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earcaraxe November 8th, 2011 04:51 AM

MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
this is a thread for a semiinvitational game for frienldy and/or reliable players.

HOF: 15
hosting: 30 hrs, quickhost, tolerance
era: MA
map: land of rampaging roaches
latest CBM (1.92 to date)
diplomacy allowed
only land nations

earcaraxe: Abysia
valerius : Eriu
ghoul : Ashdod
vargr : Vanheim
bgifu : Pangaea
koral : Ulm

vargr November 8th, 2011 09:30 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
If I understood correctly you are seeking one player in addition to those invited.

I could play R'lyeh if water nations are ok, if not, then Vanheim.

Korwin November 8th, 2011 10:38 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
As to the map. How about Five Lands?

earcaraxe November 8th, 2011 10:57 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player

Originally Posted by Korwin (Post 788154)
As to the map. How about Five Lands?

thanks, i just started a game on fivelands, very nice map!

earcaraxe November 8th, 2011 10:59 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - not recruiting
i have found a cool map.

welcome vargr!

vargr November 8th, 2011 11:07 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - not recruiting

Originally Posted by earcaraxe (Post 788157)
i have found a cool map.

welcome vargr!


Pleased to see that R'lyeh is ok. Are we using the latest CBM? Any other mods?

earcaraxe November 8th, 2011 11:13 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - not recruiting
good question, we are using latest CBM. i resfreshed the first post.

Valerius November 8th, 2011 01:46 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
Doh! I assumed this was a no-water nations game because Sixlands was mentioned. One of my quirks is I really don't like Dominions water nations mechanics (CBM has improved the situation but there's only so much you can do).

But of course vargr shouldn't have to change his nation selection so I'll sit this one out. Sorry about that!

vargr November 8th, 2011 02:05 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 788169)
Doh! I assumed this was a no-water nations game because Sixlands was mentioned. One of my quirks is I really don't like Dominions water nations mechanics (CBM has improved the situation but there's only so much you can do).

But of course vargr shouldn't have to change his nation selection so I'll sit this one out. Sorry about that!

I'm aware of the problems with water nations and I wouldn't want anyone to skip the game because of it. As I said I can play Vanheim just as well.

Edit: In fact, with the blood etc. buff they got in 1.92, I'd be happy to try them out, so there's not really a problem with preference between R'lyeh and Van for me.

Valerius November 8th, 2011 02:18 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player

Originally Posted by vargr (Post 788174)
I'm aware of the problems with water nations and I wouldn't want anyone to skip the game because of it. As I said I can play Vanheim just as well.

Thanks, I appreciate that. If it's a land nations game then I'm in. Of course it's earcaraxe's game and if we wants it open to all nations, including water, I respect that.

PS - If I am in you may as well put me down for Eriu. I'm considering other choices but it's probably inevitable I'll play them. ;)

earcaraxe November 8th, 2011 04:08 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
Its ok for me to be it a lands nations only game. six or five players would u like?

Valerius November 8th, 2011 04:54 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
Great, then I'm in. I'm ok with either 5 or 6 players. If we go with 5 then I'd be happy with Five Lands. I think it plays as well as Sixlands but has a lower province/player average and as an added bonus also looks nicer.

Btw, I assume diplomacy is allowed?

ghoul31 November 8th, 2011 07:02 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player

earcaraxe November 9th, 2011 02:20 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
let it be six players then, diplomacy allowed.

don_Pablo November 9th, 2011 04:15 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 2 players
May I join with a mod nation (Arga Dis)?

earcaraxe November 9th, 2011 09:30 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 2 players
I'd prefer sticking to standard MA nations.

bgifu November 9th, 2011 10:52 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 2 players
I'll take Pangaea.

earcaraxe November 10th, 2011 08:11 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
only 1 player away from starting rigth now.

earcaraxe November 10th, 2011 08:17 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 1 player
i have set the game up n llamaserver, ready to accept pretenders

Koral November 11th, 2011 07:22 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 5/6
I could join the game. I can design a pretender tomorrow.

earcaraxe November 11th, 2011 07:25 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - recruiting 5/6

Originally Posted by Koral (Post 788381)
I could join the game. I can design a pretender tomorrow.

cool and welcome!

which nation can consider itself the chosen one to be given the chance to worship u?

