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-   -   Fear of the Dark – LA Game - Corinthian / Patala wins ! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48531)

vargr March 14th, 2012 01:14 PM

Fear of the Dark – LA Game - Corinthian / Patala wins !
1 Attachment(s)
Game link:http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....=FearOfTheDark

Time to break my recent habit of playing blood / air nations only. I'm looking for moderately experienced players for a late age game.

Era: late age
Players: 8
Banned nations: R'lyeh, Ermor
Diplomacy: non-binding (item/gem trading is)
Map: Land of Legends modified
Mods: CBM 1.92
Graphs: on
HoF: 15
Magic sites: 45
All other settings default

Victory condition: last one standing or survivors concede

Hosting interval: 30h for turns 1-20, 48h for turns 21-50, 72h from there
Reasonable extensions will be granted if asked in time (>10 hrs before DL), PM me so I get the notice by mail.

If at some point you can't or don't want to continue playing, please don't chain stale or go AI yourself. I'll try to find a sub unless it's completely meaningless position. I would, however, encourage people to fight until the end.

Avoid the exploits (scout blocking, Bogus orders, lab flooding etc)


1. vargr – C'tis
2. Hurmio - Pangaea
3. ghoul31 - Agartha
4. odeoderok - Man
5. HoleyDooley - Ulm
6. mattyburn7 - Bogarus
7. Corinthian - Patala
8. tratorix - Atlantis

Land of Legens .map -file with #nostart in the island and some of the bad starts removed as well. Uses the normal landoflegends.tga image

Hurmio March 14th, 2012 01:19 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
I choose you, Pangaea!

vargr March 14th, 2012 01:36 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
Fear and Panic are growing, welcome Hurmio!

ghoul31 March 14th, 2012 01:52 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting

vargr March 14th, 2012 01:55 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
ghoul takes the caves, welcome!

odeoderok March 14th, 2012 02:05 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
Man, I'm in! (As Man)

vargr March 14th, 2012 02:38 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
Odeoderok mans up and nocks his longbow, welcome! Four slots left.

HoleyDooley March 14th, 2012 04:02 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
Ulm thanks.

mattyburn7 March 14th, 2012 04:09 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
I'll take a whirl as Bogarus

vargr March 14th, 2012 04:19 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
Welcome Dooley and Matty. The Goths and Cossacks are yours.

Corinthian March 14th, 2012 06:33 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
I'll throw my name in as Patala.

tratorix March 14th, 2012 06:46 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
Atlantis please.

vargr March 14th, 2012 07:01 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - recruiting
The Gurus and the Inuits complete the roster, welcome Corinthian and tratorix.

Start designing your pretenders, I'll open the game on llamaserver before the weekend.

vargr March 15th, 2012 02:45 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - full, designing pretenders
I assume everyone is ok with the map. It will be essentially the same version as used in the Brats un Bier Bitte -game (thanks GFSnl!), so some of the bad starts removed, no starting on the island and no extra sites.

If so, I'll create the game today after I get back from work.

vargr March 15th, 2012 11:20 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - full, UPLOAD PRETENDERS
The game is up, so you can send your pretender in.

I tweaked the original LandofLegendsBuBB so it should accept the standard tga -image. Also, found a couple of 2-neighbour starts still and removed them.

Not sure about the magic site frequency of the island, it doesn't seem to be defined in the map -file. See the original http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showt...t=land+legends

vargr March 16th, 2012 08:57 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - full, UPLOAD PRETENDERS
The game is on. Good luck everyone, have fun!

Corinthian March 17th, 2012 08:00 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Hmm. Seems like there are still some bad start sites on the map. Not that having only 3 neighbors mater to Patala or anything. You can run a Patala game without almost any resources. But was I was speaking in general terms. Having only 3 neighbors would be pretty terrible with Ulm or Man or, well, almost any other nation in this game really. Except for atlantis I guess.

