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-   -   MP: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Corinthian wins! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=49304)

WraithLord November 13th, 2012 11:22 AM

Game,HoC - House of Chains. Corinthian wins!
1 Attachment(s)
"So you say, with your shiny hair and pouty lips - and those breasts - just wait till you start dropping whelps, they'll be at your ankles one day, big as they are - not the whelps, the breasts. The whelps will be in your hair - no, not the shiny hair on your head, well, yes, that hair, but only as a manner of speech."
Steven Erikson, House of Chains

This is the sequel to the Memories of Ice game and will share many settings w/ it.
Main difference is the era, MA and that we will use CBM + Warhammer pack mode.

Victory condition: 50-60% of # players capital VPs. Each capital is considered to be one VP. Capitals will be marked.
Nations: All MA nations are allowed.
Mods: CBM 1.94 + WH pack mod
Map: According to players number/wish/vote.
Hosting Pace: First 15 turns every 24h, turns 15-30 48h, turn 30-45 72h, turn 45-60 96h, turn > 61 120h.
Hosting is planned for busy ppl! This means that extensions would be given when needed. If you're looking for a blitz type game or get bored when things get slow then this is probably not the game for you. Make no mistake though, I've hosted a number of such games and they all end up to have a nice pace and all draw to conclusion.
Disallowed exploits: copying Bogus' orders and overfilling enemy lab to prevent his own forge.
Killing own mages under Ankh or LaD to gain freebe mages and troops.
It's ok in a battle but it's not ok to set it up on purpose (whoever likes to do it knows what I'm talking about). Both are nerfed in CBM 1.84 so the exploit is not possible anymore.
Probing armies with scouts/commanders must be done in such a way so as not to block movement.
Hosted on llamaserver.
Diplomacy allowed.
Note: As a lesson from previous games I would like to raise your attention to the fact that diplomacy is allowed. Some of the players don't enjoy that aspect all that much and may see it as a chore. As a general rule, in diplo. games you should be ready and willing to engage in diplomacy (duh ). I mean you can opt not to but then don't be surprised if you're left w/o allies or that your political ends or views are not met/popular.
That said, NAP's are not considered binding
Note: This game is planned for players that will stick to the end. So please pay attention, don't go AI, don't chain stale. If you want out, please take the trouble to find yourself a sub. Your fellow players would appreciate that.

Graphs: on
HoF: 15
Indies: 9
Map: Sharivar (Sombre version, balanced for MP)
# of players: 8-12, maybe a bit more if players want to
Research: Normal
Magic sites: Normal

recruit: now. At this point the game is open for both sign-up and discussion. I est. this will take a week or two.
Prepare pretenders: After all players sign-up we shall wait a week for pretender creation.
Game on: we start the game.

1 Amhazair, Ogres
2 ghoul31, bandar
3 Executor, Dwarves
4 GFSnl, Sylvania
5 WraithLord, Skaven
6 danbo, MA Pythium
7 Ossa, Chaos
8 starcryst, Lizardman
9 Jolly Roger, Empire
10 HoleyDooley, Tomb Kings
11 Corinthian, MA Ermor
12 don_Pablo, Brettonia
13 Teraswaerto, Jotunheim

Jolly Roger November 13th, 2012 01:21 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Hi Wraith Lord,

that´s a great tournament idea. Please count me in !

I´ve followed your link above and downloaded the last bundle you´ve posted. Unfortunately it seems to be incomplete.
Includes only 8 MA Warhammer mod nations. As far as I understood, you´ve intended to post another bundle that includes additional nations. Please provide a link to the most recent version.

Thanks, Klaus

Amhazair November 13th, 2012 03:00 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 813791)
Nations: All EA nations are allowed.

