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-   -   MP: Celebrities MA game ended: Numahr - Ermor wins! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47497)

earcaraxe June 9th, 2011 06:00 PM

Celebrities MA game ended: Numahr - Ermor wins!

this one is a no-diplo game again in six lands (again), middle ages, mainly standard settings. according to my plan, this will be quick, low-maintenace game, like an SP but instead of AIs the other 5 will human players.

mods: CBM 1.84
map: Six Lands
hosting: llamaserver, 24 hrs
victory: own 4 capitals or consensus.
HOF: 15
banned spells: burden of time, astral corruption
quickhost on and sometimes off.

and please dont use the known "exploits".

earcaraxe: Abysia
larz: Pythium
ghoul: Agartha
deadnature: Bandar Log
valerius: Pangaea
numahr: Ermor

ghoul31 June 9th, 2011 07:55 PM

Re: celebrities MA game recruiting (6/1)

Larz June 10th, 2011 12:15 AM

Re: celebrities MA game recruiting (6/1)
I'll take Pythium, please.

Deadnature June 11th, 2011 04:09 AM

Re: celebrities MA game recruiting (6/3)
Bandar Log please,

earcaraxe June 11th, 2011 09:25 AM

Re: celebrities MA game recruiting (6/3)
welcome everyone! im very glad to have u here, especially for the familiar faces, and the new ones too.

Valerius June 11th, 2011 05:49 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game recruiting (6/4)
My position has become sufficiently poor in my other game that turns are now quick enough that I can handle taking on another. :) Please sign me up for Pan. Haven't played them in quite a while.

earcaraxe June 11th, 2011 06:49 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game recruiting (6/4)
welcome valerius! finally we play together again :)

Numahr June 12th, 2011 12:45 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game recruiting (6/5)
OK why not? :) I am going to have some free time again
Let me try MA Ermor pls...

earcaraxe June 12th, 2011 12:54 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game recruiting (6/5)
welcome! game has been set up, rady to accept pretenders, im very excited!

Numahr June 14th, 2011 03:12 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
With my pretender sent, I think the party is complete :)

Valerius June 19th, 2011 02:00 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
I notice Deadnature's turn isn't in yet. We had a few days break so perhaps he thought it was already sent? Earcaraxe, if you see this in time can you postpone hosting?

earcaraxe June 19th, 2011 02:53 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
i will keep an eye on it.

Deadnature June 20th, 2011 12:19 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Thanks for the notice Val, that's more or less exactly what happened :)

Valerius July 4th, 2011 12:11 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
It appears BL staled 3 out of the last 4 turns...

Deadnature July 4th, 2011 01:13 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
(I just posted this in another game that I staled harshly on)

Gents, (and ladies if applicable), two stales in a row in unnacceptable I know, I am processing my turns right now.

Someone close to me was hospitalized last Friday, she's ok, but I spent most of the weekend (+today) over there worried as hell. But like I said, what could have been a major injury turned out to be relatively minor

Technically I could have gotten to a computer and asked for a delay, but dom3 hasn't crossed my mind for the past several days. But still, that's noones fault here, so sorry you guys were left in the dark.

Two stales in a row is pretty harsh, esp on top of my earlier stales, but I've actually got more free time than usual starting this month, so I'm going to dedicate myself to my turns and see what I can pull off.


earcaraxe July 4th, 2011 04:12 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
no problem deadnature (on my behalf). I'm glad u r back.

I'd like to stress that - contrary to the customs here on this forum - i dont add moral dimension to staling or dropping out of a game. I prefer playing with people who particiate because of the enjoyment. I dont consider playing along an obligation, starting a game doesnt equal an oath of playing thru any circumstances in my mind. my opinion in short: its just a game.

I'm aware that in your case it was about something else, but i wanted to use this opportunity to tell that above.

Valerius July 4th, 2011 11:40 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started

Originally Posted by earcaraxe (Post 779779)
I'm aware that in your case it was about something else, but i wanted to use this opportunity to tell that above.