Oh, and if you happens to be the last to submit a turn, please submit a second turn at once. It really speeds up the game. It only takes at most 5 minutes to do a turn this early in the game anyhow, so if you have time to do one, you probably have time for two. Thanx.

vargr March 18th, 2012 06:14 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
I only looked for 2 -prov. starts and #nostart list is certainly not exhaustive. On the other hand, the map has quite a lot of forests and mountains everywhere so hopefully that will compensate.

Hurmio March 26th, 2012 08:17 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
I'm looking for someone to craft me a Nature booster (preferably a Thistle Mace). Anyone up for it? A handsome reward for the crafter! PM me if interested.

And in other news, Atlantis is killing me soon. So better help now when i still can tie up some his forces!


vargr April 1st, 2012 04:22 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Hosting interval changed to 48 h as planned

vargr April 20th, 2012 03:22 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Hosting postponed by 24 h for Bogarus

Corinthian April 20th, 2012 10:32 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running

This has to be the game with the least conversation in the game thread that I have seen. It almost look abandoned to an outsider.

Anything happening in the southern part of the map? Here in the center and the north we have conga parties every day, every month. And who will own a province at the end of the day is often a complete mystery. But everyone is really friendly.

mattyburn7 April 21st, 2012 06:29 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
I think the South is pretty quiet. But I have to agree about the center and North. 1 big melting pot!

And you never know when random fires may fall from the sky.

vargr April 21st, 2012 07:46 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Yes it's been quiet but from what I can tell people are engaged in wars pretty much everywhere.

And I've been too busy to figure out what on earth I can do about Patala, you seem to have counters for everything :)

First time playing C'tis and it shows.. but I'm liking them anyway.

mattyburn7 April 21st, 2012 09:55 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Yea. Patala is one tough monkey.

He took out some of my dogs!

Corinthian April 21st, 2012 07:39 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Patala really *does* have counters to everything, dont they? I always considered them kind of weak and had never seen anyone do well with them before. I was really wondering what Maerlande was talking about when he claimed that Patala was a power nation. Now I know. Patala have so many options if you just bother to sit down and think things through. Like you never bother when playing against the AI.

HoleyDooley April 28th, 2012 07:13 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Game is over and won by Patala. Congrats.

C'tis, Bogarus and myself are going backwards and no hope of a turn around.

Game is over.

Thx for hosting vagr, you did a grand job.

ghoul31 April 28th, 2012 07:30 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
It wouldn't be over if we all attacked Patala. But you just keep attacking me for some reason

vargr April 28th, 2012 07:34 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Patala certainly has an overwhelming lead and the chances of others seem to go down pretty fast each turn.

I can continue but I won't object to conceding if it's the consensus.

Hurmio April 28th, 2012 09:25 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
I don't mind continuing, as i haven't really done anything in the game yet. But if the rest of you want call it, i'm ok with that as well.

HoleyDooley April 28th, 2012 09:32 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Its been agreed between vargr, Matty and myself that Patala cannot be stopped. This is not a recent revelation, it was discussed a couple of turns ago. Things have since then continued to awry in terms of stopping Patala.

If you want to continue your little war, fine, I am sure the practice will do you good.

As far as an outcome to the game goes, its been decided already.

We have a winner, which for me means the game is over.

vargr April 28th, 2012 10:24 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running

Originally Posted by HoleyDooley (Post 802982)
Its been agreed between vargr, Matty and myself that Patala cannot be stopped. This is not a recent revelation, it was discussed a couple of turns ago. Things have since then continued to awry in terms of stopping Patala.

If you want to continue your little war, fine, I am sure the practice will do you good.

As far as an outcome to the game goes, its been decided already.

We have a winner, which for me means the game is over.

Just to make sure: I do agree that Patala has decisive advantage, I have no problem admitting that I was outplayed and at a loss as how to counter them.

But we need to hear from others what they think, and as an admin, I won't quit as long as there's people wanting to play.

Also, keep in mind that I wouldn't want the game feel like a duty for anyone, the main point is to have fun. Subs are not out of the question for those with lost interest, provided that there's still players who believe they change the tide.

Hurmio April 28th, 2012 11:01 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
As i said, i'm ok with calling it if ppl want to quit. But i do feel like continuing.

