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-   -   I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - WINNER IMMACULATE(Mictlan) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48942)

Tiavals June 26th, 2012 05:21 AM

I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - WINNER IMMACULATE(Mictlan)
We have one slot left. This will be done in a first come first serve basis.
At the present, we have a shadow Chelms player who has not said a thing, so he will be booted out to make you space. So if you want to join this game, post away and choose your nation!
If no one applies, we will start on the 1st of July(perhaps 2nd).
You must post on this thread before you can be considered a player, hence why Chelms is being evicted if he doesn't say anything. Thus, post here and say which nation you want, then we will see about you sending it to llamaserver(as it's technically full at the moment).


Hello everyone. Having been away from Dom3 for quite a long time, I decided to host a multiplayer game(we'll be using Llamaserver) for newbies and intermediate players. I'm not sure where my skill level is, but I would guess it's in the intermediate area. I will probably play to the best of my skill, but use a somewhat thematic use of units and such, so this may be a somewhat ruthless game in a sense, especially with Machiavellian diplomacy. ;)

Technically anyone is free to join, but I would prefer that people who join are fairly committed to it, not disappearing suddenly, and aren't some sort of super-players that will sweep the floor with everyone else.

Game name: I Would Be Sovereign(or IWBS for short)
Era: Late
Map: Parganos(unless someone disagrees)
Turns: Slow(48h) - Also using Quickhost(turns will be hosted earlier if everyone has sent their turns already)
Number of Players: 8
Mods: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.92 - Ettin Fix
Diplomacy: Machiavelli

Special rules:
Ermor and R'lyeh aren't allowed. (For a more "relaxed" game)
Score graphs off.
8 VPs to win, VPs in capital, 8 VPs scattered across map.

Tiavals - Bogarus
Lumix19 - Pythium
Jolly Roger - Patala
Immaculate - Mictlan
Archmage - Midgard
dojango - Utgard
Ragnarok-X - Ulm
Anaconda - C'Tis

Please send your pretender gods to pretenders@llamaserver.net
Make sure the CBM 1.92 - wild ettin fix mod is active when you design your pretender god.

The email subject file must be like this: IWouldBeSovereign

I think this is how you do it?
Any and all rules can be modified if people so want. Post and explain why you want something to be different and we'll discuss about it.

As for magic site frequency and all that, it'll be set to default unless someone disagrees.

If you have questions, I'll try to answer them.

Lumix19 June 26th, 2012 08:05 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 1/8 - Gathering players
Hey, I'm interested in joining as Pythium. As I'm completely new to MP I just have to make sure I join properly first. What is the game name?

Tiavals June 26th, 2012 08:37 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 1/8 - Gathering players
Good to have you on board.

The game name is "IWouldBeSovereign" on Llamaserver. Be sure to make your pretender with the CBM 1.92 Ettin Fix Mod turned on, it has some effect on the pretenders.

fungalreason June 26th, 2012 08:40 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 2/8 - Gathering players
I haven't played in quite some time, so this seems like a good one for me. I'll take Jomon

Tiavals June 26th, 2012 08:47 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 3/8 - Gathering players

No giant nations yet, how rare. ;)

Jolly Roger June 26th, 2012 09:49 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 3/8 - Gathering players
Hi Juhani.

I choose PATALA

Cheers, Klaus

Tiavals June 26th, 2012 10:17 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 4/8 - Gathering players
Glad you could join us herr Doktor. :)

Immaculate June 26th, 2012 11:24 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 4/8 - Gathering players

Tiavals June 26th, 2012 11:34 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 5/8 - Gathering players
Not a person of many words, I see. Welcome regardless!

Archmage June 26th, 2012 02:52 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 5/8 - Gathering players
Newbie with one total game under my belt. I'd like to play Midgard.

dojango June 26th, 2012 04:32 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 3/8 - Gathering players

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 807139)

No giant nations yet, how rare. ;)

I'll fix that. Utgard, please.

Ragnarok-X June 26th, 2012 04:44 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 5/8 - Gathering players
Im in as Ulm, thanks.

Tiavals June 27th, 2012 06:44 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Waiting for pretenders
Welcome everyone!

If you need help with llamaserver, do tell!

Jolly Roger June 27th, 2012 07:12 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Waiting for pretenders
Hi Juhani.

Maybe you should allow more players to join in.

Cheers, Klaus

fungalreason June 27th, 2012 10:43 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Waiting for pretenders
Oops, I forgot I would need to update Dominions. Will upload my pretender later tonight

Tiavals June 27th, 2012 03:59 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Waiting for pretenders

Originally Posted by Jolly Roger (Post 807206)
Hi Juhani.

Maybe you should allow more players to join in.

