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Anaconda July 4th, 2012 02:38 AM

The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Introduction of the Dreamlands and the main characters

(The link to the game discussion: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48682 )

A techical note: The flavor pictures are ripped from internjet, I claim nor hold any rights to them.

LA R'lyeh is excellent for thematic play, so I chose to try and play a role here. My attributes try to follow the example set by the original Cthulhu mythos, at least as much as made possible by the devs, and as far as I am familiar with Lovecraft's work. So, my R'lyeh was unyielding, uncompromising and overwhelming. It was my initial goal not to participate actively in diplomacy. The Dreamlands has but one possible outcome; The Dreamlands will reign or be eradicated.

The beginning of the game was a little bit burdensome, and I actually was convinced I would not make it even to the shore. However, the tide – so to say – turned, and I started making some progress. The story begins, therefore, from the turn 11.

As a side note, in addition to the story recording the culture revolution a turn by turn, I wrote down some stats too, in order to be able to publish some numerical data if ever relevant, interesting or otherwise offering some support on the events at hand (might be that I publish the whole stats database as a whole in the end also, or form some figures using some figure drawing tools – remains to be seen).


The mad arab Abdul Alhazred was chosen to serve as a pretender. The arab's success (read: victory over other nations) would mean Cthulhu's awakening. The only thing expected of Cthulhu was to eat who ever was left when all other religions would have been wiped out...

If I recall correctly I picked negative scales in everything, except in luck and magic. I picked full luck and some points in magic. I also took high dominion and the mad arab was created as a rainbow pretender for early manual site searhing (I left Astral out because I would have got that enough anyways). Also, I used Squirreloid's LA R'lyeh quide (”How I came to love Dreamlands and stopped worrying”) when building the pretender and character, and choosing the playing style.


An initial prophet was my scout, and I named him Robert Olmstead – a sketchy figure from the short story Shadow over Innsmouth. The thematic role suited the scout very well, for my understanding is that Robert found his inner, subdued fish later on during his life, and he eventually joined the creatures worshipping Dagon under the waves. Robert is also conducting area studies in the story...


At this point, three other champions worth mentioning are the Traitor King (whom I named Dagon because of his exceptional W5), successfull void summoner Uzumna (whos summoner level is currently 6), and an Illithid commander Zagauba. Zagauba has lead the armies to victories more than anyone else (maybe because there hasnt been ANYONE else - of importance at least - so far). Unfortunately he is losing it already, and the Starspawn Council estimates his insanity climbing already as high as 9. The Starspawn Priest Uzumna has been very lucky so far – no attacks, no sanity loss, no incidents.

A technical note: While working on the AAR I realized that writing the AAR highly increases the skill and level of playing. I think it is because it forces me to go through things more carefully than I would if I werent taking notes. It is a positive circle, so to say, for writing a long and deep AAR increases your willingness to succeed in the game also, improving the play even moar. Cant but recommend this to others!

Anaconda July 4th, 2012 03:06 AM

Turn 11
and so it begins: turn 11

(The special sword markers indicate the capital of Midgård and possible locations of the capital of Marignon.)

The overall strategy was to gather information, weaken the enemy with my deadly dominion, and strike where it would hurt the most. First strategic goal was to secure the four population centers surrounding the home sea. Unfortunately, Marignon had already taken the one in West. It came clear during the turn 10 that R'lyeh and northmen from Midgård would be fighting each other for the city located at the Southern coast of the sea. The great cities in East and North remained untouched at the time (at least as far as we knew).

(I love how this champion belongs to a herse caste, the caste not allowed to perform religious activities and here he is, div blessing the warriors of the North!)

Midgård was faster – maybe the northmen didnt believe I would land, or they just were unlucky... but, they entered the city first and had to fight the city guard. As we can predict, for the prophet Kirk Van Houten – in charge of the northmen army – it was easy victory. But, maybe it was good for us, that northmen were not fresh when our ancient, proud and noble race surfaced with their slaves and crazy cultists to take over the city from hairy, smelly primates.

(They call it Mind Blasting)

It was a blessed day, Cthulhu fthang! Unfortunately Kirk Van Houten made his escape to rally fresh levies from the chilly hills in West. The leader of the horde, Illithid Lord Zagauba decided to stay, and build a strong presence in the city. Equipping the new cultists with sophisticated weapons he subdued rare fools trying to still resist the Dreamlands.

This landing was intended to be permanent, and lots of effort was put in play to make the city secure for the Dreamlands' cult. The province defence was lifted as high as 51.

The mad arab also moved out and started site searching to compensate the tax losses from Death Scale.

Because some areas under the waves still resist the cults, the Starspawn Council made plans to move through those areas in near future, in order to finally reach the opposite shore and capture another population center, like the city secured this turn (The Land of Our Lord).


The prophet of the mad arab, Robert Olmstead, had wandered afar, occasionally stopping to write down notes, sometimes stopping to preach for those willing to listen. So he went on.

He had reached a vast town – a city if you may – far to the West of home waters. A strange thing captured his attention. Midgård had secured both sides of the city but wasnt able to take the city it self. Robert Olmstead stopped to study Midgård's fighting habbits. There must be some vile magic in work here, otherwise the strange situation would not have been possible. The prophet needed to know what it was...


One aspect, however, needs to be clarified herein. While the Dreamlands as a nation and religion doesnt trade nor collaborate with others, the fact doesnt mean that we could not – or even should not - take any diplomatic actions.

So, I chose a thematic approach on diplomacy.

For example, I made plans to deliver accurate as well as misinformation for other players, in a form of short, edited Lovecraft story adaptions. The very first one was to reveal the location of Midgård's capital to his neighbours. It would serve my purposes if any of his neighbours would turn against him, especially now that I drove him off, secured a fat booty in front of his nose and thus made most certainly an enemy for the rest of the game.

