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Bullock July 14th, 2011 12:24 PM

The rise of a noob god (Running)
i haven't choose the settings yet. Atm, The 1rt purpose of this post is to determine if we can get enough players to a new kind of play which will be compound of some partial pbem and partial directplay. (hosted on gandalf's server)

Directplay & pbem:

The game would start by a directplay session of few hours on a Sunday. Reaching turn 40-50 or so would be a nice objective so i think we should count for 3hrs to be fine. After this session of directplay the game go back to the traditional pbem (in fact still directplay but game going like pbem) with turns rate to be dicussed (48h?). The game could also switch again to directplay if everyone want to.

The game itself

Noobs only(<10games).
Motivated (No AI until really screwed)
4-7 Players
Small to mid map

Ermor> Bullock
Bogarus> Agelian
patala> sil (DEAD)
Atlantis_> KillerClowns
Ulm_> Umsolfunolanis
Utgard> licker

The Poll

The purpose of the poll is to determine which clock range fit the best the schedule of our potential pretenders for this 3hours play estimation.
Therefore you can vote several times, the sum of your votes represent your personal clock range.
Since people can be available a sunday but not the next one i will pick the Sunday 24th of July for a first try.
If you are interested by this kind of game but can t play this sunday 24th then don't vote and mention it by posting here.
************************************************** **********************************
Edit 24/07

All the chatting stuff will be on the shrapnel chat.

A timer will be set at this adress:
Nick = Your nation
Chan = #Dom3

A sound alert (not very loud) should pop 1 min before the end of the turn and when the turn is done.
Turn timer start as soon as we have access to it.
A 5-10 min break will be made at turn 15,25,35,43,50 unless everyone is rdy to go forward.

The 15 first turns will have a 7 min timer.
11 min timer above and until most of the players want more.

Each player can lenghten turn 2 times in the game by 5 min

2nd Edit:
The first Directplay has been made the next one will be on sunday the 31rt at 6Pm GMT.
Until then the hosting will be 48h/turn.
Thanks to everybody for this smooth start.

************************************************** **********************************
Edit 23/07

Meeting tomorrow at 6pm GMT on the chat !!! (a bit earlier would be nice)

If we are more than 6 players priority goes to the noob and no vet will get in.

Get ready ! :)

************************************************** **********************************
Edit 18/07

We reached the minimum players i was aiming ! (but hopping for more ;) )
Actually it looks like we are going to start the game at 6PM GMT with :
agelian, Bullock, KillerClowns, licker.

Here is some infos about the game who can be discussed.
I didn't set single age mod since several players didn t want it.

(any suggestions?)
=> Llama's Streamers and Standards (Not sure if it's mandatory since it s only enhancing some graphics)
=> CBM 1.84
Era: LA (since most players picks seems to be in this era)
Host: Gandalf's server (game.dom3minions.com), direct connect
Map: Aran
Players: 4-7

36 - 60 hours quickhost
ind 6
60 magic site frequency 125/125/125 for others.
Edit: Research standard
Score graphs off (want to give a try but like other parameters it can be discussed)
Renaming on
15 Hall of Fame entries

KillerClowns July 14th, 2011 05:08 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - LA - Recruiting
This is as good away to start facing off actual human beings as any other. If this gets any tractions, I call dibs on Atlantis. Let's see what sort of hilarity ensues.

Excist July 15th, 2011 03:12 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
I'd be very interested in this format. I'd be inclined to play Caelum or Agartha in that order of preference

Bullock July 15th, 2011 04:48 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Nice! But don t forget to vote to the poll

agelian July 16th, 2011 06:41 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
I'll rock in with Bogarus :D

Bullock July 16th, 2011 06:53 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Glad to see u in Agelian =)

U can also choose which era u want (i ve put LA when i did the post but it s as u wish guys.)

Mightypeon July 16th, 2011 07:44 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
I would be in with MA Shinu

Bullock July 16th, 2011 07:57 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
We can play multi era ! could be fun since i never tried it.
So atm mods choosen : CBM and the multi Era one.

Btw if u want to see mods tell it.


licker July 16th, 2011 01:20 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
I am interested in this kind of a game. I don't care what era or nation, though I'm not a huge fan of the many ages mod myself.

licker July 16th, 2011 01:54 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Oh, and might I suggest that everyone get on the chat during the game time? Diplo is the thing that will suffer most, as will trading.

Unless the goal is not to have much of either :)

I also don't think it's reasonable to think we'd get to turn 40 in 3h, but that's one of those 'we'll see' items.

Bullock July 16th, 2011 02:47 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Yeah ofc we would meet on the chat during the game.

Btw what don t u like multi age mod ?

