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Faded Magic - no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - KeithZ/Pythium wins!
1 Attachment(s)
This is the latest in a series of games in which the central theme is to limit magic to midgame levels. Each game has mixed in other aspects such as no indies, no research required, Assimilation mod, etc. This time around I'm going with a fairly straightforward approach:
* CBM 1.92 with magic limited to level 6 (with a few exceptions - see changelog) * Also: Monsters! Here I'm defining a monster as a creature without full slots - in short, not an SC. That means tart monstrums, tarrasques and abominations make the cut. * And Dragons! I've added Fire, Frost and Forest dragons as summons. I think they're usable, but not OP. In previous iterations I based these games on CBM 1.6. It was what I was most familiar with and thus found easiest to balance. But it's time to move on. I can't make guarantees as to balance. I've done my best to take the limited magic and my experience with the previous games into account when making changes but I'm sure there will be some balance issues. Basically the way it breaks down is you'll have tough, high HP non-humanoid monsters without full slots and physically weaker thugs that have full slots. Magic also plays a huge role; evocation magic can be especially devastating. If you think you might be interested download the attached mod and give it a try (play on easy research so you can quickly access all the spells). Player Conduct Just want to talk about this a bit before getting further into the game details. Dominions is of course competitive but it is also, in a sense, cooperative. Sometimes things just go to hell: you get dogpiled early, expansion is a disaster, etc. But you keep playing and trying your best for the sake of the other players - and you hope that they'll return the favor in another game if they're the ones having a disastrous game. So I ask that everyone play things through to the end (keep in mind that with these non-standard settings I may have a difficult time finding subs). And this doesn't have to be miserable. I view last stands as almost a mini-game: how long can I last with my limited resources. Of course real life takes precedence and it may be that you are unable to continue. If you can PM me to let me know I'd appreciate it but really I only ask that you don't set yourself AI. This gives me the chance to look for a sub. Also, please do not password protect your pretenders so that a sub will be able to step in if needed. Thanks! Settings Age: MA Players: 5-8 Diplomacy: None Banned nations: all water nations Hosting: llamaserver Hosting interval: 24 hours up to turn 20, 48 hours up to turn 40, 72 hours from then on Mods: modified version of CBM 1.92 (attached to post) Map: TBD HoF: 15 All other settings default Exploits: Don't use them. Player roster ghoul31 - Agartha KeithZ - Pythium Ragnarok-X - Jotunheim Samhain - Ulm shard - Shinuyama tratorix - Arcoscephale Valerius - Caelum Changelog Nation changes -------------- Ashdod: Adons & Talmai Elder - 3 --> 2 misc slots Talmai Elder - 600 --> 500 gold Dirge for the Dead - removed Call Malakh - 12 gems Summon Se'irim - 42 slaves Summon Shedim - 32 slaves Comments: What an irritating nation (though not as much as Hinnom). Was just going to remove the ridiculous extra slot on the adons and talmai elders and then saw that dirge for the dead spell and knocked that out as well. Then added in some blood nerfs as well. But hey, at I didn't ban them as I was tempted to - and I actually decreased the cost of the talmai elder. Jotun: skratti - +1 enc in werewolf form Along with Ashdod, another giant nation banned in earlier games due to the problems of borderline SCs in a no-SC game. Skratti lovers will hate the boost to encumbrance but I hardly think it's crippling. If Jotun dominates then back to the drawing board. Ulm: National holy spells removed (elemental resist / halting spells / blessing of iron) - removed Drain Magic - removed Iron Angel - removed Forge of Ulm - removed Funny thing about Ulm. The old, weak, CBM 1.6 Ulm actually did fine in the earlier games. A couple dozen mages spamming magma eruption goes a long way under these settings. Despite the multiple nerfs they are still stronger than the previous version was and I'm convinced they'll be competitive. Pan: Carrion Woods - removed No maenad spawning; summon maenad spells (10/1 N gem) No carrion centaur/lady/lord; national version of construct manikin (10/3 N gems) Gorgon - removed One of the free spawn nations, they were initially banned and allowed in last game with the changes above. I played them last game and chose a gorgon pretender who IMO is OP for these settings (I stopped using her midgame because of this) so she's out as well. Ermor: No summon undead ability; have national version of pale riders (Ench. 0, D3, 3 gems, 20+ units) Freespawn isn't as annoying