So, to get started with the information war, I sent this message to Caelum and Marignon both (the edition is adapted from The Terrible Old Man by H.P. Lovecraft):

. . .The Terrible Old Man is, in truth, a very strange person, believed to have been a captain of East India clipper ships in his day; so old that no one can remember when he was young, and so taciturn that few know his real name. Among the gnarled trees in the front yard of his aged and neglected place he maintains a strange collection of large stones, oddly grouped and painted so that they resemble the idols in some obscure Eastern temple. This collection frightens away most of the small boys who love to taunt the Terrible Old Man about his long white hair and beard, or to break the small-paned windows of his dwelling with wicked missiles; but there are other things which frighten the older and more curious folk who sometimes steal up to the house to peer in through the dusty panes. These folk say that on a table in a bare room on the ground floor are many peculiar bottles, in each a small piece of lead suspended pendulum-wise from a string. And they say that the Terrible Old Man talks to these bottles, addressing them by such names as Jack, Scar-Face, Long Tom, Spanish Joe, Peters, and Mate Ellis. And, on the wall, hanging from a single pin, is a timeless, brown document with strange resemblance with a map - but the features drawn with wildly shaking human paw are unlike in any other map known to man. In the middle of the drawing is a small icon of a dark red flag wrapped around a bastard sword, and three grotesque words written under it: Midgård capital (69). The Terrible Old Man must have seen many strange, unspeakable places.

Anaconda July 4th, 2012 03:25 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
move along, nothing to see here: turn 12

Midgård contacted us offering a NAP. The player seems nice enough, almost hurts to remain dead silent. No response from Caelum nor Marignon, on the other hand. Now that I think of it, the elements and forces of asymmetry might prove working well for our benefit – while not mongering direct war for now, not responding enhances confusion among our enemies. I am not sure if the body responsible for the general strategy - Joint Chiefs of Starspawn Staff - have ever heard of Clausewitz or Sun Tsu, but chaos, friction and fog of war is good status quo for all mad cults in the world, no matter the origin.

This turn also showed that while the population dies quickly (hope the domkill effect reaches beyond our borders!!!!11), luck scales should keep us funded.

To strengthen the domkill effect, and especially for the reach, we decided to start a temple building project the first additional temple coming up already, and 2 additional temples being built next month. Of course, this is gonna have some implications on the research and economy... how dramatic, remains to be seen.


For conquest, we face two options.

Divide our host first time and march to the North and to the East, or concentrate all the troops against the East.

We chose the latter for two reasons. The chances of taking two provinces next turn are dim with divided forces – I came to the conclusion after evaluating the chaff calling them selves cultists – and when the whole army marches East as one we can ensure a victory, and hope ensuring two simultaneus victories turn 14, after fielding even creater force of cultists next turn.

The victories we expect to achieve turn 14 are even of greater importance: when we march East now, we can take the population center located in the East turn 14, and move North the same turn with smaller force – at least we hope. The special battle markers point out the city and the Northern province where our tactical aim lies. However, when studying the current tactical situation, we can be pretty sure Caelum has taken the the city already.


About the mad prophet, Robert Olmstead... to serve the initial goal of spreading domkill we decided we let him stay near vicinity of the city called Glimmering Fields. The population center appears to be a prosperous location with population of 19270 (Census Bureau, turn 12). The province is away beyond my physical reach, surrounded by strong provinces of Midgård. As a method of punching the Midgård's nose him even not knowing it, Robert Olmstead should stay around preaching, and we will see how low the population will die before Midgård actually secures the place, and roots the cult out.

Anaconda July 4th, 2012 03:53 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
writing on the wall: turn 13

Now that there appeared to be little time, the Starspawn Council descended down to the curious library under the sunken city.

Instead of books the library consisted of innumerous, empty stone champers. Instead of books the library had carvings on the walls, all done in symbols unfamiliar to man. The study was troubling – they were looking for any bits of intel revealing the secrets of newly discovered neighbours. And what did they find, dear Cthulhu!

All of them – Caelum, Midgård, Marignon – have easy access to Air magic. Marignon and Midgård also got knowledge on Blood, and Midgård and Caelum got considerable stealth units. Marignon, also, has champs I need to take into account; spy and assasin. This means, if willing, all three can easily submerge units with really nasty intentions. Cthulhu save us! We can only hope they keep busy with other earthlings...


It was pretty obvious massed cultists would crush the resistance in a province our armies headed, so no surprises there. Thus, it is not important what went down.

It is important what came up.

First, the ancient city (told to be as old as the Pillar of Heaven it self) where our army was headed stood radiant in the sun light – radiant and more importantly untouched by those grotesque flying demons flocking over the fabled hilltops of Caelum. The city guard was rumored to be heavily armored noblemen on horse, who would rather give their lives than give away their privileges as the leading caste in the city.

Good, a fight in sight.

The heavy cav might be supported by missile troops of some sort – maybe even crossbow men, after all the city was old, populous and prosperous. But they were not important. If we could succesfully utilize cultists as a meat wall against the cav charge, the Elder Things (from the Void) and Illithids would take care of the rest.

The starspawn Council chose to pursue the original plan, and carefully split the field army in two. The first, smaller unit heads North with Dagon the traitor king. The second and by far larger unit prepares to conquer the city in front of our troops.

So far we have been lucky...


...however, dark clouds (in form of dark wings) can be seen in the horizon. The province we pacified is a neighbour to the seat of power of infamous Caelum.

This is indeed very interesting situation.

First of all, the capital of Caelum stoods practically within one turn aerial drop from my seat of power. With some water breathing items the parrots with map movement 3 (there is only one unit w/ map movement 2, all others have map movement 3!!!11) can come knocking on our heaven's door without a warning.

Well, to be honost, I dont have slightest idea if flying over water works like flying over solid ground, even when equipped with water breathing items, and more over, they need to find my sunken city first.

But, they already know of our precense at the city West of their capital. Aerial drop could be coming any turn. Also, if we manage to capture the city in the east, as we should, they can drop their grotesque bird-alikes there too, directly from their dreaded hilltops within one turn.

Most importantly, we am now in control of a neighbouring province to their capital. This means we are a serious threath from their perspective. The fact is making a possibility of pre-emptive strike even more likely. But also opening a possibility for intersting gambit for us, too. If we keep the province occupied with a significant force, they might be too affraid to leave their home province.

And, we could, on the other hand, move against their capital right now! Tempting idea, wont lie it did not cross my squid's mind at all. However, being tied into a long war of attrition could prove fatal so early on. Therefore I simply leave parrots alone for now. But it is indeed tempting, considering how large army I field next to their capital.

