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Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Game over, Atlantis wins)
1 Attachment(s)
Are you tired of your Demon Lords being trampled underfoot?
Have you been hurt by the mocking laughter of your opponents when they see your puny Elemental Royalty on the field? Have you always felt ancient beings like the Tarrasque should be worthy of respect? Do you believe any Giant Kraken worth its salt can wield a multitude of weapons with its tentacles and turn them into a vortex of destruction? Have you always dreamed of incarnating a lobster pretender wearing a human for a hat? If you can answer yes to these questions, then this is the game for you. We’ll be trying out the AwesomeGods and AwesomeEndgame mods, and leave your opponents Awestruck at the sight of the Awesome powers at your command, unable to sleep for fear of their nightmares. Prepare yourself, for the Dominion Wars will never be the same again… Settings: All standard except for site frequency of 45 Mods: Fixed version of the OPM mob, comining CBM, AE, and AG. (Attached to this post, see below for description.) Map: Fixed Riverlands Map. Start: Next weekend if all goes well. Important Houserule: Gift of reason should not be used on any of the freespawn from a pretender god. (Since with the Awesomegods mod some of them are mages of some power.) Hosting: Relaxed pace. 24h quickhost to start with, but moving to longer times as needed. Anything I have forgotten? Feel free to point out. :) Winner: Amhazair (Atlantis) Other players: Executor (C'tis) Skymoon (Marignon) Tigerblood (Pangaea) Admiral Aorta (Ermor) Dojango (Pythium) Kakarotto (T'ien Ch'i) - KeithZ taking over for the time being. Himselfbh (Jomon) Jotwebe (Abysia) Ossa (Utgard) Drillbit (Agartha) StMika (Bogarus) Tratorix (Midgard) Soyweiser (Gath) For those unfamiliar with them who want to know what the mod we're using is about, the basic idea for these mods is really to add various kinds of umph to the titanic figures of the Dominion Wars, the pretender gods and supercombatants. For the pretenders this can mean giving them various kinds of summons or domsummons, magicboosts to various paths and/or various other tweaks, from the minor to the huge. Take a good look around when designing your pretender, as there’s likely to be at least a couple of changes that might give you a different idea about how to go about the game with the nation you chose. (And even if you go a familiar path there might be a tweak or two to found to improve it.) For the Endgame mod the most eye-catching change might be the boosting of the elemental royalty to (almost?) ridiculous levels of power, (as well as similar-though-slightly-less spectacular changes to the tree lords, demon lords and spenta’s) but since they’re all unique I figure that should be okay, just giving a bit more spice and possibly a similar feel as the race for artifacts we’re all familiar with. In the end the easy availability of magic diversity summons in the form of tweaks to the wraith lord, the ancient kraken and even (gasp) the tarrasque might be more game changing though. Other changes include various tweaks to the EDG summons and (daring decision) making the chalice extremely expensive but non-unique so everyone has equal chances of growing a tartarian farm. (Of course, as George Orwell knows, some nations are more equal than others.) This does make things different to what we're used to, and there's a couple of things of the AwesomeEndgame mod I'm unsure about, but I figure there's no harm in trying something different once in a while, right? (I'm unreservedly enthousiastic about the AwesomeGods mod though, just so you know.) A fixed version of the mod is attached to this post, while an extensive readme of the AE and AG mods is copy/pasted a few posts down. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
The mod combination with AG, AE, and CBM already exists, it is called Other People's Mods, and it can be found here: http://proactiveapathy.com/dom3/mods/mods.html
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Signed. New for the MP and play for fun. :)
I choose LA Marignon. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Pangaea please.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Am i getting it right that this will be a game with gemgens????
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Welcome to Dominions (or at least to the forum) and all that stuff. I really like Marignon, some fun stuff to be done with them. Hope you have fun. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
is there a thread that describes what these mods are and what specific changes have been made?
