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Gargouille July 24th, 2012 05:02 PM

Small Game
Sory for my bad speak (and understand bad too, sory).
I would a game with 4 players with 2 team. Small map or bigger with victory points. One in each capitol, and 4 free. Victory is 5 points. All free points and one capitol, or 2 capitol and 3 free points = victory. For map, i dont know, you can propose..., or ramdom? It's just for fun, i want learn... Some people interested?

Gargouille July 24th, 2012 08:28 PM

Re: Small Game
3players for 2 teams need...

Folket July 25th, 2012 04:54 AM

Re: Small Game
I have not played for a while and it might be a good startup. I reserv a place for a friend on my team as well.

I think the victory should be at least 6 VPs. With only 5 VP it will be over in 10 turns. For example both team captures 2 VPs of the free once. Now the game ends as soon as any team looses a single VP.

lucheng July 25th, 2012 06:44 AM

Re: Small Game
I want to join.
Then I'll be your team mate, Gargouille.
Folket and his friend is the other team.
I don't think we need victory points. We can simply fight until one team surrender. The final victory should be obvious after a few big battles.
I suggest using CBM1.92 Mod. That's the most popular mod, most of the games now use it.
I also suggest Easy research setting for this small game.(Then we can use more magic)

lucheng July 25th, 2012 07:26 AM

Re: Small Game
For map, I suggest Bat Country

Gargouille July 25th, 2012 08:00 AM

Re: Small Game
I can no see the map with your link.
Ok, we are full, it's good.
Team= Folket and his friend, Lucheng and me.
Map= Bat County? (how download this map?)
Victory points= one in each capitol, 4 free
Victory= 5 (or 6?) points (we can add, keep this points for 3 turns?)
I prefer MA or LA (me never play in EA)
In LA, i prefer play with Jomon or Chelms (never play other)
In MA, i prefer play with Man, T'ien Ch'i, Marignon, Bandar or Eriu (never play other)

Gargouille July 25th, 2012 08:14 AM

Re: Small Game
If you wan use msn, add my emesene (linux msn) yguarn16 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Lucheng, for allied, try play without ermor or R'lyeh (make allied coherent...)
I can see the map (sory), Bat Country is ok for me.

lucheng July 25th, 2012 08:34 AM

Re: Small Game
1 Attachment(s)
Map download from here

Or download from the attached file below
- Like 70-80% of the provinces are named with completely unfunny names!
- Wraparound!
- One sea connection between the cities marked by anchor!
- 65 land provinces and 8 sea provinces!
- Chances are some province connections are missing or shouldn't be there!
- A couple of provinces set as nostarts!

Gargouille July 25th, 2012 08:39 AM

Re: Small Game
Map= Bat country
Victory points= 6/8 (keep few turns? or just first surrender?)
Team= Folket + his friend, Lucheng + Gargouille

Folket July 25th, 2012 10:47 AM

Re: Small Game
Looks like it will be a furious game. The slightly big map is a good idea.

I will have a talk with my friend and we will return with our prefered nations.

Are water nations fair game?
I could go either way on this one. With mostly land a water nation will be at disadvantage but they will have the advantage of having large borders with their opponents where they can raid and the water provinces are enough that it is not impossible to play a water nation. Three water nations should probably not be allowed. It would turn into a very strange and boring game.

So we play the unmoded game I take it from your summary? I like the unmoded game but I could go with anything.

I like having victory conditions but since the game is pretty small I could go either way.

Gargouille July 25th, 2012 11:59 AM

Re: Small Game
Then, MA or LA? You want what nation?
I play with CBM 1.92 ettin fixed.
I think for small game, better with victory points and without underwater nation, no?

Kadelake July 25th, 2012 01:10 PM

Re: Small Game
Hi! I'm the friend Folket mentioned.

Folket July 25th, 2012 01:24 PM

Re: Small Game
It seems like you are new to multiplayer while we have been active a few years back.

To give you an edge we will let you choose two MA nations for us.

Folket July 25th, 2012 01:48 PM

Re: Small Game
Where can we find the Ettin fixed version?

Gargouille July 25th, 2012 04:16 PM

Re: Small Game
The mod is here: http://www.llamaserver.net/mapModBrowser.cgi
When i read the forum, i see lot of game use this mod, then i play with this mod...
Yes i am a newbee, but choose your nation, this game is for fun (and learn for me).

Small game (MA):
Team= Folket + Kadelake, Lucheng + Gargouille
Mod= Conceptual Balance Complete 1.92 Ettin Fixed
Map= Bat Country
Winners= 6/8 victory points (1pt in 4 capitol + 4 free points)

All nations ok? But better without underwater?
For me: Man, T'ien Ch'i, Marignon, Bandar or Eriu (dont know other)
It's first time for me create a game, i hope all be good.

Gargouille July 25th, 2012 04:29 PM

Re: Small Game
Probleme, i no see the map (Bat country) in the list llamaserver...

Gargouille July 25th, 2012 04:48 PM

Re: Small Game
Ok, i see for upload the map, the game is create:
Game name= SmallGame
Settings default
Team= Folket + Kadelake, Lucheng + Gargouille
Mod= Conceptual Balance Complete 1.92 Ettin Fixed
Map= Bat Country
Winners= 6/8 victory points (1pt in 4 capitol + 4 free points)

lucheng July 25th, 2012 11:01 PM

Re: Small Game
I will play as MA Abysia

Folket July 26th, 2012 03:27 AM

Re: Small Game
We will return with our choices tonight. Shall we aim at uploading our gods on Sunday and then 1 turn a day? I will be gone Friday and Saturday.

