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Gurthang May 30th, 2012 09:59 AM

Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
I would like to understand what nations can build fortresses and raise garrisons in water provinces.

I never played maritime nations, so I suppose they are the only ones enabled to it. Is that correct, and is there any way an ordinary, earth-based nation can do the same?

legowarrior May 30th, 2012 12:35 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Jomon can build sea based defenses and pd.

Gurthang May 30th, 2012 07:06 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Yes, but what about ordinary earth-based nations? Is there any way they can build underwater fortresses?

Anaconda May 30th, 2012 11:16 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Jomon classifies as an ordinary E-based nation, does he not? Was it EA Agartha who can build UWPD also? iirc everyone can build UW forts...

parone May 31st, 2012 05:55 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
i suppose the question is, if you are a land nation, what good are they? i can see temples/labs, but if you are ulm for instance, what good is a fortress? most underwater units require gold not resources.

i suppose they'd still be good for defense.

Doo June 1st, 2012 04:47 AM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces

Originally Posted by parone (Post 805637)
i suppose the question is, if you are a land nation, what good are they? i can see temples/labs, but if you are ulm for instance, what good is a fortress? most underwater units require gold not resources.

i suppose they'd still be good for defense.

I guess an underwater castle may stop some rituals, like fires from afar. What about rain of toads?

Is the cost of an underwater castle with commanders wearing forged items worth it? Probably situational at best.

Anaconda June 1st, 2012 05:40 AM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Can one cast Fires from Afar on UW province?

Micah June 1st, 2012 01:50 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Most land nations cannot purchase PD or construct forts in the water, but there are a couple of options for getting one. The cheap but unreliable method is searching for N sites, as one of the magic sites spawns a free fortress. The expensive option is to cast a spell (Living Fortress I believe, but don't quote me on that.) It's something like 40N to cast though, plus you have to have the spell researched, and I think you might have to have your mage underwater to cast it to boot.

Forts don't tend to interact with rituals unless the rituals attack the province, like Ghost Riders.

Underwater forts for land nations are pretty much only good for defence. Resources in the water suck, UW fort admin values suck, and the recruitables in the water also pretty much suck, and of course you can't recruit any national units down there as a land nation. That being said, there are some rituals that can only be cast in an underwater lab, so having one fort in the water is often handy. (A lot of remote spells can't be cast on an UW province, but that's pretty niche.)

Hope that helps.

Hrum June 1st, 2012 04:32 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Searching for N sites is decent advice, but if you're playing with one of the more recent CBM builds I think the Kelp Fortresses may've been made less common.

Does anyone know if the blood spell Three Red Seconds works on underwater provinces? That's potentially another way you could get an UW fort.

Have you messed around with the more recent CBM builds Micah? Haven't seen you around on the forums in a while. Have you returned to defend / pad your position atop the HoF? :)

Micah June 1st, 2012 05:40 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
3RS I am almost certain does not work, and I am less certain but still pretty sure that the Earth spell that makes a fort also doesn't work in the water.

Good point about the forts being less common now in CBM. I recall QM talking about changing that, but didn't play any games with it implemented.

I haven't touched the game or the mods or the forums for a while now, so I'm a few versions behind. Pardon my rust.

I returned since I've been stuck working from my company's office instead of remotely for the past couple of weeks and I was really bored. I might get suckered into another game if some of the vets bug me about it, but I don't care too much about the HoF...Nothing I can do at this point can possibly match up to pulling off a win in Artifacts. I think I pulled out absolutely every last trick I knew and a few that were made up specifically for that game in order to win it, along with a lot of stubborn determination, and it had an all-star cast of players. The fact that it doesn't count for more than a newb-bashing is a bit silly, but beyond that I just don't really feel the need to prove anything after that.

Hrum June 1st, 2012 06:22 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Calahan, Wraithlord and others were talking about possible tweaks to the HoF on the other forums recently, if you're interested. I don't believe anything's come of it so far, but they were throwing out ideas like the possibility of using ELO rankings, or some less cumbersome / paired down equivalent...


I see Amhazair, Wraithlord, Valerius and other vets starting games here occasionally, but most of the Shrapnel games are newb games. If you check the other forums there are a bunch of vets there (or on IRC) so I bet you could get into a game with people you've done battle with in the past.

But yeah, you definitely don't have anything to prove. I made that crack about the HoF semi-facetiously; was just curious if you were going to get into playing again.

I don't know if I ever read your mini-AAR for Artifacts. I've read some of the other accounts of your games - like Calahan describing your Jotunheim rush in a RAND game. Now I'll have to go scanning through the Artifacts thread...

Valerius June 1st, 2012 06:22 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
It feels absurd for me to be fact checking Micah but, yes, I can confirm that Wizard's Tower and 3RS can't target water provinces.

Kelp Fortress was changed from a common to an uncommon site and while I typically play games with few water provinces I have found that you come across it a lot less frequently (but I'm not sure what the percentages are for common, uncommon and rare sites).

Also, welcome back Micah. Having you around to help with answering questions may reduce Calahan's blood pressure. ;)

Micah June 2nd, 2012 01:01 AM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
I'm still wearing my humility hat after making an egregious factual error on the other forums, and I don't have the game installed to check the spells, so feel free to check!

I tried to make the Artifacts AAR amusing to read, let me know if I succeeded at all.

I'm skeptical about another game, but I haven't ruled it out, at least if I can remember where my Dom CD is.

I'd feel bad about hijacking the thread, but I think it's pretty much factually and completely answered at this point.

Valerius June 2nd, 2012 04:52 AM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Yeah, the Artifacts AAR is funny. Especially liked the "make a human SC" line and the siege of C'tis (having just had a similarly painful experience besieging maenad-filled forts).

As for derailing threads, that's a time honored tradition. And tying in to derailing and funny posts/threads here are some links from a recent blood stones thread:

Crossbows vs Longbows! (linking directly to TwoBits' post because I find it so funny but of course the rest of the thread is worth checking out)
Wolven Winter and global warming
Monkey PD!

And one more that I ran across the other day:

Twan's complete !?!? FAQ

Lol. I'd completely forgotten about the !?!? series of questions.

Hrum June 4th, 2012 05:58 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Necroing the hijack...

I enjoyed that Artifacts AAR, both amusing and reasonably informative. I can see that you didn't want to get too detailed, but it was a nice overview of the action.

I'd forgotten about that assasians thread, Valerius. That was special, in a church lady kind of way.

Valerius June 6th, 2012 03:55 PM

Re: Fortresses and garrisons in water provinces
Yes, Assasians is quite funny - the thread equivalent of a one liner, where the others require more setup time.

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