Koral November 11th, 2011 08:38 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started

Koral November 17th, 2011 02:40 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
Private messages are now enabled.

ghoul31 November 17th, 2011 08:11 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
ok, so i'm being attacked by half the players in the game. Maybe someday I'll get to play in a game where everyone isn't a worthless coward.

ghoul31 November 18th, 2011 05:57 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
Wow ashdod is worthless in the new cbm. 7 fatigue, 9 in swamp. Completely worthless.

going ai

vargr November 21st, 2011 11:38 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
I guess this would fit well in the 'doh! ..Self inflicted idiocy...' - thread also: wondered why it takes forever to breach the castle, then looked at the siege commanders - I had forgotten all the troops under command of a preaching one. That was a well used mage turns.. :doh:

Koral November 22nd, 2011 05:38 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
Some problems with llamaserver. I have sent the turn twice now I think. Hopefully it will pick it up.

vargr November 22nd, 2011 06:29 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
In another game, at first it complained about corrupted 2h file, I sent the same file again and now it says it's fine.

earcaraxe November 27th, 2011 06:39 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
hosting postponed by 12 hrs.

vargr December 6th, 2011 06:25 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
Please postpone for 24 h, can't play the turn in time for the current hosting

earcaraxe December 6th, 2011 09:37 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started

vargr December 10th, 2011 06:51 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
So airshield protects from seeking arrows.. To be honest, I didn't even notice the robe - turned out to be an expensive oversight.

Valerius December 23rd, 2011 04:55 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
How about slowing down hosting over the holiday weekends?

earcaraxe December 23rd, 2011 04:57 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
excellent idea, i was tinking the same. hosting postponed by 48 hrs, set to 48 hrs interval, and turned quickhost off.

earcaraxe December 27th, 2011 06:18 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
i give up, lets declare ulm a winner, ok?

thanks for playing guys!

vargr December 27th, 2011 05:06 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
I don't have a strong opinion on this. Ulm obviously has a very solid position but is the lead that decisive? I can keep playing still but I won't object to conceding if everyone else considers the game decided.

Valerius December 27th, 2011 07:17 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
I have almost no chance to contend for the win so I'm fine with ending it. Van may still have a chance but I've felt for a while that this game would likely be won by either Ulm or Aby. We can take out one of them but then Van and Eriu will have to face off against the other one and I don't think the chances of victory will be good.

earcaraxe December 28th, 2011 06:37 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
I dont think i have much of a chance versus Ulm. Lets wait bgifu's and koral
's opinion on this.

great game however, many thanks to u!

valerius played great as usual (after a weak expansion) and vargr also gave me some interesting moments.

I'm beginning to think that eriu got overbuffed with that E pick on tuathas, i wonder what I could have done had i not researched life for a life in time.

vargr December 28th, 2011 07:34 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
Yes it was really fun, thanks everyone! I like these small games and the reduced micro.

My land expansion failed as well and while I got the seas, it was obvious I couldn't defend them all. They did buy me the extra forts and mages though.

Our hopes with Eriu were in a fast win over Abysia, but the defence was tough and so the war lingered. I also had several very bad turns in a row in the beginning of it, partly due to bad luck but obviously my own mistakes and Aby's good play as well.

It was fun to hunt the SCs, spent a lot of time scripting for them, only to find out the AI promptly ignore my orders (Leech, Life for life, petrify). I think I killed the two heliophagi in melee in the end :D

Must try Vanheim with a more conventional build the next time, I think the increased blood randoms do a lot for them.

Koral December 28th, 2011 10:47 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started
Sure, we can end the game. I like these small games as well.

I like the feel of MA ulm though it could use some nerfing. At least the forge bonus in capitol should go.

I went blood 7 and vampire lords for blood and death access, it seems a bit overpriced for a blood hunter (I realized yesterday I could just have empowered a smith in blood, forge boosters and empower scouts for blood hunting) Getting b3 hunters with forge bonus and empowerment would be cheaper than vampire lords.

Vampire lords are kickass and should cost at least the 100 slaves, I just hope cbm brings some alternative non-immortals as blood hunter option.

earcaraxe December 28th, 2011 07:31 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
thats it then. grats Koral for playing that great!

Valerius December 28th, 2011 08:39 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
Earcaraxe, very well played! You not only stopped Van and I but I think you were actually attacking more than you were playing defense. We needed a quick victory in order to have any chance against Ulm later and we didn't get it.

And congratulations to Koral on the win! The thought of having to face hordes of cheaply equipped iron angels and other SCs if Van and I managed to defeat Aby was painful.


Originally Posted by earcaraxe (Post 791464)
I'm beginning to think that eriu got overbuffed with that E pick on tuathas, i wonder what I could have done had i not researched life for a life in time.

You mean in terms of thugging or spellcasting? I don't think I accomplished much with thugging in this game. I went with a scales build so I was able to afford mages even after my horrible expansion but without a strong bless I needed more gems to equip them and with only a few provinces and no good sites I couldn't afford to equip them or even cloud trapeze them into your territory (the only good site I found was a D site that generated 4 gems/turn and necromancers - not good for equipping thugs but the D magic would have been useful against your vampires). If it weren't for Ulm sending over free equipment I would have been able to do even less. And I didn't even try to attack any provinces with your blood mages in them.

