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a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
This game is intended for people who, like me, have nil multiplayer experience with Dominions 3, and want to try their hand at a comparatively quick game. I will be running this on llamaserver. Yes, I have no experience doing so. I'm sure this will turn out fine. :re:
Age......: Early Age. Settings.: All default, except renaming is allowed and HoF 15. Mods.....: CBM 1.92; Streamers & Standards (this one is purely cosmetic) Players #: 10 (we hit capacity, but no-one will be left behind!) Map......: Land of Ethereal Squirrels (even more finaler version) Diplomacy: Formal mutual agreements should be adhered to to the letter, but not necessarily the spirit. Honor trades. Otherwise anything goes! Turn Freq: 48h quickhost, to be adjusted as necessary when turns get longer. I'll try to be understanding and not let players stall. Other....: In part due to the low number of players, I would strongly recommend that players never go AI and fight to the bitter end. Once again, this is A Learning Experience! Nations: Adam J - T'ien Ch'i Aderion - Caelum jotwebe - Pangaea KeithZ - Yomi mattyburn7 - Helheim megawidget - Mictlan Procyon Lotor - Arcoscephale samoht - Niefelheim shard - Agartha ulius - Atlantis Game URL: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....ningExperience How to upload pretenders: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...16&postcount=2 Use 'ALearningExperience' in the subject when emailing llamaserver. |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
would love to get in. currently in two games, but not prospering. total, i have played maybe 25 turns of MP.
is this MA? if so, i'd like to try Ulm. they are the only nation i have any experience with. |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
I know you have this set up as EA, but like the previous poster, if this could be MA, I would love to join as Vanheim.
I have about the same thing.. in 2 games, getting crushed... not very many turns. Edit - One other thing.. I would recommend starting with a 24 hour quick host and then increasing.. the first few turns don't seem to really need 48... |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
I may have missed it, but did you state what age you are playing?
As of 2 months ago I hadn't played any MP games and was a below average SP player. Since then I've gotten addicted and am in the middle of 4 games currently. I'm learning a lot, but I think i'm still wayyyyyy behind the learning curve. Anyway. Its up to you. If you want another person I'm happy to play if you'll have me. Cheers |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
His Subject says EA, but pile on with us to convince him to change it to MA! :D
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
I only posted the age in the title of the thread, but it's EA. I've made the edit to the original post to clarify this.
If people overwhelmingly prefer MA I'm willing to change it, though given that I've never tried MA even in single player I'll probably be doing a lot more floundering. :confused: |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
It's your game, don't let us bully you! MA seems a bit more balanced to me. EA seems like it is dominated by bless rushes.
If you really want to do EA, then stick to it. :) I logged on to post that I was going to start a game with almost identical parameters except MA and I saw yours and decided to hold off so as not to cannibalize the noobs. It could very well be that there are enough interested noobs to do both and I could do an MA and you could stick to EA. |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
i'm good with MA.
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
So how about this: if I don't get enough players willing to do EA then I'll change it to MA. Otherwise you can start the MA game and I'll be happy to join! :D Also regarding turn length -- I'm having it at 48h quickhost to ensure people don't stall, but since it's quickhost and we have few players I'm expecting the turns to go faster. 24h quickhost is going to be too short for those like me who can only commit turns when they find the time in the evening. |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
Very good, I posted mine.. I liked your formatting, so I used it as a template :)
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Since you went ahead and did it, I changed mine back to EA.
Now wondering if anyone actually wants to play EA with the other EA games currently going... :poke: |
Re: A Learning Experience (Newbie CBM1.92 EA) [recruiting]
Hi megawidget,
I would like to join this game as Caelum.I am currently playing my first MP game which is currently around Turn 14. Since I got the game about one month ago, I am rather inexperienced overall, especially with all the fency stuff one can do later in the game... Quote:
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
EA Tir na N'og for me
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
I'd like to join if possible! If we do EA I'd like Tien Chin, if we do MA I think I'd like to try Ulm. I don't have any preference regarding the age.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
I would love to join this game. This would be my first MP game. It sounds like someone else has beat me to EA Tien Chi, so can I take Arcosephale?
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Gonna let this thread sit for another day or two to see if anyone else wants to join, but other than that it looks like we're good to start!
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
I havent played for nearly 3 years now and seems a lot of the game has passed me by. I dont think I recognise a quarter of the races now...