While staying back for now, we would like to coin already a strategy for an incoming assault against their capital. No matter when it happens, we might got best chances if we can take them by surprise with massed, flying SCs. For example, emptying the neighbouring province allows them to fall to a false sense of security.

We could prepare couple of Vastness' (at least one with Gift of Reason cast on it) to secure the bridgehead and siege the capital. They can fly over multiple provinces – I assume at this point at least – so enemy doesnt know whats coming for them before they are already there. Same turn we can move our field army to the neighbouring province, and continue marching forward next month. In two turns we should have secured the siege with unbreakable army, and get the capital within a turn or two. But this is for the future (and could work on any other province on that matter).


In West, Midgård is getting ready to move against the city of Glimmerin Fields, it seems.

The prophet Robert Olmstead is doing good work converting people there, and while on it, he eyewitnessed a strange encounter. A single Midgård captain came rampaging into the city, killing cityfolk on his left and on his right. It took only an eye blink for the archers of the city guard to take the lunatic down, but Robert Olmstead was sure the commander wasnt acting alone for simple lack of witts (or because he somehow would have been converted to the cult). Olmstead reports he is sure the commander was merely screening a recon mission. Midgård most likely was measuring strenght of the city guard before the final showdown with them.


Robert Olmstead got finally convinced when he sneaked close to the city mortuary by night, and saw a Valkyrie flying away with the body of a fallen hero. This northman would be feasting among his warrior brothers in the halls of Odin before the archers who killed him would have got supplied with new arrows. Fine trade for a warrior serving his gods – in life and in death.

Anaconda July 4th, 2012 04:15 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
the northmen marching on: turn 14

A glance on stats shows some interesting figures.

First, the number of the temples went up 400% in three turns. One more coming up this turn, and another a turn after this one. Then we have got six up already and we have to evaluate if we can afford more at this point.

We need to start investing in local guards in the land provinces. Which brings us to another number. The upkeep cost. As Squirreloid stated in his guide, R'lyeh will be short on money side. We hired some Illithid infantry for initial expansion, but havent been hiring them for awhile now. We just can not afford them – as predicted. Luckily dominion pops up some random Void Monsters along the way, such as Elder Things and Otherness'.


We are a bit worried about our Void Summons – they dont keep coming like We'd wished, Cthulhu damn it!

Where are our Greater Otherness' and the first Vastness? The initial research goal is Gift of Reason, so we can start sending Vastnesses raging around the map, and right after it we aim for Void Spectre – this is the order because Astral Pearls are scarce commodity, and Spectres are Pearl hungry breed. By the time we get there we should have solid flow of pearls (Note to self: save all extra pearls!!!11). However, we might have to get some Construction in between, just to make sure when we start spamming GoR, we can supply our new champions the best gear of war available.


We won the battle of Omicria. Nothing special there.

Our mages casted Mind Burns, and Illithids and Elder Things casted Mind Blasts. Dagon the traitor king, on the other, lost the battle in North. Now we need to regroup and send a new invasion force, so little set back that direction. This turn our armies attack two provinces, battles after which the whole sea should finally be under our iron tentacle.

As seen in the picture, we also make two other movements, placing our fresh levies in locations from where they can move and attack finally outside our home sea turn after the next one. If all goes well we might be able to lauch four different attacks next turn, Cthulhu bless us!


The frikkin' parrots of Caelum worry us, thou.. as we can see from the recon sketch above, Caelum moved their aerial drop units into new positions. We are doubtfull, thou, they have got waterbreathing items – yet! However, they present some danger to our land provinces already, making the plan of investing in PD even more importat, as mentioned before.

In the West, northmen, as predicted, took the city of Glimmerin Fields. Simple infantry tactics, nothing fancy there.


Lunaje July 4th, 2012 09:42 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Very nice AAR Anaconda. Keep them coming. I'm sure there is some Midgardian foolishness on the way.

Torin July 5th, 2012 02:26 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Amazing. Good looking pics. Like the pretender design.

Anaconda July 6th, 2012 07:02 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices

Originally Posted by Lunaje (Post 807822)
Very nice AAR Anaconda. Keep them coming. I'm sure there is some Midgardian foolishness on the way.

Thanks everybody.

I will keep them coming but now I am under the burden of slow, mobile connection so uploading pics wont be possible for few days. And the game is still on, so I wont rush anyway for the sake of others.

And, yea some banquet with Midgård coming up later in the game. It really dropped my yes dude, leaving the sockets hollow and empty :)

Anaconda July 7th, 2012 06:46 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
the deep blue sea: turn 15

Truly a good month!

1) Now the whole deep blue sea is ours. Ours! MINE!!!11

The two battles fought this turn were both almost even, but because of my divine cause the cultists managed to come out victorious in both. Thank Cthulhu!


2) Uzumna lured first Vastness out of Void Gate. About time!!!11

Gift of Reason is beign discovered shortly, which means the mad arab could site search this turn and return R'lyeh next turn to cast it! Uzumna's summoner skill went up being now 7.

We also consider killing Robert Olmstead and making Vastness the prophet so he could bless him (Or her? Maybe it!) self in a battle. We need to think about this, but...maybe with the next Vastness, now that we thinked of that. Scouts have tendency to die on their own at somepoint, and we could send the first Vastness on the field right away the GoR is cast.


3) One of our Starspawn Priests found truly a magnificient site.

Aside of Abdul Alhazred, the mad arab, we also had to order some astral mages to conduct site searching. The arab lacks knowledge on astral matters. With this new discovery, the Pearl income rises up to 7, but in order to keep casting Void Spectres every turn in future we need 25+ income.

And, lastly,

4) Man and C'tis fround from North, and intel from Marignon revealing some others.

This means, unfortunately, that the population center located in North – the one where we had laid our eyes - has been taken by Man, leaving us with 2 out of 4 of the cities we had dreamed of. While someone weak at heart might think 2/4 is not bad at all, we remind you, R'lyeh is uncompromising, and we are not weak at heart!

Because we dont have heart!

The war in North caused us heavy loses, we could not move forward up the rivers we had originally planned. Instead, the legions stay put preparing for a new campaing. We had completely something else in our Illithids' minds, but it changed when an insane man arrived from a faraway land.