Folket July 26th, 2012 12:18 PM

Re: Small Game
I will play Jotunheim while Kadelake will play Arcosephale.

Folket July 26th, 2012 12:22 PM

Re: Small Game
There is no download link for the CBM 1.92 EttinFix on llamaserver. Any other place where I can download it?

Valerius July 26th, 2012 12:37 PM

Re: Small Game
First you'll want to get CBM 1.92 from here because you'll need the sprites. Then you can download the fixed mod file from here.

Folket July 26th, 2012 02:33 PM

Re: Small Game
A lot of units are bugging for me. They loose all armour and have stats like normal humans.

Folket July 26th, 2012 02:35 PM

Re: Small Game
I manage to solve the issue.

Gargouille July 26th, 2012 03:31 PM

Re: Small Game
It's ok for mod?

Shall we aim at uploading our gods on Sunday and then 1 turn a day?
Ok for me.

I will play as MA Abysia
Ouch, it's hot... if you play Abysia, i play Bandar (hot too).

Folket July 27th, 2012 06:02 AM

Re: Small Game
What ind strength are we playing and what site frequency?

lucheng July 27th, 2012 06:07 AM

Re: Small Game
All other settings on default.
So indepent stength is 5. Site frequency is 40 for MA.

Gargouille July 27th, 2012 06:48 PM

Re: Small Game
Yes indepent stength is 5, and site frequency "default" too.
I see (game page):
Nations joined so far:
Who is Ashod?

lucheng July 27th, 2012 11:00 PM

Re: Small Game
I guess Ashdod is an invader.
Gargouille, send the Ashdod player an E-mail to let him quit. Change the message on game page to tell other people this game is held on this forum.

Gargouille July 27th, 2012 11:07 PM

Re: Small Game
Ok, done...

Kadelake July 29th, 2012 07:18 AM

Re: Small Game
I've uploaded my pretender now and I'm ready to start :)

Gargouille July 29th, 2012 01:58 PM

Re: Small Game
Ok, i enable automatic start. Me no see for "the duration of the tour". I think it's default, but how many time is default? 24h or 48h? Where can i change this time?

lucheng July 29th, 2012 06:06 PM

Re: Small Game
There seems to be a bug. The game has not autostarted.

Gargouille, Click "Start game now"
Then set the time to 48h for the first turn.

Gargouille July 29th, 2012 06:40 PM

Re: Small Game
Here http://www.llamaserver.net/pretAdmin.cgi?game=SmallGame i read only 3players, why? Here http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=SmallGame i read 4 players, it's strange, no? Ok i "click start now" (and after 48h), and if one does not receive the trn file, he reports here.

Gargouille July 29th, 2012 06:53 PM

Re: Small Game
For me it's ok, i receive my "trn file". And i modified "turn-time" for 48h.

Folket July 30th, 2012 04:14 AM

Re: Small Game
Great, I see the game has started now. I expect us to play to turns tonight since you have already uploaded turn 1.

Good luck everyone.

Gargouille July 30th, 2012 03:08 PM

Re: Small Game
Sory, yesterday i had changed time for 48h, and no understand why the turn shorter? I thought turn2 for 1first August, no understand... I believe Arcoscephale no play, how solve the problem?
Stop automatic turn? Can i manually "next turn" when all are play?

Kadelake July 30th, 2012 03:47 PM

Re: Small Game
I just had a lot to do so it took me a while to find the time for dominions. I've sent in both my turns now :)

You can change the hosting interval in the admin options. When you need to postpone the turn temporarily, you can use the postpone turn option.

Gargouille July 30th, 2012 04:16 PM

Re: Small Game
We continue with 48h?
No use "Roll game back to previous turn"?

Kadelake July 30th, 2012 04:24 PM

Re: Small Game
Oh, no it worked fine when you changed it to 48h. I managed to send in my turn ok, no need for any rollbacks.

I'm ok with 48h but I'll still try to send in my turn in 24h whenever possible :)

Folket July 31st, 2012 03:23 AM

Re: Small Game
Let us keep things as they are now. If things starts to be to slow or to fast we can change it.

Short timers are only needed when you are many to force everyone to send their turns.

Folket August 1st, 2012 10:36 AM

Re: Small Game
I thought we were going to have easy research.

Gargouille August 1st, 2012 06:24 PM

Re: Small Game
All settings are default (i have nothing changed).

Gargouille August 2nd, 2012 11:18 PM

Re: Small Game
You play well, it's hard for me.

Folket August 3rd, 2012 04:44 AM

Re: Small Game
Regarding your god, It sounded like Kadelake had massive luck.

I used to play without CBM so I'm finding out a lot this game. I think the awake dragon was a very good plan. Dragons seems to be very strong in CBM.

Kadelake August 3rd, 2012 11:00 AM

Re: Small Game
You're putting up a hard fight as well :)
I had almost given when I had a dragon in my capitol. I was pretty much planning to just slow you down as long as possible, to give Jotunheim a chance to maybe beat Abyssia meanwhile.

That dragon was really scary by the way :eek:

Kadelake August 4th, 2012 11:30 AM

Re: Small Game
I have a question about the victory conditions. Do you win immediately upon holding 6 VP or do you have to hold them for some time?

Gargouille August 4th, 2012 11:38 AM

Re: Small Game
As the game does not include teams, better is "firts team surrender", i believe. No? You can take alone all victory points for win?

Folket August 4th, 2012 06:54 PM

Re: Small Game
I am pretty certain the objectives say keep for three turns. Who ever hold the VPs for three turns wins.

Gargouille August 5th, 2012 12:49 AM

Re: Small Game
I cry my god (and not realy all understand of yours words).

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