If you don't mind me jumping me I'd like to join as well (plus I think its the only game available to get my feet wet again as I install the game in my new office...) I HAVE played some mp before though and if I join be sure to tremble before my rusty, outdated, strategies! :D |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Pick a race and I'll add you to the list. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Do people have preferences? Also, how many provinces do people want per player? I'm thinking maybe 12 will make for a pretty well-paced game. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
I was wondering if you were still taking new players. If not, thats totally fine.
I'm currently playing my first ever MP games. One is vanilla, mixed vets and noobs, the other is CBM mixed vets and noobs. I'm in the process of losing the second game before I really got anything going, so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me joining and trying out Niefelheim. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Nation Switch:
Can you switch me from Tir Na N'og to Caelum please? Thanks! |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Van- and Hel- are still open though, if you desperately want a wintry nation. :p |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Oh snap, forgot about picking a race.
I will take Agartha then, they seem almost unrecognisable. This will be using the llamathingy pbem right? |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
I tried Agartha briefly in SP, and while their troops still can't hit the broad side of the barn, they at least get a holy national to boost their troops' attack, at the risk of a battle fright affliction. It's up to you if you think it's worth it. Well, more like, it's really up to the AI. :p |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
ok. How about Helheim then...I'll give them a whirl.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Aha I see what you mean... oh well, its fine. After all its a IEArning experience!
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
Can I still join? I 'd like to play Yomi.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
... and I'd like to give Pangaea a whirl, if that's still possible.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
I bought Dominions 3 just recently and found it quite enjoyable so far. So if that's still possible, I'd be eager to join my first MP game with you :-). Since all the races I'm familiar with are already taken I'd have to take a look into the ones that are left to pick. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
How do you feel about an underwater nation? I would prefer a smaller map, and it's very probable we'll have water on it enough for at least one nation. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Never played one, so I wouldn't really know what to do with it. But it's a game, so who cares? Yes, why not try something new? Sounds like a good idea to me.
But let me take a brief look at those underwater nations first. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Now that we're filled we have to pick a map.
I propose we use the Land of Ethereal Squirrels: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=713239 Outside of the obvious perk of having ethereal squirrels, it has 103 land + 13 sea provinces, with 11.444 provinces for each land player, and 13 for the one water player. This should make for a reasonably paced game even with 10 players. ulius, you'll have to pick a water nation for this one as we have all the land nations we need. Which should be fun! :) I'm personally a huge fan of water nations, though I have no justification for that whatsoever -- I guess I just like lurking. If there are no counter proposals, I'll host the game on llamaserver tomorrow night (I am GMT -8) and players will be able to upload pretenders. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Atlantis, Emergence of The Deep Ones, it is.
They ... will ... emerge. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Nice, I like wraparounds.
There's a slight issue with this map on linux: the .tga file is named LandofEtherealSquirrels.tga, but the .map file has the name in lowercase. Since linux is case-sensitive I had to rename the .tga file - hopefully this won't mess with compability or something. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=713239 |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Complain here if that happens and we'll restart. :) |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
The .map file is a text file with all the data about its provinces and so on. At the start it tells dominions where to get the image - and here's a quote from it. As you can see in the #imagefile line, it specifies it in lowercase. Code:
-- Title and image file One fix would be to change the #imagefile line in the .map file to CamelCase, but I'm a bit worried that there'd be problems when the .map files aren't exactly the same, even if there's no difference for the actual map. Maybe someone with more MP experience knows? The fix I went for is to rename the .tga file to lowercase, which leaves the .map file completely unchanged. I don't expect the server to care about the map images, so I hope it'll be ok. I'm a bit surprised it hasn't come up in all the time the map has been in use. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
I've actually went ahead and uploaded a fixed map to llamaserver: http://www.llamaserver.net/mapModBrowser.cgi It's the last one there. I also removed the lake start. Will create a game in a few minutes and people will be able to upload pretenders! |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [uploading pretenders]
Game's up! Get your pretenders in and we'll start.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [uploading pretenders]
Charles Darwin is ready to lead Pangaea to victory... or extinction... |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [uploading pretenders]
Dane Cook is ready to spread his frozen dominion across the world.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [uploading pretenders]
All shout glory hallelujah! A Maizing Grace will spread his warmth across the lands.
Disclaimer: blood sacrifice may be involved. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
Now we're ready to really rise under the lead of the glorious ... (drumroll) ... Morda. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [uploading pretenders]
All shall kneel before the mighty Long Wang, god of T'ien Chi!
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [uploading pretenders]
I keep telling myself that one of these days I'm going to have a serious name for one of my pretenders...
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [recruiting]
I'm hoping to start this tomorrow evening at the latest (GMT -8). |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 02:31 PM. |
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