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NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 8: A Dance with Illithids
1 Attachment(s)
Another all ages newbie game! No rules and such, just chaos. Besides the whole newb thing, going with the definition of having played under 10 MP games.
Mods: Single Age Mod Llama's Streamers and Standards CBM 1.82 Info: Host: Gandalf's server (game.dom3minions.com), direct connect Port: I'll PM it, make sure your PMs are enabled! Map: Cradle of Dominion Players: 14 Settings: 48-72(+?) hour quickhost (discuss) 35 magic site frequency Score graphs off No nation info (can't read pretender names and titles in statistics) Renaming on 15 Hall of Fame entries Everything else default Players: iRFNA - MA Caelum Thanatus del Dragos - EA Agartha Finalgenesis - MA R'lyeh NaivePhilosopher - MA Ermor Soyweiser - EA Lanka - DEAD SirMu - EA Niefelheim - DEAD Admiral_Aorta - MA Abysia - DEAD lwarmonger - LA Ulm - DEAD bbz - MA Bandar Log Hylobius - MA Vanheim - DEAD Peacekeeper - LA Pythium - DEAD nttea - EA Fomoria PavlovianCat - EA Tir na n'Og DarkAvenger211 - LA Ermor - DEAD If you want to quit mid-game for whatever reason, please allow me to find a sub! Just post and say you're done! Having someone stale out or spontaneously go AI really sucks! It's ok if you're losing and want to quit, just say so in this thread and let me find a sub!!! |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
No rules? So hidden autospawn locking of castles is allowed?
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
...I guess? If anyone knows to do that, they're not really a newb. Return to the soulless dom playing from whence you came, veteran!
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Not really that hard to discover now is it ;). Just read some of the rants by Calahan and you know about them.
I just pointed that out because that trick is not really counterable. (And a nasty a-hole move). In fact at the SA forum, a place with a reputation for using as few rules as possible. The hiddencommander autospawn castlelock trick is banned, next to copying the rules of a mind controlled bogus archer to other commanders. So, as one newbie to another, I would ban those two tricks. (And I would also consider banning scout move blocking armies). Just to prevent a lot of drama later on. (Edit) Thanks for calling me a vet. It made me feel all warm inside :). Sadly I'm not. Only a SP vet. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Eh, I hate the idea of banning, and SA goons have an ingrained hard-on for authority. If anyone does such jerk maneuvers, put a screenshot or two in this thread and we'll gang rape them! Street justice and all that.
Ya, here you are running around with all this forbidden knowledge. My ears (eyes?) are burning from being exposed to it! |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I have low self esteem and am a newb! I'll plate LA Gath.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Well, there's one. Any preferences when it comes to quantity of players (10 or 16?) or hosting time? The two maps I've picked are extremely similar in format and look pretty fun, so I'm more interested in if you'd rather end up with a larger game later on (could be micro heavy or epic, who knows).
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
No, I'm a newb, I dont know the difference.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Thanks for hosting! About time to try out cbm 1.71 and low gems game.
MA ryleh I prefer Crown5, 16 ppl, 48 hrs hosting (later setting to 72 hrs as micro gets tougher) |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I was debating whether or not I should sign up for this, given that I'm still in your other game and I'm signed up for a game Callahan is hosting on the other forum, but I think three games should be doable without too much of a problem if my turns remain the same amount of time as in NewbsGoneWild. I'd like to give MA Ermor a shot, I think.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I'm also wondering about joining. But I have a problem. I don't have low selfesteem. (Still a newb).
Would I still be allowed to join? |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Sign me up for MA T'ien Ch'i.
Torgon |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Alright, gotcha. Still deciding on a nation, soyweiser?
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Demon summoning, undead raising, super PD, monkeys for me please. (EA_Lanka that is :) ).
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I'll take MA Abysia if that's ok. I'm not sure if we have enough interest for 16 players, we'll just have to wait and see.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I guess I'll tolerate it...
And ya, we'll have to see. Personally, I'm sorta leaning toward 10 players just cause late game micro on a larger map would probably be awful. But then again, I doubt I'll survive past midgame, so... |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Sauromatia please. Hopefully I have better luck than the other swamp dwellers that I am playing.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
This is like a reunion of the other game, except that the other game is still going.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Nice, new CBM out. Tart spam is gone finally!
