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-   -   MP: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Five Nations Surviving (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47075)

jimbojones1971 February 21st, 2011 02:58 AM

n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Five Nations Surviving
This is an MP game for n00bs (such as myself). For the purposes of this game, a n00b is someone with about five MP games or less, but if you are close to that and want to quibble let me know on the thread and we can chat - the idea is a level playing field rather than to be pointlessly pedantic :)

The idea is to set up a smallish game (~15 provinces per player) with a moderate number of players, and go for it. And please, no dick moves or stupid exploits.

The game details are as follows. (Where someone else had already described a particular point well, e.g. Calahan and exploits, I’ve reused their text – many thanks to the originators!)

Age: Middle Age.

Map: "Ilzgot" map (104 land, 16 sea provinces): http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Ilzgot

Turn Length: Turns start at 24 hours and will be extended liberally as needed.

Number of player: 7 (max of two water nations)

Non-standard settings: Score graphs disabled, 15 Hall-of-Fame, re-naming allowed.

Mods being used: No mods, this is a vanilla game.

Hosting: Hosting will be done via llamaserver. Once we have enough people, I'll create the game.

The game can be found here on llamaserver: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....me=n00bsOfDoom

Selecting Nations: If everyone can post three nations they’d like to play (in order of preference) I’ll randomise the selections and we’ll see who gets what.

Diplomacy and Trades: The inviolability or otherwise of NAPs is up to individual players. At the end of the day, this is a win at all costs game, so it is perhaps not surprising that sometimes backstabs occur.
The exception to this is that trade agreements such as a gem / item swap / purchase / province trades, are a totally different type of agreement to NAP's. You are expected to honour any and all trade agreements that you make. Please don’t be a douche bag.

Banned Exploits:
1. Copying the script orders from Bogus and his friends to others commanders (ie. The 'Fire Commanders' orders).
2. Overloading other players labs by sending them lots of items they did not request. Be they worthless or valuable.
3. Being a general douche bag is not allowed in this game.

If you need to leave in mid-game for whatever reason, please give us time to find a replacement.

Players and Preferences:
As people sign up, and give me my preferences, I will log them here.
Everyone got their first preferences (bolded below).





Jotunheim (Gone to Tartarus)

Bandar Log (Gone to Tartarus)

T'ien Ch'i

CthulhuDreams February 21st, 2011 03:01 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
Two water nations in 16 provinces is going to be cramped. Either way, I'm keen.

jimbojones1971 February 21st, 2011 03:02 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
Sweeeet. Preferences?

GFSnl February 21st, 2011 05:08 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
Hi, first time MP.
I would love to play Caelum.
2nd and 3rd option are Pythium and Abyssia

jimbojones1971 February 21st, 2011 05:59 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)

Originally Posted by GFSnl (Post 771531)
Hi, first time MP.
I would love to play Caelum.
2nd and 3rd option are Pythium and Abyssia

Excellent! Welcome, and I look forward to playing with you :-)

That gives us four players, only three more to go.

SirMu February 21st, 2011 03:07 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
Hey there, first time posting - and playing online- and I was waiting for a noob game to pop up.

My orders:
1) Ulm
2) Jotunheim
3) Eriu

jimbojones1971 February 21st, 2011 06:06 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)

Originally Posted by SirMu (Post 771556)
Hey there, first time posting - and playing online- and I was waiting for a noob game to pop up.

My orders:
1) Ulm
2) Jotunheim
3) Eriu

Glad you decide to join us, welcome SirMu :-)

Decrepus February 21st, 2011 07:53 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
Also my first post. :)

I would like to try Bandar Log.

jimbojones1971 February 21st, 2011 08:55 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)

Originally Posted by Decrepus (Post 771576)
Also my first post. :)

I would like to try Bandar Log.

Bandar Log always looked like a lot of fun to me, so good choice I think.

Do you have second and third preferences, just in case?

Decrepus February 21st, 2011 09:09 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
C'tis and Pangea both seem to have interesting mechanics so either of those too.

kennoseishin February 21st, 2011 09:27 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
I'll join in too, so that makes seven. I hope I won't get banished to a watery grave like in my first game (damn mammoths!).

My first pick is R'lyeh, tentatively.

kennoseishin February 21st, 2011 10:25 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)

Originally Posted by kennoseishin (Post 771582)
<del>My first pick is R'lyeh, tentatively.</del>

On second thought, I'll go with:
1)T'ien Ch'i

Also, I'm surprised there's no way to edit posts.

