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-   -   Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=49091)

BlanketThief August 29th, 2012 06:24 PM

Mostly copy-and-pasted from: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...?showtopic=966

If you could comment and what not over there it would be appreciated.




Originally Posted by Sombre
As a non cashmoney bonus I'll mod in whatever unit the winner wants to see, too, even if it's a stupid space jellyfish made of sandwiches.
Especially if its that.

(Potentially) $10 in CASH MONEY FROM HeatEXTEND

ENTRY FEE: None. Just bring your A game!


Please don't be a dick stabber.
In order to not have a draconian rule set that handles every corner case, this tourney will depend on people not being dickheads. Please try to be considerate in scheduling and please take turns at a reasonable pace. Standard MP Rules apply: trades are binding! ;D

RESTARTS: There will be no restarts, no mulligans and no do-overs. Take MISF at your own risk.


GAME SETTINGS: Easy Research

SPECIAL RULES: No Mercenaries

MODS: CBM 1.93 (http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...?showtopic=972)

NATION SELECTION: Every player selects a primary and secondary nation. They must play their primary nation in every game, if both players have the same primary nation they both fall back to their secondary picks.

MAP SELECTION: Both players may select a map between themselves, if no agreement is reached Twolands is used. A list of suggested maps will be posted shortly.

Each subsequent round will be one week long. Extensions will be allowed although please try to keep these to a minimum.

If the number of finalized entries is over 16, then there will be two initial POOL rounds. Player's who complete these rounds 2-0 or 1-1 will continue onto the SINGLE ELIMINATION rounds.

- Round of 16
- Round of 8
- Semi-Finals



BlanketThief has offered to run a dedicated server and BrainWrinkle on SA has made us a special edition of the GGS notification system that helps keep track of games. This will allow Direct Connect games, which will feel very natural in a blitz format - but can also be put on hold and resumed as time requires. This server will be up 24/7 and turns can be submitted when time permits.

This will act as an intermediate between PBEM and Blitz, allowing rapid turns while both players are able to play during the same session, while also allowing turns to be submitted "off hours" if one finds time. It should be noted that long term SA Goon games are played using this kind of set up and work quite well. The notification page has been set up and features awesome music:


Currently there is nothing here, but we'll be setting up all the matches on this, as well as notifying all players. This will show the IP address as well as port for each player.

BlanketThief is the co-admin as well as the impartial arbiter for any and all disputes.

Please begin solidifying your dastardly plots and nefarious schemes. And selecting your nations.

Match writeups would be awesome!

A final entry list will be posted along with all players national picks once round one begins.

sansanjuan August 29th, 2012 07:35 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
Very interesting challenge and I like your moxie. Alas, it's unlikely I could find enough hours for a blitz campaign. How many hours typically for one of those? PBEM I can do after everyones in bed and it doesn't subtract from my spousal capital.

BlanketThief August 29th, 2012 07:55 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!

Originally Posted by sansanjuan (Post 810309)
Very interesting challenge and I like your moxie. Alas, it's unlikely I could find enough hours for a blitz campaign. How many hours typically for one of those? PBEM I can do after everyones in bed and it doesn't subtract from my spousal capital.

2-4 hours is pretty common for a blitz; No reason they couldn't span over multiple days if needed.

YellowCactus August 29th, 2012 07:56 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
I'll take your money, as long as it's on the weekend.

parone August 29th, 2012 08:19 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
dominions for money. i love it. i ain't playin, tho. better to just send you boys a check!

parone August 29th, 2012 08:20 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
dom and gambling. two of my favorite things. how can we work alchohol in here for the trifecta?

Redeyes August 29th, 2012 08:33 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!

Originally Posted by parone (Post 810314)
dom and gambling. two of my favorite things. how can we work alchohol in here for the trifecta?

A shot whenever someone complains about an unlucky event. Get hospitalized by round ten!

BlanketThief August 29th, 2012 08:37 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
To clarify here; There's no entry fee and a prize pool of ~$50 so far.

BlanketThief August 30th, 2012 04:08 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
Updated the original post with more information regarding format and prizes; Along with the players list.

SsSam August 31st, 2012 12:02 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
I'll take a shot at this if the logistics can be worked out.

YellowCactus September 2nd, 2012 05:33 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
I want the space jellyfish.....but they aren't stupid. Not if you give them lifedraining barbs!

Fantomen September 3rd, 2012 03:09 AM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
I'm in. Primary nation T'ien ch'i, not sure about secondary.

BlanketThief September 5th, 2012 07:12 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
Copy and Pasted from here the main topic

This setup may change. Finalized format will go up this evening.



I will be sending out PMs to everyone who has entered to confirm. Entry will close tomorrow evening.


If the number of finalized entries is over 16, then there will be two initial POOL rounds. These will establish a set of players that will continue onto the single elimination rounds.