Cheers, Klaus

How many players do you propose we take in?

We would have to change the map too since Parganos is too small for more than 8. What do you suggest?

Jolly Roger June 27th, 2012 05:17 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/? - Possibility for more player
I´d suggest 12-16.

Ragnarok-X June 27th, 2012 05:31 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/? - Possibility for more player
16 is too much. 12 !

Immaculate June 27th, 2012 05:42 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/? - Possibility for more player
lets just go with 8.... thats what you advertised. i was looking forward to a smaller game. there is nothing stopping people from starting another game with more players if thats what they want to play.

no offense to anyone... but it was very clear what this game was and i see no reason to change things now.

dojango June 27th, 2012 05:52 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/? - Possibility for more player

Originally Posted by Immaculate (Post 807249)
lets just go with 8.... thats what you advertised. i was looking forward to a smaller game. there is nothing stopping people from starting another game with more players if thats what they want to play.

no offense to anyone... but it was very clear what this game was and i see no reason to change things now.

I agree, smaller games don't get bogged down nearly as much.

Immaculate June 27th, 2012 08:50 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/? - Possibility for more player
Thank you Dojango.

Tiavals June 28th, 2012 05:59 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/? - Possibility for more player
Sorry there Klaus, we'll go with 8 since that's what the majority seems to be asking!

Settings will be unchanged.

Tiavals June 28th, 2012 06:03 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I hope everything is okay. Everyone sent their correct pretenders and such. I see that instead of Ulm, there's Chelms for example. Oh well, we'll just restart if something is wrong.

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 07:36 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Sorry to be a hassle but i got started on the island in the south-western sea. Can we get a restart?

Tiavals June 28th, 2012 08:35 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Pretty crazy that such a place is even possible as a starting location.

What're the thoughts of everyone else?

Anyone have a suggestion for a better map if this has problems with the starting locations?

On the other hand, aren't you Mictlan? You get those atlantis toad people who can go under the sea so it isn't THAT bad of a place for you, right?

fungalreason June 28th, 2012 08:43 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Yeah we need to restart. There's a way to mark certain places as not valid start locations through modding, but I'm not sure exactly how. I would just try again with the same map. That one spot is the only one that would be problematic, I think

Lumix19 June 28th, 2012 09:42 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I'm don't mind restarting if you got such a bad starting position. How would it work?

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 10:11 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
its a horrible start position. Those toads require resources. I will NEVER get more resources at my cap (barring a weird event).

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 10:12 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
i like the map and this is the one and only time i've ever seen this happen.

You should be able to generate a restart from the admin tools under the game in the llamaserver menu i do believe.

dojango June 28th, 2012 10:27 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!

Originally Posted by Immaculate (Post 807306)
i like the map and this is the one and only time i've ever seen this happen.

You should be able to generate a restart from the admin tools under the game in the llamaserver menu i do believe.

Didn't it also happen in Valhallas Heroes? Someone started on that island and we had to restart (second time worked fine, but there's still a non-zero chance someone could get stuck, I suppose).

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 11:15 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
thats right- we did have to restart. i had not opened my first start position so i had hardly noticed but that does seem to ring a bell.

We should re-upload a new map with a 'no start' tag on that island.

Tiavals June 28th, 2012 11:45 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I've restarted it. Hopefully no one is on an island now.

Jolly Roger June 28th, 2012 02:04 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Sorry, but the starting place for Patala means a big disadvantage, as I´m on province 85 with only 3 neighbouring provinces.
I´d suggest to use another map or fixed starting positions.

Cheers, Klaus

fungalreason June 28th, 2012 02:29 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I hate to be overly vocal here, but that's ridiculous. There's a big disparity between a land nation stuck on an island with NO neighbors, and your situation.

If people are going to be that picky, at least do the legwork of finding or creating a map with the required parameters rather than expecting others to figure it out for you.

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 02:32 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
i'm not sure whats wrong with only 3 provinces as neighbors either. Can you explain the problem? You won't get enough resources?

Jolly Roger June 28th, 2012 03:39 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!

that´s not an appropriate style to talk to me. Obviously I´ll suffer from a lack of resources from the beginning. That means a decisive disadvantage.

However, I really dislike to be treated like that.
If you want to play that style, count me out.

Cheers, Klaus

Tiavals June 28th, 2012 04:11 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Well now, no need for arguments.

This is supposed to be a friendly enough game. This means one of two things.

a) We take our time in choosing the right map so everyone will have a start they're satisfied with
b) Since it's not totally competitive(being a newbie friendly game) people will accept inferior starting positions. I know for a fact that Klaus is a good enough player that he'd do well enough compared to a total newbie with 5 neigboring provinces.