This game you went with a more traditional Aby strategy - demons, vampires, and horrors - and I think it was very effective. You made good use of those mixed forces of demons, even threatening my cap, but I was a little surprised you didn't put any in your provinces. With flight they can hit an attacking thug before he can even self bless and with magic attacks they can pop mistform. And of course the vampires are immortal so even though they aren't as good as demons at killing glamoured thugs they are reusable if they get killed.

Also, I obviously didn't want to mention this earlier but another spell that can work nicely against glamoured thugs is blood burst, which is only level 1. Armor negating, no MR roll. I used it to good effect against TNN's thugs when I was playing Van (decided I wasn't going to try to out-thug him ). Now Vanjarls do have better precision than Aby's mages and can cast aim to boost it further so it would be tougher for you to pull it off, but when it hits it works great (AOE 1 means it's also a nice spell against elite troops).

As far as Eriu goes, I think they are a very strong nation through the mid-game. Late game they still have issues with no native access to SDB but until then I think they are quite good and with a strong showing can put themselves in a good position for the late game. One game I'm keeping an eye is YARG3, where three nations that received significant boosts (Ulm, Van and Eriu) are among the game leaders.


Originally Posted by vargr (Post 791466)
Must try Vanheim with a more conventional build the next time, I think the increased blood randoms do a lot for them.

I agree; B2s have a lot more options than B1s. All things considered, I think the 50% chance of an extra blood random on Vanjarls/Vanadrotts is a bigger boost than just giving them all a dousing bonus would have been.


Originally Posted by Koral (Post 791475)
I like the feel of MA ulm though it could use some nerfing. At least the forge bonus in capitol should go.

Not sure what you mean by this. Are you referring to Ulm's national FotA?


Originally Posted by Koral (Post 791475)
Vampire lords are kickass and should cost at least the 100 slaves, I just hope cbm brings some alternative non-immortals as blood hunter option.

I see your point, though for purely thematic reasons I like the idea of not making it easier for non-blood nations to get a strong blood economy going (and one good thing about the elimination of blood stones is that non-blood nations don't feel obligated to get some kind of blood economy running just in order to forge them).

Koral December 28th, 2011 09:40 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
I actually meant the resource bonus ulm gets in the capital. I'm confident they can get a good start without it.

earcaraxe December 29th, 2011 07:05 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
thanks for ur feedback Valerius, I appreciate it and found it useful! I got better playing abysia this time, have learnt a lot.

about the E picks for eriu: i meant the self buffs. I might still have been partly under the effect of our previuos game, where U easily beat all of my troops i sent agains them. But anyway, a tuatha now, fully buffed and with a useful HOF perk seems about undefeatable to me, on par with an SC easily. I mean in the hands of a creative and clever player like you.

thanks for the hint on blood burst and the lone demons defending!

Mightypeon December 29th, 2011 08:16 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - started

Originally Posted by Koral (Post 791475)
Sure, we can end the game. I like these small games as well.

I like the feel of MA ulm though it could use some nerfing. At least the forge bonus in capitol should go.

I went blood 7 and vampire lords for blood and death access, it seems a bit overpriced for a blood hunter (I realized yesterday I could just have empowered a smith in blood, forge boosters and empower scouts for blood hunting) Getting b3 hunters with forge bonus and empowerment would be cheaper than vampire lords.

Vampire lords are kickass and should cost at least the 100 slaves, I just hope cbm brings some alternative non-immortals as blood hunter option.

Wouldnt Empowering a 3 scouts to blood 3 be more expensive than getting one B3D3 Vampire count?

Koral December 30th, 2011 06:08 AM

One empowernment 50 blood slaves, then you add 2 blood boosters each 25 slaves.

So the total is 100 slaves as opposed to 99 slaves for a vampire lord for a generic nation. Ulm has a forge bonus which makes it a total of 86 slaves vs 99 slaves. And you don't have to research blood 7 as soon.

Mightypeon December 31st, 2011 03:12 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
Did you archive your turns? I would love to take a look at them to compare strategies.

earcaraxe January 1st, 2012 06:52 AM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
llamaserver automaticly archives the turns. im going ask lama how to get it.

Mightypeon January 1st, 2012 12:45 PM

Re: MA game - Happy Christmas - ended - Koral - Ulm wins!
I generally have my turns archived in my "save game folder" as well, I find that invaluable if somebody claims to have send you a NAP 3 offer in turn 5, and you dont have a memory of it in turn 65.

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