So I guess that means you don't want my staling reports? :p

Anyway, glad your friend is ok Deadnature. Obviously in those kinds of situations Dominions is the last thing on one's mind.

earcaraxe July 5th, 2011 03:05 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
I do like ur stailng reports, and thanks for that! it made it possible to avoid BL staling once more (I extended the turn by about 12 hours more than i said it here when i saw BL's turn wasnt there yet)

Deadnature July 5th, 2011 03:25 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
(this is a semi-repost from the other game that I double-staled on)

Thanks guys...I appreciate the understanding. I just know that I've always hated it when peeps give up on dom3 games so I would hate to do that to others :)

Thanks Val, for keeping an eye out for me/us.

earcaraxe July 9th, 2011 01:25 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started

i will be out of town until july 18, so i have postponed the game until then.

Valerius July 9th, 2011 09:23 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Doh! I was just about to post to say I'm really enjoying this game (and the fast pace). :p

But I guess I'll be more productive this week with less Dominions to play. Enjoy your vacation!

earcaraxe July 17th, 2011 02:18 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
im back, let the dreams of bloodshed realize!

Numahr July 18th, 2011 04:32 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
I am on a trip today and I may miss the deadline, please grant a small +12 hours extension, it will be enough.

earcaraxe July 18th, 2011 04:34 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
gladly granted.

earcaraxe July 20th, 2011 06:58 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
since i am basicly out of the game and will soon go to vacation again, i have turned myself AI and passed the password to valerius. have a nice game.

earcaraxe July 20th, 2011 07:23 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
i am curious of what bandar's player thought.

He tried to rush me from turn 5. I thought it was a suicide attempt, I played ma abysia, not exactly prone to rushes (even with sloth 3), since it has a strong early game with powerful fire mages. And i think bandar's bless strategy isnt that unresistable anyway. (besides that ma aby is my most-played with nation and i have a couple MP victories with them already)

So instead of expanding and castling up and researching, we got into a war. I built my pretender for a long-term strategy, choosing sloth 3, but I managed to beat his first invasion and conquer all my lands back. At that time i hoped he will also think that he has nearly no chance of beating me quickly, and we can revert to peace, so i didnt attacked his provinces, as a gesture: i tried to signal him i want peace. It didnt happen, as he invaded again, and i had to comit my resources to fighting him off, which i managed again. As a result bandar lagged behind in expansion and in most of the graphs (except research), me being second-to-last. This perceived (and also very real) weakness got huge cross-hairs on our backs, and we both got attacked from behind by others and stood no chance against much more prepared, much bigger armies.

deadnature i will thank u if u share ur aspect of this. and why did u attack abysia of all ur neighbors? did u think it was the easiest prey (this might be true still)? it seemed to me that ur huge tiger-cavalry had the plan to go in one direction and quickly conquer the first neighbor they meet.

thanks for the game anyway, it was very intense, quite enjoyable, and the first time i was actually beaten in an MP game (and did not give up from a strong position).

may the gods of war bless ur weapons!

Deadnature July 22nd, 2011 12:03 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
You're quite right that tussling with you was a big mistake, however, I think you mis-interpret my strategy:

I realized that abysia would be a big threat to me and was frankly worried that you would invade my lands sooner or later. So I tried to aggressively raid your territory. (My neighbors were also powerful, but I raided them too) But a rush? Nope, didn't even try to get next to your cap. These multiple "invasions" that you speak of were really just on the outskirts of your lands. When you "beat back" those invasions was mainly because of my stupidity; the first time I forgot that all your armies have mapmove2 in MA! But surely I had no intention of going toe-to-toe with your mage-support.

Losing a bunch of my tigers to your fireballs early hurt, but the real shame is my 5 stales, which is what I think crippled me, sorry for that everyone.

