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-   -   MP: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Completed : Hinnom - Nightfall Wins) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47504)

MartialDoctor June 11th, 2011 10:35 AM

The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Completed : Hinnom - Nightfall Wins)
Figured I'd start up a newb game here. I've played a few (3) games myself and would like to keep this game to those who have only played a few themselves (let's say 4 or 5 maximum).

Age - EA
Map - Land of Legends (found here)
Turns - 24 hours until turn 21, then 48 hours until turn 50, and 72 hours after that.
Mods - None
Graphs off, Indies 6
Victory Conditions - Last standing or until all remaining players resign (except for the victor of course) :)
Diplomacy - I don't want there to be a forced diplomacy rule but I want to encourage NAPs and sticking to them.
Players - 8

The only thing I ask of players is to stay in the game until you have been completely defeated. You can always have fun going out swinging. If you must, find a sub. And please do not set the AI on yourself.

I plan on hosting it on llamaserver as long as that's not an issue.

I hope we can have an interesting and fun newb game here.


MartialDoctor - Tien Chi
<strike>LongBrodie - Maverni</strike> (Eliminated Turn 37)
<strike>Talrivian - Tir na nog</strike> (Eliminated Turn 30)
Excist - Caelum
SpaceViking21 - Niefelheim
Thanatus del Dragos - Fomoria
<strike>The Kurgan - Ulm</strike> (Eliminated Turn 37)
Nightfall - Hinnom

Edit: Due to request, this game has been changed to vanilla.

Talrivian June 11th, 2011 10:55 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 1/8 (Starting)
I'm signing up for Kailasa!

LongBrodie June 12th, 2011 01:01 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 1/8 (Starting)
I'll be Abysia!

Talrivian June 12th, 2011 01:03 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 1/8 (Starting)

Originally Posted by Talrivian (Post 778701)
I'm signing up for Kailasa!

Actually, I change my mind. I want to play Tir na nog! Talrivian is now Tir na nog, not Kailasa!

Excist June 12th, 2011 11:18 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 3/8 (Starting)
I'll join with Caelum...I think...

*reserving my right to change my mind, as my mind is badly worn and in need of repair/replacement*

SpaceViking21 June 12th, 2011 06:23 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 4/8 (Starting)
I'll sign up as Niefelheim.

Talrivian June 13th, 2011 07:25 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 5/8 (Starting)

Thanatus del Dragos June 13th, 2011 07:49 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 5/8 (Starting)
Can I have Fomoria?

The Kurgan June 13th, 2011 10:54 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 5/8 (Starting)
I will play EA Ulm.

LongBrodie June 14th, 2011 12:57 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 5/8 (Starting)
I'd like to change to Marverni, please. :)

MartialDoctor June 15th, 2011 08:56 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 7/8 (Starting)
Ok, one more and we'll be all set. You all can start making your Pretenders so that we can get rolling once we get the last one here.

The Kurgan June 15th, 2011 07:51 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 7/8 (Starting)
Pretender done. Just waiting for the game to be setup on Llamaserver. :)

Nightfall June 15th, 2011 11:31 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 7/8 (Starting)
I'll fill out the game if you would like.

In the past I have completed 2 MP games, currently playing my third, so this will be my fourth.

I'd prefer to try Hinnom, but if the others would prefer they not be played I'll give Sauromatia a go.

MartialDoctor June 16th, 2011 01:51 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders))
Alright, the game has been setup. As no spaces can be included, it is called "TheArtofWar."

Here are instructions for submitting your Pretender:


If anyone else has any last minute race changes, make sure you change it now before we start :P

MartialDoctor June 18th, 2011 11:51 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Ok, it seems that llamaserver was down there for a couple of days but it's back up now. Looks like we just need Thanatus and we'll be ready to go.

Nightfall June 18th, 2011 07:20 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)

MartialDoctor June 18th, 2011 10:08 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Thanatus, did you change to Atlantis? Or did something screwy happen when llamaserver went down?

Talrivian June 19th, 2011 01:24 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Hey Nightfall, do you think I could take Hinnom, and you play Sauromatia? I have never played them before, and they seem really interesting. If not, it's ok. Just curious!

Talrivian June 19th, 2011 10:55 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Sorry to double post, but if you read the info announcement by Gandalf Parker in the main forum, you'll notice that a new patch will be coming out soon. So I recommend we start this game once the new patch is out.

Thanatus del Dragos June 20th, 2011 07:50 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Just submitted pretender, sorry, didnt realize the game was ready.

Nightfall June 20th, 2011 09:22 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)

Originally Posted by Talrivian (Post 779099)
Hey Nightfall, do you think I could take Hinnom, and you play Sauromatia? I have never played them before, and they seem really interesting. If not, it's ok. Just curious!

