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-   -   MP: Blood Bowl - LA Marignon - Corinthian Winner ! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48465)

Bullock February 29th, 2012 02:06 AM

Blood Bowl - LA Marignon - Corinthian Winner !
Another crowded game for people with at least 1 completed MP game.

Diplo is allowed but nation picks remain anonymous !

Picking will be done after the recruitment of players at a date scheduled 24h before it starts. First to pick first served. (i won't get the first pick to not be advantaged by my admin role)

So DO NOT TELL your nation wish when applying !!

I could use the help of someone not involved in the game to co-admin it. (only quick stuff to do, nothing boring)

Nation picking starts Saturday 10th at 3pm GMT. First to send to Llama is first to pick !

Players: ~15
Era: All
Map: Cradle of dominion (you can still make proposals with maps of similar size)
Magic site freq: 60
Renaming On
Graph Off (tell you preference)
Hall of Fame 15
Everything else set as default
Turn length: 30h then 50h around turn 30.
Mods: CBM 1.92 / Streamers and standards / single age mod
Diplo: Everything is allowed. Trades are binding.
Victory Condition: Control half of others Cap. (8 + your own cap)
There is no VP so send me your turn file when you think having met the victory conditions.

Gamelink: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Blood_bowl

I'm expecting from people joining the game to not go AI or only when they get very weak (few prov left and all remaining forts sieged). Don't forget to reveal your identity before leaving :)
Game exploits are forbidden (Bogus orders, Troops blocking, lab filling and the recruitment of 0g Ettin)

Players :

Bullock - LA Ermor (DEAD)
CyborgKillerMonster - Nief (DEAD)
Hylobius - Ctis (Dead T16)

HoleyDooley February 29th, 2012 02:57 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
What the heck! In for a penny in for a pound.

More easy pickings for the pros, but I am getting better.

KeithZ February 29th, 2012 07:32 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Please count me in.

I don't have a completed game in the forum (you know, another world is the first game I play here), but please let me in anyway, I won't give up my game easily.

TigerBlood February 29th, 2012 09:13 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'm game

CyborgKillerMonster February 29th, 2012 12:46 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I`m in.

mattyburn7 February 29th, 2012 01:09 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'd like to play.

Ossa February 29th, 2012 01:21 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'm in.

Corinthian February 29th, 2012 05:12 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Perhaps it is time for me to stop mentoring and start playing again. I'm in!

Bullock February 29th, 2012 08:55 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Welcome in everybody.
Cyborg can you allow PM plz ?

CyborgKillerMonster March 1st, 2012 10:59 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Bullock (Post 797243)
Welcome in everybody.
Cyborg can you allow PM plz ?

Try now.

triqui March 1st, 2012 09:46 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'm in too

TigerBlood March 2nd, 2012 10:53 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Would you consider turning the graphs off? It might make the anonymous nature of the game more...interesting.

Just an idea. I can think of a few pros & cons either way.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose March 2nd, 2012 11:48 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Hi, can you count me in too?

Corinthian March 2nd, 2012 01:14 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
No graphs I have not tried for a while, but combined with the fact that you dont know who your neighbors are it could really help make everyone paranoid. I like it.

bbz March 2nd, 2012 02:30 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Corinthian (Post 797426)
No graphs I have not tried for a while, but combined with the fact that you dont know who your neighbors are it could really help make everyone paranoid. I like it.

Only with fixed positions start you know who your neighbours are.

Anyways count me in as well.

Bullock March 2nd, 2012 03:15 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Yeah i like sometimes playing with graph off and it has been a long time i haven't.

So if the majority is for we are going with graph off.

triqui March 2nd, 2012 03:17 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
graphs off is a great idea in an anonymous game, I'm for it

bbz March 2nd, 2012 03:26 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
if we don't know who is which nation, that means that diplo is carried out only ingame right?

