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Bwaha February 28th, 2012 11:02 AM

Your biggest Doh moment...
I'll go first...

I was giving my mages twiceborn, and killing them off...

Also I had a dome up on my capitol...



ghoul31 February 28th, 2012 06:37 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
I had about 50 astral mages all lined up in the back row. I had about 50 elephants all lined up in the front row.

Because of the elephants terrible morale, they all routed almost immediately. Then they trampled almost every single one of my mages as they left.

Knai February 28th, 2012 07:28 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
I'm going to have to go with the time(s) I accidentally mass suicided my mages through misapplication of Phoenix Pyre. Those incidents weren't pretty.

bbz February 28th, 2012 07:37 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by Knai (Post 797082)
I'm going to have to go with the time(s) I accidentally mass suicided my mages through misapplication of Phoenix Pyre. They weren't pretty.

You are a cruel ruler, making your mages commit a suicide just because of how they look!! :)

Knai February 28th, 2012 07:42 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 797085)

Originally Posted by Knai (Post 797082)
I'm going to have to go with the time(s) I accidentally mass suicided my mages through misapplication of Phoenix Pyre. They weren't pretty.

You are a cruel ruler, making your mages commit a suicide just because of how they look!! :)

Have you seen EA Shinuyama recently? They were clearly asking for it by looking like that. Also, the post is now clarified.

bbz February 28th, 2012 08:11 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Ah, you are talking about EA Shinuyama, then I support you, they completely deserved it - those monsters:D. Initally I thought that you were talking about some fire empowered Oreiades that weren't up to your high standards.:P

bbz February 28th, 2012 08:16 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
back on topic. Having a Rudra ,equipted with items worth 150 gems, site search around my lands with no one to protect it from mind hunt.:)

Bwaha February 28th, 2012 11:15 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Come on you old vets...

Fess up...

You have some stories...

sansanjuan February 29th, 2012 01:24 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Buying PD to "aid" my two thugs inside enemy territory. PD gets wasted, uninjured thugs bolt with no retreat path.

Kobal2 February 29th, 2012 01:25 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 797091)
back on topic. Having a Rudra ,equipted with items worth 150 gems, site search around my lands with no one to protect it from mind hunt.:)

Remember that one, do you ? :angel

bbz February 29th, 2012 06:06 AM

I seriously hate you for that one!!! :D

parone February 29th, 2012 09:03 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
here's one that happened today.

i am a super newbie. i took a really good early game nation, and things were going really, really well. good diplo, some real sight searching luck, blah blah blah

one of my expansion armies marches into a province and is surprised by some indi death mages. we whoop em anyway. i notice that there is death sight that spawnes disease. i high tail it outta there so my expo force doesn't get sick...

but i gotta sight search cause i have a rainbow with D2, and i just KNOW there is a cool death sight there...

and there was. and i can even recruit indi mages there(found it on the search) who can diversify my woefully indiversified nation.

whee is the DOH? one turn in the province, and my rainbow, who is all that stands between me and magical poverty, is diseased.

poor dumb newbie...

Soyweiser February 29th, 2012 01:02 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Site, not sight...

Soyweiser February 29th, 2012 01:03 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Most of my Doh moments have to do with domes. Putting up a dome and teleporting in casters all in the same turn.

Forgetting to upload the turn is also always a big Doh.

shatner February 29th, 2012 01:17 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
In a SP game I had an expensively kitted Kitsune that I was planning on using to seduce enemy commanders. In one turn I ordered her to sneak into an adjacent province to start targeting the commanders of an enemy army. I then realized the enemy army was likely to move into her current location next turn so I canceled the sneak command with shift+d (like I do when I'm telling an indie commander to stay put).

My intuition had been right; next turn the enemy army moved into that province... where they met my defending Kitsune and promptly flattened her.

Shift+D = "defend" which is NOT the same as "hide".

nordlys February 29th, 2012 01:28 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Putting a wraith crown on a solitaire water queen. Several times over, even (there were months between turns), until she had nowhere to flee when her stupid skellies get splattered. An item I will never ever use again.

