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-   -   MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48274)

mattyburn7 January 25th, 2012 10:02 PM

MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Got my first taste of MP action this week and want to organize an EA game for Noobs or inexerpienced MP players. This is my first attempt at organizing so bear with me and any questions/advice appreciated.

Game parameters:
Players: 10 (if we get a lot more interest, perhaps we'll welcome and switch to larger map)

Map: Plane of Rusty Nails v4
Mods: CBM 1.92
Magic site freq: 50
Renaming On
Graph On
Hall of Fame 15
Everything else set as default
Turn length: Initially 30h/turn. Will expand in later game
Diplomacy: Anything goes
Winner: Last man, woman or beast standing or on agreement of remaining survivors.
Game exploits are forbidden (Bogus orders, Troops blocking, lab filling and the recruitment of 0g Ettin)

Planning on hosting the Game on llamaserver

First in gets their pick of Nation. I'm going with Sauromatia

Looking forward!

mattyburn7 - Sauromatia
revenant2 - Ermor
Flop - Tien Ch'i
Holeydooley - Ulm
Iron Duke - Mictlan
Szumo - C'tis
curtadams - Hellheim
Keithz - Yomi
Torgon - Fomoria
DarkAvenger211 - Hinnom

revenant2 January 25th, 2012 10:26 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA
Thanks for setting this up.

I'd love to crack some skulls with Ermor. Sign me up :)

Szumo January 26th, 2012 05:20 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA
What's your criteria for "inexperienced"? :)

Flop January 26th, 2012 07:29 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA
I would like to play, please. I'd prefer Tien Ch'i, if possible.

I've only played one other mp game (also as Tien Ch'i), and was killed off rather early. I never missed a turn, though.

I know what two of the exploits you mention are, but could you please explain troops blocking and recruitment of 0g Ettin? Mainly out of curiosity, I suppose, but I'd hate to inadvertently use one of them.

edit: also, is there a list of crafting and spell requirements available, for CBM 1.92? I kind of screwed up my crafting strategy in my last game, by going by the vanilla requirements.

mattyburn7 January 26th, 2012 09:52 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA
Flop: Got you in for Tien Ch'i.
Re Ettin: There is a site that allows you to recruit them for 0 gold and 1 resource. Its a bug.
For Troop blocking:
If you send a scout against an army there is a 50% chance the scout block the entire army.
This move is forbidden. (i say scout but it can be a commander, a diseased mage ...)

Unfortunately I don't have a list for CBM 1.92. I'm not sure if one exists. If I come across anything I'll add a link in this thread. I'll see what I can dig up.

mattyburn7 January 26th, 2012 09:53 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA
Good Question Szumo. I don't have a hard rule on that. I'm thinking Noob or a handful of MP games max. However use your best judgment. If you feel like you've got enough experience that playing with MP noobs will be like playing the AI, then probably shouldn't join. Otherwise. Welcome aboard!

Flop January 26th, 2012 01:10 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 793322)
Flop: Got you in for Tien Ch'i.
Re Ettin: There is a site that allows you to recruit them for 0 gold and 1 resource. Its a bug.
For Troop blocking:
If you send a scout against an army there is a 50% chance the scout block the entire army.
This move is forbidden. (i say scout but it can be a commander, a diseased mage ...)

Unfortunately I don't have a list for CBM 1.92. I'm not sure if one exists. If I come across anything I'll add a link in this thread. I'll see what I can dig up.

Alright, so just to be clear, it's not allowed to attack any province with a single character? Or is it just any province with an army in it?

Also, I just noticed that the CBM 1.92 mod actually comes with a pdf forging reference, which should prove immensely helpful. The spell reference isn't nearly as important, since that information is available in-game.

mattyburn7 January 26th, 2012 01:48 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA
I would say attacking an army with a single character with the sole attempt of blocking it as an exploit.

Thanks for the info on CBM!

HoleyDooley January 26th, 2012 07:05 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA 7/10 Players Remaining
Ulm please.

Iron Duke January 28th, 2012 06:28 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA 6/10 Players Remaining
I'm in, will decide on a nation soon.

mattyburn7 January 28th, 2012 07:47 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA 6/10 Players Remaining
Sounds good. Got you in. 5 down. 5 to go!!

Szumo January 28th, 2012 10:28 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Need 5 more players
I'd like to join as C'tis then.

mattyburn7 January 28th, 2012 10:37 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Need 4 more players
Cool. You're in!

KeithZ January 28th, 2012 11:18 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Need 4 more players
Please count me in. I'd like to play Yomi

curtadams January 28th, 2012 11:38 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Need 4 more players

So how many troops do you have to send in for a block not to count as an exploit? Five? Ten? Twenty? The computer AI does it all the time with about 10-20.

DarkAvenger211 January 28th, 2012 12:05 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Need 4 more players
It's been a while since I played a game. I'd like to join in as Yomi

Iron Duke January 28th, 2012 02:54 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Need 4 more players
Never played Mictlan in mp. Perhaps now is the time...