Ragnarok-X June 28th, 2012 04:12 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
What is this fuss about Ulm and Chelms.
Im in as Ulm, but i did not receive an email that the game has started.
How ulm is entirely gone ?
I think we should create a NEW game (name) entirely, with a proper map.

fungalreason June 28th, 2012 04:27 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Some other person must have sent in a pretender for man in your place. Don't do that, whomever you are!

I'm going to join or host a different game. This doesn't appear to be exactly what I was looking for. Good luck to you all!

Tiavals June 28th, 2012 05:05 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Okay, it seems that things are a bit confusing here, so I'll completely restart the game, so that everyone has to send their pretenders again. So, the mysterious Man pretender should post here if he wants to join, in case fungalreason decides to leave.

As for the map, does anyone have a suggestion for a map that's balanced enough for our purposes?

Sorry for the delays people.

Jolly Roger June 28th, 2012 05:14 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
How about World of Warhammer Vanilla or one of the maps the other running campaigns use ?

Cheers, Klaus

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 05:19 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
saddies... i hope this pulls through.

I don't understand the point of view of the patala player. If he can explain further, i would be much indebted.

I should mention that my one and only win was on this map with Patala and i was resource constrained. It meant i launched less Naga warriors and more monkeys (and elephants)...

Personally i love this map. It forces a new type of game-play because there are so many non-'empty' terrains. Everything is forest or swamp or mountain. It makes the 'survival' trait usable and important. it also reduces the income of your empire slightly, forcing a more lean and mean approach to, well, everything. In my Patala game i actually got to use the swamp survival trait to outmaneuver a mixed C'tis army that didn't (all) have swamp survival and that was pretty fun.

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 05:21 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 807330)
Okay, it seems that things are a bit confusing here, so I'll completely restart the game, so that everyone has to send their pretenders again. So, the mysterious Man pretender should post here if he wants to join, in case fungalreason decides to leave.

As for the map, does anyone have a suggestion for a map that's balanced enough for our purposes?

Sorry for the delays people.

Send him an e-mail via the llamaserver with a link to the forum in case he is not aware of this system.


Valerius June 28th, 2012 05:27 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I notice you're using Parganos. Llamabeast had a dead seas version of the map with 8 fixed starts that was used for many games. There was a problem a couple of years ago that resulted in many maps being deleted but I believe it has been reposted under the name "Parganos (Llama's Fix) Deadsea, 8 fixed land starts". Give that one a try.

Relying on the game to assign starts can be ... interesting. In a recent game I had three neighboring provinces, split by a mountain range. I wasn't happy about this so the next time the game put me on a peninsula with only two neighboring provinces. :p

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 05:32 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
that sounds great Valerius!

Jolly Roger June 28th, 2012 05:36 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Good idea !

Valerius June 28th, 2012 05:48 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Like Immaculate, I also like this map a lot and have played many games on it but please note that not every start is equal. One in particular is problematic. Personally I'm ok with rolling the dice on these kinds of things (and the one time I did start in the worst spot I actually ended up having a good game) but if that's an issue you could also look at some of elmokki's maps that have been assigned fixed starts.

If you were six players the symmetrical, wrap-around Six Lands would be a perfectly balanced option.

Calahan June 28th, 2012 05:56 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
A word of caution on that 8-fixed start Parganos map. The starts have some major balance issues last time I checked (if it's the one I'm thinking of). As half the starts are fairly tough, while the other half have large sections of ringfenced provinces which ensure they have uncontested access to around 6 extra provinces compared to the others (who have to fight fairly and in contest for all of their provinces).

If you want a 8-player land map then I have a 8-fixed start for The Desert Eye (108+17) I can upload to the server if you like. (it should be on there already, but can't seem to find it).

You can go with any map you like of course, but as I say I think you need to be wary of the starts if that Parganos map is the one I think it is. (I would check it out but the llama link seems to lead to this random post rather than the map http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=39857)

Edit - Lol, semi-ninja'ed (semi as I think it's more than one dodgy start, and more like eight :))

Valerius June 28th, 2012 06:08 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 807339)
Edit - Lol, semi-ninja'ed (semi as I think it's more than one dodgy start, and more like eight :))

Lol, but you feel like you won a prize when you do get one of those corner starts. :p

Guys, Calahan is much better at map balance than me so if he's offering to help I suggest you take his advice (especially because there was already a bit of a controversy regarding start locations).

Valerius June 28th, 2012 06:25 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Cal, here is the link to the map file (looks like they linked to the thread id rather than the post id). And it includes the .map file (at first llama didn't post this because he wanted them to be a surprise).

Edit: disregard that; the .map files there don't show start locations.

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