But I don't know how this caused your downfall, from what I saw of those battles with Agartha, another 20 mage turns wouldn't have made the difference. Sure, he might have picked another target based on the scales, but why? Abysia is a good rush-target for Agartha once early-game is over...

But then again, this is only my third no-diplo game, so maybe I don't understand the intricacies of communicating with one's armies and position yet.

Good show earcaraxe! Thanks for setting this game up and for the feedback.

Larz July 22nd, 2011 12:29 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
I am going on vacation tomorrow (thru Tuesday) but am SUPPOSED to have internet access and am taking a laptop, so I should be able to do my turns. It would help me out, though, if the timer was temporarily increased to 48 hours in case I am too busy to do a turn one evening. Thanks.

Valerius July 22nd, 2011 12:36 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Sure, hosting interval has been changed to 48 hours. Have a good vacation. :)

Btw, we've got a nice pace going and earcaraxe just listed 24 hours as hosting interval but if things get too be too much (maybe during the next round of wars) we can consider permanently going to 48 hours at some point.

earcaraxe July 22nd, 2011 03:34 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
thanks for the feedback, its much clearer now.

concerning your fair question about my chances versus agartha, i have thought about it lot: i think the difference would have been that had u not attacked, I wouldnt have recruited (that much) anathemant dragons, who r expensive, excellent battlemages and bad researchers, and wouldnt have spent that much gold on training those humanbred platoons. I would have had money to build castles, and researching power to quickly reach 'Opposition' to stop the statues. that surely would have slowed the invasion, i wonder if i had been able to stop it still.

I had no intention of attacking soon but it sure wasnt written on my forehead. :)

On to a slightly more general topic: based on my experience, early 1 on 1 wars versus an at least average opponent with a healthy empire(regardless of nation choice) nearly never worth it. (I would even say that its a useful principle for every multiplayer strategy game.) Maybe i just havent encountered efficient rushes yet.


Originally Posted by Deadnature (Post 780751)
You're quite right that tussling with you was a big mistake, however, I think you mis-interpret my strategy:

I realized that abysia would be a big threat to me and was frankly worried that you would invade my lands sooner or later. So I tried to aggressively raid your territory. (My neighbors were also powerful, but I raided them too) But a rush? Nope, didn't even try to get next to your cap. These multiple "invasions" that you speak of were really just on the outskirts of your lands. When you "beat back" those invasions was mainly because of my stupidity; the first time I forgot that all your armies have mapmove2 in MA! But surely I had no intention of going toe-to-toe with your mage-support.

Losing a bunch of my tigers to your fireballs early hurt, but the real shame is my 5 stales, which is what I think crippled me, sorry for that everyone.

But I don't know how this caused your downfall, from what I saw of those battles with Agartha, another 20 mage turns wouldn't have made the difference. Sure, he might have picked another target based on the scales, but why? Abysia is a good rush-target for Agartha once early-game is over...

But then again, this is only my third no-diplo game, so maybe I don't understand the intricacies of communicating with one's armies and position yet.

Good show earcaraxe! Thanks for setting this game up and for the feedback.

Larz July 27th, 2011 12:24 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started

Originally Posted by Larz (Post 780752)
I am going on vacation tomorrow (thru Tuesday) but am SUPPOSED to have internet access and am taking a laptop, so I should be able to do my turns. It would help me out, though, if the timer was temporarily increased to 48 hours in case I am too busy to do a turn one evening. Thanks.

I am back from my vacation and should be able to send turns more frequently. So, if everyone wants to go back to 24 hours that's fine by me. Or, if people prefer to stay at 48 that's fine too.

Valerius July 27th, 2011 04:31 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
I'm also fine with either 24 or 48 hour hosting interval. I'm inclined to leave it at 48 because nobody is dragging their feet (as can sometimes be the case when the hosting interval is extended) and I think we'll want 48 hours once the next round of fights begin. But if everyone would like to go back to 24 let me know.