as Pan's given the malus on defending forts but still was removed. Bandar: Summon Dakini - 100 slaves Just a blood nerf (plenty more of those below). Agartha: Locus of the seal unit removed (no darkness on PD) Avatar of Darkness is no longer a unit but a national version of Darkness spell (D3, 3 gems) No darkness on PD and changed the summonable unit into a national version of the darkness spell. You'll need to get a D3 mage but once you do you'll have darkness much cheaper than anyone else. Eriu: Sidhe Lord - no autoentangle AOE entangle weapons are cheap. If the thug can't land a hit he doesn't deserve to entangle the opponent. Van: Vanjarl 240 --> 280 gold IMO the 50% B random on vanjarls is better than a dousing bonus would have been. Given that, I'm restoring their cost to the original 280 gold. Summons ------- Zmey The feared zmey is still present, though one of the more expensive summons. Prot decreased by 2 points to 20 and misc slots from 3 to 2 (I know usually all three slots aren't used but the increased cost of the lychantropos' amulet may change this). Ettin The Rodney Dangerfield of EDM summons gets a chance to shine as the only size 6 unit with full slots (extra ones in fact). Given the context, cost increased to 20 gems and level to 6. Wendigo Wendigo moves into a thug role (though a very high powered thug) maxing out at size 4 and W3D3. This should be a very popular summon. Tartarian Monstrum You know how the great thing about tarts is the combination SC/magic diversity? Well, they pretty much fulfill the same role here, but in a diluted form. Just like with the ettin, the least of them gets a chance to shine. Two level two randoms and two misc slots (as well as a head slot) mean they provide the best magic diversity around. High HP and flight and the chance of A/S magic also means they can fulfill a raiding role. I expect we'll see a lot of these. Oh, and they don't have that annoying shattered soul or come with afflictions. Dragons That's right, dragons. They are basically combat spellcasters and raiders (though not as good in the latter role as a zmey or in the former role as a tart monstrum). They have level 3 F/W/N magic, base MR of 20, and head + 2 misc slots. The fire dragon is the best offensively: with a reinvig item, skull of fire and phoenix power he's a falling fires machine. The frost dragon is amphibious and the forest dragon has recuperation. Spell changes ------------- No globals No reason to hoard gems. Provinces = power so use your gems to summon and forge so you can get more provinces. Restore Soul - 10 gems Normally this is for tarts - here it's basically to avoid umbral thugs being too cheap. Darkness - D5 / 5 gems Hard to cast normally, even harder to cast here. Iron Bane - E5 / 5 gems More difficult to cast and much more expensive Leprosy - 8 --> 15 gems, MRN easily Afflictions are serious business here without GoH, chalice or even faery queens. Horror Mark - costs 1 gem Don't like this spell and don't want people who go with SC pretenders to have them sidelined that easily. Communion Master/Slave - increase fatigue 20-->30 No rain of stones makes life a lot safer for communions. Bit of an increase in fatigue to offset this. Transformation - level 7 spell but stays in A level 7 spell that I'm just keeping in for the fun of it. Weapons Sharpness - level 7 spell but stays in with aoe 2 A powerful level 7 spell that I'm deliberately leaving in since I think it has an important role to play against thugs and monsters. AOE much smaller, though. Ulm will be able to maximize use of this better than anyone. Everything below here is blood nerfs because I think it's a good idea (something to keep in mind is that given the limited research you won't have much of an opportunity cost for blood hunting - combine that with growth scales and blood will be a powerhouse even with some of these cost increases and spell eliminations). Sabbath Master/Slave - fat 100, costs 1 slave Rain of Toads - 20 slaves / level 6 Send Lesser Horror - 15 slaves Bind Succubus - 66 --> 45 slaves (ok, this price is actually decreased as I don't know why this unit is that expensive) Ritual of the Five Gates - 24 --> 35 slaves Blood rite, blood rain, bloodletting, hellbind heart, bind ice devil, infernal disease - removed Magic item changes ------------------ No unique items Bane venom charm - 15 gems Afflictions are serious business here without GoH, chalice or even faery queens. Soul contract, jade knife, lifelong protection - removed More blood nerfs. Lychantropos' amulet to 10n 5N is too cheap when you consider the aggravation this causes with commanders picking it up. Also, this makes it less of a no-brainer for zmeys. Misc changes ------------ Removed bugged ettin site Tentative roster for Faded Magic 2 ---------------------------------- KeithZ - Yomi Samhain - Fomoria shard - Lanka Valerius - TNN |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Shinuyama, please.
