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parone May 3rd, 2012 06:47 PM

thought i'd throw this up here, boys. remmember, no diplo, only reactions to the game.

here's my reaction...i ain't gonna last too long.

mattyburn7 May 3rd, 2012 07:48 PM

Re: Allforone
You've got top notch research and Mictlan as a neighbor :)

parone May 3rd, 2012 07:53 PM

Re: Allforone
those are good things. my own ineptitude...bad thing.

HoleyDooley May 3rd, 2012 08:26 PM

Re: Allforone

Originally Posted by parone (Post 803446)
thought i'd throw this up here, boys. remmember, no diplo, only reactions to the game.

here's my reaction...i ain't gonna last too long.

Hi parone,

Diplomacy is allowed, but only though the in game messaging system.

Hang in there, I have heard about your skirmishes, nothing serious yet, you are not at war, time to turtle a bit and get that research going.

Your strength is in your mages, not your army.

parone May 5th, 2012 07:43 AM

Re: Allforone
as we approach the end of the early game, it would appear Shinu is in the lead. of course, it is very very early...

HoleyDooley May 5th, 2012 08:07 AM

Re: Allforone
Very early and I have a war on my hands, which will slow me up.

parone May 6th, 2012 05:24 PM

Re: Allforone
man everyone is in the pool! i thought i'd be the only one. i don't even like the water, either...

mattyburn7 May 6th, 2012 08:38 PM

Re: Allforone
I'm fortunate to have nice friendly neighbors!

HoleyDooley May 6th, 2012 09:13 PM

Re: Allforone
Well, I have a nice surprise coming Agarthas way shorty....Abysia game him a bloody nose but they are at peace now......

Ulm told me Mictlan was going to go to war against Abysia...which I thought was strange.....

So I think the only two nations at war is me and Agartha right now....

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong..lol.

mattyburn7 May 6th, 2012 09:30 PM

Re: Allforone
Yea. I'm definetly not at war with Abysia. He took a province I sorely wanted (gonna remember that! LOL). But right now at peace...and I got a cool Hero last turn. WooHoo!

HoleyDooley May 7th, 2012 09:18 PM

Re: Allforone
I don't want to say tooo much here as diplomacy is in game only.

But it seems maybe apart from Jimbo you other 2 are are way a way from the action.

Agartha picked a fight with me.....we haven't actually fought yet, he has taken 2 provinces but I hit one of his next turn with 12 mages and 200 + troops and magic items. He also picked a fight and ATTACKED Abysia at the same time....CRAZY!!!!!

Abysia beat his army up badly and was going to go to peace with him, but maybe has had a change of heart and will attack him.

Keep your eyes on Agarthas statistics...you might see a dramatic drop over the next 2 or 3 turns..lol.

Other than that I don't know of any other conflicts......

parone May 10th, 2012 01:33 PM

Re: Allforone
i am currently plotting a war of aggression and all i keep thinking about is proper routes of retreat...that's not a good sign is it?

HoleyDooley May 10th, 2012 07:06 PM

Re: Allforone
Ah, thats just the Italian blood in you.

parone May 10th, 2012 07:43 PM

Re: Allforone
lol. i do really like lasagna

mattyburn7 May 10th, 2012 08:22 PM

Re: Allforone
Italian, Eh? That reminds me of some Sean Connery Lines from The Untouchables. Of course I say that being Italian myself :) (and German and Welsh).

HoleyDooley May 10th, 2012 08:34 PM

Re: Allforone
German hey.....

What ever you do...don't mention the war.


parone May 15th, 2012 07:51 AM

Re: Allforone
book idea: underwater warfare for dummies. i know i'd buy one.

HoleyDooley May 15th, 2012 09:18 AM

Re: Allforone
I know stuff all about fighting underwater.

Chapter 1. Just give them attack orders and pray!

parone May 19th, 2012 08:27 PM

Re: Allforone

HoleyDooley May 19th, 2012 09:28 PM

Re: Allforone
Just got my butt kicked by a SC Pretender!

parone May 19th, 2012 09:34 PM

Re: Allforone
i like SC pretenders. but i am absolutely awful with them. in BSoD i have managed to get mine killed like 3 or 4 times. ironically, i named him lazarus.

