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Gandalf Parker June 10th, 2011 04:06 PM

the #homesick modding command

OK guesswork time.
Is this going to allow creation of SCs that are defense or one-shot only?
I think I like that idea.

Foodstamp June 11th, 2011 12:25 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
It will work just like homesick works for naiads and hamadryads I think.

When you assign #homesick 20 for instance, the unit will lose 20% of it's HP every turn it is away from it's home province.

So yeah, you could use it to neuter SCs or create purely defensive units by assigning #homesick 100.

Jack_Trowell June 17th, 2011 12:39 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
#homesick 100 would seem redundant with just giving the unit a strategic move of 0.

However high values could allows for a SC able to leave its home province for one turn or two.

Hum, does regeneration helps against the homesick loss of HP ?

Foodstamp June 17th, 2011 04:30 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell (Post 779022)
#homesick 100 would seem redundant with just giving the unit a strategic move of 0.

However high values could allows for a SC able to leave its home province for one turn or two.

Hum, does regeneration helps against the homesick loss of HP ?

It seems like when you take Naiads away from their home and cast regeneration, they regen to their new hit point total, not the original value. I may be wrong though.

Gandalf Parker June 17th, 2011 05:03 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
Does movement of zero block things like teleporting into someones capital?

Foodstamp June 17th, 2011 05:27 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Foodstamp June 17th, 2011 06:59 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
I'm curious how we can use #homesick with shapeshifting.

For instance, how cool would it be to have a Dryad unit that functions normally in forest provinces (via #forestshape) but then has the #homesick tag when in other terrains.

How I think it will work is as follows:

Unit can roam around the forest np.

Unit can roam in home province np, even if it is not a forest (If it is a summon, can make it target forest provinces only to get around this).

If the unit goes anywhere else, it suffers from homesick.

Hooray, a Dryad who can't leave forests.

Gandalf Parker June 17th, 2011 07:46 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
That would be cool.

And Im thinking #homesick 100 would not be the same as move zero. You can have an SC that works like a nuke missile. It can sit at home forever to protect the capital, or you can "fire" it (teleport) to another province where it only gets one use win-or-lose

Edi June 19th, 2011 09:09 AM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 779032)
That would be cool.

And Im thinking #homesick 100 would not be the same as move zero. You can have an SC that works like a nuke missile. It can sit at home forever to protect the capital, or you can "fire" it (teleport) to another province where it only gets one use win-or-lose

You're right about that. If you actually gave such a SC a ridiculous mapmove, something like 20 or 40 or 50, flying and amphibian, you could fire it at any province on aany sanely sized map and a good distance away even on the ridiculously humongous maps.

llamabeast June 19th, 2011 05:05 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
I thought all homesick units just lost 1 hp per turn. In which case there would be no "#homesick 20" - it would just be "#homesick".

Foodstamp June 19th, 2011 06:33 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
Naw, they lose a percentage. I think Naiads lose 20%, Hamadryads lose 40% etc.

Edi June 20th, 2011 08:50 AM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 779146)
I thought all homesick units just lost 1 hp per turn. In which case there would be no "#homesick 20" - it would just be "#homesick".

Like Foodstamp said, percentage. #homesick 100 will kill a unit the very next turn.

That was in the specs Johan sent me for the modding manual and if you check the beta patch modding manual, it's there. Section 7.7.8.

Jack_Trowell June 23rd, 2011 05:00 AM

Re: the #homesick modding command
I had forgotten that teleportation was a way to bypass the stat move 0, good catch, I like some of the ideas in the thread, especially the dryad able to move in forests.

draugaer February 16th, 2012 12:08 AM

Re: the #homesick modding command
kinda resurrecting a thread here, but I found that if you combine #homesick 100 with #secondtmpshape, you can create 1-shot gladiator type units. (note second unit should not have #homesick)

I'm currently using this technique to create 1-shot mercenary type units for a nation mod.

The only issue here is that if the unit never leaves his home province he will never change to his secondshape and therefore exist for multiple battles. Of course it could be argued that if a merc isn't campaigning he hasn't really fulfilled his contract and it makes sense he is obligated to stay. (also note that the first shape should probably have 1hp so the unit doesn't seem to have "two lives"

Thilock_Dominus February 16th, 2012 11:10 AM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 779032)
That would be cool.

And Im thinking #homesick 100 would not be the same as move zero. You can have an SC that works like a nuke missile. It can sit at home forever to protect the capital, or you can "fire" it (teleport) to another province where it only gets one use win-or-lose

Or #immortal and zero map movements. Can only attack via Teleport then resurrected back home.

Soyweiser February 16th, 2012 12:26 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
I think you can make some sort of battleshape, second shape list of commands that abuses homesick to kill them after one battle. Just look at how the second shape of skrattir works when activated in battles. (After battle it reverts to the next shape in line).

Not tested btw :D.

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