Copy/Paste Error? :)

Ossa November 13th, 2012 03:18 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Hweee waaant Kay-Oss!

militarist November 13th, 2012 03:20 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Would play Sanguinia if gamehost will be willing to add LA nation to the pack.

starcryst November 13th, 2012 03:46 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
I see the non-NewB note and I'm new to Dom3 MP for sure, but I'm a 30 year strat game vet, a huge Erickson fan (Coltaine!) and a WH fan to boot. I'd love to play, I've been playing Dom3 solo like crazy to get up to speed and I'll be active and won't stall.

If I'm not too newbish, Count me in for the Lizards.

WraithLord November 13th, 2012 04:14 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by Amhazair (Post 813810)

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 813791)
Nations: All EA nations are allowed.

Copy/Paste Error? :)

lol. guilty as charged :)

WraithLord November 13th, 2012 04:26 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by Jolly Roger (Post 813802)
Hi Wraith Lord,

that´s a great tournament idea. Please count me in !

I´ve followed your link above and downloaded the last bundle you´ve posted. Unfortunately it seems to be incomplete.
Includes only 8 MA Warhammer mod nations. As far as I understood, you´ve intended to post another bundle that includes additional nations. Please provide a link to the most recent version.

Thanks, Klaus

Yes. Elves mods are not included. You can see the link for details. Also Orcs and Goblins is not included since it's in very early stage. So this is the most recent version.
What nation will you like to have?

@Ossa, I assume you mean Chaos. you got it.

@militarist, sorry but only MA nations and WH (minus elves) mods for this game

@starcryst, I'm signing you up for Lizardman

WH mods available: TombKings, , Bretonnia & Empire

HoleyDooley November 13th, 2012 05:02 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Tomb Kings thx.

Jolly Roger November 13th, 2012 05:31 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

I would like to give EMPIRE a try.

Thanks, Klaus

starcryst November 13th, 2012 06:05 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 813824)

@starcryst, I'm signing you up for Lizardman


Question - I downloaded the mod you linked to and tried to run it so that I could start plotting your downfall...er I mean start getting familiar with the mod and I'm getting an error on load. I think I have the latest version of Dom3, so not sure what the problem is. Any ideas?

Jolly Roger November 13th, 2012 06:17 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Hi Wraith Lord,

I´ve installed the "Wood Elves fixed" version of your bundle.
Did you mean, we should use the first unfixed version, you´ve posted ?

By the way, I can´t find Skaven nation...!?!

Cheers, KLaus

starcryst November 13th, 2012 06:58 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
I've tried all three versions linked from your WH Mod Pack post and I'm getting the bad armor error regardless of which one I install.

I have the latest version of CBM installed and Standards & Streamers but nothing else. Do I need any other mods to run the WH Mod Pack?


Jolly Roger November 13th, 2012 07:03 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Make sure, you haven´t enabled the CBM 1.94, it´s already included in the WH bundle.
In case you enable both at the same time, you´ll get that error message.

Cheers, Klaus

starcryst November 13th, 2012 07:54 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Awesome. Thanks.

WraithLord November 14th, 2012 05:08 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by Jolly Roger (Post 813836)
Hi Wraith Lord,

I´ve installed the "Wood Elves fixed" version of your bundle.
Did you mean, we should use the first unfixed version, you´ve posted ?

By the way, I can´t find Skaven nation...!?!

Cheers, KLaus

The link in the OP. Here it is: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8X...XluRE5XSS1oSXM

Skaven is there. I double checked and used it for testing builds for this game. I don't know why you don't see it :(

Corinthian November 14th, 2012 07:38 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Hmm, iv'e been meaning to join one of these warhammer games one day. I have not actually had time to look much at any of the nations though.

I will put my self in as MA Ermor as I got an actual build for them. I might change it to a warhammer nation or another nation in the modpack later if I get enough time to study them and if there are any left. Were there not other nation in your modpack Wraithlord? I might have a look at those.