Concerning the time needed u r probably right since we have just made a game we were turn 35 and it took us about 5hrs lol... and we were only 3 players . (i m not totally sure about the turn number though but it was something like that)

licker July 16th, 2011 03:03 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
There is an imbalance across the ages with respect to armor and archery.

There is also an imbalance with respect to gem distribution. EA nations 'need' gems more than LA. So depending on what site setting is chosen EA (typically) gets the short end of the stick. LA in a site rich world has that much more of an advantage, with (usually) better troops (think xbows and armor) as well as easier access to forgings and summonings.

I'm not completely opposed to it, and it somewhat depends on the nations in question as well, obviously.

So I guess that then begs the question of what site setting you are expecting to use? Because that should influence peoples choices (or could) as to which age nation they prefer to choose.

Or I'm just over thinking it, and whatever is the most fun will work :)

KillerClowns July 18th, 2011 12:20 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Consider me another vote against multi-era... I'm obviously no expert, but too many potential balance issues exist in that sort of morass. In all honesty, I don't even think I'll join if it's multi-era.

Bullock July 18th, 2011 06:43 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Ok 2 vote against this mod, i think we wont set it then.


And if u want to see others mods let me know !

licker July 19th, 2011 09:47 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
So, LA and a rich world? If I read you right, 125% gold and prod? 125% research? Is there even a setting for 125% research? And is your intention that research be faster or slower?

Anyway, if LA I'd like Utgard, assuming no else dibbed them yet :)

6PM GMT is 11AM for me, totally not an issue for the next 2 weekends. After that, if the goal is to continue with Sunday sessions it's unlikely I can make that time.

Though by that point in the game, live sessions may not be optimal anyway.

licker July 19th, 2011 10:24 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
nm... the last one is supplies...

So research at normal? I'd prefer it if it were not faster at least :)

Bullock July 20th, 2011 05:17 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Yeah i confirm research in normal, forgot to mention it.

About next sundays it would be nice to do several sessions of direcplay if all people can.
Otherwise we are going to finish the game trough pbem.

Umsolfunolanis July 21st, 2011 02:43 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Hey there!
I would like to join your game next Sunday. I voted in the poll and I could even extend the playing time a little bit beyond 12pm.
Are you ok with another player? Then I will find me a race to play and make a pretender.

Bullock July 21st, 2011 03:37 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Umsolfunolanis (Post 780705)
Hey there!
I would like to join your game next Sunday. I voted in the poll and I could even extend the playing time a little bit beyond 12pm.
Are you ok with another player? Then I will find me a race to play and make a pretender.

yeah sure i m even hoping for a last player.
Welcome aboard.

btw Those who hasn t pick a race yet gimme your choice.

Sil July 21st, 2011 05:29 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Is there space for one more for the Sunday game?

Umsolfunolanis July 22nd, 2011 02:44 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
I will take LA Ulm. Let's go with some real steel!

Mightypeon July 22nd, 2011 11:14 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
If its LA I will give Marignon a go!

Sil July 22nd, 2011 11:51 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
If there's still space I'll take Patala. I have a pretender ready to go.

Bjaarn July 22nd, 2011 05:59 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting

If this game isnt full Id like to join as pangea

Umsolfunolanis July 23rd, 2011 02:17 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting
Just wondering if licker is a noob? Is this still a noob game?
I dont have any objections about experienced players taking part in the game, but I would like to know what I'm up against ;)

Bullock July 23rd, 2011 02:34 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Umsolfunolanis (Post 780900)
Just wondering if licker is a noob? Is this still a noob game?
I dont have any objections about experienced players taking part in the game, but I would like to know what I'm up against ;)

Well i haven t checked profiles yet.
But if we don t get enough noobs i think we can let vet in.

I will Update the main post soon.

licker July 23rd, 2011 08:22 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Umsolfunolanis (Post 780900)
Just wondering if licker is a noob? Is this still a noob game?
I dont have any objections about experienced players taking part in the game, but I would like to know what I'm up against ;)

I am not a 'noob', but it does depend on your definition of 'noob'. I played quite a bit years ago, though not a ton of MP. I have not played MP in 2 years though, so I figure I'm 'noob' enough.

Though if anyone objects to my presence I won't be offended :)

Umsolfunolanis July 23rd, 2011 08:28 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Meeting on the chat the 24th at 6pm GMT
no objections at all (:
you posted some nice stuff about LA Ulm which I'm gonna use now.
So any experience is welcome...

licker July 24th, 2011 12:10 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Meeting on the chat the 24th at 6pm GMT

Originally Posted by Umsolfunolanis (Post 780908)
no objections at all (:
you posted some nice stuff about LA Ulm which I'm gonna use now.
So any experience is welcome...