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
I have read some articles at the forum and try to learn some EXP in the MP.:happy: |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
But as I said, the mods have extensive readme's.I suppose I can copy/paste them here. Best read from the bottom up, the most recent changes are on top. (Though apparently the AwesomeGods mods start from version 1.3, so you can't read the earliest changes. In any case, the pretender changes can all be seen and tested during pretender design, so that's not too big of a problem I think.) Quote:
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
It's starting to look like all the stodgy conservatives around these parts are hesitant to try something new/think those mods are Aweful instead of Awesome, one or the other. (There was a time when I wouldn't have joined games with "all kinds of crazy mods" either, but those days are behind me for some unknown reason.) Either that or there's simply not enough players left to start any kind of game, but I prefer the first explanation. I'm going to leave it open a bit longer, see if intrest turns up after all.
Would people prefer a game with only AwesomeGods and no AwesomeEndgame since that's easier to digest, only affecting the pretender? Or doesn't it make a difference? |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Holy mother of g-
I'd love to play, I'm just not certain I'm at an adequate skill level to not get instantly murderized. :p |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Amhazair, perhaps you should open a separate thread over on the other forum for recruitment. A lot of players stick to either one or the other forum.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Well, I'm not in the target audience because it's LA (They've got no elves! What kind of an era is that?) and a fairly large game (all endgames are Awful for me ;)) but I skimmed over the change log you posted.
The overall impression I get is that these mods ramp up the power level, particularly on the SC side of things. My preference is to tone things down and SCs are my least favorite part of the game so it's not really my cup of tea but I think this could be a fun game for people who do like SCs (which is likely a majority). Maybe part of the reason people hesitate is uncertainty about all the changes these mods make (I'm still discovering new things about the latest CBM changes, never mind all that's involved here). So I think you may be right that using only AwesomeGods would be easier since you'd only have to examine a couple dozen pretenders at the beginning of the game but then it would play out as normal. Edit: Also, I know you like larger games but it's a bit easier to try something different in a smaller game than in one that may go on a long time and you could be stuck with mods/settings you don't like. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Hi, I wanna take part in.
This may be my first MP experience and I will choose LA Jomon. Since I'm really new, could any one some suggestion about the pretender design and scale setting? All the guide articles I found were for MA. Thanks~:) |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
I'd like to play Ermor if that's allowed, otherwide I'll try Bogarus.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
I'll try Pythium
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
LA jomon: i tried an awake green dragon with dominion 9, luck and production scales and it was fun. You try to alchemize water gems as soon as you can then when you can, build a ring of water breathing and you send the dragon underwater.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Where do you get these notes, by the way?
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
For both of you and any other new people who are intrested: I'd be more than happy to help you setup a newbie game, with or without these mods if you like. (I would advice to get to know the 'regular' game first, either vanilla, or with only the CBM mod most games on this forum use, but if you really want to try these ones out that's fine by me.) Feel free to PM me about it. Quote:
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
I played them once before in a ForbiddenFriendship game and enjoyed it, though I got double teamed by Marignon and Mictlan. I think I'll go for a different pretender this time, though I did like the lord of the gates.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Was that on the SA forums then, or have there been games with this line of mods organised here too? |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
We had one game on Dom3Mods, though it didn't finish because of several players going AWOL. Despite me getting mostly killed I managed to escape to an island and set up a secret lair.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
LA Abysia, awesomest Abysia. I would like to preside over the burning ones final defeat :D
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
So....how many members now?
Can't help waiting for the MP. HiaHia:D |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Hi Amhazair, count me in. LA Jomon.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
I'd like to join with Utgard.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Unfortunately for Kakarotto that means he's the one who will have to choose another nation, I allready PM'd him about it. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Hi there. I maintain OPM. One note, OPM fixes mod compatibility bugs but it does NOT fix mod compatibility balance (that's what FF is for). Currently the go-to mod compatibility exploit is to use CBM's cheap GoR and Possession on certain freespawn from AE's pretenders, notably Mother of Tuatha's Tuatha freespawn. I highly, highly recommend you ban this in a house rule.
edit: Oh, and on the mods. There are actually a LOT of stuff in them that should feel familiar to anyone who plays CBM. AG was originally based on CBM pretenders, but makes pretty much everything MORE powerful. It makes god pick just as central to strategy as nation pick, in my opinion. Still, there are some pretenders that are purely CBM. AE is originally based on EDM, so there are all the classic EDM summons. Some of them are juiced up slightly (and the Zmey is nerfed into the ground. kind of a metagame nerf, but we overused it horribly on Something Awful). The key difference in AE however, are the abundance of good-path mage summons. The Wraith Lord, Tarrasque, and Kraken are diversity machines. All the Royalty have super high paths. This means wide path access is much easier in the lategame compared to EDM/CBM. edit2: The OPM site is actually here https://sites.google.com/site/dominionsenhancedmod/home but it doesn't matter because the proactiveapathy mirror is basically always up-to-date and you can find the mods individually there and the individual mods have patch notes in the .dm |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Midgard for me, please
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
So there's 14 of us now, so I guess we're set to start. To give everyone plenty of time to figure out the new mods and finalise settings & map I propose we set the start for next weekend for now. (And if someone else signs up in the meantime we can still accomodate them.)