Zywack February 29th, 2012 01:40 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
While I've had many mistakes in the short time I've been playing, I haven't done any that were facepalm-worthy yet (yet being the keyword).

However, one of my friend who started playing last week did make one that he's still upset about 3 days afterward. We are allied against the computer, mostly fighting against a huge late-age Ermor. To help in the underwater part of the war, he decided to teleport his well-equiped Father of Frost pretender god to his underwater lab so that he can summon some helpful creatures... but forgot to reequip his ring of water breathing. Death by drowning feels like such an insult for what is supposed to be a powerful god!

parone February 29th, 2012 03:24 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
LOL. that is funny. my pretender is basically dying of the measels. another ignoble end...

Valerius February 29th, 2012 03:54 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Here's a few more from a recent thread.

sansanjuan February 29th, 2012 06:19 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
My biggest doh was not equipping an astral gem on my pretender after scripting returning (only way to forge safely with astral corruption up). Anyway... He ended up worse than dead... The dreaded doom horror spin cycle...



Corinthian March 1st, 2012 12:54 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
My biggest "Dohh!" moment came in one of my first games. I had to stop a big mannish communion. I did not have many tools at hand but I eventually came up with a bold plan to have a mage cast Foul Vapors. I had previously noticed that the enemy mages used the spell "invulnerability" to protect themselves. This spell also gives the recipient 100 points of poison vulnerability so the plan was to distract the communion with all manner of spread out chaff while the enemy died from poison and suffered a Pyrrhic victory.

Everything worked wonderfully! Although I lost a lot of troops, the enemy mages were also dying in droves! But they did not stay down! Apparently the enemy had snuck in a Death mage that cast Life after Life on the army and every fallen mage rose again as the undead. Not only did I waste a huge amount of troops in order to screen my mages, the only thing I managed to cut down was the enemies upkeep costs, by a huge amount! It was terrible.

Shangrila00 March 1st, 2012 01:30 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
I don't think that counts. You did nothing wrong, and just got outplayed. Though, shouldn't the newly undead mages die again? Undead start with poison immunity, but invulnerability takes that away. Unless your opponent forsaw you using foul vapors and switched to ironskin or something, in which case you really got outplayed.

Kobal2 March 1st, 2012 05:10 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 797169)
Forgetting to upload the turn is also always a big Doh.

Also uploading a turn, then realizing you made a really dumb mistake, or have a blaze of insight into your opponent's plans. So you change your orders in a hurry, and breathe a sigh of relief. Catastrophe averted !

Then you forget to upload the revised turn.
And the exact thing you had taken active steps to prevent happens. :doh:

Valerius March 12th, 2012 02:42 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Here's another. I wanted to give a thug a hero's blade so he could go after some ettins. Turns out I handed him the stone sword. He killed himself on the first swing. :p

Soyweiser March 12th, 2012 03:34 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
I wasted 4 fully penetration gear equipped mindhunters turns blasting a GoR'ed crusher with the stone sword. (Guess what happened).

Not my biggest doh, but frustrating the none the less.

Shardphoenix March 12th, 2012 04:22 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

I wasted 4 fully penetration gear equipped mindhunters turns blasting a GoR'ed crusher with the stone sword. (Guess what happened).
Eventually penetrated resistance only to find out that it`s immune?

Soyweiser March 12th, 2012 09:57 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by Shardphoenix (Post 798352)

I wasted 4 fully penetration gear equipped mindhunters turns blasting a GoR'ed crusher with the stone sword. (Guess what happened).
Eventually penetrated resistance only to find out that it`s immune?

Give the man a prize!

earcaraxe March 13th, 2012 06:31 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 797169)
Most of my Doh moments have to do with domes. Putting up a dome and teleporting in casters all in the same turn.

Forgetting to upload the turn is also always a big Doh.

In my first ever MP game i did exactly this. astral dome up, and teleported some silver order mages with useful randoms in. I remember when reading the message from the dome i was thinking it resisted an enemy spell "bwaha, u deserved it sucker, I knew u would try something". Later did i realize what happened when i was looking for my mage.