Oh well, To war!

ghoul31 November 14th, 2012 10:26 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
So do you have to download all the races separately?

ghoul31 November 14th, 2012 01:36 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
when i go to download CBM + Warhammer pack mode. there are hundreds of files there. and it will only let me download them one a a time.

ghoul31 November 14th, 2012 01:47 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
ok, I figured it out. At the top you have to file, then download

Jolly Roger November 14th, 2012 02:58 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Hi Wraith Lord.

I´ve checked it out meanwhile.

I get the error message...."Can´t load .../Warhammer Skaven/flag.tga....."

I´ve replaced the file by versions from your other warhammer bundles, but always receive the same message, followed by a game crash to desktop.

It seems like this file was corrupted !?!

Cheers, Klaus

WraithLord November 14th, 2012 05:00 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Not corrupted. You found a bug. Thank you.

Was missing full paths to skaven tga files.
Fix link: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8X...VVUWERVY0M0V1U

Jolly Roger November 14th, 2012 06:14 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Hi Wraith Lord,

now everything seems to be fine. Thank you !!

Are there any other WH Nations that could be added to the bundle soon ?

Thanks again, Klaus

ghoul31 November 14th, 2012 06:27 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
I'll take bandar

WraithLord November 15th, 2012 01:52 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Jolly Roger, depends on their progress, Next to come are elves (wood, high & dark hopefully). Orcs & Goblins also.

Ok guys, how about we give recruitment a couple days more and then close the game and decide upon a map?

Jolly Roger November 15th, 2012 01:58 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Hi Wraith Lord.

Good news.
Can´t wait to see them.

Cheers, KLaus

danbo November 16th, 2012 11:35 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
I choose Pythium.

Teraswaerto November 16th, 2012 02:29 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
I'd like to play. Been a fair while since I even looked at Dom3 but it's like riding a bike eh.

don_Pablo November 17th, 2012 01:19 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
I'd like to joing with Brettonia if it's not too late

Amhazair November 17th, 2012 10:46 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by Teraswaerto (Post 814013)
I'd like to play. Been a fair while since I even looked at Dom3 but it's like riding a bike eh.

Damn man, you're still alive? Would be great to have you around again. The game sure has changed over the last few years though*, hope you enjoy the changes. :)

For the young whippersnappers around here: This man here was a grizzled and respected veteren when I was learning my trade here. And his avatar certainly lent an air of thoughtfullness to all his statements, so I was convinced he was allways right. (He might have been, but it's so long ago and I was so green that I can't vouch for that.)

*Well, not so much the game. It's still dominions, and still requires the same mindset to do well in. But the tools to do it with are quite different these days.

Korwin November 17th, 2012 11:12 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
Its possible I'll join, but need to get home first and need to look at the WH nations first.

Teraswaerto November 17th, 2012 02:26 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by Amhazair (Post 814066)

Originally Posted by Teraswaerto (Post 814013)
I'd like to play. Been a fair while since I even looked at Dom3 but it's like riding a bike eh.

Damn man, you're still alive? Would be great to have you around again. The game sure has changed over the last few years though*, hope you enjoy the changes. :)

For the young whippersnappers around here: This man here was a grizzled and respected veteren when I was learning my trade here. And his avatar certainly lent an air of thoughtfullness to all his statements, so I was convinced he was allways right. (He might have been, but it's so long ago and I was so green that I can't vouch for that.)

*Well, not so much the game. It's still dominions, and still requires the same mindset to do well in. But the tools to do it with are quite different these days.

Hi Amzahair, didn't realize I was that memorable. :) Things have changed clearly. CBM all over, it was a thing yeah, played with it once or twice. Hmm, let's see if there are any open games, yeah the only one is with Warhammer factions in it. Ok. Should be fun.

Korwin November 17th, 2012 02:49 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
Looks like Bretonia is the only non taken WH-nation.

I'll take it.

WraithLord November 17th, 2012 03:32 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting
ok Gentleman, we're 13-14 players strong (depends on Korwin) so I'm closing the game.

Korwin, I think all WH mods in the pack are taken. If you want you could chose any other free MA nation.