The man was sent by the high inquisitor of Marignon, to deliver a message. The person had been rifting in a skiff weeks, and had gone mad. The message however was clear, for it was carwen in the wood in case something happens to the delivery man (good thinking, Marignon, paper would have got soaked!):

A Summary Disposition of our Neighbors:

. . .

Utgard: Surrounding the Sea of Woe far to the east of our lands. Seems to have grown complacent; regret that we have no forces within easy reach to take advantage of said complacency. Man does not seem to have this problem, however.

Man: Capitalizing nicely on Utgard's failure to mount an adequate defense. Trading parties complain of exorbitant tax rates, likely to fund their large number of castles. From what we've seen of their armies, consist mostly of archers, flanked by more archers, with some armored crossbowmen in the vanguard, and then some more archers for added diversity.

. . .

Summarizing, best to explore possibilities for western/southern expansion. Midgard looks promising, but other avenues exist should insufficient forces be available.

The bolded part of the message caught our attention, and thus is worth repeating here. We were planning to reach out in West, and make a landing to the peninsula in East, still free of Caelum's parrots.

This all changed.


The forementioned lake, Sea of Woe, is just a month's march away from our current border, up the river in North-East. It would take one month to gather cultists, and another to secure Sea of Woe. Come the third month, we would be making landing already.

If it is true, what Marignon claims, and Man had got a free ride with Utgård, our first prey starts to reveal it self. We also got the second wave coming already, expected to arrive to Sea of Woe month after the vanguard. And, when mad arab gets GoR casted, the **** is gonna get very real! (This might very well be extremely well planned ruse of war, to lure my main armies away from my heart lands - if only Marignon would have better prospects for early war under water.)

Thus, make haste mad men, for the the spoils of war await!

But, back to basics: We keep building temples as planned because it seems everyone has got frikkin' high dominion around here and the madness aint spreading as it should. Also, we need to start hiring Starspawn Priests to preach around the border waters. This, however, means we need to build extra fortresses in order to hire some.


We should have recruited more scouts, so we could have eyes all over the place. This would have been usefull in determing where the Vastness should fly... to compensate this we train a Star Child instead. The poor little bastard (literally!) got better sneak than our regular Scout, and can assasinate while at it, so let us see how this comes out.

We started thinking maybe he should receive some gear, leading s to forge Skull of Champion, the basic astral shield (which costs 5S, gems we cannot afford and thus being terrible trade off, we fear and Ice Sword to improve his defense.

Even with forging we are in schedule with GoR, remind you!


And, now that we are gathering our forces for the very first serious campaign, should we introduce our high magus in charge?

Henry Wentworth Akeley (the late, of course!), from the H.P.'s story The Whisperer in Darkness (the movie is great too11!!!).

Yea, I know, Henry Akeley aint an Illithid, but give me a break – how many Old Ones we know by name anyways (and dont confuse D&D here, please)? The late Henry Akeley is one strange fellow - with outerworldly origins - so he would do!

As a final note, Robert Olmstead sneaks out of the city of Glimmerin Fields because ”the local defence appears to be quite well organized.” Maybe northmen started suspecting something is very wrong when the dark candles dont go out and death reigns in the side alleys of otherwise safe and prosperous merchant city. During the months Robert Olmstead preached in the city, he managed to bring population down to 18470 from 19270. Too bad the work must stop.

Anaconda July 7th, 2012 06:58 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
the orient express: turn 16

This time only one picture, but details are abundant. First note Yomi, discovered by Robert Olmstead. On the right side in the picture, however West from our sea. The prophet is swimming closer to the incoming area of operations around Sea of Woe.

Second, as you can see Caelum launched aerial invasion against northmen in South. This might prove smart because northmen are earthbound and can't easily pass the city controlled by our forces in the middle. If Caelum only holds his bridgehead, hes able to bring the war to the enemy.

Third, the gathering of Illithids near C'tis coast caused crisis among the swamp priests leading them demanding a swift NAP5 between two of us. We replied explaining we am not getting involved in formal diplomacy. He shared some intel (accurate or not, we will see next turn) that C'tis will launch an invasion against Caelum next turn – to which we replied leaking the Caelum-Midgård war.

The leader of the Illithid battle group, Henry Wentworth Akeley, is marching up the river to secure Sea of Woe come next month. The incoming turn appears to be extremely interesting: Sea of Woe is gonna reveal it's secrets.


jotwebe July 7th, 2012 09:17 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Nice to read more about the abominable squidmen. Nice approach with the minimal diplo, wish I had thought of that for the SharedAAR.

A vastness on turn 15 is actually pretty good I think, they don't grow on trees you know.

May the stars herald DOOM for your enemies!

Russian_Comrade July 17th, 2012 01:29 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Nice AAR.

Maybe I'm going to learn what was the terrible plot behind that suicidal raid of Victarion Greyjoy. Celestial hounds are really similar to the direwolves in their lack of tolerance to spies and other sneaky characters.

Vishniac August 15th, 2012 04:05 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
So we'll never know the following of this story? :(

Anaconda August 16th, 2012 06:07 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
We do, I only suffered of slow connection for several weeks. I think we can kick this off again next week.

Anaconda August 25th, 2012 09:13 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
A View from the Gallery: Turn 17

The turn really offered surprises!


In one turn, C'tis seized 3 provinces from Caelum now stretching South as far as to Caelum's capital. Amazing job. Of course it was result of surprise attack, but nonetheless now that Caelum is fighting war in East and in... well around his own capital, their future looks dim. Made me think I should seize the day and give C'tis little reminder what R'lyeh is trule made of. Therefore...


Henry Wentworth Akeley is making landing to the same province where we expect C'tis field army next turn, South of Sea of Woe (East in the map). Another landing goes north from Henry Akeley's main forces, hoping Man dont show up from North. If they do, our forces cant really fight for long. We know we should launch assault against C'tis' mainlands this turn but we want to see how the war between Caelum and C'tis goes – and what happens around Sea of Woe. Caelum does not appear completelly defenceles, they seem to have all the parrots they need.


