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-   -   What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [In Progress!] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48493)

Austen March 7th, 2012 06:16 PM

What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [In Progress!]
I've really been wanting to try an MA game, but haven't been able to find one, so I thought I would set one up and give it a go. I have only played a few turns in a couple MPs and am getting crushed :P I'd like to keep this newbie friendly, please :)

Age......: MA
Settings.: All default, except renaming is allowed and HoF 15.
Mods.....: CBM 1.92;
Players #: 7
Map......: Streamlandsfixed
Diplomacy: Binding NAPs
Turn Freq: 30h quickhost, to be adjusted as necessary when turns get longer. I'll try to be understanding and not let players stall.
Other....: In part due to the low number of players and the notion of this being a newbie game, I would prefer players not go AI and no shenanigans.

If you'd like to join, post a reply stating which nation you'd like to play, and I'll add it to the list below. Only guideline is that we should have no more than two water nations, and that's if we are near capacity for players.

Current nations:
Austen - Vanheim
Megawidget - Abysia or C'Tis
name_thief - Marignon
Matty - Agartha
Parone - Ulm
Robespierre - R'lyeh
Procyon Lotor - Tien Chi

megawidget March 7th, 2012 06:22 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92)
MA Abysia or MA C'Tis (I'll agonize about which one later, or if someone snags one I'll default to the other).

Also, you might want to use Courier New for the spacings! I've discovered that Fixedsys isn't.

name thief March 7th, 2012 08:38 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Recruiting]
I would be interested as Marignon. It would only be my second multiplayer game. Hopefully better than the first one.

mattyburn7 March 7th, 2012 10:34 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Recruiting]
I'll give Agartha a try.

parone March 7th, 2012 10:46 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Recruiting]
Ulm please. ahhh matty, more giants for you...

Austen March 7th, 2012 11:45 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Recruiting]
Updated OP with map and nations and player cap (6). If anyone objects to map or diplomacy, its time to speak up.

Robespierre March 8th, 2012 03:34 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Recruiting]
Count me in as R'lyeh please.

Procyon Lotor March 8th, 2012 01:22 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Recruiting]
Tien Chi, please!

Austen March 8th, 2012 10:19 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Had a busy day today, sorry for the late update..

Game is up.. I went ahead and made it 7 to accommodate everyone.. changed the map to Streamlands to accommodate the extra player.

Let's get pretenders uploaded and get it going.

mattyburn7 March 8th, 2012 11:52 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Do you have a link to the map?

Parone: I missed your earlier post. Yep. Giants again, but these are a very very different kind of giant. Takes about 50 of them to match 1 Ashdod sacred :)

name thief March 9th, 2012 01:25 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
May I switch to the Shinuyama?

megawidget March 9th, 2012 01:55 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I settled on being C'tis!

name thief March 9th, 2012 05:26 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
30h quick host means 30 hours between turns, right?

megawidget March 9th, 2012 05:50 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 798061)
30h quick host means 30 hours between turns, right?

Up to 30h. If I understand correctly, if all players submit the turns early the game will host and the timer will reset.

Austen March 9th, 2012 09:07 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Just one more pretender and then we're ready to go!

mattyburn7 March 9th, 2012 09:40 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Do you have a link for the map. There appear to be about 3 different ones and the one I thought would be it had a bad link (or I was doing a bad job of following the link!)

Austen March 10th, 2012 12:46 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
This should be it:


Austen March 10th, 2012 12:46 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by megawidget (Post 798068)

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 798061)
30h quick host means 30 hours between turns, right?

Up to 30h. If I understand correctly, if all players submit the turns early the game will host and the timer will reset.

This is correct.

name thief March 10th, 2012 12:55 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
A NAP is where we agree to peace correct?

Austen March 10th, 2012 01:04 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Also, I just sent an email to Procyon Lotor asking him if he still intends to play and to upload his pretender if so. I also got a PM from someone else who really wants to join. If they can get a pretender in that's fine also..