Since your starting another game to play Hinnom, I assume that this is no longer an issue.

In which case we can delete the Atlantis pretender and start; as it's a bad idea to start a game with an unknown player.

By the way, from my testing of Hinnom so far, you might want to try them out a bit before diving in. I think most of the guides for them were written prior to the capital mages being patched to generate unrest. So far I've found them to be very tricky in the first year and pretender build very important.

Talrivian June 20th, 2011 11:58 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
You are right, I no longer want you to drop playing Hinnom.

I have been testing Hinnom, and I have found a strategy that basically makes them the most powerful EA race in my opinion. My brother and I have been testing them together for weeks, and we basically can find no counter besides ganging up on them as soon as possible, which is still almost impossible to do. I would give you the pointers, but I don't want to lose in this game. :P There is nothing tricky about playing them at all.

Here is one tip:

There strongest unit early game (and in middle... and late game...) is their chariots. They are so ridiculously strong that it is absurd.

MartialDoctor June 20th, 2011 12:11 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Ok, all pretenders are in, I'm just waiting on word on the patch.

As long as it won't take long, we'll just wait for it to come out. If it will take a while, then I'll go ahead and start it up tomorrow.

MartialDoctor June 21st, 2011 12:03 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Well, I figured we'd go ahead and start since the patch release date is fairly iffy (not too surprisingly).

However, I think we have a bit of an issue. I think only 6 races have started in the game, for some odd reason.

Please let me know if you didn't get a turn; we may have to restart it.

Nightfall June 21st, 2011 12:20 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
I'm fine...

SpaceViking21 June 21st, 2011 12:47 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
I got my turn.

The Kurgan June 21st, 2011 10:39 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Submitting Pretenders)
Just FYI, but this game is set for quickhosting. So, as soon as we all get our turns in, it will generate the next turn immediately and we don't have to wait the full 24 hours/turn.

I would love these first several turns to get knocked out quickly if we all pay attention to our emails and get things turned around quickly.

Also, if you are the last one to email your turn, just wait 10 min and you will get your next turn. So, you can do them back to back. :D

MartialDoctor June 22nd, 2011 02:51 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Alright, it appears there was no hitch, fortunately. Please check the forums as I will post anything necessary here. And, again, don't set the AI unless you've discussed it with me first. It's best to fight it out until the end for the best of other players.

If you need a sub or some extra time for a turn, just let me know.

Good luck to everyone and enjoy :D

And, yes, we are on quickhost.

MartialDoctor June 27th, 2011 02:37 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
After endless years of civil war, the followers of Hu Nu, the Lady of the Lake, have arisen and overthrown the corrupt officials of neighboring provinces. The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth has been established and order has been restored in the mountainous areas of Tian Lai.

However, barbarians still roam freely in the near vicinity, raiding and pillaging the villages and the walking dead kill without thought or mercy. The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth must find a way to quell these chaotic forces, establish order, and bring peace to the region.

The Kurgan June 27th, 2011 11:27 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Martial, I will be without internet/email from about 1400 GMT on 1 July until 2300 GMT on 2 July visiting relatives. So, if we could have a delay on running whatever turn is due in that timeframe back to 2359 GMT, 2 July, it would be much appreciated.

I will post a reminder again just before I leave the house that day.

MartialDoctor June 27th, 2011 12:05 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)

Originally Posted by The Kurgan (Post 779431)
Martial, I will be without internet/email from about 1400 GMT on 1 July until 2300 GMT on 2 July visiting relatives. So, if we could have a delay on running whatever turn is due in that timeframe back to 2359 GMT, 2 July, it would be much appreciated.

I will post a reminder again just before I leave the house that day.

Ok, that won't be a problem. Thanks for the heads up.

SpaceViking21 June 27th, 2011 01:00 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)

Originally Posted by The Kurgan (Post 779431)
Martial, I will be without internet/email from about 1400 GMT on 1 July until 2300 GMT on 2 July visiting relatives. So, if we could have a delay on running whatever turn is due in that timeframe back to 2359 GMT, 2 July, it would be much appreciated.

I will post a reminder again just before I leave the house that day.

I'll be in a similar situation this weekend.

MartialDoctor June 29th, 2011 09:08 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Thanatus (Fomoria) has missed two turns now and has not replied to my message. Looks like we may need a sub. I'll go ahead and post up to find a replacement if I don't receive a reply by tomorrow morning (my tomorrow morning). If this is the case, I'll pause the game until a sub is found.

Also, it seems we'll need to update to the latest patch to continue on. You'll get an error if you try to play without it.