I'll shamelessly play: MA Pangaea if map is Planes of rusty nail. MA ryleh if map is Crown5. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
At 10dgems a tart is still a strong unit. (If you get rid of the afflictions). But the endgame is less decided by who has the most nature gems. Which is great.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
We should at least make rules against the cheap tactics mentioned, like the Bogus stuff. I don't want to deal with some uber nerds who desperately need a victory at any means to search the threads and find those cheap moves and use them guiltlessly. These games take months, would kind of suck to play for months only to be beaten by some dork using cheats.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Just my humble opinion but I think the games tactics tend to have game responses.
Its just that some people dont like the tactics or the responses. If CBM 1.8 is going to be used then its already 13,555 commands to that purpose. But if you really want to make a list in case you set up a game then you might look at the "unofficial Official Exploits List" thread. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44768 |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Ok, yay, I was hoping CBM 1.8 would come out before this started. If you haven't already, you may want to check out the changelog to see if whatever you were planning is totally ruined by the small tweaks or if a different nation is now quite appealing. I've updated the OP with a link to download it, but if you're lazy grab it here.
Since we're at 8 players, it's time to decide if we wanna stop at 10 or not. Lots of people haven't given any input. What do you guys think? As far as rules are concerned, I say we massacre anyone that copies bogus commands, etc. It'll be great, we'll all smash into a single nation then try to be the first to backstab everyone else! And as far as motivation, look at it like this: if you don't kill the exploiter when they're using their trickery on others, you will eventually be next, and they'll be even more powerful than before. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
10 sounds fine, the more people the more people drag their *** on turns. And I'm not really planning anything...I'm a newb, I just make units and send the them to their deaths.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
It is indeed a grim duty, being a newb.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
10 sounds fine to me, honestly, though if more people want to get in I would definitely welcome it.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Think I'm going to change it up and go with EA Niefelheim instead.
Torgon |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
You monster.
In other news, the current CBM breaks my storm generals and guards. It removes their iceprot (protection mod by cold) and their ressize (increases their resource cost beyond what it should be). I doubt this was intentional. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I'd suggest everyone do a quick check of their nation to make sure there aren't any odd bugs. If QM doesn't have a fix out by the time we want to start, I'll probably fix this storm guard/storm general thing myself since it's rather straightforward. If you guys find anything else, we can compile a list of changes we'll need to make for our own hotfix if necessary.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
i highly suggest you wait a couple days to start. cbm 1.8 has a lot of bugs, and qm hasnt released the bugfix edition yet
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Hello all, I would like to join the game playing as Bandar Log. This will be my first proper MP game I hope I'm eligible to play:)
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Well, there is that law about people with 3 letter names wherein 2 are the same letter are exempt from joining any game with a name that is 22 characters long, but I'll let it slide this time.
If we're aiming for a 10 player game, which is seems to be leaning toward, then we're now a mere 1 person away. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Thanks Ill vote for 72 hrs turn time since I might get a bit busy later on:) but Ill be fine with 48hrs aswell.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I'm fine with 48 hours.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Sign me up please. I'll come up with my nation choice tonight.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
ill jump in if i still can as LA pythium.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Looks like we'll do 16 people then, eh? Might as well, I guess we have to wait for a fixed CBM anyway.
One thing I'm beginning to worry about but hadn't spent much time considering, as I abhor all creatures of the sea, is the amount of water provs on crown5. Of course, it is currently not a prob with only 1 water player, but if more ocean freaks want to join then it could be. Does anyone know of maps that will hold a 15 prov to player ratio for this amount of players? Glory of the Gods (multiplayer) seems to roughly fit the bill, and I guess the player amount could change depending. I guess we'll just have to see how things go. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, 5/16 slots remain]
I'll try MA Vanheim for a change. These guys give me fits when I meet up with them so maybe I'll find some weaknesses by playing them.
The quicker the turn around for the early turns the better for me. Also I'd be happy to wait for a stable patch or use an older mod. Not sure what to suggest for a map. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, 5/16 slots remain]
Well, cradle of dominion would work for 15 players, but it still seems on the rather low end of the water:land ratio. Galadia has quite a bit of water, and would work well with 14-15 players. Of course, I think I'd kill a couple connections between harbors on galadia so it operates via the cradle of dominion harbor rule (harbors connected only if they share an adjacent water prov).