On other encounters; It seems candles in Glimmerin Fields just dont go out. It seems the prophet rooted a strong cult there, good job! Speaking of witch, the prophet Robert Olmstead discovered Abysia in South and our mad cultist priest revealed a very usefull Ancient Temple of the Deeps -site (being a mad as he is, he was simply roaming around without a purpose, so this is truly a sign from Cthulhu him self). We finally launch a campaign against the sea South of us. Also, we start building a temple in Sea of Woe – and the mad arab gets finally the main project going: casting GoR on Vastness!

Anaconda August 25th, 2012 09:44 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Excercise of Vital Powers: Turn 18

Henry Wentworth Akeley is dead.

He was trying to stop our ranks from fleeing, and payed the ultimate price, being slain as a one of the last still holding against the hordes of C'tis.

But Cthulhu does not care.

We are all expendable.

So, these


lost against these

(Mind blast bombardment underway.)

but not much! With a little bit luck with RNG the day would have been Henry Wentworth Akeley's!

Instead, however, C'tis prophet – a hideous lizard creature with form as repulsive as his name Gurshar - came out on top.

(Gurshar, the prophet of C'tis is truly as magnificent as a champion as he is hideous as a being.)

So we lost one of the tree battles. Not bad, some1 might think but it was the most important of them. Now, C'tis has an army able to challenge our regional hegemony, we lost the opportunity to seize an important province around our bridgehead sea province and they killed our most prominent wizard in the region.

Plus, the whole squad of Illithids vanished. There is an upside to this, however. Our upkeep cost shrinked, too.

Therefore we face a challenge; where to reach from here?

Our options are indeed innumerable – like the young of Shub-Niggurath him self - because now we have our first GoR Vastness!!!11 The deity could teleport anywhere on the map and most likely would separate flesh from the bones of all living around him.

After a while we reached a verdict.

We choose to pursue indirect approach and march forward with Dagon's leftovers (he actually didnt do that bad – Sailor's death really drowned the Utgård leftovers, and Man did not make it in there in time either). We place our hopes on possible follish confidence the victory over us might have caused in C'tis' mind. He might recklessly push forward, thinking we are either demotivated or physically uncapable to march again right away.

So, Dagon breaks his camp and heads East, hoping to clash with the prophet Gurshar.

The trick is, Vastness is gonna teleport there first – when Vastness secures the province (spells are casted before movements), according to the movement order friendly movement happens first and our army would be there ambushing those vile lizard-looking humanoids.


As a backup, a Starspawn mage casts Vengeance of the Dead on the province where the prophet camps. After all, the bloodthirsty one has made it to the Hall of Fame, so that has to count for something?


Caelum took back 2/3 of lost provinces. On the other hand, Northmen drove Caelum away from their lands in West, too.

All you little wars, please root deep and multiply for you play the Cthulhu's own game!

Also, worth mentioning that Cthulhu lost another major champion this turn; Zagauba the Illithid Lord, a commander who had served the cause since the very beginning of R'lyeh's ascension. He was part of the expedition attacking South, and while the cultists emerged victorious, the infidels were able to kill mighty commander before their minds shattered.


Vishniac August 25th, 2012 10:53 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices

Originally Posted by Anaconda (Post 810132)
In one turn, C'tis seized 3 provinces from Caelum now stretching South as far as to Caelum's capital. Amazing job. Of course it was result of surprise attack, but nonetheless now that Caelum is fighting war in East and in... well around his own capital, their future looks dim. Made me think I should seize the day and give C'tis little reminder what R'lyeh is trule made of. Therefore...

Henry Wentworth Akeley is making landing to the same province where we expect C'tis field army next turn, South of Sea of Woe (East in the map). Another landing goes north from Henry Akeley's main forces, hoping Man dont show up from North. If they do, our forces cant really fight for long. We know we should launch assault against C'tis' mainlands this turn but we want to see how the war between Caelum and C'tis goes – and what happens around Sea of Woe. Caelum does not appear completelly defenceles, they seem to have all the parrots they need.

Funny how 2 people can have an opposite view of the same situation!

I launched the surprise attacks against Caelum, and the land invasion who fell very short, only because I gambled that R'lyeh would see this and would take opportunity to grab some Caelian provinces, take opportunity that the raptors had enough on their plate already. We would have shared his lands.

Instead you saw an opportunity to attack not the one unbalanced and injured but the one who felt secure enough to launch a war even with illithids cruising along his shores.

Immaculate August 25th, 2012 11:05 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
I was able to watch that battle between the C'tissian forces and the forces of R'leyh and it was ultimately decided by the summoned mind-blasting r'leyhian forces. You see they explode and hurt all those around them when they are killed and Anaconda had them within his main battle ranks. When the first died they all proceeded to die and so too did all the rest of the allied troops around him. R'leyh might have won that battle if the summoned mind-blasters (forget the names) had been isolated from the rest of his forces.

Anaconda August 25th, 2012 02:02 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
The game was a learning experience for me. Unfortunately however, my learning curve is almost solid flat, so I doubt I learned that much...

BTW, howcome you remember that so well, the battle was fought some 8 months ago?

Immaculate August 25th, 2012 03:34 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Not sure... ?

Vishniac August 25th, 2012 03:56 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices

Originally Posted by Anaconda (Post 810139)
BTW, howcome you remember that so well, the battle was fought some 8 months ago?

Only 3 months ago.
(post 126, Blood Sacrifices thread)

Ragnarok-X August 25th, 2012 05:04 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Kudos to Anaconda for this pearl of a thread.

Anaconda August 25th, 2012 05:57 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Thanks, Ragnarök!

However, three months ago... I need to check my image gallery when they were created. In May I remember being already done, if not yet turned to AI... OK thats right. It only seems so distant.

Anaconda August 29th, 2012 04:03 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Sleepless in C'tis: Turn 19

Everytime Void summoning is successfull one has high hopes of something great. This time, like all times save one before, the summoner defaulted:


But this aint exception. The turn 19 was full of default over all.

For example, our well planned ambush and assassination attempt of C'tis prophet, they both failed.

Shub-Niggurath, the first Vastness, indeed secured the province where it teleported, and Dagon marched his army to meet up with it... but the army of C'tis stayed put!

Ok, then there was the spell Vengeance of the Dead.


The spell needs the target to fall asleep (well suited for Dreamlands, I have to admit. Love thematical approaches), so could it be the prophet suffers from sleep deprivation or insomnia? Or, then, he just got too high magic resistance (If you look one turn back, you see in the picture that his MR is 18 at the time).