As for the exact settings, since no one commented on them yet I guess we take everything standard as proposed in the OP. With this combination of newer players and veterans I say we keep graphs on too, even though my personal preference is to play without graphs. Last question for me remains: Do we use the standard LA site frequency (35) or do we want a bit more to try out the fun AE changes? Most votes have it, if no one reacs I'll leave it at 35. Anyone Have a good map in mind? I'd say anywhere between 180 and 220 provinces, with not too much water since R'lyeh doesn't play. Cradle of Dominion is an option, long time since I used that one, but I'm open to other suggestions. Riverlands possibly, allthough that one's is slightly larger. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Is this still open? I would like to play with Gath if it is.
(Odd, the otherpeoples mod does some very strange things to certain stuff, some of the gath boosts are missing, why not use forbidden friendship. Wow, gath really sucks with this mod (as it doesn't get any of the forbidden friendship boosts (cheaper temples, and a bonus blood on the kohen) Without ff I think I will have to pass on this one). |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
I deliberatly stayed away from Forbidden Friendship, specifically since it does make a lot of balance changes I didn't want to trawl through to see if I agreed with them or not, as well as not wanting everyone else unfamiliar with the mod to assimilate them. You are of course very welcome if you still want to join, with Gath or another nation, but I have no intention of introducing the FF mod into the game at this point. Edit: Also, StMika over on the Dom3mods forum prefers a more common site frequency settings (he proposed 55) as well as the riverlands map. Just adding this to get opinions rolling. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
I'm always up for a bit more gems with experimental mods, so my vote's for 45.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Whoa, 55? I'd be ok with 45, or anything less.
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Damn, without FF my game tactic kinda fails.
A what the hell, sign me up. Lets fail spectacular then :D But please, pick a map with at least a few wastelands, else one of my national blood spells won't work. :D |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Allrighty, glad you're in. I've seen you post all over the place obviously, but I don't think we've ever been in the same game together, have we?
The Riverlands map that has been propsed does have some wastaland provinces, but feel free to suggest alternatives. (The last game I played was on the riverlands map, so while it would probably fit us perfectly, I most definitely won't mind playing on any other map. ;) ) |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Finalising Settings)
Why do I feel like I slightly inspired you to take Gath? ;)
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Finalising Settings)
@Amhazair, I think we have been in a game once, in my noob, bad player, wanker days. I think I disappeared in that game :( sorry about that. Will not happen here. |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Finalising Settings)
Allright, taking all the received opinions and shaking them through my Advanced Equanimity Algorithm for Superior Game Admins (TM) I've come to the conclusion this game will be played on the Riverlands map with all settings standard (including graphs on) except with a site frequency of 45. (And HoF 15 obviously) Any last minute objections should be forwarded to me in tripple copies by registred letter. (Or posted in this thread.) Barring unforseen delays I will then put up the game tomorrow so everyone can submit pretenders at their leisure.
One insignificantly tiny minor detail though... When people talk about 'the' Riverlands map, which map do they mean? (I only played on a version with fixed start positions for one specific game before.) This one? (And if so why are the map file and image called Crown5 and is there no map on the Llamaserver with that name yet?) |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Upload Pretenders)
Allrighty, the game is up on the Llamaserver. Feel free to upload your pretenders when ready. (No rush though, as I've said and repeated several times, make sure you're comfortable with your pretender design including these mods before starting.) I myself am still dithering between builds too. (Big bless, small bless, no bless? Full rainbow for diversity, just a couple of extra paths to help out key areas? good scales, mediocre scales, poor scales? All viable options for the cutest frog-eskimo's in the history of gaming and also in the history of everything ever.)
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