Yah, that was a waaaaaaays back :)

Hope it's useful for you!

Bullock July 24th, 2011 01:25 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Meeting on the chat the 24th at 6pm GMT
The game is about to start !
There is maybe a last slot so come in fast if u want to participate to this awesome game ;)

Bullock July 24th, 2011 07:16 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god - Meeting on the chat the 24th at 6pm GMT
Very pleasant first try where we reach turn 25 in ... 5 Hours ^^.
Next live meeting on sunday 6pm for the 5 survivors ! until then we go to a 48h hosting.

licker July 25th, 2011 01:04 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
Yes, and we 'wasted' about 30m while we sorted out an issue the server had with the different CBM1.84 versions. By 'we' I mean Gandalf. Thanks man.

Now to brush up on how to combat LA Ermor domain sillyness.

Unless LA Ermor wants to make a deal... ;)

Oh and Utgard is probably looking for N gems. And S gems, though I don't imagine many people wanting to deal those :p

So, if you wants to trades some gems, let me know!!!

Umsolfunolanis July 25th, 2011 01:18 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
I was wondering if we could, after the game, turn on score graphs? Just to have some information on how the game developed.
Would be interesting

edit: I have like 50 nature gems lying around somewhere catching dust...
I could part with maybe 20 or so depending on what you have to offer.

licker July 25th, 2011 03:08 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
I have Fire and Earth primarilly for trade.

Umsolfunolanis July 25th, 2011 03:44 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
I need 10 earth gems. I can give you 6 nature gems for it.

Umsolfunolanis July 25th, 2011 03:45 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
How about the last player to finish the turn post a 'done' message here, so we don't always have to connect to check for the new turn???

Gandalf Parker July 25th, 2011 04:11 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
If you are in multiple private games on Dom3Minions.com you can use the all-games check without loading Dom3

or if you just want to check this game you can use

Bullock July 25th, 2011 05:56 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)

Originally Posted by licker (Post 780993)
Now to brush up on how to combat LA Ermor domain sillyness.

Unless LA Ermor wants to make a deal... ;)

atm i m only looking for war, death, kill, plunder and death gems :hurt:


Originally Posted by Umsolfunolanis (Post 781006)
How about the last player to finish the turn post a 'done' message here, so we don't always have to connect to check for the new turn???

it remains a good idea even with the gandalf link.

licker July 25th, 2011 06:47 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)

Originally Posted by Umsolfunolanis (Post 781004)
I need 10 earth gems. I can give you 6 nature gems for it.

No. I am not subsidizing any deals. It's 1 for 1 unless Astral is involved.

Bullock July 26th, 2011 10:41 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
KillerClown don t forget to play ur turn. U have only 10 hours left.

It could be also a could thing to allow private message (which default is no in options)

KillerClowns July 27th, 2011 11:24 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
Well, this is unfortunate... let's see what the damage is as soon as I get back from work...

licker July 27th, 2011 04:18 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)

Ermor launched his attack on my position, but only met a token group of stragglers moving in while the main force moved out for it's own nefarious purposes.

Woulda been a cool battle had I stayed put. I do have a lot of H2 priests there though.

Bullock July 27th, 2011 04:44 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
The next battle should be even more interesting ^^

KillerClowns July 27th, 2011 11:17 PM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
Done. And I've got no illusions: I'm a dead man, but don't think I won't fight until the Coast of Ice and Bones itself has fallen.

Bullock July 28th, 2011 04:05 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
The game tells me you ve stale this turn killer :(

Bullock July 28th, 2011 05:36 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
Well the report is wrong since you have taken one of my territories. ;)


Originally Posted by Bullock (Post 781133)
The game tells me you ve stale this turn killer :(

Bullock July 29th, 2011 05:42 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
Lol Utgard your 2 werewolves ... They killed 170 of my beloved troops by themselves ... They are going to be a pain in the ***. At least they get diseased.

Btw i m looking to trade water gems for death or astral (i m even trading with those im in war with ;) )


Bullock July 30th, 2011 07:44 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
Can every1 confirm that he will be there at the 6pm meeting tomorrow ?

licker July 30th, 2011 10:57 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
I'll be there, my turns are going to be long though, I imagine. While it appears I won't need much time for diplomacy, I do have to script my dozens of thugs to deal with the treachery ;) of my neighbor :D

I hope you have a good plan Bogarus. Piles of horses are just going to feed all my hungry giants ;)

And Ulm, I know you're coming too, not that I care much about silly vampire counts or a few armies of rangers.

When you guys are ready to talk cease fire let me know.

agelian July 30th, 2011 11:26 AM

Re: The rise of a noob god (Running)
I should be fine for sunday. Going to be a smackdown!!

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