So we could have 6,7, or 8. Sorry for the variables, but I really want to accommodate other noobs but not make allow it to take forever to start. If we end up with a different number, I'll change map and post link.

Will hit start tomorrow night. (Sat night in US).

Austen March 10th, 2012 01:07 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 798105)
A NAP is where we agree to peace correct?

I'm a neophyte, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but what I've gleaned seems to indicate as follows

- NAP is Non Aggression Pact.

- The gist is that if you offer someone a NAP for 8 turns, you are expected to honor it for that length of time.

- You can also do like a NAP + 3 which is basically agreeing to not attack the other person without 3 turns notice.

- Some games NAPs are considered binding and in others they're considered to be more sort of.. guidelines.. we're considering them binding here.

If I fouled that up or someone has more to add, please do so.

megawidget March 10th, 2012 07:00 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by Austen (Post 798109)

Originally Posted by name thief (Post 798105)
A NAP is where we agree to peace correct?

I'm a neophyte, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but what I've gleaned seems to indicate as follows

- NAP is Non Aggression Pact.

- The gist is that if you offer someone a NAP for 8 turns, you are expected to honor it for that length of time.

- You can also do like a NAP + 3 which is basically agreeing to not attack the other person without 3 turns notice.

- Some games NAPs are considered binding and in others they're considered to be more sort of.. guidelines.. we're considering them binding here.

If I fouled that up or someone has more to add, please do so.

I am a neophyte too, but I think you're right.

I would also argue that doing an aggressive dominion push, using unrest-causing troops, and casting blatantly obnoxious or overpowered globals like burden of time or forge of the ancients would count as a violation of the NAP. But I'd probably clarify that in the terms if I ever make one.

mattyburn7 March 10th, 2012 09:52 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
As for NAP, generally it means you have to give that much notice with NAP3 being standard but I've also seen NAP2 and NAP5 (i.e. 5 turns notice before attacking). You can also do peace treaties Where you say no war until turn 25...Or even No war until Turn 25 then NAP3 from that point forward.

Some games have house rule that you MUST honor the NAP. Most don't have that houserule but I think in those games if you break a NAP you get a black mark that carries over into other future games.

Also if you trade gems are items it is generally understood that you must follow through with the trade.


mattyburn7 March 10th, 2012 09:53 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
BTW I just reviewed the initial post and it says binding NAPs so you can't break them.

Redfive March 10th, 2012 05:13 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
In as Ermor, thanks.

Austen March 10th, 2012 09:18 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Game On!

name thief March 10th, 2012 11:30 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I'm having trouble loading the turn. I get the message Play a Nation when I try to load the game. As far as I can tell it doesn't think it has a turn file in it. But I copied it and put it in.

megawidget March 11th, 2012 12:47 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I am assuming I need to download the map first, in order to play. But the map is unavailable. http://nikita.tnnet.fi/~elmokki/streamlands.zip times out. :(

Will the one here work? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=713433

Austen March 11th, 2012 01:46 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Try running the game as administrator? I get weird behavior with my saves and stuff when I don't.


Originally Posted by name thief (Post 798219)
I'm having trouble loading the turn. I get the message Play a Nation when I try to load the game. As far as I can tell it doesn't think it has a turn file in it. But I copied it and put it in.

Austen March 11th, 2012 01:49 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I copied it here: http://www.lonestarsoft.com/Images/R...treamlands.zip


Originally Posted by megawidget (Post 798223)
I am assuming I need to download the map first, in order to play. But the map is unavailable. http://nikita.tnnet.fi/~elmokki/streamlands.zip times out. :(

Will the one here work? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=713433

megawidget March 11th, 2012 02:17 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by Austen (Post 798227)
I copied it here: http://www.lonestarsoft.com/Images/R...treamlands.zip


Originally Posted by megawidget (Post 798223)
I am assuming I need to download the map first, in order to play. But the map is unavailable. http://nikita.tnnet.fi/~elmokki/streamlands.zip times out. :(

Will the one here work? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=713433

To confirm, your version *is* different. It should be OK for me, because I don't think the fixed neighbors thing is affecting my first turn, but people should make sure to use the one Austen uploaded if they can't get the one from tnnet.fi!

parone March 11th, 2012 08:03 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
ironically in what could go wrong game...i have downloaded this map from 3 different sources, and every time i click on play turn one, it dumps me onto my desktop and says i do not have streamlands

mattyburn7 March 11th, 2012 09:30 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Did you download from the post immediately above. That one worked good for me.

name thief March 11th, 2012 12:41 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I looked at the files and I seem to be missing a fthrlnd file and a 2h file. Where do I get those.

