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-   -   MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Finished (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47232)

Executor March 27th, 2011 07:04 PM

MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Finished
1 Attachment(s)
This is a new MA game, Testing Grounds, which will be using Llamas "Expanded Nations Pack". The mods add two sets of several mod nations each.

This game will be using nation pack 2.

Nation pack 2 adds nations generally themed around real-world cultures, like the base-game nations. The mod adds the following nations;

Haida Gwaii
Shangri-La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters
Al-Nadim, The Thousand and One Nights
Svarogia, Dark Forests
Arga Dis, Blood of Warriors
Pythium, The Second Empire
New Ulm, Iron Faith Reborn
Vaettiheim, Exiled Tribes
New Jomon, Broken Sword

For more info on the mod and nations check bellow.

Game mods, and links:

Game Info>

Admin: Executor

Game Name: Testing Grounds
Server: LlamaServer

Players: 12
Map: Cradle pf Dominions (fixed starts 11+1)

Era: MA
Indies: 5
Special Sites: 50
Graphs: Disabled (use scouts)
HoF: 15
Research: Standard
Victory conditions: To the death
Mods: Expanded Nations Pack, CBM 1.6, EDM

Hosting schedule: 24 hours until requested otherwise

NAPs and other agreements are expected to be honored once accepted, not binding however.


Executor - Haida Gwaii
Don_Pablo - Shangri-La
Thanatus del Dragos - Vaettiheim
PriestyMan - Arga Dis
Huitochkan - New Ulm
NaivePhilosopher - New Jomon
attackdrone - Al-Nadim
Ragabash - R'lyeh
nrasch - Bandar Log
Trumaantor - Pythium (mod nation)
GFSnl - Svarogia
ghoul31 - Ermor

Expanded nation pack 2 dm file.

don_Pablo March 27th, 2011 07:58 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Hi. I'd like to try Pack 1 - Itza, Servants of the Old Ones

ghoul31 March 28th, 2011 10:07 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Pack 1 - Skaven

WraithLord March 28th, 2011 11:16 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Oh man, I would have so loved to join this one, if only Amhazair had not snared me with Andalusian sun game first :re:

Have fun guys.

Thanatus del Dragos March 28th, 2011 11:22 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Vaettiheim is the only nation I would want to play, but it's late age. So boo.

Executor March 28th, 2011 12:48 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Thank you WL.


Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos (Post 774267)
Vaettiheim is the only nation I would want to play, but it's late age. So boo.

The game is MA in the sense of vanilla nations and in-game settings (you know, scouts, type of indies, etc.).
The 3 late age nations from pack 2 will be transferred to MA if pack 2 is voted for.

PriestyMan March 28th, 2011 01:24 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
I'd like vaettiheim, but someone might have beat me to it. i could do arga dis also.

Pack 2

Edit: although from the looks of things, we arent supposed to pick yet. so i guess ignore the above

Executor March 28th, 2011 01:54 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Ah screw it, to complex and time consuming. Pick a nation pack, and pick a nation.

nrasch March 28th, 2011 10:00 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Hello all.

I'd like to join if there is still room.

Sylvania, Vampire Counts


nrasch March 28th, 2011 10:37 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Just tried the map pack 1 + cbm 1.6. Seems to be having issues loading both.... Keep getting an error. Anyone else confirm?

ghoul31 March 28th, 2011 11:05 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Pack1 works with 1.83, but it doesn't work with 1.6

Why don't we just use 1.83?

Huitochka March 29th, 2011 03:02 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Pack 2, New Ulm.

don_Pablo March 29th, 2011 03:38 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Shangri-La, if we playing Pack 2

Executor March 29th, 2011 06:26 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups

Originally Posted by nrasch (Post 774353)
Just tried the map pack 1 + cbm 1.6. Seems to be having issues loading both.... Keep getting an error. Anyone else confirm?

Huh, I missed that somehow.
Well that kinda makes the voting pointless, we stick with pack 2 than.

Sorry ghoul31, but I'm not in favor of CBM 1.83, too many changes for me, and seeing as how the only games I can play that don't have CBM 1.83 are the once I organize we stick with CBM 1.6.

NaivePhilosopher March 29th, 2011 08:35 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
I've been playing with the nation packs for a few days, and I have to say they've been awesome. I'd like to sign up as New Jomon, please.

attackdrone March 30th, 2011 05:25 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
I'd love to sign up for this game. If we're picking, put me down for Al-Nadim please.

I have checked, and Expanded Nations Pack is compatible with CBM 1.6 + EDM. Remember, you need to enable CBM and EDM first, then enable the Expanded Nations Pack. It will crash if you enable the Nations Pack first. I believe this is noted in the readme.

