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Faerun Cancelled
dead in the water
can someone create a noob friendly game with good expand options? cheers |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced
I would like to play this.
Couple of suggestions: -Non-binding diplomacy. Because there are a lot of gray areas concerning what exactly 'violates' an agreement. Different folks have differing opinions of what is, and is not a hostile act. -Up the number of players. The map is plenty large enough at 466 provinces to be roomy, even for as many as 20 players. I'd like to play EA Caelum, but I might change my mind before we start. |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced
EA Agartha thx.
As per Vanguard, map size needs to be 15 x the number of players...approximately. Much more than that and the game becomes a nightmare, not fun. A wrap around I believe is best, as you can't hide in the corner and there is no middle map where you tend to get surrounded and swamped by opponents. Basically a much fairer start for everyone. I am not a noob play, but neither am I a good player. Aslo, gems and item swaps should be binding etc...but diplomacy such as NAPs etc, need to be non binding. |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 3/18
The map IS roomy, but also has quite a few provinces that are held by powerful indies, so i'm guessing in a way expansion will be limited in first turns in some places.
what about indi strength.. default 5 good? or bump to 7? |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 3/18
Someone stated in another thread that 5 is better than 7 because 7 rewards good scales more, and currently good scales is already well, good.
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 3/18
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 4/18
I would like to try Hinnom since I have some experience with them.
This would only be my 2nd MP game and am just getting back into Dom 3 again, so I would definitely qualify as a noob I would think :). |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 5/18
I think I'd like to join on Mictlan.
I'd also second the suggestion of opening this up for more players - Faerun is a huge map and 20+ provinces/player gets really messy. VPs might also be a good idea given those considerations. I've played a handful of games, but none with more than 4 players (barring another game I'm in currently), so looking forward to the larger format. |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 6/20
The Faerun map is a disaster - turns that take weeks - and then the games crap out for size
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 6/20
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 6/20
Im in as Lanka. This is my third mp game.#
i would vote for another map, too, but will play any. VP off. Indis to 7. |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 6/20
vote for change map on
i personally love faernum,, but since i never played it online im willing to change if you guys want |
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 7 players signed up
You should know that Faerun map is cursed. No game that started on that map ended well, or at all for that matter.
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 7 players signed up
I'd like to try Yomi. This would be my 3rd MP.
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 7 players signed up
I'd just like to chime in and say that the Executor speaks the undeniable truth and is not exaggerating in the least!
This will be a game that will age the players ten years and and make them forswear Dominions forever. If you absolutely have to go forward with this harebrained idea then at least make sure that you have good victory conditions to mitigate the damage. Biggest nation at turn 80 wins; is a good idea. |
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 8 players signed up
Corinthian raises an excellent suggestion, in that letting this game run its course will take *forever*. The game will be running for 100+ turns easily, and while that sounds awesome right now, it's really not. Setting an arbitrary turn limit at which point victory is declared by predetermined standards is a very good idea.
However, I must add my voice to the chorus of those suggesting a more moderate map. For your first MP game, 15-18 provs/player gives room for plenty of early expansion, a lengthy game with lots of excitement, and limits micromanagement to some extent. |
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 8 players signed up
I'd be in, but not for Faerum.
Executor is less terse than I am - but that map really is a disaster. Games really do crap out when they get too large. You get too many summons - new summons don't work. Units don't move - etc. Take a look at shadow shore - beautiful map, dominions world. (Faerun is great - for D&D.). If its Early Age - put me down for Arco. Certainly not one of the powerhouse nations = ) Oh. Arco, Mictlan, and Lanka are taken. Care to add the Single Age mod (which lets any nation any era play? If it is Single Age, I've been hankering to play LA-Ulm. If not... Ermor. |
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 8 players signed up
not single age mod, please. EA, CBM, thats it.
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 8 players signed up
There was a game last year played to completion on the Faerun map, Troubling Times, and AFAIK it was the first game played on Faerun on these forums that did manage a proper finish. But every game played on Faerun to date has always had a load of problems, even the above one, and such a large map can not be recommended in any way to players that are new to playing Dominions MP games (as Dominions does not scale up anything like as well as other TBS games do. Civ, GalCiv etc.). Plus the pretty much certain problems the map causes are also something to be avoided as a first time game admin.
And as others have said, it can not be stressed enough how bad an idea such a large player-province ratio is. Anything over 20 is asking for trouble later in the game. And I would also like to add that I think it's very important that new players should begin their MP gaming experience with regular games so that they get a good idea of what playing MP games is like. And new players should not choose such grand scale games as their first MP game, as they don't provide anything like a proper taste of what MP games are really like. And in most cases they completely put players off playing further MP games due to how quickly everything becomes unmanagable and a never ending time drain.(which are issues that get multiplied by the size of the map) So if you are a new player then please start with some normal games (~15 provinces per player) so that you can get a genuine idea of how MP games tend to play out. As by doing that you will be doing yourself a massive favour, and you will also be doing the game justice by not getting the wrong impression of it due to your first game being played with some ill advised game settings. But good luck with your game whatever you decide. Quote:
Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 8 players signed up
Well well, it seems that although there are not enough votes for a changemap;... the question has seriously reduced the recruiting pool. So i'll just stick with faerun map, no votes. If we dont have enough players, so be it kill this thread and start new. I assume those who join want to try faerun, for the better or the worse.
Re: Recruiting! Faerun with specials (at your own risk) [8/20]
Right, I'm out. Good luck!
Re: Recruiting! Faerun with specials (at your own risk) [8/20]
Changing the map is fine. Whatever you think is best, Gormy. I totally see where the others are coming from, but will give it a shot either way.
I just want to get some more MP experience while I have the time to play so would be fine with a smaller map if it works out that way. |
Re: Recruiting! Faerun with specials (at your own risk) [8/20]
Sorry I have to bail as well.
I am currently in a crazy game where I have 131 provinces and whilst its been educational as I have never got to the late stages of the game before, I lost interest in it a long time ago when I had 50 provinces. I am just hanging in there so the other two players can continue as it seems to be more their thing. |
Re: Recruiting! Faerun with specials (at your own risk) [8/20]
game officially dead :p
thanks fro joining, as well as your input. A bit sad not to play faernum mp... but im guessing with so many strong opinions against this is a good thing :) |
Re: Faerun Cancelled
I can't turn down this golden recruiting opportunity, so if you are a new player looking for a newbie friendly game, then I am organising the perfect game for you over on the Dom3mods forum.
http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...?showtopic=723 All eager newbs are welcome to join. |
Re: Recruiting! EA Faerun w/specials noob and experienced 6/20
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