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-   -   VP in every prov? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48210)

Ironhawk January 5th, 2012 05:47 PM

VP in every prov?
Is there a server command line to put a VP in every province on the map?

I ask this because in the VP settings of a new game, you can move the 1-vp slider up to ~50, but not beyond. So, clearly the functionality is supported but the UI puts limits on it. I want to remove that limit.

Can it be done?

Ironhawk January 5th, 2012 05:49 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
And yes I mean server setting / commandline. Not map modding commands - I dont want to do it that way.

Gandalf Parker January 5th, 2012 06:28 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
Not by Command line Im afraid.

It can, as you say, be done my map commands. A script could run thru the entire province count adding 1 to each very quickly.
Ive never tested to see if that will ignore the games usual limits

But if its going to be one VP for each Province then isnt that the same as basing it on the score.html?

Ironhawk January 5th, 2012 07:08 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
Ahh, too bad :(

No I dont want to use score or #provs as victory conditions because I want to combine this with Cumulative VPs. This will effectively produce a game which is about control of territory. Whoever controls the most territory for the longest, will win.

llamabeast January 5th, 2012 07:30 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
It would be very easy to do via map commands though. 5 minutes work at most.

Gandalf Parker January 5th, 2012 08:37 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
The scores file does track Provinces, and separately tracks VPs.
On my linux server I could combine them. But Im not sure how it would be done on a windows machine.

Ironhawk January 14th, 2012 09:36 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
Ok, so I relented and put a VP in every prov via map commands. But it doesnt work...

When you capture one of these vp provs, no VPs are awarded in the charts!

How is this fixed?

Gandalf Parker January 14th, 2012 09:54 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
Did you also include the command to set the number for a VP win?

Ironhawk January 15th, 2012 02:53 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
I set the # of VPs to win at 50 in the new-game UI screen when starting the game.

Is that what you mean?

Ironhawk January 17th, 2012 11:29 PM

Re: VP in every prov?

Gandalf Parker January 17th, 2012 11:44 PM

Re: VP in every prov?
Like i said its been a long time since I messed with VPs. I dont remember.
Its all guesswork at this point from me

Kobal2 January 18th, 2012 05:41 AM

Re: VP in every prov?
If I may suggest something possibly silly, wouldn't it be simpler to code a small app that would look through the server's turn output, tally the province count of each player turn by turn and add those to a permanent counter outside of the game ?
Even easier to do if the game is to be hosted on Llamaserver, where the app could just process the game's HTML page.

elmokki January 18th, 2012 08:15 AM

Re: VP in every prov?

Originally Posted by Kobal2 (Post 792835)
If I may suggest something possibly silly, wouldn't it be simpler to code a small app that would look through the server's turn output, tally the province count of each player turn by turn and add those to a permanent counter outside of the game ?
Even easier to do if the game is to be hosted on Llamaserver, where the app could just process the game's HTML page.

Is there public information of the structure of turn files? Being able to de-engineer them would pose a major cheating opportunity unless it'd be just for graphs (provided they are enabled) and basic information.

Gandalf Parker January 18th, 2012 10:54 AM

Re: VP in every prov?
Actually the games html file is available on any server, or even on solo games.
Starting Dom3 with the switches --statfile and --scoredump creates the output files that the servers use for their info. Only the Matrix server provides specialized info not available from game output.

On my server I find that doing
html2text scores.html
is helpful. It converts the html page to just a text file. Then its easier to parse out the info wanted.

Gandalf Parker January 18th, 2012 11:01 AM

Re: VP in every prov?
If the reason for having the game keep score on VPs is for declaring the winner, you could have the --preexec file check before, or the --postexec file check after, each hosting to see if someone has reached the goal. Then they can shut the game down announcing to you the winner by email or text message to phone

Kobal2 January 18th, 2012 11:17 AM

Re: VP in every prov?

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 792850)
Actually the games html file is available on any server, or even on solo games.
Starting Dom3 with the switches --statfile and --scoredump creates the output files that the servers use for their info. Only the Matrix server provides specialized info not available from game output.

On my server I find that doing
html2text scores.html
is helpful. It converts the html page to just a text file. Then its easier to parse out the info wanted.

Hah, and here I thought it would have been the other way round: that you could get the server to belch out unparsed txt data via this kind of postfix switches, which llamabeast had artfully turned into readable HTML :o

My proposed scheme becomes even more feasible then.

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