The Kurgan June 29th, 2011 10:03 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Actually, he hasn't technically missed a turn. The turn was run an hour before the deadline this morning and the stalling data under admin on llamaserver shows he hasn't missed a turn yet.

He IS however waiting until right before the turn is run for the last few turns, and doesn't wait 5-10 minutes to get his turn back and then do that one so we all don't have to wait the full 24 hours.

So, Thantalus, what's the deal? Can we count on you to start doing your turns back to back and help keep things moving, or are you going to barely beat the buzzer each turn? If you are having issues this early, it is going to be a long game....

Just communicate a little bit.

MartialDoctor June 29th, 2011 02:08 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Ah, I didn't notice that info. I thought he had been missing them.

Well, if he's getting his turns in, then all is well. I'm guessing, due to the fact that he hasn't gotten back to me yet, is that he's just busy with life.

The Kurgan June 30th, 2011 11:50 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)

Originally Posted by MartialDoctor (Post 779552)
Ah, I didn't notice that info. I thought he had been missing them.

Well, if he's getting his turns in, then all is well. I'm guessing, due to the fact that he hasn't gotten back to me yet, is that he's just busy with life.

This time he actually staled....

The Kurgan July 1st, 2011 11:11 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Ok, I just submitted Turn 12, and will be leaving the house here in a couple of hours. I will need a 24 hour extension on Turn 13 (it all depends on when the last two turn in and what the new clock is, but 24 hours will keep me safe for sure). Keep it on quickhost and as soon as I can get back on the internet, I will run the turn.


MartialDoctor July 1st, 2011 02:17 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)

Originally Posted by The Kurgan (Post 779651)
Ok, I just submitted Turn 12, and will be leaving the house here in a couple of hours. I will need a 24 hour extension on Turn 13 (it all depends on when the last two turn in and what the new clock is, but 24 hours will keep me safe for sure). Keep it on quickhost and as soon as I can get back on the internet, I will run the turn.


Yeah, no problem at all. I'm just going to extend turn 13 to 48 hours. Hopefully that will be enough time for you and SpaceViking.

SpaceViking21 July 1st, 2011 09:50 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
I'm not sure about schedule at the moment, but I may not be available until monday. I'll keep you informed.

Nightfall July 2nd, 2011 07:43 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Can everyone please make sure they have board messages turned on! In game messaging sucks...

Thanatus del Dragos July 3rd, 2011 09:10 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Sorry guys, been real hectic the last few days.

SpaceViking21 July 4th, 2011 03:49 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Thanks for the extension Martial, just got mine in.

MartialDoctor July 5th, 2011 06:40 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Not a problem, SpaceViking.

I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th of July weekend. The game has been returned to the original 24 hours / turn.

MartialDoctor July 12th, 2011 10:45 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Turn 21 is on us already. I initially said that I'd put it up to 48 hours now but it seems I misjudged how far along the game would be at turn 21.

I would like to keep it at 24 hours for another 7-10 turns unless someone objects. So, speak now or hold your peace until next week :)

Excist July 12th, 2011 10:15 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
I suspect that this will not be a problem since, this seems to be what


looks like for about 10-14 hours per 24 hour period:

Caelum 2h file received
Fomoria Waiting for 2h file
Hinnom 2h file received
Marverni 2h file received
Niefelheim 2h file received
T'ien Ch'i 2h file received
Tir na n'Og 2h file received
Ulm 2h file received

MartialDoctor July 13th, 2011 06:36 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Is Fomoria about dead and has just given up? Or is he simply stalling?

I am delaying this turn until I get this figured out. Sorry for the hassle.

Nightfall July 13th, 2011 06:57 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)

Originally Posted by MartialDoctor (Post 780239)
Is Fomoria about dead and has just given up? Or is he simply stalling?

I am delaying this turn until I get this figured out. Sorry for the hassle.

No idea what his situation is, but it looks like he is trying to play too many games at once, supposedly a common mistake.

MartialDoctor July 14th, 2011 11:51 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Well, that was fast. Mightypeon has expressed interest in taking over for Fomoria. Please welcome him and let him know what the situation is with your nation (if you have any agreements that existed before with Thanatus).

Mightypeon July 14th, 2011 12:12 PM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
Hi there,

Good Luck and have Fun to everyone!

I have received the turn. Hmmm....

My turn will take a while since I have to familiriaze myself with my rather non standart situation.

Mightypeon July 15th, 2011 10:23 AM

Re: The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Running)
I have to ask for an 12h extension, as I need Spacevikings awnser about the status of our diplomatic relations. If I happen to be at war with him, my turn would obiously be different ;)

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