+1 for graphs off

Bullock March 2nd, 2012 03:36 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Yeah you are not supposed to know who is owning what, so you can only communicate trough the game.

CyborgKillerMonster March 2nd, 2012 08:51 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Graf off.:up:

Admiral_Aorta March 3rd, 2012 05:06 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'll join, I kinda prefer graphs on but I don't mind them being off too much.

tratorix March 3rd, 2012 07:14 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

bbz March 5th, 2012 06:37 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
May I suggest something I think 15 land nations will be too Packed. That means 13 lands provinces for each player. How about we say the maximum number of people is 15 and we somehow get an underwater nation? That would mean that every one of us gets 14.21 land provinces which sounds tad better than before.

Bullock March 5th, 2012 06:48 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
yeah i guess we have waited long enough.
Let's start at 15 or as it is by the end of the week.

Nosantee March 5th, 2012 09:37 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'll jump in on this if Good Bad Ugly is going down.

Zywack March 5th, 2012 01:33 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
After much pondering, I'd say I'm finally interested to join. I'd prefer graph on, but it's not a deal-breaker.

Just one question though: I'm not familiar with the exploits, and although I can guess what most of them are, I'm not sure what "Lab Filling" refers to. Is it putting a ton of mages in a single lab, or putting labs everywhere on the map, or something else?

Bullock March 5th, 2012 01:41 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Zywack (Post 797645)
I'm not sure what "Lab Filling" refers to. Is it putting a ton of mages in a single lab, or putting labs everywhere on the map, or something else?

Its when an opponent send you tons of crappy items to fulfill your lab so your craft fail. Might be useful tactic when fighting for ubber item.

Welcome in.

TigerBlood March 5th, 2012 06:05 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
is that 15?

Corinthian March 5th, 2012 06:10 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Well, if Nosantee would confirm his being in-ness, we would be fifteen players now.


Originally Posted by Zywack (Post 797645)
Just one question though: I'm not familiar with the exploits, and although I can guess what most of them are, I'm not sure what "Lab Filling" refers to. Is it putting a ton of mages in a single lab, or putting labs everywhere on the map, or something else?

Well I have played for a while and I cant for the life of me understand that tactic either or how someone could ever pull it of? I mean, the magic item inventory have, what? 40-50 slots? And there is no way for the enemy to determine how many of them are full so there is no way to determine ho many he should send. He could send fewer than a full inventory but then he'd risk not blocking the creation of what ever item and thus having wasted the entire shipment.

If he chose to send a full inventory, then, assuming that the player plays MA Ulm (forgebonus 25%) have hammers for his smiths (+25%) and have the forge of the ancients; The true cost of the action would be 50 gems + 50 mage turns + 50 hammer turns + whatever for not using the forge for his own sake. (1 item = 1 gem)

I really cant see that this trick would pay out no mater what he suspects the enemy is about to forge.

Anyways, what do we do with the water. On one hand, there are 22 water provinces, 19? of them interconnected. On the other hand they are mostly in the middle of the map and spread all over the place.

Nevertheless, I would like to see at least two nations sharing the oceans if we are supposed to have water nations at all. Although that would leave 9.5 water provinces for each of them there is nothing preventing waternations from expanding onto land. Except the land nations of course.

PS: Final note: At least trades should always remain sacred even if there is no enforced diplomacy otherwise. You should always uphold your side of the trade and if someone gets an item or gems sent to them by mistake then they should send them back if you are sure they were not meant as a gift.

Nosantee March 5th, 2012 07:11 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Sorry, other game still going. Really seemed like everyone was gonna jump ship but lo and behold they all decided not to cancel.

Since that one will still be going, I wont be in this one. Sorry!

Admiral_Aorta March 5th, 2012 10:33 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I think the lab filling is more of a concern in unmodded games, where you can produce way more cheap items because of hammers and gemgens.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose March 6th, 2012 01:02 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
My apologies, but I am going to have to withdraw from this game. I was invited to join a rematch of my first MP game, and since I dont have time for more than 1 game, Im going to pick that one instead (too nostalgic :p).