Corinthian April 28th, 2012 10:57 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Ah, yea I also feel like quitting. I have already done most of the interesting tricks that I would like to try out in this game. Still I did not think that the game would end already on turn 39. I have never heard of something like that before. To rush the world with Patala is absurd.

To my various enemies:

I feel that I have been quite cruel to HoleyDooley during our war. Why? Because I never fought him seriously! The truth is I could never really spare much of an army to invade him because all my armies were needed to fight the invading force of C'tis. But because he was using no magic, I could freely harass him with raiders and psudo-SC like Dakinis. His lack of magic meant he had no counters initially and although you cant win a war with raiders alone, I did cripple his economy and forced him to spend so much energy defending against raids that he could not invade me for real. He eventually did learn how to fight my raiders. But by then it was all too late. That Agartha was not dead and had armies still marching was also a plus.

I feel that the biggest mistake Ulm did was to take Drain 2 scales! Seriously! I have won a game with LA Ulm once and in that game I was sporting Magic 3 scales! Magic wins wars people! And stop raiders.

Mattyburn7s empire was almost the polar opposite of the ulmish empire. Lots of magic research and big communions that you would have to be a fool to face in open combat. But unlike Ulm, the empire of Bogarus was tiny and had few resources. It was comparably easy to disrupt its economy. And though I absolutely did not want to fight those armies of his head on, I eventually developed a counter weapon called "Doombreed" that could fight them and be safe. Doombreed was an awesome idea that I'm very proud of actually. Amazing that he got some 300 kills from only 2 battles.

But yea, Bogarus would have been much more dangerous with a stronger early game I think. And turn 1 RoS and Earthquake counters.

The big enemy. The one I spent most of my armies fighting. Sauromancers are *****es and he would definitively have done better on a smaller map. But as it was I could play evasive and dodge around until I had researched counters to sauromancers and bone chariots. In fact, one of the problems I had with him is actually that he did not have enough bone chariots. There are few things that C'tis can spend death gems on that are better that its undead priests. C'tis is the land of drowning the world in chariots, not moderation! In retrospect I should probably have raided him more. But I only have so many raiders and most of them were out picking on easier marks.

Agartha: I guess?
Sorry Ghoul, but you never really had a chance here. You spent far too long bottled up inside your capitol to have a fighting chance. Now, Sepulschrals are actually hard to fight as they can just two shot my thugs. But I did have an army on my way in your direction of the same kind that fought C'tis on the eastern land strip. I assure you that you would have fared no better than he did, and for the same reasons. Nagas are really the strongest Mages in this game. Unfairly powerful really, if you know what you are doing.

vargr April 29th, 2012 04:36 AM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
So I'm assuming that people are ok with conceding? I would still like to hear from Man before calling it.

And to Cortinthian, well played indeed. You capitalized on the quick expansion and never looked back. I actually had two builds for this game, a SC and the dormant rainbow + scales I took. I had so good results expanding in tests that I thought I could manage with the regular troops - well, I don't remember when was the last time I had so poor results in the actual game. You can believe I missed my combat pretender at that point..

Then Atlantis and Patala out expanded everyone else, and while Atlantis could be contained, we couldn't deal with Patala at the same time. Afterwards it was too late, gem + gold lead combined with good play was enough to counter anything I tried. Those earthquakes and solar brilliace just shredded my armies and ready access to earth magic is not good for the poison golems either. I think it was my zmeys that did most damage (surprise!), but obvioisly I wasn't going to have enough of them to matter.

odeoderok April 29th, 2012 01:59 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Hi all,

I would have liked to continue, since it still feels my game has barely started. But, after our war with Atlantis bogged down, me and Pangaea were doomed to be minor players. I would not have minded going on to try some more stuff, but understand if people want to quit.

Thanks for the game and thanks for hosting Vargr. LA Man really is as crap as they say :)

vargr April 29th, 2012 04:28 PM

Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
So, people are either willing to concede or otherwise don't mind it. I'm concluding that there won't be any last minute plan to overthrow Patala, so congrats Corinthian! I'll close the game tomorrow, thanks everyone!

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