Decrepus February 21st, 2011 10:33 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)

Originally Posted by kennoseishin (Post 771594)

Originally Posted by kennoseishin (Post 771582)
<del>My first pick is R'lyeh, tentatively.</del>

On second thought, I'll go with:
1)T'ien Ch'i

Also, I'm surprised there's no way to edit posts.

There is, I edited my first post. I guess it is "for a limited time only" :D

CthulhuDreams February 21st, 2011 11:10 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOM!!!! (New MP game for newbies)
Yes, there is only a limited window of post editing.

I am going

Oceania, Ryleh, Vanhiem - but I don't think the map is big enough for two water nations (I'm still trying to recover from a similar horror situation in Rock the Cradle), so if someone else is going with water can I have Vanhiem.

If there is no other water power Oceania is excruciatingly bad, so it will probably all work out.



jimbojones1971 February 21st, 2011 11:25 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL
So we've got seven. I'll just give the last guy a while to finalise his race, but at this stage I think we'll all get our first preferences.

I'll set up the game on llamaserver later today and then let everyone know that they can submit their pretenders.

(If you could please leave a post in this thread when you've submitted your pretender (so that I know its yours and not someone jumping the queue) that would be great :) )

SirMu February 22nd, 2011 12:13 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL
Hey, can I change my race preference to Jotunheim first, followed by Ulm? I've been testing out MA Ulm in Single player and I don't like it very much.

jimbojones1971 February 22nd, 2011 12:50 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL

Originally Posted by SirMu (Post 771606)
Hey, can I change my race preference to Jotunheim first, followed by Ulm? I've been testing out MA Ulm in Single player and I don't like it very much.

Done :-)

jimbojones1971 February 22nd, 2011 02:31 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL
CthuluDreams has suggested a couple of changes to our rules of engagement:
* change site frequency to 50
* turn on score graphs
* remove the bit about requiring province swaps to be honoured from the "diplomacy and trades" section (so economic trades still must be honoured, but not territory swaps)

Does anyone have any issues with these changes?

tzarin February 22nd, 2011 02:46 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL
1. Shinuyama
2. Marignon
3. Man

Im Tzvim apparently lol

jimbojones1971 February 22nd, 2011 02:47 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL

Originally Posted by tzarin (Post 771614)
1. Shinuyama
2. Marignon
3. Man

Im Tzvim apparently lol

Thanks dude :-)

Yeah, forgot your username so I just punched the keyboard and went with whatever came up ;-)

CthulhuDreams February 22nd, 2011 09:03 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 771613)
CthuluDreams has suggested a couple of changes to our rules of engagement:
* change site frequency to 50
* turn on score graphs
* remove the bit about requiring province swaps to be honoured from the "diplomacy and trades" section (so economic trades still must be honoured, but not territory swaps)

Does anyone have any issues with these changes?


You spelt my name wrong.

Anyway, my reasoning is 50 site frequence is fun, score graphs are essential to keeping track of what is happening around you, and provience trades are typically tied to NAPs or whatever.

GFSnl February 22nd, 2011 10:32 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL
Fine with me.

SirMu February 22nd, 2011 12:44 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL
No problem here, either.

kennoseishin February 22nd, 2011 04:58 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL
The change to site frequency and diplomacy rules sounds fine to me. As for the score graph, well, I suppose I'm cool with that. Yeah, it makes everyone's positions clear, but it also eliminates most of the information brokering/propaganda minigame.

CthulhuDreams February 22nd, 2011 07:49 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - FULL

Originally Posted by kennoseishin (Post 771665)
The change to site frequency and diplomacy rules sounds fine to me. As for the score graph, well, I suppose I'm cool with that. Yeah, it makes everyone's positions clear, but it also eliminates most of the information brokering/propaganda minigame.

I think you'll be surprised how much it doesn't. In my limited experience, while you can check how big someone is from the graph, where someone is, and what they are doing is just as relevant.

Diplomacy (the board game) has more information available about board position, and that has a huge amount of information brokering ad grey press!

jimbojones1971 February 22nd, 2011 08:59 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Turns out everyone got their first choice of nation, which is excellent.

The game is now up at llamaserver and ready for people to submit their pretenders:


If you could put a post in the thread letting me know when you have posted your pretender (to make sure no-one tries to jump the queue and steal your place) that would be great :-)

jimbojones1971 February 22nd, 2011 09:01 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
I notice that quite a few of you (who have just created accounts I suspect) haven't turned on the PM (private message) function on the forum user control panel.

I'd recommend you do this, as a lot of diplomacy is conducted this way (its a lot quicker and easier than just using the in-game messaging function).