NaivePhilosopher March 30th, 2011 03:58 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Hrm. While we're waiting, and on the CBM+EDM, note, perhaps someone can help me with some mod troubleshooting.

With CBM 1.6, EDM 1.2, and Expanded Nations Pack 2 enabled, when I load up a game as Jomon I have the option to recruit a whole bunch of EDM stuff for commanders, including Rocs, Treants, etc. It's definitely tied to EDM, as they don't appear when I disable the mod. The odd thing is, though, that this doesn't occur with CBM 1.83 and the Nation Pack, which has EDM 1.2 bundled in with it. It also doesn't seem to impact anyone but New Jomon.

So, something on my end, an odd mod conflict, or something else? Thoughts, suggestions?

llamabeast March 30th, 2011 04:12 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Just a quick note that I'm about to fix a heap of clashy things. More later tonight...

llamabeast March 30th, 2011 05:49 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Okay, I've fixed the Expanded Nations Packs / CBM clash. It turns out that CBM 1.6 and CBM 1.83 had the same problem - it was just a case of which mod you clicked on first. If you clicked on CBM after the nation pack it would crash! Well, now it works with any CBM regardless of what order you click in.

Also the issue you saw should be gone NaivePhilosopher.

Everyone make sure to download the new packs - v1.01.

NaivePhilosopher March 30th, 2011 07:03 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Sadly it doesn't look like pack 1.01 fixed the problem. CBM 1.6+EDM+Nation Pack is still giving me the ability to recruit EDM summons as commanders (Roc, Grendelkin, Treant, True Fire Bird, Zmey, Ember Lord, Great Kraken, Male and Female Shishis, an Awakened Asynja, a Wild Ettin, Wendigo, and a Granite Cyclops, specifically, all for 0 gold and 1 resource). I'm not getting this problem with CBM 1.83+ENP, or CBM 1.6+ENP.

Perhaps it's something on my end, but if so I'm not quite sure how to repair the problem.

Executor March 30th, 2011 07:07 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Thank you Llama.
All, please report any more bugs if you spot them before we start. I haven't had much time to test much myself.

EDIT: NaivePhilosopher, I'll take a look at this tomorrow the first change I get, or see if Llama is willing to help with this. Maybe it's just a unit number overlap or something.
We're still at least a couple of days from starting, that should give us time to work out any bugs we might find.

llamabeast March 30th, 2011 07:17 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
NaivePhilosopher, sorry, you need to download the new version of EDM too.

It's not really a bug, it's just that the "Endgame Diversity Mod Testing Nation" and Jomon share a nation number. In the new version I released today I moved the Testing Nation number so it's less likely to clash with things.

NaivePhilosopher March 30th, 2011 07:37 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Ah, that would explain it. Thanks for the help, it's working perfectly now.

llamabeast March 30th, 2011 07:57 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Great. Also can you re-download the new Packs? I think you're the only one to download the version that was up earlier this evening, which turned out to have no PD set for Pythium. Best if everyone has the same version you see.

PriestyMan March 30th, 2011 08:04 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
so is thanatos actually playing as vaettiheim? he posted, but isnt in the OP

cause if he isnt, trumanator will play as Pythium second empire

Ragabash March 31st, 2011 04:48 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Would it be very unorthodox for me to play MA R'yleh here? : ) I mean, if you're testing, some vanilla nations would be handy for comparison. Though, I'm not the greatest player...

Executor March 31st, 2011 07:50 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
Priesty, I'm kinda waiting for him to actually confirm it, but if he doesn't Vaettiheim is yours by all means.
Also, what does that have to do with Trumanator? Pythium, second empire, is still free? Should I put him down?

Thanatus del Dragos, are you taking Vaettiheim?

Also, ghoul31, are you playing?

Ragabash, of course not, vanilla nations are included too, welcome aboard.

Thanatus del Dragos March 31st, 2011 07:59 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups
I will take Vaettiheim.

nrasch March 31st, 2011 09:47 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 8/12
I'll take Bandar Log if there are still positions.

llamabeast March 31st, 2011 10:22 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 8/12
By the way, ENP 2 actually has 9 nations in it - you missed the EA nation "Haida Gwaii" from your first post Executor.

Executor March 31st, 2011 10:45 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 8/12
Huh, would you look at that, they snuck by me. Well they are a stealthy nation, what did you expect? :)
All right, Haida Gwaii up for grabs too!
Thanks Llama beasty!

