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Hello. This game is intended for players who aren't necessarily old vets, but no longer fit the definition of a noob. Generally I'd put this at around 10 games. Newer players are welcome, but don't cry to me if you get stomped. ;)
The game will be hosted on llamaserver with myself as the admin under the name The Chosen Ones. I'll be looking for somewhere between 8-10 players and the map will be selected once sign-ups are proceeding. Game Settings: Age: Early Independents: 5 Special Site Frequency: 50 Renaming: On Mods: CBM 1.84, and make sure you also get the hotfix to make it compatible with the latest patch. Diplomacy: Anything goes. If someone stabs you in the back, well, maybe you shouldn't have been looking the other way. :angel Victory Conditions: Last man standing, or by the majority of living players voting to concede. Map: Cradle of Dominion. Turn Frequency: 36 hours to start, will most likely increase as the game goes on. Please post what nation you wish to play as when you join. Players: Tratorix - Mictlan Stretch - Sauromatia Bullock - Abysia Ossa - C'tis Vargr - Caelum Saros - Lanka Ecanus - Tir Na Nog Slobby - Vanheim Hylobius - Tien Chi Nightfall - Ry'leh |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Sounds fun. I'd like to join. Please put me down as Sauromantia.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
i was planning to start an EA game too.
So i guess i ll join yours ;) Sign me in as Abysia ! |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
I'd like to try Ctis.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Sign me in as Caelum, please
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Ill sign up as Lanka
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
From Ecanus found on invision forum:
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
vanheim pls
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
I'll take T'ien Ch'i please.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
I'd like to try EA R'lyeh if that's okay...
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
So, that makes 10. I'll get to work on finding a map. |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Alright, after screwing around with the random map generator for about half an hour, I've decided we're just going to use the Cradle of Dominion map. I'll probably wait and put the game up sometime tomorrow so get your pretender designs ready.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Game is up. Get those pretenders in!
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Had a look at Llamaserver and it appears that someone has already submitted a pretender for the nation that I chose. Can I just submit my pretender and overwrite what was submitted?
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
I deleted Tien Chis pretender, you can send yours in now.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Thanks, it looks like all pretenders are in now.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Alright the game has started. Hosting interval is at 48 hours for the first turn and 36 after that. Good luck!
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Hmm, I sent in my turn file twice and it is still not registering. Is anyone else getting this? Surprising that only 2 nations have turns in by now...
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
llamaservers stuck, it hasn't updated in like 6 hours. This has been happening on and off for the last week or so, don't worry, your turn will go through once the server gets reset.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Ahh, thanks. :) Also, kinda cool to be playing in an EA game where no one took Niefelheim or Hinnom.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Yeah, I was actually thinking of banning Hinnom, but I forgot to put it in the rules and then it never came up.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
What on earth happened to Tien's income? Tanked pretty hard for turn 2.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Probably hiked taxes and didn't manage to patrol away the unrest it generated. That always sucks.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Don't think so. That would have given higher taxes this turn before a crash next turn. Probably some random event although turn2 bad event is HARSH.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Could have also been a bad event, sucks when that happens to your capital first turn.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Hurricane :mad:
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
You know whats great? Half a dozen elephants on turn 4 is great =P
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Even better: 80 hp damage from a single volley of indie archers, right through personal luck and 22 prot.. :doh:
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
I saw the god turn up on the slain list. Bad luck there but good for the rest of us!
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
2nd or 3rd round of combat after personal luck + 2 x breath attack. Fatigue couldn't have been extremely high, at 20-30 max. Nevertheless it ate all the arrows and must have critted several times, the dmg floaters were all blurry.. And to ad to the insult, this province, scouted as safe w/ militias and light infantries had several A3 mages waiting, finishing my poor wyrm with lighting bolts.
I know the dragons are not the most efficient combat pretenders, but this build was fun and reliable in SP-testings. I guess even the DRN is crueler in MP :) |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
How are some of you expanding so fast? Jeez, my poor jaguars are wearing their legs out trying to keep up.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Sauro has those hydras who basically walk right over indies as if they're not there.
Tir has ridiculously good ponyman thugs right out of the box. I think CBM gave them some magic items for free as well so a single commander can take nearly any indie prov. |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
As it is though, early game aggression just isn't an option for me. :( Quote:
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Make sure you get the CBM 1.84 from this thread: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47550
Otherwise, your game will be out of sync and you'll see battles play out one way, then look at your armies and see different results. |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Ouch. Looks like C'tis is in pretty bad shape. Ossa, I don't think anyone would blame you if you want to go AI. Or you can stick it out and try to make whoever killed you bleed. Your choice.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
First stall at turn 20 :(
Doesn t sound good. |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
I'll just try to hurt my attackers. Evil Tir!
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
We might need an extension... I don't know where everyone is located but east coast of the usa is currently dealing with a hurricane, mandatory evacuations and likely power outages! Delay for next couple turns until people get power back?
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Postponed for 24 hours, will check back in on the situation tommorrow.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Our family has a house in the Bahamas that took a direct hit from Irene and we are preparing to fly down. I'd love to keep playing but I will be without power and internet for a week starting Wednesday. If you want to delay for a week that would be great. If you would rather look for a sub that is fine.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Ouch, sorry to hear that. I'd be fine with delaying for a week.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
If you are not in war or in a particular situation i suggest we try to found a sub.
Otherwise i m fine to wait. Btw i m sorry to hear that i hope you will find your house in a good shape. |
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
I've postponed for a week, hopefully Hylobius can continue then.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Thanks for waiting, I managed to get an early flight back. My turn is in but it does not look like the server is updating.
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Woohoo, let the bloodbaths resume! How was your house?
Re: The Chosen Ones - Intermediate EA Game
Hmm, current turn on llamaserver shows turn27, but I just got turn 28. In the llamaserver trooubles thread someone said the same thing was happening to them. Anyone have info on this?
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