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Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
Ok, I've had a few requests from players to start up a new game, so here it is :)
This will be a newbie friendly game. I won't limit it strictly to new players only though, but I would ask that if any semi-experienced players want to play in this game, that they either take a weak nation and/or play experimental strategies. (ie. use a crazy pretender design or something similar that is far from optimum). But please don't sign-up for this game if you are a known veteran. As this game won't be suitable, or interesting, for vets. (which is besides the unfairness aspect of it) I've also had differing requests regarding the settings and age. The Age will be All ages (as I've had a request for an Early and Mid era game, so an All ages game is best chance to keeps everyone happy). Mod wise we will be using CBM 1.82 (which includes EDM, but you will still need to download EDM for the graphic files if you haven't got it already) Mods Links. Single Age Mod - http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attachment....99&d=1212179279 CBM 1.82 With Some Fixes - http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/index....post&id=1365733 EDM 1.1 - http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attachment....38&d=1277840680 (EDM is part of CBM 1.7+, but you will still need to download and install EDM for the graphic files it uses) You might need 7-zip to unpack the CBM 1.82 mod, as I had to max compress it to get it inside the forum attachment limit. 7-zip is here - http://www.7-zip.org/ Map Greece Stain by PashaDawg. Download the image file here - http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attachment....69&d=1299106781 (You do not need a .map file. Although please note that I have done a new image file for this game, so you will need to download it even if you already have the Greece Stain map) I'll flesh out the OP with victory conditions etc once I get more time (and the game settings have been decided) Name - Nicer Shade of Green Game Type - PBEM on llamaserver Schedule - 48h for 1st turn. Then 24h until players prefer 48h, then likewsie for 72h Age - All Ages Independent Strength - 5 Research - Standard Magic Sites - Default Money - Default Resources - Default Supplies - Default Random Events- Default (which is Common) Re-naming - On Score Graphs - On Hall Of Fame - 15 Player List (6 minimum. 8 ideal. 10 maximum) 1. MythicBowman - MA Pythium 2. Saeter - MA Marignon 3. SirMu - EA Niefleheim 4. Wolfsbane - MA Bandar Log 5. Koral - LA Ulm 6. escafoides - EA Yomi 7. Lord Xia (Thanatus del Dragos on Shrapnel) - MA Oceania 8. GFSnl - LA Bogarus 9. Bann - EA Arco 10. Globu - EA Fomoria (The sister thread to this on the Dom3mods forum can be found here. Please can you sign in there as soon as possible, as this thread likely won't be supported once the game starts) http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...?showtopic=336 |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
I've never played with CBM before, so I suppose my vote is for 1.6 since it's closer to vanilla.
Also, can you link to downloads of all the mods this game will be using? Thanks. P.S. What map? |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
The map will depend on the number of players, but I will link some candidate maps tomorrow. |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Hello! I'm new here.
Could I play? I will take Yomi. |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Thanks, I've posted in the sister thread/forum. Will that one be the main thread used for this planning? (Could be confusing with two ones.)
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Do you have a preference for which CBM to use? Quote:
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
I would like MA Oceana.
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Hi I'm also new.
Would love to play Bogarus. My preference for CBM is 1.82. |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
I don't have a preference, because I don't know the difference.
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
CBM preference is 1.82 and I'll play LA ULM.
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
My suggestion for newbs is to try vanilla games for your first MP games. It's best to learn the basics of the game in vanilla before jumping on the CBM train.
That's why I suggest a vanilla game for first timers, recent CBM versions can be a big change if you've only played SP so far, and tho this *is a mostly CBM cult forum not all new games start with same CBM versions as two CBM cults now exist, the pre and post 1.7 CBM. |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Executor is right, fundamentally it boils down to do you think the game is 'better' if you remove gem gens, nerf blood hunting and remove dwarven hammers, at the cost of a ****ton of changes that may or may not be important.
