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Bullock March 24th, 2012 09:48 PM

For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
1 Attachment(s)
i'm having lot of fun playing a small team game and was wondering if more people would be interested by this kind of game.

So the idea is to come with a mate to do a 2v2v2v.... game.
I dunno yet exactly how to set predefined starting loc, but i'll find out for this game :)

You can still subscribe if you don't have a mate and find one here later.

Settings (can be discussed):
Gems income: 55
HoF: 15
Renaming: ON
Else is default.
Turn pace: 56h
Diplo between teams: No rule
Mods : CBM / Streamers&standards / Singleagemod


Gamelink: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....me=bestorworse

Do not hesitate to give your preferences.

You can change your pick 'til the game starts.


Bullock & Nightfall(MA Ryleh & EA Caelum)
Austen & Redfive (EA Hinnom & EA Fomoria)
HoleyDooley & Tigercub (LA Ulm & EA Abysia)
Mattyburn & Mightpeon (EA Helheim & MA Ulm)
Shard & Bannou (EA Agartha & EA Lanka)
Angry_Hominid & bobskizzle (LA Pythium & LA Man)

Austen March 24th, 2012 10:01 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Sorry... How do you play as a team? Is there a mod, or do people just say they're a team?

Nosantee March 24th, 2012 10:22 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Think of it as a binding diplomatic thing. Last team standing wins. Opens up a lot more options and fun imo since you get to co-ordinate with a comrade! I'd be jumping in but I'm in Bullocks other team game and it's going smashingly.

Bullock March 24th, 2012 10:27 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
You "just say" :)
But it remains very fun to play like Nosantee said.

Vanguard X March 24th, 2012 11:51 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Austen (Post 799546)
Sorry... How do you play as a team? Is there a mod, or do people just say they're a team?

That would be a fantastic idea for a mod!

Basically the only way to work as a team currently is to simply make a binding diplomatic agreement at the start of the game.

However, I can see where an actual mod to help facilitate team play could help quite a bit, and I think a lot of people could enjoy team play too.

Austen March 25th, 2012 02:44 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I think I'd be up for giving it a go. Think I have a partner lined up too.

HoleyDooley March 25th, 2012 08:21 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Tigercub and my self will have a go at this.

It'll be EA Abysia and EA Niefelheim for us.

Bring it on!

Bullock March 25th, 2012 11:33 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Great ! it seems we have 3 teams atm.

I ll start writing down names then.

Redfive March 25th, 2012 01:43 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I'll be Austen's partner. Don't have a nation selected yet.

Austen March 25th, 2012 07:03 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Have you picked a map? How many total teams?

Austen March 25th, 2012 08:05 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
For right now, put Redfive and I down for Hinnom and Fomoria.

As far as settings and rules and whatnot, I'm not sure allowing Abysia and Nifelheim on same team is particularly healthy. It severely limits the nations that can reasonably be played as it's difficult to counter opposite auras and extremes like that.

I realize that's the entire point of picking those two nations for a team, but it rules out all sorts of options which is disappointing.

mattyburn7 March 25th, 2012 08:26 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I'm considering jumping in. If someone wants to play and needs a partner IM me. I would be interested.


Bullock March 25th, 2012 09:18 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Concerning the map it will depends of the number of players. You can make suggestion.

I'm not planning to forbid any duo or nations atm, unless several players want it. Btw you can meet one of them on one side and the other one can't help directly, which i think is the most common situation.

HoleyDooley March 25th, 2012 10:29 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
OMG...Whatever you do, do NOT take Matty as your partner.

He is trustworthy, a decent player and has a great sense of humour.

Personally, these are qualities I find disturbing!!!!!!

mattyburn7 March 25th, 2012 10:33 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
LOL...Thanks for the Endorsement!!

mattyburn7 March 25th, 2012 10:34 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I know Holey is just bucking for a few extra pairs of SnakeSkin boots for his Giants in another game!

Austen March 26th, 2012 12:05 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Bullock (Post 799686)
Concerning the map it will depends of the number of players. You can make suggestion.

I'm not planning to forbid any duo or nations atm, unless several players want it. Btw you can meet one of them on one side and the other one can't help directly, which i think is the most common situation.

I guess that map and gamesize would be important. If there are only 3-4 teams on a wrapping map, then there is a very high chance that a team could have two borders with you. especially as they can cooperate to do just that.

Maybe go 6+ teams and a map that doesn't wrap? You could still get squeezed, but at least it would be a little less risky.

Bullock March 26th, 2012 12:16 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
personally i like wrapped map because you can't hide :)
But since i'm planning to set manually locations i don't mind.

6 teams would be very nice indeed. But 4 or 5 sound also good to me.

I'm waiting to hear from the others about map/settings/restrictions.

Austen March 26th, 2012 12:21 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I feel you on the map wrapping. thinking about maps like sixlands which only wraps one way, you are prob. going to be surrounded.

And it's not like it's unbeatable, but having to be able to counter heat auras and chill auras at the same time seems like it limits your choices for nations.

But I'm a noob too.. maybe its really easy to stop double blesses chill aura giants and fire aura swarms. I'll do some more research.

Bullock March 27th, 2012 06:52 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Any other player wanna join ?

Nightfall March 27th, 2012 08:56 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Austen (Post 799703)
I feel you on the map wrapping. thinking about maps like sixlands which only wraps one way, you are prob. going to be surrounded.