Torgon January 28th, 2012 03:05 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Need 4 more players
Playing in another game at the moment, but I'm about to go down so I think I can take on another. I'll take Fomoria.

mattyburn7 January 28th, 2012 03:58 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Cool. We've got all 10 players. Darkavenger211 grabbed Yomi so just going to wait on him to pick a new nation. I'll be out most of the rest of the weekend. So we should be good to get started by early next week. Will post back here soon.


regarding blocking: Let's keep it simple...single unit.

DarkAvenger211 January 28th, 2012 04:34 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Alrighty I'll pick Hinnom then

mattyburn7 January 28th, 2012 04:41 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Hinnom it is!

Ok. We've got 10.

1 last question for the players. I originally said the map would be plane of Rusty Nails. I was thinking of switching to something larger - Cradle of Dominion.

Any objections to this?
If there are no objections I will switch the map and have the game setup on Monday.

If there are objections that is ok and we'll go with original post.

Either way game will be setup Monday and Game name will be Noobaphobia.

Have fun!!!

Flop January 28th, 2012 04:50 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'd actually prefer Cradle of Dominions for 3 reasons: It doesn't wrap around (which I prefer), it looks nicer, I lost my last game in the Plane of Rusty Nails (although an earlier version).

curtadams January 28th, 2012 05:44 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I would prefer Plane of Rusty Nails. 15 provinces/players is a good number, while the endgame on a 221 province map like Cradle of Dominion is pretty onerous. Also, for MP I prefer wraparound for fairer starts.

DarkAvenger211 January 28th, 2012 05:52 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Are we doing the email server. Or in game server?

Torgon January 28th, 2012 10:26 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'd prefer plains as well. Having one of the corners in Cradle seems to be a pretty big starting bonus.

Szumo January 29th, 2012 04:46 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'm okay with Cradle.

KeithZ January 29th, 2012 06:19 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'd prefer Plane of Rusty Nails. I like Cradle but it just seems to be a little too big for ten players.

mattyburn7 January 29th, 2012 07:41 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
ok. Plane of Rusty Nails it is.

We are using llamaserver. Below is link to the list of games on the server and on this link is a link to FAQ in case anyone has any or feel free to post here.

Noobaphobia has been created on the server so feel free to create and send in Pretenders.


DarkAvenger211 January 29th, 2012 09:57 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Ok I accidentally uploaded my Yomi pretender instead of the other one. Can you get it deleted?

Sorry about that

mattyburn7 January 29th, 2012 10:41 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
DarkAvenger: He's deleted. no problem.

Torgon January 30th, 2012 04:01 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Wow. Just looked at the nation list. We really like death magic don't we. I think we managed to pick every single death power of EA>

mattyburn7 January 30th, 2012 07:34 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Easier to destroy than create!

DarkAvenger211 January 30th, 2012 09:10 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Did we start it yet?

revenant2 January 30th, 2012 09:29 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by DarkAvenger211 (Post 793742)
Did we start it yet?

It looks like we're waiting on one more pretender:

Iron Duke - Mictlan

mattyburn7 January 30th, 2012 09:40 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Yep. That's the last one. Then we are ready.

Iron Duke January 30th, 2012 09:54 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
OUCH! I was stupid and sent the pretender hastily with wrong mods on, better indies and whatnot. Can we do it one more time? I am really sorry.

Iron Duke January 30th, 2012 09:54 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I mean, delete mine and I'll send it again.

mattyburn7 January 30th, 2012 10:01 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
k. Its deleted!

mattyburn7 January 30th, 2012 10:44 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Game is started. Have fun!

Flop January 31st, 2012 06:33 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Does anyone know what the crown icon in some regions mean?

Szumo January 31st, 2012 07:08 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Provinces with crown icon are worth Victory Points. This doesn't matter all with default victory conditions.

Btw, C'tis would like to buy a few Owl Quills in the first year. Contact me if you're willing to forge them.

Flop January 31st, 2012 07:50 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Cool, thanks.

Flop February 1st, 2012 08:52 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
It seems Sauromatia is having a pretty rough start. Were you hit by a bad event?

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in comparing notes, at this point, in the interest of all of us learning something (since it's a noob game)? I'm only talking about public information which can be gleaned from the statistics screens, not giving anything away.

Szumo February 1st, 2012 09:31 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Sure :) Conclusions i see from the scores so far:
* Sauromatia got hit by a barbarian attack or something like that on first turn. Propably means high misfortune scales and a lot of bad luck
* C'tis (me), Yomi and Helheim have awake pretenders. If others also have awake pretenders, they propably don't have magic as only us 2 researched on the first turn.
(Both mine and Helheim's gods are fighting ones, as can be seen in Hall of Fame).
* After turn 2, everyone except me and Sauromatia took 1 province. Only I took 2. This and the research chart suggests Yomi's pretender is not a fighting one, at least without researching spells or forging equipment.
* Hall of Fame shows I've got the mercs. Someone propably should have bidded higher ;)
* Helheim has high dominion score and awake pretender. Pity their neighbours ;)
* Ulm and Mictlan took above average losses attacking last turn.
* Ulm and Fomoria were overtaxing/patrolling first turn.
* Ermor has good scales (high income)

mattyburn7 February 1st, 2012 10:04 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Very insightful and probably 100% accurate. Thanks for the analysis. That is helpful!