Can't wait to summon some dragons or Tartarian monsters.:) PS: Sorry for the staling of the latest turn in Nation2, just forgot it:doh:, I'm almost dead but will keep playing to the end. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
After some thoughts, I want swithch to Pythium.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
The monstrum has always been my favorite tart but of course he can't compete with the other tarts that have full (or almost full) slots and more powerful magic. He may actually be too strong - those two misc slots will allow him to use a lot of boosters and with his built-in magic combined with some items he could also become a very strong thug. We'll see how it goes. As far as the dragon goes, I really don't like OP things so didn't want to make them too strong (at the last minute I reduced MR from 22 to 20 because I was concerned about this). But if they don't get used then obviously I won't have made them good enough. ;) Quote:
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
I was running a test game and realized of all things I forget to remove gem gens. Actually not too big deal but I'll go ahead and remove them since I also realized I forgot to increase the cost on leprosy from 8 to 15 gems and make it MR negates easily (same reasoning as for bane venom charms) so I'll need to upload a revised version anyway. But I'll wait a bit in case anything else pops up. Edit: Also, darkness (not the Agarthan version - the regular one) should have a D5 casting requirement so that will be fixed as well (it does already cost 5 gems, though, as intended). |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Im in as Arco
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
We still need a fifth person in any case but I plan on leaving recruitment open for a few more days. These experimental games don't have a large audience and some people may only check the forums occasionally. Btw, the game is no diplo but discussion on the summons and settings during the game is ok. So feel free to say the fire dragon is a waste of gems and nobody would summon one instead of getting a zmey. ;) Though in the dragon's defense it is the only summon that guarantees you fire access - hidden in sand and monstrums have a chance but no guarantee. The frost and forest dragons I'm not as certain about (especially because there's a lot of other good uses for those gem types, especially N). I suppose forest has a niche in fighting C'tis if nothing else but I'm not sure being amphibious is enough of a selling point on the frost dragon (and unlike fire there's other summons with guaranteed W access). |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
No changes for Arco ?
If you want, i can switch to a nation with changes for testing purposes. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
No, feel free to play whichever nation you prefer. Thanks for offering, though! :)
Ghoul played Arco in Nations but that turned out to be a difficult position since he was the only astral nation in the game. No indies (including removal of magic sites that allow mage recruitment) meant that it would be hard to protect against Arco's risk free mindhunts and the Assimilation mod, that allows recruitment of some units from a conquered opponent's cap, meant that Arco's cap was a huge prize since it allowed recruitment of mystics. So basically Arco ended up being a huge target. But here we have normal indie and magic site settings so I don't see Arco being a target more than anyone else (and we've already got more S nations signed up than in the Nations game). |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Ulm, please.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
I am winding down(ie getting stuffed) in a couple of games so I should be able to make this one. Will confirm soon and choose from whatever nations are left and/or is recommended
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Welcome to both of you! Samhain, nice to see another Nations player in the game. Shard, I hope you can make it as well - I'll mark you down as tentative.
Ragnarok-X and shard you both volunteered to try recommended nations. I mainly want everyone to play the nation they want but I will admit to some curiosity about Ulm, just chosen by Samhain, and Jotun. Ulm because they are so strong in the current CBM and at the same time performed well in previous games even though they were weaker and Jotun because this is the first time they've been allowed in and I'm curious as to how powerful they will be. But like I said, please don't feel pushed to play a certain nation. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Ok, im in as Jotun. I offered it ;)
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
I thought Ulm was considered one of the weaker nations of MA. If they are one of the more powerful options, that will kind of suck if/when I go down in flames in the first 20 turns or so. Is there a better choice of nation that is both not too micro-managey as well as weak enough to provide a good excuse for poor performance? I generally just play EA.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
In as T'ien Chi.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
As far as going down in flames in the first 20 turns, well there's no shame in that as even with strong nations luck can turn against you and you get dogpiled, etc. In terms of low micro, I guess Ulm wouldn't be too bad from that perspective since at least they aren't into blood. And combat scripting shouldn't be too complicated since you'll be focused on buffing troops and pounding opponents with evo magic. But in the end if you do well you'll have to manage an increasing number of units and have to deal with an increasing amount of micro (this is a low magic game but unfortunately the micro won't be any better than a normal game). Quote:
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Ok. I think I'll keep Ulm then. I already have a pretender chosen for Ulm with an RP back story. Man looked like another good choice for the same type of game play. I may try them next time.
My last game was with EA Abysia. That was nuts with micro-management. I swore if I ever played them again I would do so with little or no use of blood. That seemed less of a viable option with MA Abysia though. The late game micro-managment of thug summoning and/or equipping is something I can usually deal in the rare situation that I make it that long. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Btw, how did you like Eriu? I know buzzsaw took over your position so you didn't get a chance to fully explore them, but they are actually also pretty good from a micro perspective (like you say equipping thugs and sending them out isn't bad). They are also another nation much stronger under the current CBM. Quote:
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
I'll try to post the bit of backstory by the time we start. I don't plan on doing any testing anyway, so I'll have the time. I tend to find testing does me more harm than good. I always get easy indies and awesome unexpected events then have the opposite luck when the real game starts. Since getting a taste of multiplayer, I no longer have any interest in single player regardless.