And it's not like it's unbeatable, but having to be able to counter heat auras and chill auras at the same time seems like it limits your choices for nations.

But I'm a noob too.. maybe its really easy to stop double blesses chill aura giants and fire aura swarms. I'll do some more research.

If you guys don't want to wrap, land of legends would probably be a good map for this kind of game, the middle island has high sites for every province, is no start, and is the most valuable territory.

shard March 27th, 2012 09:15 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Getting my *** handed to me in another game so I should have time for a new one, and this would be a good opportunity to get one of my other friends into mp.

Will we have team starts (team members are next to each other like in 2v2 RTS games) or would it be completely random?

Bullock March 28th, 2012 01:37 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Nightfall (Post 799911)
If you guys don't want to wrap, land of legends would probably be a good map for this kind of game, the middle island has high sites for every province, is no start, and is the most valuable territory.

Could be indeed a good map & fun to play !


Originally Posted by shard (Post 799913)
Getting my *** handed to me in another game so I should have time for a new one, and this would be a good opportunity to get one of my other friends into mp.

Will we have team starts (team members are next to each other like in 2v2 RTS games) or would it be completely random?

Welcome in !
I'm planning to set manually the starting loc so you should be side by side.

Austen March 29th, 2012 01:22 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I think upon further review, we want to be EA Fomoria and EA T'ien Ch'i

shard March 29th, 2012 01:38 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I think Bannou and I will go for...
EA Agartha and EA Lanka

Bullock March 29th, 2012 07:52 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Ok so we are looking for a mate to Matty and there is eventually a free slot for another team.

bobskizzle March 30th, 2012 03:41 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I'll join, pick something for me that isn't too terrible (new to multiplayer). ;)

mattyburn7 March 30th, 2012 03:44 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Bob: I've got 1 guy who may want to play. Let me give him about another day or so...If he says no, then you and I can team.

Mightypeon March 30th, 2012 04:49 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I would be available, I believe that MA Ulm (the nation I am best with) could coordinate nicely with a nation that has strongish mages and available thugs.

I am fairly experienced though, I am not totally sure if this is supposed to be a "noob" game.
Lastly, I would recommend IRC for close coordination.

bobskizzle March 30th, 2012 07:36 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I'll go with LA Man for now.

mattyburn7 March 30th, 2012 08:53 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
k. The other guy is out...So I can team up with either of you.

Bullock March 31st, 2012 01:07 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Alright try to coordinate people to make a team and pick nice nations and it s a go.

Mightypeon March 31st, 2012 05:34 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Sent some PMs. Given that he was first its propably mattyburns choice :)

mattyburn7 March 31st, 2012 06:52 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Dang: tough decisions. I got your PM Mighty and I think we'd work well together. However Bob did ask first.

Bullock: If I team with MightyPeon, were you going to hold out for one more player to fill out 1 more team. I saw a guy in another post. Perhaps could grab him?

Angry_Hominid March 31st, 2012 07:55 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Hey Id love to get in on the action if there is still room... Happy to play any nation..

Mightypeon March 31st, 2012 08:56 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
This looks beneficial to everyone involved :)
If we are up to 12 players, Land of Legends would become quite the fight in a phone booth though.

mattyburn7 March 31st, 2012 09:32 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Perfect. I can team with Mightypeon and Bobskizzle and Angry_hominid can be last team? Mighty, got your PM's. TOday and tomorrow are very hectic but as soon as I have time for a thoughtful response I will send your way. Cheers

anticipatient March 31st, 2012 03:52 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I haven't played in a long time, but I've been looking for a game to join. Looks like you still need a player, right?

Bullock April 1st, 2012 09:25 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Alright guys team up and pick nations.

Angry_Hominid April 1st, 2012 12:11 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Ok team with Bobskizzle or Anticipacent? This will be my first MP game, so I think I need to be with someone who is somewhat experianced....

mattyburn7 April 1st, 2012 03:52 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
ok. I'm EA Helheim with Mightpeon.

Angry_Hominid April 1st, 2012 04:15 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I'll go EA Pythium with Bobskizzle if he's still in?

Angry_Hominid April 1st, 2012 06:24 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
lol as if to illustrate how newb I am I have just realised there is no EA Pythium...... doh... change mine to EA Ctis then

Bullock April 2nd, 2012 03:25 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Ok im waiting a confirmation for the last team and it's a go.

Mightypeon April 2nd, 2012 08:59 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Very well, Till Lindemann of Ulm will join up with proud Helheimish Death Metallers to bring true good music to the world!

bobskizzle April 2nd, 2012 11:45 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Angry_Hominid (Post 800438)
I'll go EA Pythium with Bobskizzle if he's still in?


Bullock April 3rd, 2012 10:27 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Alright i guess now i have to work on the map :)

Bullock April 3rd, 2012 01:54 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
In the OP i ve uploaded a file with fixed spots.

i will give the password of the file after each team has chosen a color between : black red blue green yellow pink. (my team will get the last one)

Each color represent a team starting loc. (2 spots)


Mightypeon April 3rd, 2012 02:01 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
BLACK for the Rammstein Nordish Death Metal alliance!

bobskizzle April 3rd, 2012 03:38 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Could you switch me to LA Man? (I like them yay!) Thanks

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