This situation leaves us again with multiple options, none apparently much better than the others. We still have not incited enough trouble to be directly in war with these hideous lizard-like creatures – which is a good thing, because it allows us some freedom of (Vastness) movement. So, we could march South and seize the indie province. It looks like a good choise, and Vastness supported traitor king Dagon should have no problem what so ever doing it. However, it would separate Gath and C'tis from each other. That is something we should not do. We need to keep these frontiers open in order to let them fight each other.


Neither are we willing to extend our supply lines and march away from the safe water province by attacking primates with yellow flags in East. Man, on the other hand, is out of question also. Overall we are not really willing to risk an open war yet. Therefore we do something completely different.

Shub-Niggurath flies North, where Robert Olmstead reported an indie province next to Abysia's seat of power. What an opportunity to spread our influence a bit without risking a direct war while doing it. It looks like a good target. We can secure several provinces around it. If Shub-Niggurath makes haste it means we can actually hope establishing a permanent presence next to Abysia's capital.


The vigilantes in the city of Glimmerin Fields managed finally root out my cultist cells. The census reported 17550 people alive the last time we heard of them. Our temples are many, however. Now we have 9 of them. Also, our troops gather near R'lyeh to march finally West.


Anaconda August 29th, 2012 04:36 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
The Colour Out of Space: Turn 20

Shub-Niggurath's incursion into a province next to Abysia's seat of power was great success! The deity even made the Hall of Fame.


(I have no idea why I armed him with so many pearls, he doenst use single one at this point of research. Good side, the pearls are safe.)

It sparked an diplomatic reaction from Abysia, who thus far had been ignorant of my precence. Abysia sent a raven carrying the following proposal:

Cheers Mate,

Happy to see your vastness stop by for a visit.
I offered some tea and biscuits, then some beer and bratwurst but he (she, it?) declined all.

In any event 233 and 231 are sensitive to our nation (I know we haven't taken them yet).
So I will offer this up. 500 GP to leave 233 and 231 for us?

Cheers and all the best and some matches for the barbie from Abysia!

Seriously, they try and bribe an otherworldly deities? We respond with an another adaption, this one from the beginning of The Colour Out of Space:

East of Abysia the hills dont rise that wild, and one would not find there steep valleys with deep woods that no axe has ever cut. Instead, those gentle slopes and olive-tree groves are crowded with fields and farms, homesteads ancient and rocky, with squat, moss-coated cottages brooding eternally over old Riverlands secrets in the lee of peaceful, lengthy seaside; but these are all vacant now, the wide chimneys crumbling and the shingled sides bulging perilously beneath low gambrel roofs.

The old folk have gone away, and Abysians nor foreigners do not like to live there. Caelumians have tried it, Northmen have tried it, and the Monkeys from the east have come and departed. It is not because of anything that can be seen or heard or handled, but because of something that is imagined. The place is not good for imagination, and does not bring restful dreams at night. It must be this which keeps people away. Old Ammi Pierce, whose head has been a little queer for weeks, is the only one who still remains, or who ever talks of the strange days; and he dares to do this because his house is so near the open fields and the travelled roads of Riverlands.

When I went into the groves and fields to search a place for a new colony they told me the province was evil. They told me this already in Abysia before I left, but because Abysia is a very old kingdom full of warlocks I thought the evil must be something which rustic grandmas had whispered to children through centuries in countryside circling around the mighty Abysia. The name "blasted cold" seemed to me very odd and theatrical, and I wondered how it had come into the folklore of heat lovin' fiends. Then I saw that dark westward tangle of those once cultivated fields and dapper groves for myself, and ceased to wonder at anything beside its own elder mystery. It was morning when I saw it, but shadow lurked always there. The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy Riverlands wood. It was too silent amongst them, and the fields were now covered with the dank moss and mattings of decay. Upon everything was a haze of restlessness and oppression; a touch of the unreal and the grotesque, as if some vital element of perspective or chiaroscuro were awry. I did not wonder that the noone would stay, for this was no region to sleep in.

But even all this was not so bad as the blasted cold. I knew it the moment I came upon it at the spacious field; for no other name could fit such a thing, or any other thing fit such a name. It was as if the prophet had coined the phrase from having seen this particular region. It must, I thought as I viewed it, be the outcome of freeze; but why had nothing new ever grown over these five acres of grey desolation that sprawled open to the sky like a great spot eaten by ice in the woods and fields? It lay largely to the east of Abysia. I felt an odd reluctance about approaching, and did so at last only because my duties took me through and past it. There was no vegetation of any kind on that broad expanse, but only glacial, grey dust or ash which no wind seemed ever to blow about. The trees near it were sickly and stunted, and many dead trunks stood or lay frozen at the rim. As I walked hurriedly by I saw the tumbled bricks and stones of an old chimney and cellar on my right, and the yawning black maw of an abandoned well whose stagnant vapours played strange tricks with the hues of the sunlight. Even the long, dark walk on a forest province beyond this province seemed welcome in contrast, and I marvelled no more at the frightened whispers of Abysian people.

In the evening I asked old people in Abysia about the blasted cold, and what was meant by that phrase "strange days" which so many evasively muttered. I could not, however, get any good answers except that all the mystery was much more recent than I had dreamed. It was not a matter of old legendry at all, but something within the past weeks. It had happened in the last month, and the regional guard corps of farmers had disappeared or was killed. Speakers would not be exact; and because they all told me to pay no attention to old Ammi Pierce's crazy tales, I sought him out the next morning, having heard that he lived alone in the ancient tottering cottage where the trees first begin to get very thick. It was a fearsomely ancient place, and had begun to exude the faint miasmal odour which clings about houses that have stood too long. Only with persistent knocking could I rouse the aged man, and when he shuffled timidly to the door could tell he was not glad to see me. He was not (yet) so feeble as I had expected; but his eyes drooped in a curious way, and his unkempt clothing and white beard made him seem very worn and dismal.

