ryleh cultist/mad priest has gold cost 2... with sacred.

-Most LA ryleh freespawn has gold cost 1, Mad deep one have a gold cost of 5 (Madness!).

-Borderline freespawn, spawned by events I think: Human slave, peasant have a gold cost of 7. Why am I paying slaves again? Can't I pay with my bloody whip?

Colonial January 2nd, 2011 01:40 PM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
paying slaves: maybe your renting them from their master?

WraithLord January 3rd, 2011 09:31 AM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
updated OP.

Thanks Finalgenesis!

P3D January 3rd, 2011 06:04 PM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
In WH/CBM the Gath multihero Nabi spawns Levites @15g each, if you want a complete list.

DeadlyShoe January 3rd, 2011 07:02 PM

Re: Gold cost of freespawns
Good point. There's a number of WH freespawns. Urugallu (C'tis hero) spawns souped up Elite Warriors @ 14g upkeep.

Also, the LA Ulm Wolfherd can Summon Allies 2 Wolf units a turn, 0 gcost.

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