HoleyDooley May 19th, 2012 09:37 PM

Re: Allforone
LOL...Well I love them too and I am using them in a number of games right now.

It makes the game a little more interesting.

Looks like Ulm took a province off you???????

parone May 19th, 2012 09:44 PM

Re: Allforone
Our relations with the Iron Army are strong. Ulm has acted honorably. but hooley, you tricky devil, you have little birds watching over all our shoulders, don't you?

HoleyDooley May 19th, 2012 10:07 PM

Re: Allforone
Never...we never spy on our allies.

Um, parone, you have a bit of food on your chin mate, bit to the left, thats it, you got it.

HoleyDooley May 19th, 2012 10:09 PM

Re: Allforone
You get my message re the Elixir of Life.

I need one if you can forge it.

mattyburn7 May 22nd, 2012 03:13 PM

Re: Allforone
The people of Mictlan demand a beer for every blade of grass your spiders crush!

Holey: Sorry not that far about the construction lattter yet. Same for the Boots of Youth. I'm researching some other paths to try to take care of pesky spiders :)

parone May 22nd, 2012 03:19 PM

Re: Allforone
hmmm. it appears i may have lost the initiative...

parone May 22nd, 2012 03:22 PM

Re: Allforone
well, to whoever is listening:

check my graphs to see what happens when you:
a)expand recklessly with a nation you know nothing about
b)launch an ill conceived war of aggression on a player who is at least as good as you are(prob a bit better)
c)raid like a mad man down dead end streets
d)lose about 3 decisive engagements in a row

i apologize for nothing!!! on with the war!

mattyburn7 May 22nd, 2012 03:27 PM

Re: Allforone
LOL...I was guessing your scouts hadn't gone that far when your army zipped past my capital with nowhere to go.

We make an offer. If they lay down there weapons we'll give them all a plot of land they can call their own that is spider free!

HoleyDooley May 22nd, 2012 08:25 PM

Re: Allforone
LOL...Thx Matty, I just sent a message in game which you can disregard.

You two having fun.

Meanwhile Agarthas army is still on rampage, I can beat it, but not the pesky pretender.

Have to kill that army before I can regain the initiative.

mattyburn7 May 22nd, 2012 09:15 PM

Re: Allforone
Sounds like you are having fun with Agartha.

Parone and I are having some good battles. We just had a longgg dragdown affair. About 500 troops total involved. Fun Fun Fun!

HoleyDooley May 22nd, 2012 10:26 PM

Re: Allforone
Yeah well, I lost 3500 gold worth of mages, plus my main army because his pretender was sitting in darkness in his castle and had researched enough to cast Strength of Gaia.....Thus we lost that fight because of this and retreated from the province...only the AI decided to move his army and take the only retreat province I had...lol.

So he has 1 army rebuilding next to you, and 1 still on the rampage, I can only beat it at present in conjunction with PD, thus I can hold him in check, but will be some turnds before I take that group out if he doesn't attack me and I get to use my PD.

His pretender is sitting quietly in his castle smiling over the debacle he caused me. Can't take his pretender out in his castle without one or two SC of my own.

Thus this is going to drag on for some time and means attacking another play right now is out of the question. I am not threaten by him so much but I have to commit so much to take out that army and constantly patrol that area that another war against an unoccupied nation would not be pretty.

mattyburn7 May 24th, 2012 08:39 PM

Re: Allforone
LOL..I'm an idiot. I set my army in the castle to break siege but forgot to script the army outside the capital to attack. D'oh!! :doh:

HoleyDooley May 24th, 2012 08:48 PM

Re: Allforone
Good to see I am not the ONLY idiot in this game.

I haven't concentrated enough.

How about this one.

WOW!!!!!!!!! I found an Indy Nature mage, excellent, I had better build a useless castle, in the forest along with a useless lab and temple to make this nature mage...only to check and find have national mage!!!!!!!
after I had built everything.