Excist March 13th, 2012 01:34 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
OK, I just stepped in a steaming pile of Doh!! Last night.

In one game I'm running an extreme bless strat with horrible scales and a consequently frugal budget and then I sent one of my armies with about a hundred sacreds into battle:

Couple of mages popping some gems for combat magic? Check
Battle formation setup well? Check
Bodyguards on mages to protect against the attack rear Zmeys? Check
H3 caster scripted to drop the divine bless? WTF??!!

Yup, accidentally deselected the divine blesser at the last castle. What should have been a fairly painless battle turns into a large scale massacre, with an embarrassingly large number of cap only sacreds in the mix.

rdonj March 13th, 2012 09:25 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
I can't tell you how many times I've prophetized the starting scout and forgot to make sure that it wasn't sneaking before I hit end turn with predictable results. Or just recently losing a 1,000 gold mage to a bunch of freespawn bats that were set to attack rear and not having any guards for my mage, so he got surrounded and toasted in one turn.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose March 15th, 2012 06:17 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 798505)
I can't tell you how many times I've prophetized the starting scout and forgot to make sure that it wasn't sneaking before I hit end turn with predictable results. Or just recently losing a 1,000 gold mage to a bunch of freespawn bats that were set to attack rear and not having any guards for my mage, so he got surrounded and toasted in one turn.

Whoa, who gets a 1000 gold mage?

llamabeast March 15th, 2012 08:56 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Itza (Sombre's Lizardmen mod nation). Sounds like a Slann got killed by some Sylvanian bats!

rdonj March 15th, 2012 06:43 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Sadly yes :( If that had been an mp game I probably would have cried.

John_Madlock March 17th, 2012 11:30 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
I didn't know about THIS


Bwaha March 18th, 2012 12:54 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by John_Madlock (Post 798831)

Yes, all the older players use scouts/spys to carry gems for the battlefield...

They sneak in so they can't be mind-hunted or other such things...


Immaculate March 18th, 2012 12:58 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
i just learned that now when you posted that.....

thanks madlock.

John_Madlock March 18th, 2012 07:06 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
I did know about transfering gems. I didn't know I can select commander XD. No more "A gives to B, B gives to C, C gives.. oh crap, he can give only to B" XD

Immaculate March 18th, 2012 10:06 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
yeah same.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose March 29th, 2012 11:15 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
This was in SP, so no face-palming involved, but still some good :doh: :

Playing Rlyeh with a rainbow pretender. Had him cast twiceborn . Lost him fighting in friendly dominion, but he isn't back in the capital next turn. Set priests to call god. A few turns later, I get a message that "(my pretender) the wight mage drowned". Apparently wight mages can drown even though they are dead. I succeeded in permanently killing my pretender, since he dies if recalled to the capital :doh:

bbz March 29th, 2012 11:39 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose (Post 800104)
This was in SP, so no face-palming involved, but still some good :doh: :

Playing Rlyeh with a rainbow pretender. Had him cast twiceborn . Lost him fighting in friendly dominion, but he isn't back in the capital next turn. Set priests to call god. A few turns later, I get a message that "(my pretender) the wight mage drowned". Apparently wight mages can drown even though they are dead. I succeeded in permanently killing my pretender, since he dies if recalled to the capital :doh:

You can cast a global called Thetis Blessing and he will not drown the next time he revives.

Knai March 29th, 2012 07:10 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 800108)
You can cast a global called Thetis Blessing and he will not drown the next time he revives.

This is a very questionable idea. Making it easier for everyone else to attack you is probably not a good idea.

Shardphoenix March 29th, 2012 07:53 PM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Ii singleplayer it`s OK.

Excist March 30th, 2012 12:09 AM

Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
Well, if your plan is to suicide your mage carrying the global right after everybody attacks you and your Wight-God is safely out of the water, then it may be a spectacularly evil plan.

And by evil, I mean good.

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