Anyway, I'm kinda leaning toward galadia since I was hoping to use a wraparound map, makes it harder to turtle. However, with 177 land provs and 40 water provs, it'd be pretty ridiculous if we only have one water player.. I think. I'm not too sure on exactly how the land vs water thing is typically balanced, but having one nation with an advantage in a fifth of the provs seems iffy. On the other hand, it really lets nations abuse sailing, especially with the choke points formed by the harbors, which I think is cool. edit: I've taken the liberty of implementing the fixes done with galadia 1.1 and the starting locs only with 3+ adjacent provs (of the same type, so land needs at least 3 adjacent land and water needs at least 3 adjacent water). I also fixed what TheConway mentions in the last post of the thread, and checked all coasts for any other problems. |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
In that case, I'll take Fomoria. As for hosting preferences, I like 24 hour quickhost to start. Once we start really locking horns, so to speak, 48 hours with quickhost off seems to work well.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Well, I probably won't drop below 36, just due to all the timezone confusion and people having things to do. But I would be ok with a 36 hour quickhost for starting, until some undetermined point of time. Also since we've got someone sorta amphibious and it helps me drop the player count to 14, I'm gonna switch to galadia unless there are objections.
You can check out my altered version of the map on the first post. I had to change the image cause one of the docks had become obsolete. If you see anything dumb or wrong, post it! |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Some input and past experience on maps in regard to land/water ratio:
Crown5 has 245 provs total, 17 of which is water. the map averages 15 provs per player with 16 players. While it seems a lone water nation gets 17 water all to itself, but since your version has no river connection, a lone water nation can be looking at 5 water provinces at most if he's lucky enough to spawn in the middle pond, or sitting in a lone or 2 water prov pond if unlucky which pretty much means it's doomed, though more likely in a 3 water provs pond, which isn't much better. having only 1-5 water provinces realistically to start in is a huge handicap, a lone water nation should be fine there, fixed start in the 5 provs pond is also a good idea to prevent a 1-3 prov pond start. Oh, last I checked it was wrapparound. This would be a challenge map for water nation (with river connections removed). Galadia has around 13.5 provs per player for 16 players, with 40 water provs, I'd say 2 water nations is too little, 3 water nations would be preferable, which was the case in a MP I was in, with UW mod enabled. 2 Water nations would be conceivable I suppose. Cradle of dominion as you say has no wrapparound (I do like wrapparound), for a lone water nation with 15 ppl it is quite good though, you get quite a good swath of water to yourself, but being squeezed in the middle results in heavy dom invasion even if you temple up with high dom and allows being ganked geographically (both I had ran into in past MP games in this map with water nations), a pretty good balance I'd say. CBM 1.81 also enables some UW mod spells, which mitigates the water nation entrenchment problem by quite some bit, as UW combat penalty can be negated (I recall a bonus to non-water troops fighting underwater with the spell too, I'll have to check to make sure) via battlefield spell, and also a vine ancient that can be cast into the water to create a cheap leader with magic leadership (kind of as an enabling water pd for land nation if I understand correctly). I should boot up 1.81 cbm and take a look... |
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Well, with galadia, I'd prefer to do 14 (maybe 15) people to go for that 15 prov to player ratio. Since both MA ermor and EA fomoria have limited underwater capabilities, I'm sorta hoping for another underwater nation to step up to make everything roughly balanced. I've looked over some of the UW spells, and I guess they may make it easier to raid into the sea, but I dunno.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I certainly won't complain with 2 water nations for galadia :D.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Haha, I'd imagine not. Maybe we'll get 3 or 4, wouldn't that be nice.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Ok, I've considered how the water prov to water nation ratio should be, and I believe that you're right, finalgenesis. 2 or less water nations on galadia will be pretty unbalanced, so I think we're going to have to use cradle of dominion if there are under 3 water nations. As much as I'd love to use a wrap-around map, it's not worth it if it unbalances the game.
Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
If wrapparound is a big consideration (I'm a fan myself, though cradle is a very solid map despite no wrapparound and is one of my fav map), enabling river connection for Crown5 should do as well, water nation would face the same pro/con as cradle from my brief glance at the map, pro being 17 water provs (pretty good!) but con being squeezed in the middle of everything on all sides with the same land dom invasion and geographic issues, I imagine a water nation in crown5 will play similar to Cradle (promotes heavy diplo, info broker, mercenary type of play, don't turtle or get dom stomped, just my style!).
On the other hand, if you prefer not to have water at all I'd be happy to accommodate too. |
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