The guys who have PMs off are: GFSnl; Decrepus; and Tzarin.

SirMu February 23rd, 2011 12:24 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Alright, I've submitted my pretender.

kennoseishin February 23rd, 2011 12:38 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
I've submitted mine too.

GFSnl February 23rd, 2011 05:50 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Submitted my pretender. :)

jimbojones1971 February 23rd, 2011 07:54 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Put mine in last night, and Oceania's might also be in.

I'll chase the last guy, and then we are away :)

GFSnl February 24th, 2011 06:05 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
C'mon, c'mon ... let's KILLLL ...:)

jimbojones1971 February 24th, 2011 07:03 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders

Originally Posted by GFSnl (Post 771838)
C'mon, c'mon ... let's KILLLL ...:)

Yes, I too am keen for some killing :D

I'll go back to doing some more whinging at the other dude again, to get him to hurry up. I really want to know where I am on the map!

jimbojones1971 February 24th, 2011 09:57 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Not sure how long we'll be waiting on CthulhuDreams for, he promised to get his pretender in yesterday but here we are. Oh well, we'll get there I guess.

CthulhuDreams February 25th, 2011 01:57 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Sorry, I have been very sick. My pretender is in now. Apologies for the delay.

jimbojones1971 February 25th, 2011 02:56 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Guys, I screwed up with my pretender (didn't switch off the CBM mod before making him), so I've had to restart the game.

Really really sorry for this.

Anyway, make sure you ignore the first file it sent you use the new one that will be out shortly.

GFSnl February 25th, 2011 01:53 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Alright we're kickin'

Be prepared to be scraped of my boots you lowlife scumb...

I mean good game to everyone :D

SirMu February 25th, 2011 04:08 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Ai, let's have some fun brutally destroying the other nation's pitiful and weak armies and cultures.

jimbojones1971 February 25th, 2011 06:08 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Awww, you guys are making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Oh wait, my mistake - that is just the reflected heat from funeral pyres that my inquisitors are building to burn you heretics alive! :D

kennoseishin February 25th, 2011 08:34 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
The celestial bureaucracy will sort you all out in due time. We'll liberate all people from the oppression of your barbaric cultures! :angel

tzarin February 25th, 2011 09:03 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
The only liberation will be heads from shoulders from Shinuyama blades... it has begun!

jimbojones1971 February 25th, 2011 10:16 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Is it too late to mention that the Grand High Inquisitors of Marignon are by nature a peace loving bunch, and that our witch burnings are merely a quaint ethnographic practice designed to attract tourists?

CthulhuDreams February 25th, 2011 10:27 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Alright, Captain Ahab and Oceania are staking claim to all underwater territories, and the land provinces adjacent to my capital. I will not make aggressive moves onto the surface except for that provinces that are adjacent to my capital until further notice.

SirMu February 25th, 2011 11:25 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
C'mon Caelum, let's get this show on the road!

Decrepus February 26th, 2011 02:36 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Jotunheim, I must make it clear that I have territorial claims on Banded Hills and will be occupying it next turn. It is neighboring my capital so I hope you understand. ;)

And I think we might have to talk about province 115 since that is equidistant, email would be the best way to reach me if we want to talk about it.

jimbojones1971 February 26th, 2011 06:03 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Wow, Shinuyama has gone nuts on the army graph. I'm guessing that Zhu Rong got the event with all the militia (or national equivalent - I seem to get flagellents). Nice to have at this stage of the game, if that's the case :)

kennoseishin February 27th, 2011 12:44 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Huh. I'm surprised Bandar is forgoing diplomacy entirely. Ah well. I hope he doesn't mind getting his pretender cursed, marked, etc.

Edit: I'm fine with negotiation, but if you're just going to move that close to my capital without a word, I'm just going to assume the worst.

SirMu February 27th, 2011 01:25 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders
Sounds like the apes have made an enemy.

jimbojones1971 February 27th, 2011 05:22 AM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders

Originally Posted by SirMu (Post 771987)
Sounds like the apes have made an enemy.

Pretty sure its actually a primate mating ritual.

In which case, maybe we can re-enact king kong in the game, but with a T'ien C'hi princess?

kennoseishin February 27th, 2011 01:33 PM

Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 771994)

Originally Posted by SirMu (Post 771987)
Sounds like the apes have made an enemy.

Pretty sure its actually a primate mating ritual.

In which case, maybe we can re-enact king kong in the game, but with a T'ien C'hi princess?

Great, just what I need. Now I'll have to double the guard for my imperial consort -.-

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