- Round of 16
- Round of 8
- Semi-Finals



BlanketThief has offered to run a dedicated server and BrainWrinkle on SA has made us a special edition of the GGS notification system that helps keep track of games. This will allow Direct Connect games, which will feel very natural in a blitz format - but can also be put on hold and resumed as time requires. This server will be up 24/7 and turns can be submitted when time permits.

This will act as an intermediate between PBEM and Blitz, allowing rapid turns while both players are able to play during the same session, while also allowing turns to be submitted "off hours" if one finds time. It should be noted that long term SA Goon games are played using this kind of set up and work quite well. The notification page has been set up and features awesome music:


Currently there is nothing here, but we'll be setting up all the matches on this, as well as notifying all players. This will show the IP address as well as port for each player.

BlanketThief has graciously offered to co-admin this tourney as well as to act as an impartial arbiter for any and all disputes.

Please begin solidifying your dastardly plots and nefarious schemes. And selecting your nations.

Please also PM me with your timezone and/or times that will generally work best for you.


Edit: For those who I sent a PM to earlier, the info on them isn't finalized yet. I'll toss out an update when it's all decided.

Bullock September 5th, 2012 07:52 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
A blitz championship with money ? no way i miss that

Count me in !

BlanketThief September 8th, 2012 07:01 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
and sign-ups are closed.

BlanketThief September 10th, 2012 05:37 AM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
TGAs of the current map selection as far as I know.
Fourmaggedon will have start locations in opposite corners only; I'll toss up the .maps when Frosted gets back to me.
The mod we'll be using
How this is going to work:

1: Enable the mod, and just the mod. Go to Create Pretender God and do your magic. Placing a password on your pretender would be a capital idea. I don't want to hear any complaints about somebody dicking about with a turn because you didn't place a password on it.

2: Sign up at the lovely page Brainwrinkle from SomethingAwful has provided us with. It will need a valid address to send the confirmation email to. This is mainly to make my life easier and allow you to peek at the other games progress.

3: Join the game on the tournament page; The password you type in should be what you used for your pretender file. This is once again to make my life easier. The title format of the games are undecided currently, but it should be obvious which one you belong to.

4: Connect to the server!
Open up Dominions 3, click on Network -> Connect to a Dominions Server, type in my IP address ( and the port number when prompted (The number will be listed on the tournament page where you signed up). Select your pretender and Bob's your uncle. Odds are some one will have to hit start the game when the last pretender is in; If you would be a dear and do so it would be appreciated.

The Two Don'ts:
Don't use 'Save game and Quit' while connected to the server. It will upload your turn as is. If you can't finish your turn while connected use 'Quit without Saving' and finish it offline.

Don't connect to the server with a half-finished turn. It will upload it automatically in much the same manner that Save game and Quit does.

If you need to get in touch with me for whatever reason IRC would be your best bet. Here's a bit shamelessly copy-pasted from the wiki:
server = irc.gamesurge.net
port = 6667
channel = #dominions

Current Brackets by time-zone/availability:


Frosted (Frosted_moose_rush)

Frozen Lama






Lord Xia


The games will be setup within the next 15 hours ideally. If nobody disagrees I'd suggest we just do two-lands only for the qualifiers here to allow it to run as smoothly as possible, but if the two of you agree on something else PM me before I get it all set up and I'll be happy to accommodate.

Please try to post any comments and what-have-you over at http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...topic=966&st=0 to simplify my end of the deal.

Soyweiser September 10th, 2012 07:29 AM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!

Originally Posted by BlanketThief (Post 810902)
Don't use 'Save game and Quit' while connected to the server. It will upload your turn as is. If you can't finish your turn while connected use 'Quit without Saving' and finish it offline.

iirc this isn't true. It always uploads on quit. Just don't quit normally, use alt-f4 or a different method of killing dom3

YellowCactus September 10th, 2012 05:43 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
Okay, I got all the way to IP and port, and then was told "The following Mod must be installed 1.93 ect...."

I have 1.93 installed, but I guess it's not your version of 1.93. Can you put a link to it here on these forums. When I click your current 'MOD LINK' it goes to the actual mod, and I don't know what to do what code stuff. Just give me a file to put in the mod folder....if that's possible.

BlanketThief September 10th, 2012 05:56 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
YellowCactus: Doing save-page-as would work; I'll zip the mod up or some such just for you though. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/102421173/C...BNoLibrary.rar
You could also just rename your 1.93.dm, as the only change made matters server-side only.

It would be a bit more convienent for everyone if they peeked onto the IRC channel; I've had some of the cross-forum matches potentially stall if I didn't go "Hey, you're both online!" and such

YellowCactus September 10th, 2012 06:32 PM

Re: Duel Tourney: Big money! Big Prizes! I love it!
Big thanks! One day you guys are going to get me computer literate at this rate!

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