Good advice overall. Quote:
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
--------------------------- A good rule of thumb up until CBM 1.5 was that if it works in vanilla, then it'll work in CBM. (as the transition from vanilla to CBM was fairly easy up until CBM 1.5, as until then CBM mostly only added things to the game by fixing unused/unusable things). Edit - So if you play a nation a certain way in vanilla, then it's very likely to play the same in CBM upto 1.5. CBM 1.6 removed the gem generating items Clam of Pearls, Bloodstone and Fever Fetish, so CBM 1.6 does play a lot differently to vanilla if you are highly reliant on gem generating items. Otherwise it plays more or less the same. CBM 1.7+ removed hammers, along with changing a whole host of other things, and adding numerous spells and nation boosts. I haven't played a game with CBM 1.82 to tell for certain how different it is from vanilla, but my guess is it's pretty big, as I'm currently playing a CBM 1.7 game, and I can already tell it has a very different feel to CBM 1.6. (as I played several CBM 1.6 and games, and CBM 1.7 is a different beast all together. Although CBM 1.82 is certainly better than 1.7, but both are a different playing experience to vanilla). If we go with CBM 1.6, then I'd say you'll be fine with your vanilla knowledge just as long as nothing about your strategy involves gem gens. If we go for CBM 1.82, then you best bet is simply to play SP game with your nation (and maybe against the other nation in this game) so that you can get some idea what the changes are. But it'll be hard for anyone to give you a good opinion on how 1.82 plays right now, as hardly any games have been played with it for people to know how it plays. (and those MP games that are using it are likely in the early stages) ---------------------------- IMO Executor and CthulhuDreams are largely right in advising new players should play vanilla before CBM, but with the proviso IMO that gem gens shouldn't be part of any game. As they really don't work well at all, and anyone who gets too used to needing them to be competitive in MP games (as several players have in the past), will find it a lot more difficult to adjust to non-gem gen games (which is all games using CBM 1.6+). But I personally think that playing wise, CBM 1.6 plays close enough to vanilla (with the exception of gem gens) for me to say that it provides a better MP gaming experience for new players than just playing vanilla does. As vanilla has a lot of problems due to the large number of units, summons, items, spells and pretenders (ie. large parts of the base game) that are pretty much unusable due to their cost and/or general uselessness. But CBM addresses most of these problems in versions 1.0 - 1.6, meaning CBM 1.6 provides the most "fun" (fun = variety of strategic options) while still largely maintaining it's connection with the vanilla game. All IMO of course :) |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
So yeah, after this discussion I think my vote is still for 1.6
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
I'd like to join with EA Sauromatia;)
And I dont mind which kind of CBM we're playing. |
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Ossa i feel the need to challenge your noob status. I'm pretty sure you were in one of my first mp games, and i've seen you in several non-noob games since then, such as YARG1. not saying your trying to sneak in or anything, but i would like you thin about whether or not you really are for this game. most of the other players have less than 3, or even 2 mp games
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
I think Ossa's ;) gave away his true intentions. At least I'm assuming it did. The game is still on 9 players either way :)
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Oh... I didnt mean to sneak in, I just thought "newb-friendly" did mean that also semiproffessionals could join in. My fault;)
Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)
Anyway, I'm starting up a new game here for non-newbs Ossa if you want to check it out. http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...?showtopic=338 -------------------------- @ All It now appears we have the full 10 players, so it's time for you all to start designing those Pretenders :) I'm going to have no free time to create the game and sort the map out for a little while (I'm away on an overnight business trip tonight). I will do both though the first chance I get. Which will either be late tomorrow night, or sometime on Thursday. But this shouldn't delay the game, as you can all use that time to design those Pretenders :) (I'll aim for a start before the weekend) |
Re: Newb All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Pretender Design Stage)
How do we design our pretenders if we don't know which version of CMB we're using?
Re: Newb All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Pretender Design Stage)
Anyway, a quick count of the votes seems to give 1.82 the nod over 1.6. So please create your Pretenders using CBM 1.82. (I think new players should use 1.6 personally, but I'll put my Dictatorship instincts to one side just for this game) (For the game itself I will create a custom mod using Trumanator's fixes for 1.82. But this shouldn't affect Pretender design AFAIK, as none of the bugs are with the Pretenders) |
Re: Newb All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Pretender Design Stage)
Ok everyone, the game is up on the llamaserver. The name of the game is "Nicer_Shade_Of_Green".
Link is here - http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?ga..._Shade_Of_Green Very important note. There is another game on the server called "A_Nicer_Shade_Of_Green". Please do not upload your pretenders to this game, as it is bugged, and it will be removed at some point soon (I've left it there for now in case llamabeast wants to check the error out). So please make sure you upload your Pretenders to the correct game. For those new to using the llamaserver, the FAQ is here - http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35160 The mods you will need for the game are linked in the OP. For your convenience, here they are. CBM 1.82 With Some Fixes - http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/index....post&id=1365733 Single Age Mod - http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attachment....99&d=1212179279 You might need 7-zip to unpack the "CBM 1.82 With Some Fixes" mod, as I had to max compress it to get it inside the forum attachment limit. 7-zip is here - http://www.7-zip.org/ The map is here - Greece Stain (Clean) - http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attachment....69&d=1299106781 Note you only need the image file to play the game. If you want to play-test the map, then please download the original map. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44078 Also, I will only be admining this game from the other forum once it starts. So if anyone hasn't jumped over there yet, then can I please ask you to do so soon, as I will likely miss any posts made on this thread. |
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
Hi, when I install the 2 mods I get the error Nagot gick fel!.
myloadmalloc: can't open /mods/./CBM_sprites/manticore_1.tga The sprites are not included in this mod but in the original cbm 1.81 they are. |
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
did you copy the sprite into the mod cal gave you?