Sorry I wont be joining you this time, I hope I get a chance to play with you all another time!

Bullock March 6th, 2012 03:19 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Considering the recent moves, and if i m counting right, we are 13 actually.

I've received few msg about nation picking which remind me that my explanation in the op are not very clear.

So here is how i'm planning to do it.

Since i'm alone to admin and involved in the game, i m not supposed to know your nation pick. So the best solution i've found is to open the game on Llamaserver at a predefined time and as soon as it is up people can upload pretenders.

I was thinking of saturday around 3PM GMT to open the game. Thats 9AM for the US, middle of the afternoon for EU. Or at a random time on saturday?

If you have a better idea, express it. If you are not involved in the game and want to help co admin it PM me :)

TigerBlood March 6th, 2012 04:23 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Sounds good. That will be around 11pm saturday for me.

Given that there are around 70 nations to choose from, I doubt there will be much competition for a specific nation.

I have a couple of choices, my back-up nation appears in multiple eras.

The only forseeable problem is if multiple peaople pick underwater nations. They may not have much room before being forced onto land.

bbz March 6th, 2012 07:13 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by TigerBlood (Post 797716)
The only forseeable problem is if multiple peaople pick underwater nations. They may not have much room before being forced onto land.

Then we can add a rule: If there is already a water nation you canno't choose one. So the first one with a water nation gets it.

Bullock March 6th, 2012 08:00 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I dont see the point to cap water nation.
If there is already 2 and a 3rd player want to play anyway a water nation he knows what he goes for.

Btw i think it will be quite advantageous for the water nation if he s alone in the sea while playing a crowded map. Therefore i think a good number would be 2. But i'm not planning to set any restriction atm.

You can also PM me to delete a pretender if you change your mind before the game start.

mattyburn7 March 6th, 2012 01:58 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I checked Llamaserver but didn't see the singleage mod on there. I saw a couple looking through the forums. Can someone post a link to the one we are using?

Bullock March 6th, 2012 03:57 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

i ll had links to the op

bbz March 6th, 2012 04:20 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
The first link you added doesnt work.

Bullock March 6th, 2012 04:28 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Here is the good one.

tratorix March 6th, 2012 09:29 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
So, LA Ermor and Rl'yeh are allowed in this game right? Just want to be sure if I need to have possible counters for them in my pretender build.

Bullock March 6th, 2012 11:12 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Yes they are, unless several people don't want to.

Robespierre March 7th, 2012 07:40 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Can I still join?

Zywack March 7th, 2012 08:30 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
LA Ermor is a possibility? I hadn't thought of that... Hmmm... The temptation to change my expected nation pick is certainly rising!

Bullock March 7th, 2012 11:45 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Friendly reminder: it's an anonymous game !

Welcome in Robespierre.

Zywack March 7th, 2012 01:33 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Bullock (Post 797835)
Friendly reminder: it's an anonymous game !

Welcome in Robespierre.


Oh, I know it's an anonymous game, no worries. I hadn't realized that what I had said could be interpretted that way until you mentionned it :)

Corinthian March 8th, 2012 12:00 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Oh, and about LA Ermor/R'lyeth. They are fine in my book. Never had a problem with them really. The nation I would like to see banned on the other hand is EA Agartha. Because in the latest version of CBM they are bugged bad and no fun to play against at all. (Darkness PD + Super cheap permanent size 5 earth elementals. This on top of all the other boosts they have gotten.)

bbz March 8th, 2012 12:04 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
This and MA Ulm I'd say.

Corinthian March 8th, 2012 12:57 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Yea. Actually my build can handle MA Ulm I think, but perhaps not everyone can have my build.

bbz March 8th, 2012 01:14 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
No but my concern is that being a anonymous game it will be hard to organise people together and counter an early forge.

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