Teraswaerto, what nation would you like?

As for map, I suggest Sharivar (Sombre version, balanced for MP). Any other suggestions, thoughts or comments?

WraithLord November 17th, 2012 03:35 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings

Originally Posted by Korwin (Post 814073)
Looks like Bretonia is the only non taken WH-nation.

I'll take it.

I'm sorry Korwin. Looks like don_Pablo took it first. Would you like to take another MA nation?

Teraswaerto November 17th, 2012 04:01 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
Still considering nation but I'll pick something no one else wanted so no claims on anything.

Amhazair November 17th, 2012 04:54 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. recruiting

Originally Posted by Teraswaerto (Post 814072)
Hi Amzahair, didn't realize I was that memorable. :)

You were to me at least. :)

Might have helped you were in the first game I ever played and in the fist one I won, (Both on the Faerun map, coincidentally.) but really, you always seemed to speak sense to me. (I can't remember any specifics, mind you, but I do remember thinking quite highly of you.)

And if that isn't enough eulogizing for one day I'm afraid I'll have to revise my opinion of you. :p

Korwin November 17th, 2012 06:13 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 814075)

Originally Posted by Korwin (Post 814073)
Looks like Bretonia is the only non taken WH-nation.

I'll take it.

I'm sorry Korwin. Looks like don_Pablo took it first. Would you like to take another MA nation?

I'll bow out then and finish the other games first. WH tempted me. ;)

WraithLord November 18th, 2012 05:09 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
1 Attachment(s)
Guys, are you ok w/ the map?- It's attached here for anyone who wants to test it.

Ossa November 18th, 2012 01:01 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
Fine with me.

WraithLord November 19th, 2012 04:40 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
ok guys. looks like we have all settled and map chosen.
Take this week to hone your builds and let's aim to start this weekend, ok?

GFSnl November 19th, 2012 06:13 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings

Looking forward to this game.

Corinthian November 19th, 2012 11:40 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
Some comment. Shahrivar is a great map. Its one of the most beautiful maps in the community. But the actual mapfile, the .tga-file, was not included in your zipfile. I fixed it by renaming a .tga-file from another version of Shahrivar. I hope it will not cause any trouble. But if you dont already have another version of the map you might not be able to play it.

Also, would it be possible to have someone not a player placing the starting positions? Because in my test game, one of the AIs wound up in a start that would have forced it to fight me on the knife on turn 4-6 or so. Because he got his back against the lake and a river and had zero other expansion possibilities other that through me. That kind of thing happening in a real game would be, eh, unfun.

Thirdly I will be sticking with MA Ermor. Now I will just need to settle for a build that does not make me cringe. Expanding vs indy 9 is hard yo!

WraithLord November 19th, 2012 03:54 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
Map attached to OP.

I don't know of a non player willing to put start points. But a player can also do it, right?

Corinthian November 20th, 2012 11:59 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
Oh, sure. It was just a random musing. I was thinking that if the players knew were all the other players started then they could abuse it with remote spells and flying pretender rushes and stuff. But if only one player knows then that is just fine. Assuming he promise not to abuse the information too much.

Ugh. My main computer seem to have died yesterday. I will still play though.

WraithLord November 23rd, 2012 05:41 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Closed. Finalize settings
Game is created.

Plz submit your pretenders.

Teraswaerto November 23rd, 2012 06:13 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Submit Pretenders
Pretender sent. Jotunheim chosen.

Jolly Roger November 23rd, 2012 06:51 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Submit Pretenders
Pretender for Altdorf sent.

Regards, Klaus

YellowCactus November 23rd, 2012 11:05 PM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Submit Pretenders
Awe...let me know if the Warhammer Genre game goes well. I'd like to play round 2!

GFSnl November 24th, 2012 06:08 AM

Re: Game,HoC - House of Chains. Non NewB. Submit Pretenders
Sylvania is in!

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