Redfive March 11th, 2012 02:48 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

This FAQ should tell you everything you need. The 2h file is generated when you take your turn I believe.

Don't know about the ftherland file. I didn't need it for my turn.

name thief March 11th, 2012 08:24 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I think the fthrlnd thing is for the home computer allowing it to host turns.

Before putting the trn file into the folder do I have to make any changes to it?

Also I think my computer is weird. It has split the dominions 3 directory into two parts and uses them both.

Austen March 11th, 2012 08:35 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I think that file is for single player games.

I am going to turn off the autohost to make sure everyone has time to get this turn in, then I will turn it back on.

Austen March 11th, 2012 08:38 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
One other thing I mentioned before.. when you run Dom 3, right click it and choose "Run as administrator". That seems to effect how saves are handled.

Austen March 11th, 2012 08:39 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Heh.. right as I went to change the interval you submitted so I guess you figured it out :)

megawidget March 12th, 2012 07:39 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Is anyone interested in doing an AAR of this? I'm sure this would be good for the veterans out there to laugh at.

I would be willing to contribute, or even write one with others' input. It could be published with a delay of a certain large number of turns (to make it spoiler-free), or be done after the game ends if people are willing to make writeups/take screenshots during.

Also, Austen, you might want to change the thread title to be '[in progress]'. :)

name thief March 12th, 2012 08:41 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
That could actually be rather fun. I could try to contribute although I am not certain how well I would do.

Austen March 13th, 2012 04:03 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
I save all my turn files and take little notes and sometimes screenshots, so I would be happy to contribute.

parone March 13th, 2012 06:27 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
ill try to jot down some notes. i love reading AARs. guess i could chip in a bit

megawidget March 13th, 2012 08:03 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
looks at Ulm's gem income


Also, did Ermor's and Agartha's labs burn down or something? :rolleyes:

megawidget March 13th, 2012 09:07 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by Austen (Post 798463)
I save all my turn files and take little notes and sometimes screenshots, so I would be happy to contribute.

I think I'll start a thread for this at around turn 20 or so, unless you'd like to do so instead -- it's your game.
Anyone who takes notes will be able to add. This will probably also be useful to everyone post-mortem.

parone March 13th, 2012 10:05 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
LOL. i sight searched one province!!! i must be the only 'earlybird' sight seeker. you guys are all researching, while poor magically challenged Ulm falls behind.

meanwhile, Ulm already has company...

megawidget March 13th, 2012 10:24 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by parone (Post 798510)
LOL. i sight searched one province!!! i must be the only 'earlybird' sight seeker. you guys are all researching, while poor magically challenged Ulm falls behind.

meanwhile, Ulm already has company...

+7 gems from one province? Whoa man!

C'tis probably has company too, but it's hard to see past all the miasma...

In other news, all other nations in the game will now be referred to as "lessss squamousss neighborsss". :D

mattyburn7 March 13th, 2012 10:28 PM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
Research...The big Giants of Agartha are just learning their A B C's

name thief March 14th, 2012 12:38 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
If I understand correctly Ermor uses all its first turns recruiting Grand Thaumaturge and having them reanimate longdead horsemen. I don't know about Agartha, did they declare a prophet maybe? Also, Ulm, did you find that one earth site that gives 5 gems? Something like 1000 Useful Things.

parone March 14th, 2012 06:52 AM

Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]
i didn't say i found one sight...i said i searched one province...i must admit, it was a good one

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