Not knowing just how he could best be launched on his tales, I asked vague questions about this province and of those beyond this one. He was far brighter and more educated than I had been led to think, and before I knew it had grasped quite as much of the subject as any man I had talked with in Abysia. He was not like other indies I had known in the parts where usefull land for new colonies were to be found. From him there were no protests at the miles of old wood and farmland to be blotted out, though perhaps there would have been had not his home lain outside the bounds of the possible future presence of Abysian settlers. Relief was all that he showed; relief at the doom of the dark ancient slopes and fields through which he had roamed all his life. They would be better under protection of Abysia—better under protection since the strange days. And with this opening his husky voice sank low, while his body leaned forward and his right forefinger began to point shakily and impressively.

It was then that I heard the story, and as the rambling voice scraped and whispered on I shivered again and again spite the summer day. Often I had to recall the speaker from ramblings, piece out scientific points which he knew only by a fading parrot memory of professors' talk, or bridge over gaps, where his sense of logic and continuity broke down. When he was done I did not wonder that his mind had snapped a trifle, or that the folk in Abysia would not speak much of the blasted cold. I hurried back before sunset to the capital of Abysia, unwilling to have the stars come out above me in the open; and the next day returned to the royal court to give up my position. I could not go into that dim, freezing chaos of old fields and groves again, or face another time that grey blasted cold where the black well yawned deep beside the tumbled bricks and stones.

The new Abysian colony will not be build there, it turned out. All those secrets the earth holds will be safe forever. Neither do I believe I would like to visit that province by night—at least not when the sinister stars are out; and nothing could bribe me to drink water of that province.


It really strikes me that I have to eradicate all these nice, little slave races such as this Abysia...

Oh well, We hire province defence worth of 41. We try to use the province to spread our dominion and make these areas less usable for our enemies. While this arrangement might not be permanent, we can weaken the position of Abysia significantly – and any other nation invading his lands later on.

Elsewhere, Abdul Alhazred finds an interesting site providing 4 gems and enabling the recruitment of Cursed Captain. This lad seems a splendid fellow. He has Fear (2), awesome Stealth (20), he is Undead, can Pillage (10) and has badly needed magic skills. The leadership is rather limited (10) but with little equipping this fallen being can command hordes of cultists and Void beings. Only thing missing is the ability to Sail, which would turn the Captain a real sea monsters.


For 150 gold coins we get our moneys worth, and we start preparations in order to build a lab here. With proper gear the captains might be able to take down small garrisons behind the enemy lines alone, but most importantly they seem to be able to sneak deep into the enemy territory without being noticed.


The Dreamlands also face increasing upkeep. Especially complicated are the mad men and cultists on ground provinces. We need to start drowning them fast. Of course, a land war could be another option... but worse still, it appears.


Come the next month, the Dreamlands should have spread into three new provinces: Starspawn priests finally march up the river in North-West, invasion force in South moves forth as well, and Shub-Niggurath starts spreading it's blight around the province it destroyed this month. The invasion force in Sea of Woe receives reinforcements next month. It still remains to be seen whether the army continues up the river to meet with Shub-Niggurath, or should it stay South in case primates calling themselves Men go grazy?

As the last thing we inform Northmen of the location of Abysia's capital - and vice versa - using the same The Terrible Old Man -adaption.

Anaconda August 29th, 2012 04:45 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Move Along, Nothing to see Here, pt.2: Turn 21

All three provinces fell to our hands and the armies keep on marching against two new ones. Otherwise rather uninteresting turn.


We keep building more temples, site search, gather forces and preach. We decide we need stronger magic items, so we stray from the initial goal of discovering how to summon Void Spectres first. Shub-Niggurath made it to the top of the Hall of Fame this month. From the first additional lab finished, we hire a sage to conduct magic research. For him we forge a ring of water breathing, so he can find the comfort of the deep. We also start building another additional lab, into the province with the Cursed Captain -site.

Anaconda August 30th, 2012 05:50 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
The Gathering: Turn 22

Magic sites, fortunate events, and won battles!


However, there were three battles, when the armies of Dreamlands marched against only two indie provinces. Quick lookup reveals that treacherous Abysians charged in the fields of Walden (the province next to Abysia's capital Shub-Niggurath claimed two months ago).

Last month our diplomatic dance stopped in the point where Abysia informed he understood what my Lovecraftian passage meant, but he warned me of an old, diseased man and promised he is going to take the provinces he considers belonging to him away from me.

This came faster than I expected...


The Starspawn Council thought PD worth of 50 would be enough to keep them at bay for awhile but the fight proved to be quite difficult for my local guard, who are mainly chaff. The Abysian leader was an old wretched Warlock. Powerful when in his prime, no doubts, but now those days seem long gone.


The warlock threw Abysian axe throwers, Abysian light infantries, Abysian heavy infantries and Warbreds on our local guard. Our commanders Mind Blasted Abysian units, and the Warlock started bombarding our guard with Arcane Bolts.


The mad creatures outnumbered Abysians four to one, but they are fiersome warriors wrapped in metal plates. While our beasts surrounded the enemy, they managed to cut their way deep inside our center. Chill crawled up and down our squids' spins.


Luckily there is some strenght in numbers. While Warbreds break Slave Guardians of our centre, fresh Slave Troopers, Lobo Guards and Shambler Thralls move in!


Abysian infantry breaks eventually, but Warbreds do not run. They have gone berserk and, thus, die where they stand. The Warlock is hit by a Mind Burn spell only seconds before getting overrun by Shambler Thralls.

Hopefully their defeat forces Abysia to summon and hire new levies, giving us a short break. It is needed because Man seems to be massing archers to our border. He might be only passing by, we find out soon enough.


We make necessary preparations by buying PD up to 41, and moving all possible commanders with all possible troops to meet them if they cross. Thats not too much, but also now battle hardened Shub-Niggurath flies there too (the Vastness is still the Hall of Fame leader in kills). This is unfortunate, because other wise we could have counquered some unpredicting Abysian province with the deity.

But the Vastness aint the only Death in our deck of mad Tarot cards. We plan to burn an Abysian city North from Abysia's seat of power with a Starspawn Priest. The intel of their defences aint that accurate we know, but when studying Abysian situation in general we doubt they can do much to reinforce their defences in North right now.


The development of the Dreamlands appears to be strong and uninterrrupted while maybe a little bit slow.