Flop February 1st, 2012 10:13 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Thanks. That's some good stuff. I've reached most of those conclusions myself, as well, although I disagree with some:

I'd say that besides Ulm and Fomoria, Helheim and Yomi were also overtaxing/patrolling first turn. Since Ermor has a very high stable income, I'm guessing he has at least +3 order, and probably production and growth scales, as well.

I agree that C'tis and Yomi must have awake pretenders. Furthermore, since C'tis took 2 provinces on turn 3, I'm guessing he has a combat pretender (that's not certain, though, and if he does, it's likely that it's still too vulnerable for him to risk it on a blind attack). Furthermore, going by the dominion increases, I thnk that Ermor, Helheim, Hinnom and possibly Ulm, have awake pretenders. I'd like to hear your reasoning for saying Helheim, though.

Looking at Ulm's available researchers, I think that he has 3 magic scales. Doing the same with Sauromatia and Hinnom, I'm thinking 0 magic scales for them (might be wrong about Hinnom).

I had some ideas about Yomi's pretender, based on the research, but I'm not sure how research bonuses from magic paths work. Is it just +1 research for each point in any path, or what?

Szumo February 1st, 2012 10:21 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
About research: Yes, AFAIK it's base value (based on unit type) + 1 per each magic path point.
Helheim's god is in Hall of Fame - that's as obvious hint as it gets :)
Magic +3 for Ulm sounds risky, as their troops have low MR. Could be a weakness if it's true.

Flop February 1st, 2012 10:34 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Szumo (Post 793935)
Helheim's god is in Hall of Fame - that's as obvious hint as it gets :)

Ha! I missed that, but yeah, that's a good hint. :)


Magic +3 for Ulm sounds risky, as their troops have low MR. Could be a weakness if it's true.
Actually, since any magic path gives +1 research, it's more likely that they only have 1 magic scale, since that would give them a 50% chance of getting the 8 research they currently have, on the best researcher they can recruit. I guess my other magic scales notes should be taken with a grain of salt. :)

Torgon February 3rd, 2012 01:23 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Szumo (Post 793928)
Sure :) Conclusions i see from the scores so far:
* Sauromatia got hit by a barbarian attack or something like that on first turn. Propably means high misfortune scales and a lot of bad luck
* C'tis (me), Yomi and Helheim have awake pretenders. If others also have awake pretenders, they propably don't have magic as only us 2 researched on the first turn.
(Both mine and Helheim's gods are fighting ones, as can be seen in Hall of Fame).
* After turn 2, everyone except me and Sauromatia took 1 province. Only I took 2. This and the research chart suggests Yomi's pretender is not a fighting one, at least without researching spells or forging equipment.
* Hall of Fame shows I've got the mercs. Someone propably should have bidded higher ;)
* Helheim has high dominion score and awake pretender. Pity their neighbours ;)
* Ulm and Mictlan took above average losses attacking last turn.
* Ulm and Fomoria were overtaxing/patrolling first turn.
* Ermor has good scales (high income)

Me thinks Szumo is not so new to this game. Also Szumo has just successfully attacked my capital with his pretender. Surprise attack while we were negotiating a trade (I offered to forge him some owl quils).

It is a Manticore with A6. I'm probably going down, but I'm going to remain in the game as long as possible. Before I go down, I will give all the gems and gold I have saved to the person who makes his life the most miserable.

I am in province 74. He has 92 and 82 with capital most likely in 99.

Szumo February 3rd, 2012 03:02 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 794161)
Me thinks Szumo is not so new to this game. Also Szumo has just successfully attacked my capital with his pretender. Surprise attack while we were negotiating a trade (I offered to forge him some owl quils).

It is a Manticore with A6. I'm probably going down, but I'm going to remain in the game as long as possible. Before I go down, I will give all the gems and gold I have saved to the person who makes his life the most miserable.

I am in province 74. He has 92 and 82 with capital most likely in 99.

I've finished 5 dom3 multiplayer games some years ago, none of them with current generation of CBM, then had a long break playing. Hardly makes me a veteran - and I did ask for mattyburn7 for definition of inexpierenced MP player, which i believe i fit.

I understand you're frustrated - I wasn't happy when i found out there are just 2 provinces between our capitals, as I would rather conquer more neutral provinces before starting an early war which is a big risk, but we're simply too close.

I do not apprieciate your attempt to damage my reputation by implying that I somehow attacked you dishonourably. You contacted me asking what i was willing to offer for the owl quills, i replied, and that's all - and it happened _before we even met_! After we met, i decided further talks were pointless. I did not in any way promise, suggest or imply that I would not attack you.

You have every right to fight back as hard as you can, including asking for help, offering intel/gems/whatever, but right now your pleas come off a bit like desperate whining :), while your situation is not IMO desperate. I'd suggest you try to keep your dignity.

And to the rest: C'tis is willing to forge friendly relationships with other of it's neighbours (assuming they're not that close ;) ), however anyone helping Fomoria will be dealt with harshly :)

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