Along with the disaster with the Agartha.....I am back on my heels right now, trying to catch up.

jimbojones1971 May 26th, 2012 01:04 AM

Re: Allforone
Yeah, it is always annoying at the time when you do stuff like that - but at least it is worth a story and a laugh afterwards :-D


Originally Posted by HoleyDooley (Post 805189)
Good to see I am not the ONLY idiot in this game.

I haven't concentrated enough.

How about this one.

WOW!!!!!!!!! I found an Indy Nature mage, excellent, I had better build a useless castle, in the forest along with a useless lab and temple to make this nature mage...only to check and find have national mage!!!!!!!
after I had built everything.

Along with the disaster with the Agartha.....I am back on my heels right now, trying to catch up.

parone May 29th, 2012 09:41 PM

Re: Allforone
sorry 4 the delay boys. had some internet issues. got the turn in, hopefully will have things squared away in a day or so.

HoleyDooley May 29th, 2012 10:52 PM

Re: Allforone
Its cool parone...I received your in game message and have replied.....

mattyburn7 May 30th, 2012 02:54 PM

Re: Allforone
Yep. No worries mate. Hope you didn't leave any spider eggs behind!

parone June 1st, 2012 07:14 AM

Re: Allforone
i don't know if the abysian player checks this, but i absolutely did not mean to attack that province. i was trying to move those infantry back to my northern castle and did my turn in a hurry.

i'm sorry. the rest was just bad luck. will move out of there so you can have it back, but i understand if you decide to pummel me, as my mistake was costly to you.

once again, i am sorry, and did not mean to violate our NAP

mattyburn7 June 1st, 2012 08:16 AM

Re: Allforone
I don't think Abysia has access to this. You may want to post message in game.

HoleyDooley June 1st, 2012 08:49 AM

Re: Allforone
I have sent this link to Abysia...via skype...and yes he does have access to this forum, but he never comes here, unless I tell him there is he needs to see.

I can confirm he has read the message......but I don't think he is toooooo

parone June 1st, 2012 09:02 AM

Re: Allforone
if i was him, i would be very, very pissed. it was mostly bad luck, with a healthy helping of bonehead thrown in on my part.

HoleyDooley June 1st, 2012 09:45 AM

Re: Allforone
Yeah, but he didn't have his pretender scripted correctly...had he done so, it would have meant the loss of a province for a turn only.....
so it was an honest mistake on your part and bad play on his.......

parone June 9th, 2012 05:47 AM

Re: Allforone
is anyone fighting in this game? and why did everyone's income go down this turn? very odd...

HoleyDooley June 9th, 2012 10:38 AM

Re: Allforone
Two very good questions parone....I think we are like a deer in the headlights.......watching and waiting.

There are a lot of inexperienced players here...mind you, Ulm has a nice big army and his research is starting to go through the roof.

Looks like EVERYONE is going to make it to the late game...which will be hilarious...I had better brush up on some of the higher spells.

Yeah the income graph was very funny. Never seen that before. I got hit by a nasty event so I did expect mine to go down.

Still, apart from Agarthas early blitz and diplomacy suicide and your little adventure with the Aztecs its been a very quiet affair.

mattyburn7 June 9th, 2012 01:51 PM

Re: Allforone
Yea. And our adventure pretty much ended with us exactly where we were! LOL.

parone June 9th, 2012 03:28 PM

Re: Allforone
yes. except me minus 150 units and two provinces!!! ahhh, but i deserved it.

HoleyDooley June 9th, 2012 10:47 PM

Re: Allforone
Apart from a few highlights for me, the game has been fairly mundane, but part of that has been my choice.

In about 4 other games started since this one I have been at war like from turn 10 in most of them...very exciting stuff.

tigercub June 20th, 2012 08:13 AM

Re: Allforone
I had a barbecue...and a few beers wile i looked over some toasted Spiders was going to eat a few but there were over cooked!


parone June 20th, 2012 12:39 PM

Re: Allforone
yep. me thinks machaka's goose is cooked. i spent like an hour scripting that main battle and then apparently forgot to save the changes b4 i sent in the file. but you know what? i don't think it'd made a bit of difference.

you earned your stripes, tiger.

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