Once we get going, I can't make any promises about story updates, at least not before the final conclusion. As for Eriu, along with its early age cousin and Last of the Tuatha in Dom2, there is probably no nation that I've played more. Though, I haven't played them otherwise in any forum game, just once I think in one of those dom3minions fast turn games where I got smeared. Pretty much all of that experience with them has been in single player. I didn't worry much about strategy when I played single player and many of my games ended with the last dozen or so Sidhe Champion heroes marching off together for their final, tragic battle. As you might guess from the name, I am kind of fond of Irish mythology. For the same reason, I've probably played Fomoria in more multi-player games than any other nation. As for the Nations game, I was happy to let Buzzsaw keep my position as I've been trying to get him back into playing. We used to play with a couple of other co-workers. Since our desks are about five feet from each other, he let me see many of his turns so I could sort of keep playing vicariously through him. It was actually a lot of fun. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
I hadn't thought of the violation of the diplomacy part of RP posts. I think I'll just hold off then until the end and submit it as sort of an RP-AAR. That way too I don't have to worry about how much of my build is revealed in the story either.
As for Last of the Tuatha in Dom2, my recollection is that it is the spitting image of Tir Na N'Og in the early age of Dom3. I definitely remember Sidhe Champions, Sidhe Lords, and Ri with almost if not absolutely identical paths. I wasn't too focused on that part of the game then, though. I tended to issue magical items based on merit for instance. One item per yellow star and a full suit for a red star. Other items issued based on valor in combat, that sort of thing. And, I never scripted at all until I played MP. And, Buzzsaw definitely had fun in the Nations game. I thought I had a pretty good shot of getting him to join this game though at the cost of not being able to work on my turn during lunch hours. Unfortunately, he decided just this week he was taking a break from all kinds of gaming for a bit to get some things done. Perhaps he'll be in for the next one. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Mmmm any chance I can play MA Jomon (Shatner's/Legowarrior's mod)?
If there are balance issues then I will go for Shinuyama. I am feeling oriental today... |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
I'll post an updated mod soon. In addition to removing gem gens and making darkness require D5 I'm making one significant change and removing the MR negates from Iron Bane (it will now require E5 and 5 gems). I was thinking about pretender builds and it occurred to me that high MR troops combined with an S bless or antimagic could basically become immune to iron bane. That means it would go from a spell that had the drawback of also harming your own troops to one that would largely only effect the enemy. That's definitely not what I was aiming for so I'm going back to my original plan of just making it more difficult and much more expensive to cast (making it MR negates was a last minute addition before I posted the mod and even then I wasn't sure it was a good idea). One last thing: I'm thinking of switching my nation from Eriu to Caelum. I'd really like to use the various monster and thug summons but don't really trust myself not to keep using the glamoured thugs I like so much if I have them available. :p Playing Caelum will force me to use them as they don't have recruitable thugs. And it seems like there could be a nice synergy between flying monstrums and dragons and Caelian units. I'll miss the sleath aspect of Eriu but I also like mobility and Caelum has tons of that. I'll decide for sure by the time I post the updated mod. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
You should hurry up. The longer this is in stasis, the more players will leave.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Done! Everyone please download the new mod file from the first post. The filename is the same so you can just replace the old one. You'll know you have the new one when you "v2" at the end of the name when looking at the list of mods in-game.
The game will be setup on the server shortly. Final player count is 7, so with a 12-15 prov/player average we're looking for a map of around 90 provinces. A little water would be nice to break up the terrain and provide a place to summon things like krakens but we don't want too much. I'll start looking around, suggestions also welcome. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Oh, and I will be giving Caelum a try. Never played them before so this should be interesting (i.e. likely a disaster ;)).
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
Game is ready for pretenders. Please remember you only need the game mod active when creating your pretender since it includes CBM.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting
CORRECTION: Of course right after I uploaded the mod to the server I realized I forgot to make the changes to leprosy. I'll have to upload it again but that means I'll also need to change the file name. Please download FadedMagic3 from the first post and when looking in your list of mods you'll see "v3" at the end of the name of the version of the mod you'll want active when creating your pretender.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
A couple of map options:
Realm of Many Tomatoes The Land of Ethereal Squirrels There is a version of Ethereal Squirrels on the server that has 7 fixed starts. I don't know where those starts are placed but I figure they're almost certainly better than what the game would assign. But I'm kind of curious to try Tomatoes since I've never played on this map before. If we went with this one I'd remove the outside ring of water provinces. We could either gamble on random start locations or decide on fixed start locations with the drawback that we'd know where all the caps were located. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Just a quick question, I think we still have the unique artifacts though magic is limited to 6, right?
