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jimbojones1971 October 13th, 2012 05:14 AM

ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
A couple of other games have just come to a close for me, so it's time for a new game. This game is aimed at "intermediate" players - I will leave it to you to define if you fit in this category.

Details are as follows:

Map: Land Of Legends (unless there are major objections)
Era: MA
Hosting: Llamaserver, 28h initially then increase as required. Extensions given upon request - PM me AND post in the thread
Mods: CBM 1.94
Players: At least six - let's see how many we get
Settings: Default, but with score graphs off
Victory conditions: Hold at least half the capitals in the game (e.g. if there are 7 players hold 4 capitals), for three full turns. This will be verified by a third party from the .trn files.

Avoid exploits, and don't be a douche.

Trades are binding, other diplomacy is not.

Jimbojones: T'ien C'hi
Ragnarok-X: Man
Tiavals: Ermor
HoleyDooley: Ulm
Admiral Aorta: Agartha
Korwin: R'yleh
Ossa: C'tis
mattyburn7: Shinuyama
Jolly Roger: Vanheim
ghoul31: Atlantis

Game is ready for pretenders to uploaded HERE.

Ragnarok-X October 13th, 2012 06:32 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
If you will have me, i would play MAN.

Tiavals October 13th, 2012 06:39 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
Ermor for me.

jimbojones1971 October 13th, 2012 06:58 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 812455)
If you will have me, i would play MAN.

You are most welcome, Ragnarok-X! :-)

jimbojones1971 October 13th, 2012 06:59 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 812456)
Ermor for me.

I will lock it in, good sir.

vargr October 13th, 2012 07:02 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
I'd like to join as Caelum

HoleyDooley October 13th, 2012 07:05 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
Son of a ***** Jimbo.....I am in too many games already.......anyway, put me down for Ulm....


HoleyDooley October 13th, 2012 07:06 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
Oh map, I could care less as long as its a wrap around!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ossa October 13th, 2012 08:18 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
I'd like to give Ctis a try.

mattyburn7 October 13th, 2012 08:40 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
I'm in. Not sure what nation though!

Jolly Roger October 13th, 2012 08:54 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
Hi mate,

I would like to play VANHEIM.

Thanks for inviting me.

Cheers, Klaus

jimbojones1971 October 13th, 2012 10:18 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Jolly Roger (Post 812464)
Hi mate,

I would like to play VANHEIM.

Thanks for inviting me.

Cheers, Klaus

Thanks for playing :-)

vargr October 13th, 2012 10:58 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
Should we set a max number of players? I'm a bit wary of joining very large games..

mattyburn7 October 13th, 2012 07:16 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
Put me down for Shinuyama...though I might still change my mind. I'm so damn indecisive!

jimbojones1971 October 13th, 2012 07:36 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
OK, so we've got ten - I'll stop recruiting here and go find a decent wrap around map.

Vargr - I'm in complete agreement. Ten is workable, but 18 or whatever gets kinda ugly.

jimbojones1971 October 13th, 2012 08:12 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
OK, time to pick a map! Key criteria i think are:
* 12-15 provinces per player
* Has enough water mass for R'lyeh, but not too much

At this stage, I am leaning towards Land of Legends, even though it is not a wrap around, because it has the right number of provinces per player (~12-15) and a decent sized pond for R'lyeh to play in. Plus I played my first ever game of Dom3 on this map at the gaming den, as Hinnom (I still remember Korwin rampaging through the middle of my country making my life hell :) - and Frank Trollman rage quitting halfway through - good times), so it has some sentimental value.

I am opend to suggestions, though - up until we actually start I can still back out and tweak the map, so let's talk about it.

To help the discussion, other options I looked at (we are not limited to these) were:

* land of loemendor (142 + 15) - good mix, not wrap around
* realm of rusty nails v4 (143 + 12) - wrap around, but a bit hard on the * water player as they get a very small pond.
* land of legends (135 + 18) - again, good mix but not wrap around
* urraparand (145 + 35) - wraps nicely, perhaps a few too many oceans for r'yleh
* Shadowshore (120 + 13) - while not wrap around, there is no-where to hide on this map, so it was my second choice.

HoleyDooley October 13th, 2012 08:31 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Recruiting
Okay, I'll agree to Legends map.

jimbojones1971 October 13th, 2012 08:34 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
Time to submit Pretenders, my friends!

mattyburn7 October 13th, 2012 08:36 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
Legends works for me

Tiavals October 14th, 2012 04:32 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
Any map is good for me.

vargr October 14th, 2012 04:42 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
Even though I had a game end I fear I've been too optimistic about the time I have for Dominions in the near future, too much work planned for this month and probably the next one too.

Therefore I think I'll have to sit this one out after all. Sorry about the trouble but it's better to leave now than get into problems when the game is running. Apologies, and have a good game!