PriestyMan March 31st, 2011 01:31 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 8/12
what i meant about trumanator, was that if there is room for him to play pythium, he will. but i assumed you and ghoul would both pick mod nations, thus taking pythium. but if there is haida gwaii as well, then i think trumanator can play. so put him down for pythium

Executor March 31st, 2011 01:41 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 8/12
If all mods nations are picked I will take a vanilla nation.

I wondered why Trum didn't sign up here himself and than I remembered Shrapnel banned him for no reason what so ever. I should have double posted this thread on the other forum, but we're all most full now.

OK, Trumanator signed up as Pythium, the second empire.

Ragabash March 31st, 2011 02:05 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
Got some question with modding:

I'm playing a game with CBM 1.83, and the EDM and CBM 1.6 are sharing some files with the same name, so everytime, I want to switch games, I will have to rewrite the files, or is it "safe" to use the same for both?

Secondly, is there a single age mod, that incorporates these nations? Tried to use it with the one I have, so I could add all the nations in to one game, for referal and learning purposes, but the LA nations stay in LA, and the EA aren't available at all. I'm wondering how will we get them EA/LA to the MA?

PriestyMan March 31st, 2011 02:17 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
you only have to change like.... 1 number in the mod file to change its age i beleive

Ragabash March 31st, 2011 02:37 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
Well - awesome, if it's that easy. Though, I still don't know how to do it.

PriestyMan March 31st, 2011 02:48 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
yeah neither do i lol.

GFSnl March 31st, 2011 03:21 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12

I like to take svarogia.

Executor March 31st, 2011 04:06 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
Ragabash, every version of CBM should have it's own unique DM file, the only thing in common are the sprites from the worthy heroes mods that's included in CBM and EDM in 1.83, but that makes no difference.
So to answer your question, no, no need to rename or change anything, the game will load the needed, specific mods for every game you open.

If you're missing a certain mod, the game will tell you so once you try to open a game.

I'll combine all the nations to MA. It indeed should be as simple as changing a few numbers.

Welcome GFSnl

llamabeast March 31st, 2011 04:13 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
Yeah you just need to replace all instances of "#era 1" and "#era 3" with "#era 2". Copy the mod first so you still have an unchanged original.

Executor March 31st, 2011 04:54 PM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
1 Attachment(s)
If by some chance you don't know how to make the change, just extract this to the Mod folder.

Ragabash April 1st, 2011 02:49 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 10/12
Thanks, but I managed to change the file :)

And one last thing? Will we use the banners and streamers mod?

Executor April 1st, 2011 05:31 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 11/12
Okey, I think it's about time to start the game. If somebody takes the last spot before we start than great, if not we start with 11 players.

Probably best to use Cradle of Dominions for this setting, since we have a water nation.

Get started on your pretenders and I'll organize the game during the day.

And I will be taking Haida Gwaii.

ghoul31 April 1st, 2011 08:32 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 11/12
I'll take ermor

Ragabash April 1st, 2011 09:05 AM

Re: MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Full
And what about indies and site freq? Leaving at 5 and 50?

Executor April 1st, 2011 09:17 AM

Re: MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Full
Unless you all prefer stronger indies or more sites?

I want to keep the site freq a bit higher so everyone can use their nations summons fully, but I fear going over 50ish might force everyone to take a rainbow pretender as not to lose on all the sites they'd miss.

Ragabash April 1st, 2011 09:48 AM

Re: MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Full
Fine with me. I wonder, is site freq tied with map size? Playtested with 50, arcane probed like 20-25 prov. no sites were found.

Huitochka April 1st, 2011 11:15 AM

Re: New MA Mod Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Sign Ups 11/12

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 774690)
Okey, I think it's about time to start the game. If somebody takes the last spot before we start than great, if not we start with 11 players.

Probably best to use Cradle of Dominions for this setting, since we have a water nation.

Get started on your pretenders and I'll organize the game during the day.

And I will be taking Haida Gwaii.

Can you please upload and/or link all the mods you're using to start a game? It will be better that way i think, for it will help avoid potentinal problems and incompatibilities.

Executor April 2nd, 2011 10:10 AM

Re: MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Full
CBM 1.6> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=710178

EDM 1.21> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45056

And I assume you all have the expanded nations pack already (posted above), no point in providing the link since we've changed the EA and LA nations to MA now.

Will create the game shortly.

Executor April 2nd, 2011 10:32 AM

Re: MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Full
Game created under "Testing_Grounds". Since I'm not sure Llamas extended nations pack would have worked ( cause of the 1 EA and 3 LA nations in the original DM file), I've uploaded our version with all of them as MA.

Just rename your ENP DM file to "Expanded_Nations_2_MA".

Send your pretenders and hopefully everything will run smoothly.

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