I'm ok with both the maps (I don't have much MP experience, never played either of them), you can just decide. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
No, unique artifacts have been removed. I accidentally forgot to remove gem gens from the first version of the mod but they are now gone. Maybe next time I'll include some of the lower power items just for fun - but definitely not the most powerful items like the gate stone.
I'm glad you brought that up, though, since you may not have been the only one planning on forging unique items. I'm also fine with both maps. If it seems like there's no preference for one over the other I'll just pick one. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Im fine with either map, anyway. Though the first one with fixed, preset positions seems better in general to me.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Both maps look good to me. No preference.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Ok, I think I'll go with Ethereal Squirrels. The start locations are almost certainly better than what the AI would assign. The only risk is that it doesn't specify that all the start locations are land. So if one of the starts was a water start then the game would have to assign an additional land start location. Which probably still leaves us better off than we would be with the AI assigning all start locations. ;) Also, further up on the map list is another version of the map that specifies 7 land starts so I'm hoping this is an updated version of that map that just fixes some province connections.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
I'm switching to Arco since I remembered how much I hate MA Tien Chi.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Well, that's a pretty good reason not to play them. ;) Nation list updated.
I've now got the correct map selected and set the game to start when all pretenders are in. Still trying things out myself - first time playing Caelum and some of the pretenders they have available I've never checked out before. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Thanks to everyone who already sent in their pretenders. It was a holiday weekend in the US and I didn't spend much time on Dominions the past few days but I'll have my pretender in soon. How about we try to have all pretenders in by tomorrow so we can get things started?
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
How can the first turn take 2 days ?
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Beginning Friday morning (12 hours from now) will be on a weekend vacation and will return sunday evening.
A such, i would ask to put the game on manual turn resolve until im back. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
No problem; I will postpone hosting to make sure you don't stale.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Hosting has been postponed until Monday.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Im back and did the turn etc.
Thanks for your patience everyone. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders
Tratorix needs some more time for this turn so hosting has been postponed 24 hours.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running
We've reached turn 20 so the hosting interval has been changed to 48 hours.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running
I was wondering about Jotun's odd attempt to break siege on their cap and see the explanation is they went AI. Just a reminder to please fight it out until the end. Thanks.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running
I figured that out for the same reason. That was really disappointing. He had Alt 3. With all those Skratti and a couple of Gygja he could have handed out some gear to the Skratti (even bane and ice blades) and buffed them either using Gygja as for a reverse Sabbath or as Body Etheralizers and really given me a fight. Instead I got spammed with slime.
I don't understand it. I actually find spitefully fighting to the bitter end my favorite part of the game. It is nearly as fulfilling as winning (if not more so) and far more accessible situation. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running
I agree with you, though I know a lot of people don't find last stands much fun. But it's particularly disappointing because I specifically asked people to fight it out to the end.
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running
I made a bad mistake. The turn before going AI, i had my researchers researching but my "army" on patrol. As such, my army was killed and the 15 mages alone couldnt do **** without a wall to back them up, regardless of skinshifting or using cold evocations.
In addition, i was lacking gear (no astral). I really do play to the end, which i did in this case i believe. In this particular game, i thinki had a rather bad placement w/ my capitol but i of course made plenty of mistakes. I hope you guys do well. |
Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running
The metagame aspect probably isn't the most important, but in case you weren't aware there are players who pay attention to details like which opponents are more likely to go AI and which aren't - the idea being that attacking someone likely to go AI is a surer path to victory for them. So setting yourself AI may make you more likely to be a target for early rushes in future games. Conversely, if you were to get a reputation for being an Outlaw Josey Wales* style player (and I know of at least one guy who thinks this way) that could potentially serve as a deterrent. All things being equal, a player evaluating which neighbor to attack in a close early game may opt for the easier target (the guy who goes AI). * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yid-CW-O9Qw Setting the metagame aspect of things aside though, a more important thing to consider is the other players in your game. You're done playing, and that's OK, but the other players aren't done. The wishes of the players remaining in the game should take precedence over your own with regards to your nation being AI vs being taken over by a sub. It doesn't matter if in your opinion the fight is over - if you're leaving the game your opinion about that is irrelevant. Let the admin and the other players decide. And especially if you're in a game where the admin said something like: Quote:
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