HoleyDooley October 14th, 2012 05:28 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
Okay lets advertise for 1 more Jimbo.

Ragnarok-X October 14th, 2012 06:34 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
I would it would be very smart if we could get at least one more UW nation. Having only 1 makes it easy for them to dominate.

Jolly Roger October 14th, 2012 06:49 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
In case there is nobody else around I could switch to MA Atlantis

Cheers, Klaus

HoleyDooley October 14th, 2012 08:13 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!
Noooooooooooo Jolly, don't go over to the dark side!!!!!!!!!!!!

jimbojones1971 October 14th, 2012 08:14 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders!

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 812508)
I would it would be very smart if we could get at least one more UW nation. Having only 1 makes it easy for them to dominate.

i'm down with that.

I will advertise, and if the person we get won't take water then we can take Klaus up on his kind offer.

ghoul31 October 14th, 2012 08:56 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - NEED ONE MORE
I'll take atlantis

jimbojones1971 October 14th, 2012 07:43 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - NEED ONE MORE

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 812514)
I'll take atlantis

Done! Welcome to the game ghoul :-)

The game is up on llamaserver, so you can submit your pretender when you are ready.

mattyburn7 October 14th, 2012 08:12 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
I'll have mine up tomorrow!

jimbojones1971 October 15th, 2012 12:33 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 812557)
I'll have mine up tomorrow!

Thanks Matty :-)

Should be a good game, looking forward to it!

Jolly Roger October 15th, 2012 12:48 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders

the link to the map seems to be broken.

Please pass on the map.

Thanks, Klaus

jimbojones1971 October 15th, 2012 07:21 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
OK, will bundle it up and share it when I get a chance. Thanks for letting me know.

jimbojones1971 October 16th, 2012 07:40 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
1 Attachment(s)
Just waiting on Ossa and Ragnarok-X, and we will be good to go :-

EDIT: The file for the map is attached to this post. Let me know if there are any problems.

jimbojones1971 October 16th, 2012 08:06 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
I've PM'd Ossa to see when he can get his pretender (C'tis) in. If he is unable to do it soon, I guess we'll need to look for a replacement, but hopefully it won't come to that.

Ossa October 17th, 2012 08:22 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Just a few minutes;)

jimbojones1971 October 17th, 2012 08:37 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
And we are off and running!

Jolly Roger October 17th, 2012 09:20 AM

Urgent Request

I canĀ“t run .rar files on my PC. Please pass on a .zip file with map included to my email address. PM sent.

Thanks, Klaus

Admiral_Aorta October 17th, 2012 04:42 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Just install winRar or 7Zip, those can open RAR files and are free to download.

mattyburn7 October 30th, 2012 10:33 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Can you delay 48 hours please. No power from Hurricane.

jimbojones1971 October 31st, 2012 08:46 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Hey Matty,

I've applied the +48 hour extension. If we need more time, I'll add it on.

Hope all is well with everyone post Sandy - didn't look like a lot of fun, I have to say.



jimbojones1971 November 1st, 2012 04:44 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Just added another +24h - we'll keep waiting til Matty is good to go again.

Admiral_Aorta November 14th, 2012 05:29 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Are y'all ready to jam?

jimbojones1971 November 15th, 2012 06:55 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Admiral, we've got both types of music here in T'ien Ch'i - country AND western! Let's jam, big guy! :-)

Tiavals November 16th, 2012 11:27 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
I could use a postponement of 24 hours, please.

jimbojones1971 November 16th, 2012 08:05 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders

Admiral_Aorta November 27th, 2012 03:47 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
R'lyeh getting owned by powerful dunks and slams. brutal.

jimbojones1971 November 30th, 2012 07:45 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
No more Ry'leh. Even more brutal!

Just killed my own grendlekin with Gifts From Heaven while fighting a bunch of troglodytes. Truly, my incompetence knows no bounds. Sometimes I even amaze myself.

Ragnarok-X November 30th, 2012 02:15 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
Its gets more interesting jimbo. Just wait.

jimbojones1971 November 30th, 2012 06:11 PM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 814811)
Its gets more interesting jimbo. Just wait.

Don't worry, I've prepared some sea dogs just for you :-)

Ragnarok-X December 2nd, 2012 06:00 AM

Re: ThePantokratorNeedsAWife - Intermediate CBM1.94 - Submit Pretenders
10:34 GMT on Friday November 30th Hosting delayed by 12 hours.
08:16 GMT on Saturday December 1st Hosting delayed by 4 hours.
11:57 GMT on Saturday December 1st Hosting delayed by 12 hours.
02:46 GMT on Sunday December 2nd Hosting delayed by 12 hours.

jimbo, do you know the delay function is not meant to provide a way for the host alone to delay his turns ?
At the very least, you should post the reason for the delays (it isnt the first time) in here.

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 02:31 PM.

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