Numahr July 27th, 2011 04:33 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
To be honest I am fine with 48h.

ghoul31 August 3rd, 2011 07:14 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Thats a whole lotta troops.

Numahr August 4th, 2011 10:22 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 781436)
Thats a whole lotta troops.

"Si vis pacem para bellum"

ghoul31 August 5th, 2011 08:52 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
ok guys, Ermor is attacking me with 3,000 troops, I could use a little help.


Numahr August 5th, 2011 09:46 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Guys, is it not supposed to be a no-diplomacy game? If diplomacy is allowed, I should reply, try to find allies against this aggression etc. But then we will really break the rules of the game, and I like the uncertainty about each other's intentions created by the no-diplomacy, plus I committed to this game knowing that i don't have time to play the diplomacy game because of RL constraints.

So please let's not use diplomacy and let's make our decisions as if it was a "game against AI except that they are human-controlled", as advertised in the first post, with no communication aimed at influencing others' strategies...

PS: Ghoul, if we had diplomacy enabled, either we would have a NAP or you would have refused, either way you would not have been able to attack me by surprise. The no-diplo rule clearly gave you an advantage for staging your attack, and to catch me off-guard. If diplomacy was allowed, I too would have approached other players when I received your attack. So please don't violate the rule now.

Beside, since you have your message published and I can't delete it, I think I have to reply once before, hopefully, going back to the silence of a no-diplo game:

Agarthans, answer the question sincerely before unleashing such hate discourse: who is attacking whom and who is attacked? Should I just leave your ugly giants capture my lands without resistance? As if you did not know what assets I have and I would use when you unleashed your Giants on me: I have numbers, you have quality. So instead of whining of your own decisions, be brave and fight the war you started yourself with honor.

Valerius August 5th, 2011 02:38 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Numahr is right. No diplo means no diplo - either private or public. Sorry about that, Numahr. Please, no more comments other than admin requests.

Numahr August 22nd, 2011 12:48 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Dear comrades,

I have troubles coming on the RL front for this week. I have already played the current turn; then I would request a delay until next Monday. Sorry for that and thanks in advance for your understanding...


Valerius August 23rd, 2011 12:32 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Sure, no problem. I've postponed hosting by 6 days.

Also, it seems like everyone is still doing ok with 48 hour hosting (which is quite a nice pace for turn 54). But if anyone needs more time let me know.

Numahr August 27th, 2011 07:29 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Could send my turn in.

Deadnature August 27th, 2011 01:37 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
I guess I could too...

Deadnature September 1st, 2011 01:04 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
sorry all... have to request a 24 hour extension because im moving to a new place


Valerius September 1st, 2011 05:16 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
No problem, hosting has been postponed.

Numahr September 3rd, 2011 08:42 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
OK guys... I think I will now make the step to request we get +24h to play our turns. I made several scripting mistakes during the last few turns because I rushed my turns in, and I find it rather unfortunate. I hope it is OK for you. If not, please grant a +24h just this time.

Valerius September 3rd, 2011 12:49 PM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
I think that's very reasonable at this stage of the game so I went ahead and changed the interval to 72 hours, which also added 24 hours to the current turn.

Numahr September 8th, 2011 08:06 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
An admin request:
please postpone hosting to the end of the world and remove quickhosting. When the problem is solved, then let us send good .2h files before return to normal.

I ask this because I updated my turn (important update) after the problem occurred, and I have got error messages from the server. So I am afraid the server will use my old, outdated 2h file. And anyway, maybe other players will want to send again the good .2h file to avoid bad surprises...



Deadnature September 8th, 2011 08:16 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
that would be good, I just got some weird messages too, it seems that all this time the server has been out I had sent in the wrong turn number :(

Deadnature September 8th, 2011 10:34 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
ahh well, at least you know why I staled :)

Numahr September 8th, 2011 11:29 AM

Re: Celebrities MA game started
Did you? Because the server actually used my updated turn file...

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