Now we are in a situation where we can hire three magicians every turn (first Cursed Captain incoming!) and we are also in charge of 19 provinces, average being 17,6 (Riverlands with 247 provinces / 14 players). Next turn, hopefully, we rule 21 provinces of which we can hope to keep to our selves at least 20 in long run.

http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/...teenkuva22.jpg (Crossed Swords indicate expected battles, bright green circles indicate known enemy capitals, and the big banner marks still untamed area where I can hope to establish more stronger presence on land, if only Man would not interrupt at this point.)

Incoming month is undoubtedly an interesting one!

Anaconda September 3rd, 2012 10:07 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Points of Departure: Turn 23

Only two battles, and the Dreamlands lost both. Man did not march against us, but both of our invasion forces (against indies and Abysia) got thrown back.


Starspawn priest Uzumna – introduced in the beginning - is getting pretty good in summoning Void beings. He also took an unexpected vacation. All pray Cthulhu he will be back with his mind in one piece.


Abysia is expected to launch the second attack against my province next to their capital. Because of this, the Starspawn council needs to weight options available very carefully.

Either the Dreamlands challenge the Abysia's might very next turn, or we try to outmanouver them by attacking random provinces around their small kingdom – provinces they cannot hope to defend while trying to conquer back provinces sacked before. This could, in longer run, exhaust the development of their nation (it is slowing down already) leading into their fall to the hands of their stronger neighbours. For example Midgård in the North-West and Patala in the East.


We chose to launch an invasion against an Abysia's province North of our foothold. Just incase they come on us with slightly weak forces, one Starspawn mage teleports in to the province under our control scripted to cast Sailor's Deaths and then Retreat. If we are lucky, he retreats North to meet the expeditionary forces.

The first Cursed Captain starts forging his own gear. I was wondering if the list could look like this (it's still an early sketch):


Naming these high seas' jewels properly is also important. We intent using them as wolf packs behind the enemy lines, and every single one should have a name worth his salt. The list looks like this:


Anything else come to mind? I still have to think about Aeron the Damphair... he doesnt seem to belong into this group. Maybe, if he was the prophet...

Maybe we should also summon few Black Servants to join the scourges of the high seas, for example to carry extra gems, bottles of living water and Fear items. Black Servants got nice Stealth, I remind you.

Rumor has it Marignon is sieging Gath's capital (the Gath player left the nation behind few turns ago), which made me study the map a little bit more. I found out that Patala seems to have grown into unspeakable dimensions.


On other things, the Dreamlands keep searching for magic sites, preaches and tries to figure out how to drown hordes of useless cultists.

Anaconda September 12th, 2012 06:33 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
The Fall: Turn 24

This turn - as the first of us - Utgård fell. Yomi went AI without a warning a little while ago, and Gath is dropping off soon enough. Caelum has some prospects but administration of the game has failed to change the email address so sub has not been able to step forward.


Abysia is still gathering it's strenght – he did not attack us this turn. We also got a free province North from our bridgehead. There wasnt a single vile demon defending the province. Now that they need to consider attacking two different provinces the likelyhood that they will come first against our staging area has diminished enough so we can plan ahead for a bit further. Also, losing two provinces around forts should mean drastic decline in their resource income – Abysia is a resource hungry nation, right?

The strategy of attrition kicking in, hopefully... Abysia is no doubt struggling but my intention is to keep him alive. As long as they live, others shouldnt pay too much attention on my rising influence.


PD went up to 70, and the teleported Starspawn Mage searches for Astral sites. One mad thrall preaches. We need white candles up fast, Cthulhu damn. Wish we had Wolven Winter up and ready but no. Instead, we over tax the province we just took, buy there PD worth of 6 and leave it for Abysia to take. Shub-Niggurath moves against another indie province, in pursuit of establishing permanent precense in the area.


This golem-inhabited province, at the Easter end of the Isthmus of Abysia, has been intriguing my imagination for awhile now. No-one seems interested in taming the land. If we manage to secure all the provinces around it, the task falls naturally to me. Hope we find something really fancy when we arrive, because I dont know even if Shub-Niggurath dares to execute the attack alone.


This picture should tell everybody the reason why the upkeep costs are rising, and why that is a huge problem for the Dreamlands' ecnomy. The Dreamlands is working hard to gather those who can fight underwater, and to drown those who cant. Otherwise nothing important happened this turn that I know of.


Anaconda September 12th, 2012 06:43 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Revelations: Turn 25

The new month revealed interesting things. Seemingly so calm Riverlands appears to be torn by wars. I have to admit I have been wondering why Abysians are so timid driving Starspawns away from their lands. A scout reported they are at war with fast falling Ulm. Another war popped up in West. Tien Chi is fighting Atlantis.


This explains many things – and more. If we add that - based on forum posts - Ulm was also targeted by Patala a little while ago, and that Marignon has been making short work of Gath, the power houses of the game are starting to be revealed. The Dreamlands intervened only Abysia's plans. Patala and Marignon seem to be uninterrupted as I write.

Depending on how well my campaign at the Isthmus of Abysia goes, I am making plans for surprise attack against Marignon's seat of power. Now when his armored tide is busy with Gath it is the time if ever. When Marignon heavy cavalry comes back from his campaign it is too late. I need at least four turns for the preparations and then three consecutive turns to secure Marignon's heart lands. If I could pray from Cthulhu an additional Vastness it would be great because we definitely need a Vastness in the inital surprise attack against his capital. If the Dreamlands cant get another one, we need to bring Shub-Niggurath home and thus abandon our campaign against Abysia.

More on this later.


Robert Olmstead died fighting side by side with Shub-Niggurath. It was the indie province they attacked (please see the last turn). To be honest, I have no idea why he actually joined the Vastness, there was no need for him. Well, now Abdul Alhazred has to think about appointing a new prophet. A Cursed Captain is another big name, alongside with Shub-Niggurath him self. Now that Uzumna is lost in time and space there aint many of the original heroes left. Dagon is the main man – and he is slowly losing his mind.

Anaconda September 12th, 2012 06:55 AM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices

i n t e r m i s s i o n

Here is a little plan I prepared for the invasion of Marignon.

(Heres the legend...)

(...and heres the map it self)

The plan was never needed...

Immaculate September 12th, 2012 12:34 PM

Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices
Nice - i sort of wish it was a napkin and crayon.

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