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
I copied the directory "CBM_Sprites" from another cbm 1.82 install (different DOM3 install for a different MP) into the Mods directory.
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
I forgot to say that it works just fine right now.
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
Oh.... :doh:
You have to install the official cbm 1.82 first and then copy Calahans "CBM_182_With_Some_Fixes.dm" into the Mods directory and load this mod file when you're in the dominions game. You may have to create the Mods directory yourself if it's not in your game directory CBM 1.82 found here http://www.llamaserver.net/quantum/ :happy: |
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
Oh I submitted my pretender with only the regular CMB 1.82. How do I fix it?
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
you should be fine.calahan didnt change any pretenders i'm pretty sure
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
When trying to extract CMB with some fixes, I get Unknown Method in CMB_1.82_With_Some_Fixes.dm and also No files to extract.
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
@ All who are still on this thread.
An Update to the situation Story so far is that Wolfsbane (Bandar Log) had to drop out due to Real Life problems, and as such I went looking for (and found) a player (Ianh) to replace him. I then rolled the game back to the "waiting for Pretenders" stage of the game so that Ianh could pick his nation, and upload his Pretender. But for some reason the game re-started automatically, and just to be helpful, it also changed my password for the game meaning I no longer have any control over it :( I likely won't be able to sort this issue out now until tomorrow (as it's late in the UK). But just to let you all know that the game is currently not running, so there is no point anyone sending turns in. As the game will either be restarted (if I can get control of the password again from llamabeast), or I will have to create a new game (in which case everyone will have to upload their Pretenders again) Apologies for the failed starts. Most of it has been out of my control though, and I'm still hoping the game will start over the weekend. |
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
For everyone who hasn't checked the other thread: We're using CMB 1.83 now.
Re: Newb All Age game - Nicer Shade of Green - (Full - Please Upload Pretenders)
To keep all those still over here updated, this is what I just posted on the active game thread.
-------------------- -------------------- @ All Ok, I've created a new game on the llamaserver (apologies for not getting this up yesterday, but I just didn't have the time). So can I please ask you all to re-create your Pretenders using CBM 1.83, and uploaded them to the game... Even_Nicer_Shade_Of_Green Here's the link to the status page - http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?ga..._Shade_Of_Green The maps and mod(s) that are currently set for the game are just place holders. As I need to do the map again to accommodate the extra player (or maybe players), and I want to know that the most recent version of CBM 1.83 is bug free before I upload it myself. (as mainly I don't want multiple versions of the same mod on the llamaserver). But none of this should stop you all from uploading your Pretenders, and I hope to get the map and mod sorted by the end of the day. Next it is time to deal with..... the previous failed version of this game. I am going to PM llamabeast again and ask him to remove the previous, and now defunct version of this game. But in the meantime, and this will probably be the only scenario where I ever suggest doing this, but I recommend that you should all turn AI in that previous game. As otherwise you will just keep getting sent turn files every day until llamabeast gets around to removing it. Since I can't do anything to stop it without a working password. Now onto question time. ------------------------ Quote:
@ All - Can I please ask you all to turn AI in that previous game (please request turn re-sends if you no longer have the turn file), and then delete every file and llamaserver email you have regarding any and all the failed versions of this game. As when this game does get going, I don't want anyone getting the 1st turn files for the official re-start mixed up with any of the other 1st turn files from the two failed starts that this game had. (the llamaserver shouldn't get these files confused, but as usual, I don't want to take any chances when they are so easy to avoid taking at all) ------------------------- Quote:
Send your Pretender to... pretenders@llamaserver.net and make sure the subject heading of the email is... Even_Nicer_Shade_Of_Green Although please let me know if you still have problems using the llamaserver. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ I'll probably post one more time on this thread once I know for sure the game has started and is running properly. But then after that I will only be updating the official 'active' thread for this game on Dom3mods. |
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